nympho/maniac [MM 25+] [d/s] [hatefuck]

Gabriel stared at the collar in his hand. It was beautiful. Black with fine gold lines and a large ring in the front. It was late, and the lighting in the room was dim, yet the gold accents glinted wonderfully. The color and material matched those of his prosthetic hand perfectly. Just looking at it sent his mind reeling with ideas of what he could do with it. The thing had arrived just a couple days ago from the artist he commissioned to make it, but it was far too late. The collar wasn’t made for Gabe himself. He’d wanted to give it to someone else. Someone long gone now.
Gabe sighed deeply and put it next to him on his bed. Such a shame he’d never get to use it like he’d thought. Then again, a thought occurred to him, did it have to go to waste?
Gabe’s curiosity was piqued, now. He got up from his sitting position and turned towards his large mirror that reflected an image of his whole body back at him. He picked up the collar and held it up to his own neck, and his eyes widened slightly. That wasn’t the way he usually saw himself, and the association with submission was foreign to him, but to his surprise, he liked it. Not just that, looking at himself, topless, with the broad collar around his neck, excited him more than it should have. Furthermore, it made him aware just how long it’s been since the last time he shared his bed with someone. Gabe exhaled and stared into his own reflected eyes that shimmered back. He knew he was onto something, and he wanted to investigate just what that was. With that in mind, he closed the collar around his neck and rightened it so the ring was in the front.
Gleeful, he bounded about in his bedroom, picking out one of his many pristine white button-ups that would surely contrast his new accessory wonderfully. He left the two highest buttons of the shirt open and combined it with simple but smart black fabric pants. Black leather shoes and a beige trenchcoat completed the look. Gabe had always had expensive taste. His outfit didn’t look like it, but it was worth several thousand pounds. He loved spending money to look his best. Always immaculate. He could afford it, after all, and he wanted to show off, always.
He left his room and paid his brother in the living room a short visit.
“I’m going out,” Gabe announced.
Valerian, pausing the movie he was watching and looking up at his older brother, choked on his spit.
“Like that?” He coughed, staring at the collar around Gabe’s neck, disturbed.
“Yes, like that. Got a problem?” He challenged.
“No,” Vale was quick to say and looked back at the TV, “not at all. You do you, freedom to all. You coming back tonight?”
“We’ll see,” Gabe shrugged, “Ideally not, no.”
“Good, umm, great. Have fun, I guess?” Vale cringed and shifted around on the couch.
“Thanks,” Gabe chuckled and left the room, pulling the door shut. In the hallway now, he grabbed his keys and headed out. He wanted to visit one of his favorite establishments in downtown London, an odd fusion of bar and club in Soho, frequented by all sorts of queer folks and adventurous people. Whenever he went to the Village, there was no telling how the night would go. He’d had myriads of interesting stories to tell about it, most of them involving copious amounts of alcohol or other substances, and interesting sexual encounters, of course. Gabe had a feeling tonight would extend that list perfectly.
Down in the garage of his apartment complex, he got into his car; a bright green Porsche 911 Carrera Turbo S, and looked at himself in the rearview mirror.
What a sight, he mused, a handsome young man with a collar in a hundred grand car. He couldn’t imagine many things that were more alluring.

A short drive later, he parked his car in a side road and left his coat there. It was a pretty thing, and the Village had an uncomfortable habit of spitting out people in dirty and sometimes torn clothes. Gabe didn’t want to take the risk, so he walked the rest of the way to the club without it, despite the chill of the night air. Even from beyond the door, he could hear the thumping bass of the music playing inside. Feeling the tingle of excitement in his stomach, he pushed open the door and immersed himself in the loud sounds of music and people trying to conversate over it. There was a short narrow hall that led to the main room of the bar, and pushed up against the wall were two girls furiously making out. Starting off right, Gabe thought, but he paid them no regard as he shuffled past them and towards the bar. The whole establishment was dark, but compared to other abysmal clubs, it was clean and orderly with neat black stools aligned along the counter. In the rear of the room was a large dance floor with more seating at its edges. Gabe knew from first hand experiences that there were a couple more rooms beyond the bathrooms that were intended for less public purposes. The few times he’d gotten to see them, he had been too drunk to remember much, but he did remember them as good times.
