My former teacher [MF] texted me that her husband is away for the weekend – Part 2

So few days ago I posted about how my former English teacher texted me that her husband is away for the weekend. I took your advice and went for it.

At first, I wanted to be subtle, so I just asked her what are her plans, if she is going out with her friends or what. She said no because her social battery ran out and wants to be alone. I replied “that’s a shame”. She asked me the same question, I answered that I have some plans but my evenings are free.

Tbh the word “alone” made me think she doesn’t want to meet. That and the fact that she is a bad texter – she didn’t reply to my last text. But reading your comments made me overconfident so I broke the rule and double texted her… after couple of hours.

“hey i know you said you want to be alone but if you want to go out for a drink or two let me know” No reply for hours, I was anxious asf. And after hours of torture she finally replied: “We definitely should do that”

Fast forward, we went to a bar in the evening, we chatted about life and the past, she admitted that I was her favorite student, I teased her that she was the best teacher and our crush, that she was rated the hottest teacher by every guy haha. During the whole evening she touched my hands or arms every time she laughed and in return I was trying to touch her legs and tease her a bit under the table.

After a while we were both tipsy and the conversation got deep, we talked about our anxieties and family drama, then she told me that her husband is often away for work and it makes her feel jealous and lonely. I told her that she is beautiful and smart and doesn’t need to feel jealous at all, that her husband is extremely lucky to have her. And if she ever feels lonely again, I’m always here for her. She started to cry and I hugged her, guys i tell you she smelled so fucking good and I felt so guilty to have a boner at that moment hahaha.

We left before midnight and I walked her back to her place, she told me she has some wine upstairs. As we stepped into the elevator I lightly tripped over and accidentally pushed her to the wall, we both laughed and I was still holding her by her waist as i tried to catch her, we stood like that for a moment really close to each other smiling and then i went for the kiss.

Her tongue went immediately down my throat, I grabbed her ass and pushed her onto me, my curved dick almost exploded. I started dry humping her and bit her lip really hard. We were making out like there was no tomorrow. It was so fucking hot. We were interrupted only by the elevator ring. We stepped out and she stopped me before letting me in and started crying again, she told me that maybe this is not a good idea. I was sooo fucking confused. I asked if she is sure and she said yes. I told her it’s okay, good night and left.

I thought I fucked it up, maybe read the signals wrong and all, I was a bit down honestly. I wanted to apologize to her but didn’t have the energy to do that, because I didn’t really know what I did wrong. But then all of a sudden i got a text from her: “Sorry i overreacted, i enjoyed the evening with you, you made me feel wanted again 😘” yyeeeeesessss



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