A new dynamic develops for an old fashioned couple (part 1) [femdom] [M/F30s]

John and Cindy had been married for seven years and things had generally gone well. They had their arguments like any other couple, but more often than not, Cindy would give in and follow John’s lead. In a modern world, their marriage had been a little more old fashioned. John went off to work every day as a corporate executive. Director of Technology and he was paid fairly well, though not enough to have saved much money yet. He had to pay for college himself, and with a Master’s degree, the loans had had been massive. He still owed so much money on them, and now he also had a car payment and a mortgage to pay for. People see a young corporate Director, the luxury car and the large house and assume money, but they were actually very cash poor. Still, John was expected to maintain certain appearances. He couldn’t show up to work in a 15 year old Corolla.

Cindy didn’t work and that was their preference. They had fully understood that she would take care of the house and raise the kids. Cook dinner and be the perfect Suzy Homemaker. They had not had luck yet in conceiving, but they stayed positive and kept trying. John was secretly happy they had not conceived yet, for he despaired of being able to afford kids right now. He took care of all of the finances though and Cindy had no conception of just how tenuous their finances were.

They had an active sex life, if a bit predictable. They would make love perhaps two or three times a week and almost always in missionary position. John had respectable endowment and stamina and the sex was more or less satisfying to him. Not so much for Cindy. Oh she enjoyed the intimacy and closeness with John and was eager to spread her legs for him, but she rarely orgasmed from it. John didn’t spent much time on foreplay, just enough to make sure she was wet enough that it wouldn’t be uncomfortable. He would then mount her and plant his seed inside her, give her a kiss, and roll over and go to sleep.

Cindy had always felt like there should be more. She never complained of course, but she felt like their sex and love making should be better. She wasn’t ignorant of sex and some of the things other people did. She offered blow jobs to John and he seemed to enjoy them, but would usually stop her from completing them and mount her instead, usually finishing quickly. It always frustrated her as she wanted to draw them out longer, even tease him, but he never had the patience for it. She tried to be understanding though, he worked hard and was always so stressed from work. She did her best to give him a peaceful and clean house to come home to.

Cindy had several hobbies to keep her busy once everything in the household was seen to. She had opened an Etsy account to display them and found a niche where she actually managed to start selling some things. She had asked John of course if it was okay with him before she had done so, and he hadn’t seen a problem with it. It gave her some spending money and something to do with her days. It also gave her more confidence in herself.

There was a confluence of events that started to change things. One of her cute little home made products was featured on a morning TV show. Her storefront blew up overnight and she had hundreds of back orders. She worked hard at filling them and all of the reviews were glowing. Through word of mouth, the sales stayed up instead of just having that temporary bump from the TV show.

Cindy was pulling in a real income now from it. John was of two minds about it, but in the end, the income was certainly welcome. Their taxes got more complicated, and John had to include Cindy in much of the finances now as her income was becoming a larger and larger part of it. Sales kept growing. She took to the finances almost as a natural and John let her handle as much as she liked eventually. She started to budget their money and plan for future purposes, and though it felt a little wrong to John, he had felt so much relief at having the stress of finances reduced with her help and eventual management.

They reached a point where her business was extremely viable. She contracted out some manufacturing, hired web designers and started running it as a full business. After some time, the business was pulling in more income than his corporate Director job. They still had a ton of debt, but it was less stressful now and they were able to start paying more than minimums.

Cindy was so happy with how things were going. She felt so fulfilled and she gained so much confidence in herself and her own desires. The only two things that she still found lacking in her life were the lack of kids, and she was less upset about that now than she used to be, and their sex life in general. She started to research ways to improve it and she had become so online savvy by this point that she was able to find a ton of information and educate herself. Her eyes went wide though when she discovered an article on something called ‘gentle femdom.’ She read it with an open mind and couldn’t believe how much of it spoke to her and she could identify with. One of the things she read about was how many powerful male corporate executives had a kink for femdom as it let them decompress better. It let them not have control and responsibility for a time. She read all about it for weeks and desperately wanted to explore it with John, but she wasn’t quite sure how to broach it. She had a real concern that if she spoke of too much of it too soon, it would scare him off.

So she hatched a plan to seduce him into it a little at a time. It was a Friday night and he was due home soon. A wonderful home cooked dinner was just about ready, the table was set, and the wine bottle was open and breathing. She was dressed in a sexy little number that he had always liked.

She needed to be subtle and she needed to go slow, but tonight was the night that she would start the journey of dominating her dear devoted husband…

(Hello all. This is my first entry to this sub. I am curious to the reception here. If it’s positive, I will continue to post here. Thank you very much for reading.)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/10r6olb/a_new_dynamic_develops_for_an_old_fashioned


  1. Very nice read and probably a lot more accurate lots of men would love it

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