For now, however, he sat down on one of the available barstools and rested his elbows on the counter. There were two barkeepers who both looked quite stressed. Gabe wasn’t surprised. For a Thursday night, the Village was full. On the wall across from him was a shelf holding rows upon rows of different bottles of liquor, illuminated in blue by LED strips. The blue light was a staple of the club and dominated everything, giving the scenery of drunken and dancing people a surreal air.
Gabe looked at the bottles and pondered what to drink. Something fruity, maybe? No, he needed something stronger today.
“Hey, sorry for the wait,” one of the barkeepers approached him. A cute guy, blond hair, blue eyes, late twenties, Gabe guessed and flashed him a charming smile. He smiled back. Gabe loved the impact he had on people.
“So, what can I get you?” Asked the blond, half-shouting.
“Hmm,” Gabe exaggerated the sound, but his mind was made up, “fetch me a Negroni, will you? Thanks.”
The man nodded and went to work. Again, Gabe let his eyes wander, this time over the mass of party-people at the rear of the room. They were moving in sync to the music, as if the DJ in his booth on the little stage were their hivemind. Already, their elation started to draw Gabe in. How long had it been since he really went out? Ages, it seemed, and he was excited to get to dancing. It would be a nightmare to many, but Gabe loved being part of a crowd, bodies against bodies, hands on every inch of skin that showed. He just loved attention, of any kind, and he had long stopped pretending he didn’t.
A short glass filled with deep red liquid was set on the counter. The Negroni always looked better than it tasted, with a cute garnish of orange peel. Gabe pulled a ten pound note out of his pocket and handed it to the barkeeper, waving him off when he started to look for change. He took a sip. Well, it wasn’t the most pleasant, but the alcohol tingled on his tongue, and that’s what he was really after.
The cocktail went down fast. Gabe couldn’t wait to feel the buzz starting to set in and his glass to be empty so he could join the dancers. With perfect timing, he chugged the rest of his drink, one song fading into another. Off he went, right into the midst of the party, becoming one with the mob, shaking, dancing, twirling. More than once, someone took note of his collar, the braver ones even giving the ring a slight tug. Gabe always laughed and wrapped his arms around them. It was mostly other men, some he wasn’t sure, but it wasn’t as if he gave a fuck. It was a rush. Gabe stopped thinking, now only dancing, pushing against people approaching him from behind, but none of the contacts was meaningful to him. He was just there to feel something. Anything, really, aside from the ghosts that had been plaguing him the past weeks.

Later, he stumbled off the dancefloor, body hot, throat dry from trying to shout over the droning music.
Another drink, he thought and returned to his former seat. It was occupied now, by a large man with broad shoulders and short brown hair, faded at the sides of his head. Gabe sat on the free stool beside him and ordered his second Negroni from the same barkeeper. He could hear the guy next to him talk, apparently to a short ginger boy another seat over. Some sense of familiarity struck Gabe, but he couldn’t place it, not without seeing the man’s face.
Whatever, he thought and sipped his drink with a serene smile. He was enjoying himself greatly. A few minutes passed in which he overheard the couple beside him talk about banalities, and that nagging feeling of missing something didn’t want to leave him. He felt like he knew the tone of the man’s voice, but not well. Just from where? Another short while later, the ginger excused himself. Gabe risked a glance at the guy, and suddenly recognized him.
“Well, well, well,” he said and laughed, “if that isn’t Sir Nathan Ross himself.”
The guy looked up in surprise, investigating Gabe’s face, but apparently he couldn’t make a connection. Gabe was giddy. This man was the bane of his existence in his last years of school. They both came from big money and had a bitter rivalry over nearly everything in school. Trying to surpass one another in all kinds of sports, seeing who could drink more at house parties, and, most annoyingly, flirting with the same people to see who was the better shot. Gabe tended to win at that last game, but Nathan probably wouldn’t admit it.
“Sorry? Do I know you?” Said man now asked.
Gabe shook his head in disappointment, “I’m a little offended, Nate, you don’t recognize your old friend.”
“Oh shit,” the other now realized, “Gabriel fucking Pricefield? No way. This is the last place I’d expect to see you.”
Gabe grinned, eyes heavy lidded. Nate’s eyes were blown wide as he looked him up and down, lingering at his throat for obvious reasons.
“Last time I saw you, you had two hands,” Nate immediately fell back into his douchebag behavior.
