Spit-roasting the school bully’s sister. [MF]

I’m going all the way back to my late teenage years for this story.

A brief bit of background. There was a girl, Rachel, in my class all through primary school. She was only significant to me in those years in that her brother was the major bully in our school and, for nearly a whole year, made the life of me and four of the other guys in my class absolute hell. He was four years older than us and, honestly, we had no chance. Snitching just didn’t happen back then. We tried to fight back a few times but it didn’t end well. It only stopped when he went to secondary school.

Time was a healer. We got on with our lives and largely forgot about him, bar the occasional conversation about how things might be if we met again when we were all older.

Rachel went to the local all-girls’ school. We were in the equivalent all-boys’ school. I didn’t see her much from 12 through 18, until a couple of our mutual friends started dating and we found ourselves at the same house parties. I was at university at the time, only about an hour away, and would often come home on weekends if there was something interesting happening.

She kept her distance the first couple of times. I, like all of the guys at the party, would notice her. She was beautiful. A late bloomer but really quite pretty. She had jet black hair that contrasted perfectly with her pale skin, as part of the indie girl vibe she had going on.

One night we got to talking and hit it off. Some reminiscing, a lot of drinking. A few hours later, we found ourselves upstairs together on a bed full of coats rolling around, kissing and generally having a good feel. Her body was **tight**. I was on top of her, our tongues exploring each other’s mouths and my hands under her white t-shirt, rubbing her tits over her bra. Her friend burst in looking for her, some dramatic (non) emergency. Rachel apologised but said she had to go. I didn’t have her number but figured I’d see her again soon so no big deal. No sex for me that night.

Fast forward a few weeks and I see her again at a different friend’s house. I arrived much later than usual and everything is in full flow. I walk into the kitchen and see her pinned up against the counter with my mate Simon sticking his tongue down her throat. They both spotted me and the reactions couldn’t be more different. Big shit-eating grin from him, stammering embarrassment from Rachel.

Simon had no idea I’d kissed Rachel the previous week. However, Rachel had no idea that Simon and I had, on more than one occasion, shared a girl between us.

Rachel was clearly feeling awkward as hell but I laughed it off and told her it was fine but it was my turn next. She didn’t know where to look and turned to Simon. He caught on immediately.

“Fair’s fair Rach: give the lad a kiss”.

She hesitated, obviously. I took her hand and she moved over. We kissed. Simon pulled her other hand so she moved back towards him. They kissed.

There was a sudden surge of sexual tension in the room, the best kind. The kind where you know for sure something is about to go down.

I look back now and what turns me on the most about all of this is imagining how turned on Rachel must have been, her knickers getting a little wet from the situation she’d found herself in. It was Rachel who broke the ice.

“Shall we go up and find a room?”

It was pretty busy in the house that night but Simon knew just where to go. The guy whose parents owned it was a student and they let out a couple of spare rooms to give him some spending money. There were a couple of rooms in the attic not yet let. We made our way up. People were having a good time. Most didn’t seem to pay attention.

We got into the bedroom and I case my eyes around. It would do. A small double bed, thankfully made, but it would do. Other than a desk and chair, the room was otherwise empty.

Simon pulled her in towards him first. Their lips smacked together. I moved in to plant my lips repeatedly across her neck and began to lift her top (another white t-shirt). The black bra underneath came away quickly and Rachel turned to face me now, her small tits hanging free, still wearing her black jeans and boots. She was so hot. I unbuttoned her jeans and had her pull them to the floor. Clumsily, she had to bend down to get her boots off before she was stood there in only a simple pair of small black knickers. Simon, standing behind her, yanked them down. Rachel kicked them to one side.

Simon and I had Rachel sandwiched between us naked as we were still fully dressed. We alternated turning her around to face us, kiss and begin to play with her clit, which sat under a perfect triangle of jet black pubic hair. Whoever was behind ran their finger along the crack of her ass or scooped her hot juices onto their finger, ready to help lubricate her clit when it was their time to play with the front.

