[F] Accidentally orgasmed during a work meeting

My recent Reddit dare led me to purchase a small princess butt plug to work, which I’ve worn two days in a row without break.

These are my findings:

The plug I bought is meant to be worn everyday and has a stem in it for easy removal, as well as for better pleasure (easier to manipulate while sitting down).

My visits to the restroom have increased by almost double. I have been reading that this is very normal. Sorry if that’s TMI lol

I take my plug out at night to sleep and I’m finding that I wake up feeling empty and actually kind of missing it…

Might also be TMI, but my asshole actually feels tighter and it’s harder to get the plug back in sometimes (and it was already hard. I carry a small bottle of lube in my purse).

I have had four orgasms in 2 days. Two were completely out of nowhere. The others came from my touching myself or fantasizing in my head. I came verrryyyyy close to having an orgasm while talking to a cute guy and had to walk away very quickly and take deep breaths.

As a new member to the daily butt plug club there’s definitely been a learning curve. That hasn’t been as evident until this afternoon. The few sudden orgasms while wearing my plug but it’s usually been when I’m alone and pushing the pressure to the limit. That was not the case today.

We were halfway through a two hour meeting. About 20 of us were crammed into the conference room (masks on) and to be perfectly frank I was bored and zoning out. Started daydreaming about sex and skimming Reddit messages under the table. I leaned back into the chair to put pressure onto my plug and it hit like lightning. I went right past the point of no return. It was immediate.

The tightness and pressure in my ass exploded through my entire body, causing me to shiver all over and then it was happening. I was cumming right there. In the middle of a work meeting.

The emotions going through my mind were complicated and unclear. It was a lot at once.

I jammed my legs together as tight as I could and prayed no one was looking at my face. Thank god for the mask being on, it hid my expression. I closed my eyes tightly.

I felt the wetness spreading in my panties and prayed it wasn’t going through my jeans. My body was almost shaking. I kept my mouth sealed shut as the orgasm rattled up and down my body. Finally it was over. I slumped back into the seat and discretely looked around.

A few people glanced at me. But nothing egregious. I took a deep breath and tried to focus.

Then I saw a coworker I wasn’t too close with, staring at me. It was a guy kind of known to be an asshole.

He saw me looking and gave me a discrete thumbs up.

I looked down and thankfully I didn’t fully squirt so no wet spot.

I looked back up, he was looking back at the projector screen.

Maybe he didn’t see anything…

Might need to take a break with the plug for a bit…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10o0ijl/f_accidentally_orgasmed_during_a_work_meeting


  1. When you wear a plug all the time, how do you poop? Wouldn’t it get gross? (I realize you’d take it out but still)

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