Gabe’s smile went a bit sour, but he replied without hesitation, “And the last time I saw you, you were about fifty pounds lighter.”
Gabe glanced at Nate’s navy blue shirt that was stretched thin across his broad chest and bulky arms. Nathan didn’t smile, quite the opposite. He looked offended. Gabe took a sip of his drink to avoid laughing out loud.
“Lovely, nice to see you’re still the same asshole. What else have you been up to?” Nate asked.
“Just the usual. Being a lawyer, crashing Porsches, getting wasted,” Gabe replied, not keen on sharing any more details. Despite never having interacted with Nate aside from their constant banter, he couldn’t dislike the guy. He wasn’t the brightest, but that just made it funnier to tease him. Now, Nate nodded and stared at the pint of beer in front of him.
“And you, big guy? Still living at your parents’ place?” Gabe continued.
“They kicked me out last year and froze my funds because I dropped out of uni,” Nate admitted.
“I see, so you’re moving up in the world. That’s about what I expected when we graduated, to be honest.”
“Bold words coming from a guy with a collar around his throat,” Nate shot back. There it was. That heightened the stakes. Gabe didn’t think he’d mention it outright, then again, they were both here, in this questionable establishment.
“What’s that about, anyways? You never struck me as the submissive type,” he went on and glared at Gabe intensely, who in turn leaned forward slightly, the steel ring of his collar catching the blue lighting in the bar as it dangled freely.
“I’m always looking to expand my horizons. It’s fun to try new things every now and then, isn’t it?” Gabe withstood the look out of his brown eyes and stared back defiantly.
“I suppose,” Nate answered. He was the first to look away.
“But I do want to know what you’re doing here. Since when are you into men? You had a girlfriend in twelfth grade. What was it? Marie? Melanie? Something like that,” Gabe said it innocently, but inside he was raving over the way Nate’s face fell when he said that. That hit home, and that’s just what he’d wanted.
“Shut up,” Nathan said, gritting his teeth. His face was growing red.
Gabe went on, unimpressed, “Hold on, yeah, I remember now. Wasn’t she that girl I fucked on your birthday party that year? In your own bed, too. Was that so traumatizing for you?”
Nate was in his face now, having jumped from his stool to grab Gabe, his fingers hooked in the ring of the collar, “You better keep your fucking mouth shut, Pricefield!” He shouted. Gabe’s eyes widened for just one moment, then his shit-eating grin was back.
“You know I was never good at that,” he purred and instead of pulling back, slightly pushed his knee in-between the other man’s legs. Nate’s nostrils flared as he breathed heavily, barely containing his anger.
“Then you should work on it, before I make you,” he growled and gave a hard tug at the collar.
Gabe rolled his eyes and hummed, “What a clumsy way of flirting. No wonder you’re still single.”
“I didn’t come here to flirt, I came to find someone to fuck,” Nate admitted, still furious. The tension was tangible, the air thick between the two. Gabe’s eyes narrowed before he closed the last of the little distance between them and pressed his lips against Nate’s, who promptly pulled away.
“What the fuck, man?” He said, face still red. Probably still from his anger and nothing else. Gabe just stared at him.
“And here I thought you couldn’t get any worse,” Nate groaned and pulled Gabe into him by the collar’s ring.
The kiss was heated and sloppy, with lots of tongue action, almost more than Gabe appreciated, but he leaned into it regardless. He wrapped his arms around Nate’s back, clawing at the fabric of his shirt. Nate tugged harder at the collar, forcing Gabe’s chest against his own and ground against his thigh between his legs. Gabe realized he was shorter than Nate, and the other’s shoulders felt like they were twice as wide as his. Nate had always been a big guy, but whatever was he doing now? His torso was massive.
Nate pulled away. “You’re such a whore,” he said.
“Always have been,” Gabe chuckled and bit his lower lip, “but what does that say about you?”
“As far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t say shit. Let’s get out of here.”
“Always straight to the point it seems,” Gabe mused and turned back to the bar and his glass which was half full, “Just let me finish my drink, will you, sweetheart?”
“I ain’t your sweetheart,” Nathan said and sounded like he wanted to throw up, but he got back onto his stool begrudgingly and went to work on finishing his beer.
“Who was that guy you were talking to earlier? The ginger?” Gabe asked and took a large sip. The Negroni didn’t get better while the ice was diluting it.