Rachel was already starting to moan. We were overdressed and she soon insisted we join her her in getting naked.

We stood in front of her, both of us fully erect and she squatted and began to take turns sucking on our dicks. I’m pretty average but Simon has an impressive cock. She struggled with it a little and, luckily for me, seemed to spend a little longer on mine, taking it deep into her mouth.

Simon and I were both revved up. This couldn’t go on much longer. I had to fuck her. I pulled her up and guided her to the bed, telling her to get on all fours. It was dark in the room and you could smell her pussy better than you could see it as we each fished around in the pockets of our discarded jeans for a condom. I rubbered up straight away. This was the cue to Simon to wait before he did the same, so she could continue sucking his bare cock until we swapped.

What happened next was simple. She started working Simon’s cock, her head bobbing quickly. I positioned myself up against her wet cunt, feeling the tremendous heat of her hole before pushing in as deep as I could. She let out a deep moan that was muffled by the cock that was resting in her mouth.

Rachel was thin but had a great pair of hips to hold on to, absolutely perfect for ramming into her from behind. The bed squeaked ridiculously, so bad it was almost funny. Between that and Rachel’s moans whenever Simon’s cock took a brief break from being inside her mouth, it would have been clear to anyone listening what was going on. She was struggling to breath a little and she pushed Simon gently away to focus on being filled up by my cock, a series of yelps coming from her mouth as I hit inside her as deep as I could manage with a series of long, jab-like strokes. I didn’t hold back. I was enjoying it too much. I won’t pretend I didn’t think, briefly, of what her brother would make of all this. I groaned loudly as I filled the condom, pushing my dick to its absolute limits of how far it could fill Rachel up.

She didn’t get much of a breather, as Simon took his cue, rubbered up and took charge. He lifted her gently up, kissed her, then threw her onto her back before entering her, his entire weight pushing down on top of her. He went at her for a while. I hung out and watched, as cool as you like, on the chair I’d pulled out from under the desk, my limp cock not taking too long to recover – the joys of being young!

They switched positions a couple of times. Simon was obviously in no rush to cum. I didn’t have another condom and didn’t fancy fucking her bare, so continued to watch and stroke. They looked great together.

Eventually, they paused for a few minutes to have a rest. Simon still hadn’t cum. Rachel asked me to join back in and I had to confess to the lack of condom. We settled on Simon sitting on the chair and Rachel straddling him with her back to his stomach. This gave me an absolutely perfect view of her getting fucked, her hips bucking lightly against Simon’s cock as he shifted it inside of her, while Rachel wanked me off, her tits now visibly glistening with sweat. I reached down to kiss her and as we broke off, she started telling me (us?) “*I want you to cum for me… cum for me…”*.

She repeated the last part over and over. It probably took less than a minute. Simon finished first, bucking into her so hard that her hand came away from my cock as she focussed on the sensation of being fucked so hard, her eyes rolling slightly. This tipped me over the edge for the second time that night. Within seconds of taking over, my cum was splashing in a straight line between her tits and covering her neck.


Talking the next day, Simon thought it was hilarious when I told her what a dick Rachel’s brother was. I suppose it was a revenge of sorts, though it wasn’t planned or anything.

Around then, I hooked up with Rachel a few times afterwards and know that Simon saw her a few times too. It was never anything serious. She had new ‘boyfriends’ all the time, a good looking girl who liked to have fun. About ten years later we got together again and had a drunken threesome ‘for old time’s sake’, shortly after all three of us had come out of relatively long-term relationships. That was a blast – more funny than sexy though! The first time was definitely the best. Penny for her brother’s thoughts if he ever reads this. Just in case… fuck you Tom. You’re a massive prick but your sister was one hell of a ride.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10oj18m/spitroasting_the_school_bullys_sister_mf


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