Forever Hung (Part 5) [sci-fi] [slow burn] [all characters over 21] [teasing]

“You boosted the R levels too fast,” the professor said in his study. “I did the same thing my first time. Still! A success!”
Madison and I sat across his desk in our wet clothes, drying our hair with a towel. She dabbed at her t-shirt, a black bra showing through.
“Partial success,” I said. “We’re still having trouble with the transistor.”
“It’s the age difference,” he said. “My…less-than-peak brain cells, we’ll say, are having a hard time meshing with his. But that’s the job we’re here to work through!”
“Late twenties, about?” Madison asked, brushing her hair back. “Twenty-eight, 29?”
“Twenty-seven,” the professor said.
“Ah. Just three years older than me.” Madison glanced down toward her lap, then exchanged brief smiles with the professor.
“Miss Lounds, you should be extra cautious until my mind is connected to his. These doubles tend to be extremely libidinous when left to their own devices. A young woman such as yourself…well, you shouldn’t wander the halls in wet clothes for several reasons.”
“Of course, sir,” she said.
As we left, I offered to help the professor to his bedroom.
“Did you used to play football, sir?”
“Oh no no no,” he shook his head.
“Wrestling? Boxing? Bench-pressing?”
“None of that, always the academic type.”
“With all due respect, sir,” I said, “those ‘tweaks’ you made could also be interfering with the transistor.”
He began closing his bedroom door. “That’s the job we’re here to work through,” he said and gave me a wink.

Far from taking the professor’s advice, Madison seemed more determined than ever to drive every man mad. She spent most of her free time tanning on the pier and marched to the kitchen in her bikini for a glass of water. She sauntered down the hall post-workout in a bright red sports bra and form-fitting black shorts, dabbing sweat from midriff. She joined the professor and I for dinner wearing a skintight cocktail dress, her cleavage upheld be god knows what underneath.
For the professor, I saw her leave his room most mornings in a tiny, shorn crop top. And for me, our usual games; she sat and tried on necklace after necklace before our mirror one night, letting each medallion or cross or amulet fall between her lace-adorned breasts.
One night I woke to a phone ringing and, thinking it Madison’s, fell back asleep. Then it rang again, louder, and I realized it was the one beside my bed.
“Sorry to wake you, Charlie,” the professor said, “but have you seen Miss Lounds?”
The professor evidently expected Madison in his room – a “nightcap,” he said – but she never showed. I assured him I’d look for her.
I glanced out the window toward the pier, but there was really only one place to look.
I found her in the lab, wearing her pajamas for the night – my sweatshirt, resting atop her hip, and light blue, hipster panties. She stood by the open hibernation bath, jotting notes onto a clipboard. I watched her glance down at the double and dip her finger in the water. Then she turned her back to the bath, glancing over her shoulder for a reaction as she arched her back and let her bottom hover just above the double. The light reflecting off the water flickered across Madison’s ass cheeks. She pursed her lips, disappointed, perhaps, that the doubles hand had not burst forth to spank her.
“The old man’s looking for you,” I said.
She was unstartled to see me standing there and simply turned her rear away from both me and the bath.
“I bet,” she said, writing her notes.
“Something about a nightcap?” I approached her from behind, placed my hands on her hips just beneath the sweatshirt.
“Jealous, Charlie?”
“He sounded a bit jealous, but like he wasn’t sure what to be jealous of, exactly.” I pulled her against me. “But at any rate, we should probably go to bed. I don’t think he likes us in the lab this late.”
“The more work we do, the faster this one is up and running.” She nodded toward the bath.
I glanced at his body floating in the bath. Wide, square shoulders. Arms that could raise an anchor. Pecs the size of tires. Abs so hard they formed little channels in the shallow water. And the rest – it was difficult to tell in such circumstances, but it certainly seemed proportional.
“I’d guess you’re a biceps girl,” I said, kissing the side of her neck. “based on past experience.”
“You don’t think I like solid, strong legs?” She reached back, squeezing my thighs in her hands as she looked down at the double’s body. “Men always overlook the legs.”
“No, I think you like upper body strength.” I slipped my arms around her stomach, squeezing her against me. “Chest, maybe.”
Madison spun around. She sat on the edge of the bath, her panties inches from the water, and glanced over her shoulder at the double as she rubbed my chest.
“Shoulders,” she said, hands tracing mine. “I like shoulders.”
“Anything else?“ I pressed my pelvis against hers as I took her bottom lip gently between mine.
I saw over her shoulder as her right hand reached back. Her fingertips grazed the water of the bath until she found the double’s leg. As I kissed her, as her hips squirmed against mine, I saw her squeeze his wet thigh just above the knee. she slid her hand higher, feeling his leg with her entire palm. Higher, squeezing his quadricep, his inner thigh, the crease before his pelvis. Then she gasped and jerked her hand from the water.
“Too cold,” she said, slightly embarrassed by her reaction to the freezing water, ashamed that she couldn’t endure it.
A ping started to go off on one of the hibernation bath monitors. Madison pushed me back to study the screen.
“You’re not supposed to wake him,” I said.
“I didn’t,” Madison said. “Looks like the filtration system is just picking up the oil from my hand.”
But she seemed curious about a second set of numbers, as well. As she bent over to study the screen, I again pressed myself against her ass.
She stood and turned to me. “I better get some sleep,” she smiled apologetically.
I escorted her back to her room, sulking as she walked a few steps ahead of me. My sweatshirt still rested along the top edge of those blue panties, her hips swaying with each step.
Upon reaching her door, she turned and gave me a soft kiss. “Good night, Charlie,” she whispered.
I watched Madison through the mirror as I undressed for bed. She paced the room, brushing her teeth, then she pulled back her covers and gathered her hair in her hands to fasten into a high pony.
She was about to climb beneath the sheets when there was a knock at her door. She seemed as surprised as me.
I watched her. She walked toward her door, shortly moving out of sight as she passed the mirror frame. I waited, listened, but just as suddenly as she’d vanished, she re-emerged in front of the mirror, her arms held around his neck, mouth pressed to his, as she was rapidly propelled backward across the room by the hulking, naked double.
They groped at each other by the foot of the bed as I picked up my rotary phone.
“I’ve found her professor,” I said.
The double shoved her back onto the bed. She let her arms fall above her head and arched one leg with her foot on the mattress.
“In her room,” I said.
The double gripped the neck of my sweatshirt and ripped it clean down the middle, exposing her breasts beneath. Madison gasped, looking up at him. She arched one leg, then the other, her body unsure how to react. Then he grabbed her panties and tore them from her thighs.
“You may want to hurry,” I said, and I hung up.