“What, you jealous, Pricefield?” Nathan asked mockingly.
Gabe laughed out loud, “No, he was cute. Wouldn’t say no to him either.”
Nathan clicked his tongue in annoyance. That’s just how it had always been. Whenever Gabe saw him talking with someone at any function, the asshole proceeded to flirt so hard that they completely forgot about him. Nate could hardly stand Gabe’s egomanic ways, but he had to admit it worked astoundingly well. He emptied his beer and got up.
“Hurry,” he ushered Gabe.
“What are you even attempting to do?” The other asked, clearly enjoying himself massively.
“Like I said, I was looking for someone to take home, and you walk in with a fucking collar around your neck. I think it’s pretty clear.”
“You can’t even stand me, Nate, are you sure that’s what you want?”
Nathan scoffed, “We’ll see how well I can stand you choking on my dick.”
Gabe raised his eyebrows, seriously reconsidering. Nathan had not aged well, however Gabe saw it as an opportunity for a final triumph over his old rival. Once he’d slept with him, Nate would probably be forever haunted by memories of him, and Gabe just loved the idea of being a ghost in someone’s mind. So he chugged down the last of his stale drink and got up as well, taking care to straighten out the fabric of his pants. Nate urged him to the door with a nod of his head in the direction. Gabe held open the door for the taller man and shivered when the cool air hit his skin. The bar had been unbearably hot, and a persistent film of sweat had settled on his skin that was now cooling him down even more rapidly.
“So where do you live?” Gabe asked and started walking to his car. He knew he wasn’t sober, but assessing his condition, he felt like he was still good to drive. He wasn’t sure if a police officer would agree, but who cared, anyways?
“Down in Norbury. Did you drive here?” Nate asked in disbelief.
“I did, and I don’t intend to leave my car here, so you can either ride with me or I’m going home.”
“Damn, okay, I guess,” Nate said and followed.
They remained silent for the short walk to the car, Gabe already excited to show off his Porsche. It’s not something anyone had, after all, and now that Nate was shunned by his family and less fortunate, he’d probably go green with envy.
“I thought you said you crashed your Porsche,” Nate said when Gabe opened the door for him.
“I did,” he confirmed and fell into the driver’s seat, “and then I got a new one.” He conveniently left out the fact that it had been a birthday present from his dad and he himself probably couldn’t have afforded to just drop over a hundred thousand pounds on a sports car. Didn’t matter, because now that he started working as a lawyer for his father, he was looking at a six figure wage in a few years time. Then he could.
Nathan crossed his arms over his chest and navigated the way to his apartment. Gabe made sure to drive over the speed limit and let the engine rev numerous times.

Several minutes later, the Porsche was once again retired at the side of the road, its occupants continuing their way on foot. Upon entering Nate’s apartment, Gabe thought it was nothing to write home about. Small, dark, just one bedroom, a bathroom and the kitchen. It wasn’t particularly tidy, either. Gabe had little time to worry about the state of Nate’s housing, however, because said man herded him straight to the bedroom. Gabe turned around to face him when he stood at the edge of the bed and was promptly shoved onto the mattress by Nathan. Gabe landed on his ass and went to protest, but Nate shut him up by pushing him on his back with his body weight and kissing him roughly. Gabe’s breaths came labored under the other man’s weight, but he greedily arched his back against him. Nate groaned into the kiss and buried one hand in Gabe’s hair, only to give it a hard tug. Gabe broke from the kiss and hissed in pain. So this is how it’s going to be, he thought to himself. Uncaring for his discomfort, Nate got up and tore off his t-shirt in a rush. His jeans and boxers followed suit. Gabe sat up on the bed and was startled when he found himself on eye level with Nate’s cock, rock-hard and throbbing.
“So much for getting in the mood,” Gabe said with an eyeroll and stared while Nate slowly jerked himself with a smirk.
“You know, I always thought you were real annoying, Pricefield. Whenever you spouted your bullshit about your family or whatever, I had the urge to slap you in the face,” Nate said, breathing quicker, voice erratic as he took a step towards Gabe, quite literally almost in his face now.
“Okay, and?” Gabe said, unimpressed and ignored Nate’s cock, staring him in the eyes intently instead.
