Her Very First Fuck [FM]

The party had been loud and raucous but was starting to die down. All that was left was my future wife, Anne, two of her friends and a couple of guys. Ed and Jane were a couple, but Mike was unattached and both Anne and her friend Emma were interested.

The party was Anne’s parents’ house, while they were away for the weekend. It was a perfect escape for a group of horny college students and they were making the most of being off campus.
They were extremely drunk, most of them were high, and there was still plenty of alcohol around. The group was sitting in the basement. Ed and Jane were on the couch, Mike and Emma were in separate chairs and Anne was sitting on the floor, an old orange and yellow shag carpet that dated back to the seventies.

Ed and Jane were making out, showing off to their friends. It started off as light kissing until Ed pulled Janes shirt off, exposing her black bra. At that, everyone leaned forward. Jane looked around, nervous.

“I can’t be the only one losing clothes. We should play strip poker, or something.” She suggested.

“Why bother?” Mike asked. “We all just want to see each other naked, right?” He stood up and quickly stripped out of his clothes.
Everyone froze in shock. Mike was pretty fit. Anne was still a virgin at this point and she had very little experience. It was certainly her first time seeing a six pack. Mike’s cock was hard before his pants hit the floor and he was clearly enjoying everyone looking at it.

Ed laughed, stood up and took off his clothes. Jane covered her eyes in embarrassment as her boyfriend flashed his cock at the room. Ed noticed and laughed.

“What? They want to see it.” He gestured at Anne and Emma. He slowly started to stroke himself.

“Stop.” Jane was blushing. Ed kept going. Jane stood up and grabbed him by the arm. She hauled him off into the next room. The sounds of their kissing could easily be heard through the open door. Then soft moans. Emma stood up and walked over to the doorway, peering in.

The whole time Anne had been drinking. It was rum and it was straight from the bottle. Mike was watching her intently. She put a finger to her lips and urged Mike to silence, then slowly slipped off her shirt. She hadn’t planned on anything happening that night, so her bra was just a plain white one, pretty unexciting. Never the less Mike’ cock pulsed. Anne felt a surge of wetness. She looked up at Emma. Her friend was enthralled by what she was seeing in the other room.

Anne pulled off her bra. Mike stepped closer. She knelt and moved toward his cock. She’d only sucked one other cock and it had been over very quickly. She was intrigued to see his so close up. The head was startlingly red and glistening with precum. She looked over at Emma. Her friend had slipped into the dark room. Sounds of grunting started to emerge.

Anne leaned forward and took Mike’s cock in her mouth. It was hot and big. He moved slowly, unlike Anne’s first time. But Anne’s head started to spin a bit. Sitting up after drinking so much was making her dizzy. Her pounding heart didn’t help matters. Mike pushed forward in her mouth, just a little and Anne started to feel nauseous. She pulled back.

Mike looked down at her in surprise. Then backed away a bit. He reached down and stroked her cheek. Anne looked up at him, grateful at how gentle he was being. She didn’t think she could suck him off and that made her sad. She was filled with a deep sense of regret and longing, to match her spinning head.

She lay flat on the carpet. It felt rough against her face. Lying down, the spinning slowed.

“Have you ever fucked anyone?” She asked Mike. He had to lean in to hear her.


Anne reached down, undid her jeans. She pulled off her pants and underwear in a smooth motion. Mike didn’t say anything. Didn’t move.

“Fuck me then.” Anne was surprised at the words that came out of her mouth. She felt calm, relaxed. But her heart was racing faster than it ever had before and the world was tilting.

“Are you sure?” Mike asked.

“Please.” Anne wanted it now. Needed it.

Mike didn’t need to be told again. He got behind Anne, pulled her hips up and towards him. Her face and chest were flat against the carpet. Her knees dugs into the rough shag. He spread her legs apart.

There was a pause.

He pushed forward. It was rough and graceless. He pushed in to her pussy hard. Anne felt a flash of intense pain and bit the carpet to stop herself from crying out. She hadn’t told Mike she was a virgin, didn’t want him to know.

He pumped hard. Fast. Anne started to slide forward across the shag carpet. She heard Jane moaning in the other room, Ed grunting. Mike picked up speed, grabbing her hips. It sounded like Jane would come any moment. Anne didn’t want Emma to come out and see them.

“Faster.” She urged him. He went wild, clawing at her hips and ass, finally grabbing her around the waist and pulled her back against him like she was a toy. He went hard. He went deep, and then he exploded.

He surged inside her, filling her pussy with his cum. Then he fell against her, driving them both to the floor. They lay there gasping for a minute, listening to the sounds of fucking coming from the other room. Jane gasped, then screamed as she came.

“Quick, get dressed.” Anne urged Mike. He jumped up and pulled on his clothes. Anne did the same. There was a bit of blood, but far less than she’s expected. Just a few spots. She wiped them away, hoping he didn’t see. She pulled up her pants and put on her shirt. There was a dull ache between her legs, but far more painful was the burns on her chest and knees. She had terrible rug burn from the shag carpet.

Jane and Ed finished in the other room and Emma came out. She was smiling but looked at Mike and Anne suspiciously. It was pretty obvious that something had happened, but no one was about to talk about it.

The ache between Anne’s legs died away pretty quickly, but her rug burn from the carpet lasted. She still smiles when she sees shag

[The Chronology of Anne](https://old.reddit.com/user/LordUnderTheMountain/comments/10hbtpd/the_chronology_of_anne/)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10qhlot/her_very_first_fuck_fm