Christmas comes early, Part Three [F70] [f40] [Lesbian] [Age Gap] [Mature] [Scenting] [Pussy play]

By the time December came to an end Lynne and Roni’s relationship had grown more and more intense – the more they played and explored each other the further they both wanted to take it. Sex drives that had lain dormant were suddenly awakened – the stepmom and stepdaughter barely able to keep their hands of each other. Sometimes there was an urgency to their newly formed physical bond, at other times hours were given over to cuddling, kissing and stroking each other.

Entwined on Lynne’s bed the pair had welcomed in the New Year with their own ‘fireworks’ and now the women lay spent on their sides facing in to each other, catching their breath between soft kisses and adoring looks.

Roni gazed at her stepmom’s soft, lined face… like Lynne’s body it carried all the lines, folds and stresses of her seventy years but as far as Roni was concerned Lynne was the most beautiful woman in the world.

“We should make some New Year resolutions,” Roni suggested, “there’s so much I want to do with you Mom”

“Really?” asked Lynne “Like what? Places we can go together, holidays, shopping, meals out? ”

“No, Mom, I mean… I mean intimate things, things I’d like to do with you, things I’d like you to do to me… things maybe I feel like I increasingly kinda want you to force me to do.” blushed Roni.

“Oh, I see.” replied Lynne cautiously, “Do you want to tell me about them now?”

“Yes please, Mom. But please don’t be shocked… these last few days have been so gorgeous I don’t want to ruin anything.”

Adoringly Lynne reached up and reassuringly stroked her stepdaughter’s face with the lightest of soothing touches… “Don’t worry, tell me everything. Tell Mommy everything, darling girl.”

And with that Roni brought forth the first of the fantasies that the last week of this new relationship had prompted. Fantasies that shocked Roni herself but that she felt somehow compelled to share.

“Mom, you know how much I like scents… How daft I am for candles, incense, perfumes… well, well nothing is a good as the scent of you. On Christmas Eve when you pulled my face into pussy for the first time and all I could do was inhale you… it was amazing… It’s all I now want to smell.

“From the moment I wake up, to the moment I fall asleep I want my nostrils to be filled with the smell of you… and, and… sorry… this sounds so wrong and I hope you won’t judge me, but I want your scent to be as strong as possible, it’s so intoxicating…. It makes me so, horny.

Roni paused for just a second, standing on the edge of a metaphorical precipice and knowing that once she jumped there was no way back, before starting to whisper:

“I’d love you to rub your pussy on my face first thing in the morning and last thing at night… the first thing I smell in the morning and the last thing before going to sleep.

“If we’re together I want you to use your fingers to rub your scent under my nose and push them into my nostrils anytime you’ve… well… I can’t believe I’m going to say this… but, but anytime you’ve been for a pee… whether we’re at home or out and about.

“I want you to tell me to go under your skirt, dress, nightgown to inhale you… to order me to get on my knees and ‘smell Mommy’ when you come back from the shops or from seeing your friends, or when I come in from work.

“And I’d love it… oh god, I can’t believe I’m telling you this too… but I think I’d love it if you sometimes didn’t wash down there for a few days and then forced me to inhale you… and…

“Go on, darling” Lynne whispered back, sensing Roni’s need to unburden herself.

Roni continued… “I want to be made to sniff your worn panties too. God, it makes me sound like some dirty old man… I can’t quite explain it but I just keep thinking about it”

Lynne lay somewhat shocked by Roni’s frankness. But taken aback as she was, she had to admit she was incredibly turned on by the younger woman’s stark honesty. Roni’s fantasy was not one that she’d ever considered, far from it, but her stepdaughter’s pleading look was all the aphrodisiac she required.

“Darling girl, I hadn’t anticipated that… had never thought about something like that, but if that’s what you’d like, if that’s what you feel you need, then let’s try it.

“I love seeing you turned on, Roni, love feeling how turned on you are… so yes, your Mom will make you smell her. Would you like to smell her now?”

“Oh god, yes please…” purred Roni hungrily.

Lynne reached down below the duvet and shifted her legs just enough to give her fingers access to her own crotch. Her age meant she wasn’t as wet as she once would have been, but their play earlier in the evening and Roni’s ‘ask’ had left her decidedly sticky. Parting her lips, she eased two fingers into herself before lifting them carefully back up glistening from under the duvet to Roni’s waiting face.

She asked again “Do you want to smell Mommy, darling girl?”

“Please…” begged Roni, her own hand starting to play with her clitoris. “Please mommy… please make me smell your pussy”

Lynne held her fingers under her stepdaughter’s nose as the younger woman deeply inhaled, before working the wet tips them gently into Roni’s nostrils.

Roni’s mind and body were overwhelmed – her nose plugged by her stepmom’s fingers and the heady, musky scent of her sex… and frantically rubbing her already swollen clitoris it was just a few moments before she jerkily climaxed.