“This is gonna be even better,” Nate prophesied, dark desire lacing his words and widening his grin. Gabe blinked and remained still. Nathan’s smile faded slightly, then he reached out and placed his hands to either side of Gabe’s head.
“You know what I want, don’t you? Do it then, whore,” he bellowed and pulled Gabe’s face towards his erection. Gabe scrunched up his nose, but he obeyed, collecting spit in his mouth and parting his lips. He stretched out his tongue and pressed it against the underside of Nate’s cock. The hands at the sides of his face urged him on so he took it in his mouth, the tip at first, then he slid his mouth along its length. His nose collided with the dark hair below Nate’s navel while his cock pressed against the back of his throat. Gabe retched, as much as he could, anyways, and he furrowed his eyebrows while staring up at Nate. The other went back to smirking grimly.
“That’s right!” Nate hollered, “It’s really so easy to shut you up.”
Again, Gabe rolled his eyes. He shouldn’t have done that. Nate’s fingers wandered to the back of his head and forced him further down on his cock. Again, Gabe gagged and felt tears well up in his eyes. Nate was in a frenzy now, pushing against Gabe’s head while moving his hips to fuck into his mouth. He was groaning and cursing, his eyes never leaving Gabe while he reveled in the feeling of having his nemesis at his mercy.
Gabe dug his fingers into the bedsheet at the edge of the mattress. His arms were shaking, and he could feel his spit spill out of the corners of his mouth and run down his chin, all the way to his craned neck. The angle was ideal so Nate could thrust his cock into Gabe’s throat time and time again. Gabe focused on his breathing, air sputtering irregularly in and out his nose. He tried his hardest to keep the contents of his stomach from making their way up his esophagus, choking on his spit more than once. The tears were spilling over now, and with Nate’s dick hitting the back of his throat over and over, their supply seemed endless. Broken moans left his strained voicebox. They would’ve been sobs, had his mouth not been so full. He could feel every vein on Nate’s cock, its hardness and rigidity, and the way it twitched and pulsated against his tongue. Already, his neck was sore, and he felt used, but he was finding it incredibly hard to hate it. He was hard himself, his erection straining against the fabric of his underwear and pants, and he felt lightheaded. It wasn’t just the alcohol, it was also the wet sounds of his mouth, the slurping and swallowing, Nate’s mindless blabbering of how much he despised him, intermingled with his groans. It was the air, thick from passion and the heavy smell of his and Nathan’s sweat. Gabe slackened his jaw and hollowed out his cheeks, allowing Nate’s cock to slide into him to the hilt with each stroke.
“Fuck yeah, that’s right,” Nathan slurred. His head fell back, his hands still holding the back of Gabe’s head firmly. He was nearing his breaking point, high off the feeling of Gabe’s tongue and cheeks pressing against his cock. His thrusts were ruthless and brutal as he let out years of pent-up frustration. He was mindless like an animal, a beast lost in the heat of passion. His movements became more and more sloppy, and he called out strings of curses, until, finally, he came undone, forcing his cock deep into Gabe’s mouth. His whole body went rigid as he came into his throat, pumping his seed straight down Gabe’s neck. Gabe pressed his eyes shut and swallowed heavily. His lashes were wet, and so was the skin on his cheeks from how he’d cried like the little bitch he really was. He could feel every twitch of Nate’s cock as it pumped its load into him. He strained against the iron grip at his skull and freed himself, pulling away from the other’s dick and greedily sucking in air through his mouth, filling his lungs with sweet, sweet oxygen. He leaned back on his arms and tried to compose himself. The unpleasant taste of cum permeated his mouth and he wished he had something to wash it down with.
Nathan, too, was breathing heavily, and for a short while, that was the only sound in the room. Nate eyed Gabe like a predator, and Gabe stared back out of bloodshot eyes. He was much less cocky now, not in the mood for the cheeky banter from earlier. Nate was happy to see what he believed to be a broken man.
“Strip,” he ordered.
“Huh?” Gabe queried.
“I said strip,” Nate repeated darkly, “Or did you think I was done with you, Pricefield?”
He spat the name like a curse word, or in a way someone would talk about a hated politician.
“I-” Gabe started, but Nate didn’t let him utter another syllable.
“Take off your fucking clothes, slut! Before I do it for you.”
Gabe glared at him but rose off the bed, ensuring Nathan had the best possible view as he started unbuttoning his shirt. It took him a while since he could only use his one hand, but Nathan was clueless, salivating over every inch of light skin Gabe revealed. With all the buttons out of the way, he slid the white shirt off his shoulders, revealing his relatively toned upper body. Granted, he wasn’t ripped like his brother, but he still looked athletic. Still, Nate stared, now as he undid his belt, his pants joining the growing pile of clothes on the floor. Nate smirked looking at the obvious tent in Gabe’s underwear, but even that last article of clothing was quickly discarded. Now bare save for the collar around his neck, Gabe stood before Nathan. He was sure he looked like a mess, but still the larger man eyed him hungrily, looking him up and down. Gabe shifted his weight from one leg to the other. This, he didn’t mind. It never bothered him when people saw him naked. He was confident in himself, maybe even too much so.
“Hands and knees,” Nate instructed and gestured towards the bed. Gabe hesitated for a moment before turning his back to him and sinking onto his knees on the bed. His upper body followed suit, his weight supported by his outstretched arms on the bed spread. He felt the slightest air of nervosity when he heard Nate step behind him. Shortly after, he felt the man’s hands ghosting over his ass cheeks. Nate experimentally squeezed the tissue and gave him a slap. Gabe tensed and let his head drop, feeling Nate’s palms against his skin, anxious for his next move. He felt another slap, harder this time, then again, and again. Gabe bit down on the inside of his cheek to keep quiet. He wasn’t ready to give in and allow Nate the satisfaction of hearing him whine in pain, although the increasing intensity of his hits was making it ever harder for him.
“You’re such a little shit, Pricefield,” Nate taunted, “act all high and mighty, but really, you just need to be put into your place.”
Each of his following words were accentuated with a collision of his palm against Gabe’s ass, the hardest yet, “You. Are. Just. A. Little. Whore.”
Upon the last smack of skin against skin, Gabe couldn’t keep it together anymore. He let out a high-pitched yelp and cursed himself when that made Nathan laugh.
“Stay right there,” he commanded and pulled away. Out of the corner of his eye, Gabe saw him move to his nightstand and rummage around in a drawer. The skin of his ass puckered against the coolness of the air, and he was sure it looked bright red, just like his cheeks must’ve been. Gabe breathed heavily and sorted his thoughts and feelings in the short break Nate allowed him. Anxiety and nervousness were wreaking havoc in his mind, but above all he was confused over how much this whole ordeal turned him on. The intensity of the encounter was like a wildfire charring a forest, and Nathan’s emotions were the gasoline poured over it, making the flames lick higher and higher. Gabe was sure Nate imagined him as a scared and fleeing animal, but in reality, Gabe felt like the dry wood, tinder fueling an inferno he reveled in. He was burning up, and he couldn’t be sure what remained and what would rise from the ashes when this was all over.
Nate was back behind him. There was his hand again, just one at first, and then, without much of a warning, the thumb of the other skimmed around the rim of his anus. Gabe was startled by several things; the sudden contact, and the cool wetness of Nate’s finger. Lube, he thought, figures. At least he wasn’t downright merciless.
Nate chuckled, “You should relax, Pricefield, otherwise this will be very uncomfortable for you.”
His voice held a bit of mirth, the only semblance of concern from him so far. Gabe took a deep breath and loosened his muscles.
“Good,” Nathan hummed and pushed the tip of his thumb into him. Gabe’s eyes shot open and his lips parted, but there was no sound. There was pain, but Gabe’s had worse. Adrenaline rushed through him as Nate moved his finger, pushing it into him deeper. Gabe felt his heartbeat at his temples and his chest swelled with his quickening breaths. Rush, oh it was a rush.
Nate pumped his thumb slowly, then pulled it out to replace it with his forefinger. His other hand snaked around Gabe’s pelvis where he found his hard cock, flush against his stomach.
“Hm, I thought you’d be bigger,” Nathan mocked.
“Fuck you,” Gabe groaned upon the contact, his whole body covered in goosebumps, and let out breathy moans when Nate started jerking him off slowly. Simultaneously, his middle finger joined the other one in Gabe’s ass. Another sting, another long groan from Gabe. He felt his eyes roll to the back of his head, eyes fluttering closed. His cock twitched in Nate’s hand gliding up and down his shaft. With two fingers now, Nate methodically worked Gabe’s ass, pumping them in and out, curling them against his walls and scissoring him open carefully.
“You’re gonna feel so good,” Nathan anticipated, “Aren’t you a good little slut?”
“Yes,” Gabe breathed, which Nathan rewarded by stroking his dick faster. The first pre-orgasmic tremors were running through his body, but Nate apparently didn’t want to do him the favor of letting him cum, because he withdrew both his hands, leaving Gabe feeling empty and his cock aching for contact. He was pushed forward as Nate made space for him to kneel on the bed behind Gabe. He spread another generous helping of lube along his cock and around Gabe’s rim, then he pressed the tip of his dick against it.
Gabe cried out when he pushed his pelvis forward and entered him. Nate didn’t falter and pushed in the full lenght of his sex.
“Fuck,” he groaned when he felt the contraction of Gabe’s muscles around him, “that’s tight.”
Gabe’s jaw fell slack while Nathan grabbed his hips harshly. The pain was almost overwhelming, and not because it was too intense, but because the pleasure was immense. It was at this point his conscience shut off and lust took over, pushing him into the abyss of his pitch-black mind. He leaned back, welcoming Nate’s cock inside him and drawing him deeper. He hadn’t imagined this to feel so fucking good.
Nathan grinned and started moving, in and out, unsteady, untethered, wild.
“Yes, oh yes,” Gabe moaned, an open-mouthed smile splitting his face, “fuck yes!”
Nathan was almost startled by Gabe’s eagerness. He moved against him, encouraging his movements. This wasn’t really what he’d wanted. He thought he could make Gabe suffer, this sort of ardor he didn’t calculate for. Gabe was frenzied, manic, high from his pleasure. He was moaning like a madman, ushering Nate on with pleas and commands. Time to up the ante, then, Nate thought. He pulled his right hand from Gabe’s hip and instead hooked his fingers into the edge of the collar around Gabe’s neck. He pulled it towards him, forcing Gabe against him violently, back arched, head craned back. An animalistic cry left Gabe’s throat when he felt Nate deeper inside him. It was strained and sounded honestly desperate, only partly because this stress on his throat made it hard for him to breathe. He threw his morals and principles overboard, relished the searing pain and pleasure from Nate’s cock deep inside him, and became a stranger to himself. All he cared for, all he wanted and needed was more. More of everything. More pain. More pleasure. More lust. More anger. More hate. More, more, more moremoremore…
“Is that… all? You got?” He gargled, barely able to get the word out between Nate’s hard thrusts and leaned into the collar. Now he really choked, gasping, struggling to breathe but still not satisfied. Blackness blurred the edges of his vision and stars danced in front of him.
Nate’s face fell when he felt the tug on his arm and he gave way, allowing Gabe a breath saving his consciousness.
“Jesus,” he panted, the fingers of his hand on Gabe’s hip digging into his flesh, marring it with streaks of red, “you’re a freak. You’re fucking insane.”
“Yes,” Gabe whined, grinding against him. His insides felt like they were bubbling and boiling, his climax so near yet out of reach.
Nate grit his teeth and furrowed his eyebrows, enraged. He didn’t know what kind of twisted game Gabe was playing, but he hated how he didn’t feel in control, even if it was his cock inside Gabe, his hand around the collar limiting his airflow. He let go of the collar and instead placed his hand between Gabe’s shoulder blades, where he pushed down until his arms folded underneath him and his chest and face crashed into the mattress while his ass remained in the air. Nate’s hand remained on his back and pressed him into the bed with the full force of his body weight while he placed the other besides Gabe’s head. He leaned forward, forearm joining the hand restraining Gabe, his elbow digging into the muscle of his back. It was a different kind of pain, but Gabe loved it just as much. His face was to the side now, between the mess of his hair, Nate could see his lust-hazed eyes, the crazed stare out of them as Gabe looked up at him, and the way his mouth hung open, tongue out, strings of saliva flowing onto the sheets below him. Gabe grinned while Nathan looked furious, his breathing ragged while he fucked into his ass ferociously. It was a changed angle, and the new spots Nate’s cock touched inside him sent electrifying tingles up Gabe’s spine. His eyes rolled and his moans increased in volume, almost managing to drown out the lewd slapping of skin on skin when Nate crashed into him. Nate leaned down and sank his teeth into his shoulder so intensely that Gabe briefly wondered if he’d mind if the other man tore a chunk out of his flesh. Nate’s teeth didn’t even break his skin, but the thought they could’ve shockingly did nothing to curb Gabe’s desire.
Nathan withdrew and roared, “Is that it, Pricefield?! You like being used?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” Gabe said hastily and nodded, long ready to start begging for his release at this point.
“You’re scum! A worthless whore!” Nate bellowed, his own breathing so ragged and erratic that his voice almost cracked. Gabe nodded again and felt hot tears well up in his eyes, why, he wasn’t sure.
Nate panted and groaned and his body convulsed as he was finding it harder and harder to withstand his second orgasm. Once more, he reached between Gabe’s legs with his left hand, his weight now fully on the arm pinning Gabe down. Gabe’s breaths were short and flat, barely any air getting into his lungs from the pressure.
Nate’s fist closed around Gabe’s cock. He shut his eyes, his teeth grating together. Two, maybe three strokes, that’s all it took for Gabe to shatter under the combined stimulation. His vision went white, and he surprised both Nate and himself when he screamed, voice raw and broken. Everything broke free from deep within him, the overriding pleasure seeming to fry all his nerves. His body shook and strings of useless cum shot out of his cock, soiling Nate’s hand and dripping onto the bed beneath. Nathan continued to stroke his cock, Gabe whining and writhing from the overstimulation, thrusting into him a few more times before his own climax crashed into him. He cursed Gabe as he came into him and filled him with his cum.
“Fuck,” he groaned and let himself collaps atop his rival.
Gabe felt utterly crushed under Nate’s weight, and he thought he was fading in and out of consciousness as his overwhelmed mind began to return to reality. Nate rolled off him, now beside Gabe who was on his stomach, and critically eyed the other’s cum on his hand. He reached over and grabbed a fistful of Gabe’s hair, pulling his head up and pressing his coated fingers to his dry lips.
“Clean the mess you made, whore,” he demanded, his voice now lacking the vigor it held when his emotions still burned brighter.
Gabe, still only half-present, obediently let his mouth fall open and Nate push his fingers against his tongue. Gabe licked his own seed off Nate’s hand and hummed quietly before falling back into the pillows beneath him. Nate was still beside him, trying to catch his breath.
“That was…” Nate searched for a fitting descriptor, “fucking crazy.”
Gabe came down from his high and was greeted by an odd mix of pain in most of his body and the rest of the pleasant buzz of his release, all wrapped in a thick blanket of satisfaction. He felt like he belonged. These were the realest emotions he’s allowed himself to feel in a long time, and the most honest he’d been outwardly. He didn’t know why, there were so many whys. Why Nate? Why here? Why tonight? Why like this? None of it mattered.
He allowed himself ten more breaths to be himself before it was time to rebuild his facade. He closed his eyes and counted them down. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.
Gabe rose from the mattress with his back to Nate who could see the redness where his back would likely bruise from the pressure of his arm. He rounded the bed and began picking up his clothes from the floor. Nate felt his anger rise once more when he saw the fucker was back to smiling as if nothing happened.
“You’re a freak, you know that, Pricefield?” He asked.
“I know,” Gabe replied cheekily, “you’ve told me.”
“Ugh,” Nate groaned heartily while the other got dressed, pulling up his underwear and pants first and then throwing on his shirt. It was a bit crumpled now from laying on the floor.
“So, can I get your number, then?” He continued, “I could use a good fuck like that every now and then.”
Gabe turned towards him with a smirk and a glint in his green eyes. There was something else, too, something Nate couldn’t place, but it made him uneasy. Gabe reached into the pocket of his pants and pulled out a business card that showed the branding of his father’s office as well as his title. He flicked it at Nate, the card landing on his torso. Gabe stepped close and leaned down to him, cupping his cheek and showing off his collar once more.
“Make sure to call me,” Gabe said and kissed him roughly, “so I can block your number, asshole.”
Nate’s eyes widened, but Gabe was already gone, leaving his bedroom. A minute later, he heard his front door fall shut.

Gabe stepped into the cool night air and pulled his coat tightly around his frame. He stared up into the sky above, dark blue and speckled with glinting silver stars.
This is who I am, he thought while he buried his feelings deep within him.
He turned and walked off into the night.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/10mx0jc/nymphomaniac_mm_25_ds_hatefuck