[MF] Keeping It Casual

TLDR: became fuck buddies with some random girl in my CS class who likes to swallow.

Enter sophomore year of college and I was knee deep in lectures, assignments, and random bullshit I’d rather not be doing. Only classes I really liked were my CS ones, but of course my dumbass couldn’t concentrate on one thing for too long so I’d often let it drift. It was Fall so go-to topic was sundress season with all the girls trying their best to skirt the line between tastefully sexy and basically naked. Gave me plenty to go on, but I was starting to get a little tired of the same old. Not gonna knock sundresses, but after a while you start to wonder if you can come up with something more creative. Grew up in the Midwest so I still had a lingering thing for a nice pair of jeans and a sweatshirt but what do I know?

Don’t know why it took me so long to notice this girl, we’ll call her Chloe, who sat off to my right near the window. Fading in and out somewhere in-between descriptions of “what’s-his-name’s-algorithm” and the squirrels racing around outside trying to stuff more nuts away than Brad Pitt on set, my eyes drifted over to her. My first impression was that she was kinda cute, but it was a little hard to tell since her hair often fell across her face as she looked down at her computer. I pretty much let myself steal glances shamelessly as the weeks went on. One time as she looked up, she threw her hair back over her shoulder and gah damn she had some really nice eyes. Dark brown with an expression that was less RBF than “I have better things to do.” Little hints of an attitude showing through, which I loved. That being said, I was eyeing up her tits too. Today it was dark jeans (off to a good start) with a plain white t-shirt that hugged her figure just well enough not to be a size too small. You could definitely make out the outline of her bra underneath, but it wasn’t a deep v-neck so not much else on display. The simplicity of it just ran by brain in circles and I had to try pretty hard not to get carried away cause God knows I didn’t need to deal with getting hard right now. The ole’ dick in the belt trick only works so many times. I guess I wasn’t as subtle as I thought I was cause after class I felt a hand pull me away from the crowd and it was her.

“What?” She said.


“You staring at me…? Got something to say?”

At this point I was thinking of about a thousand different ways this could go and none of them good. Figured we were already here so why not take a risk. I shrugged.

“You’re cute. So sue me. Sorry if it bothered you. I’ll stop.”

“I didn’t say that. You’re cute too.”

Wait what?

“I just figured you might actually grow a pair and talk to me some time. Fuck me, right?”

She stared at me expectantly for a second.

“Soooooo wanna go out sometime?” I said, adding in a cheeky smile.

She let out an audible “ugh”, rolled her eyes, then left without another word. I thought this was the end of it for sure until she pulled me aside again the next day, this time gripping my arm just a little too hard.

“Do you think you could…? You know? That’s just a little tight…”

My pleas went ignored and she dragged me into an empty classroom, shut the door, then pinned me against the wall and proceeded to shove her tongue down my throat. Despite the glaringly obvious I was still trying to be a gentleman letting my hand slowly drift down before she grabbed it, shoved it down against her ass and squeezed hard. Holy fucking fuck. I just barely recovered from the mental shock before she pulled back, gave a soft “eh” with a shrug, then held out her hand. Rolling her eyes again at my blank expression, she dug her hand into my pocket and took out my phone. Waving it around a little with a visual “helloooo?” I unlocked it and she typed away for a second, shoved it back into my chest and walked away. Did I smell a little bit of perfume?

I was starting to get a little bolder now so the next day in class when I saw her sporting a deeper cut, I shot her a quick emoji pair. First one was the “is it hot in here” face. You know, the one where he’s sweating and sticking his tongue out like it’s a million degrees or something? Whatever you can look it up. The second was a winky face cause I was feely classy today. She sent back her own.

“Like what you see?”

Yes. Oh yes. Lining the soft, curvy cleavage I just wanted to bury my face in was some red lace.

“Matching red huh?” Another winky face. Just classin’ it up right now.

“Would be. If there was anything to match.”

I looked up past the ceiling and mouthed a “thank you” to whatever God took a break from preventing war or genocide long enough to send me a slutty angel with a fiery temper.

“Wanna fuck?” I sent back.

We practically broke her dorm door down pressed against each other with hands reaching for whatever they could grab. Didn’t even bother checking for roommates. If they were there I’m sure they got a show. I threw the door shut and pulled her shirt over her head. She pulled at mine with a devious smile and I got the hint. As I took mine off she climbed onto the bed, lifted her hips and slid her pants off surprisingly fast. You know how they can catch on your knees sometimes and so there’s that awkward “push to your knees, pull over the feet, then slide them all the way off” three parter? Well, clearly she’d been practicing cause that bitch came off in one motion. And yeah. No underwear. I dove in, grinding my tongue back and forth trying to find her clit. Her audible moans only egged me on. I licked, lapped, and sucked my way to what I could only assume was going to be a trophy on the far end. Or a plaque. Maybe just a participation medal. Like I knew I wasn’t Lebron James or anything but goddamn it I still show up to practice. When I pulled up for air, she pushed me upright until I was sitting back a little, leaned down, and started feverishly sucking on my dick, her lips gripping tightly as she bobbed up and down hungrily. It took every ounce of mental will I had left not to cum right there and then. Just think about something else. Birds. Squirrels. Compile-time errors. Fuuuuuuuck!

I pulled her hair not-so-gently and she relented with a protesting groan, a trail of saliva still sticking to her lip that stayed latched onto where she’d been sucking way longer than I ever expected. She turned around in the bed and leaned down onto her forearms, wagging her ass playfully in the air. I sunk into her and heard a gasp that just egged me on. I knew I wasn’t going to last long so I just kept a steady rhythm and a firm grip on her hips for as long as I could. Her moans started getting less and less subtle and the swearing downright dirty.

“Oh fuck I’m gonna cum!”

She whirled around surprisingly fast and wrapped her lips around my dick again, reaching down to grab my balls and fondle them while I shot thick ropes back into her throat. To her credit she didn’t let up, just slowed down bit by bit until she slowly pressed and drew her mouth back up and out.

“Ahw fu..” she managed to get out with a mouth full of cum. Then she half smiled, winked at me, then swallowed her load. “That was a lot.” She wiped at her lip with one finger, then proceeded to get dressed again like nothing happened.

So we fucked a lot that year. Sometimes it was a slow steady build of flirting and banter and other times just a straight “take off your clothes” fuckfest without warning. She had a couch so we often spent time just binging shows or watching tv. Sometimes her roommates would step out for a moment and she’d lean down to blow me before leaning back up when she heard someone at the door. I’d return the favor and sneak a hand under the blanket and slowly finger her while she tried to hold back moans. She’d almost always swallow. Apart from the times I came on her tits or ass. I asked her about it too. She just shrugged and said “idk it just seems easier.” I knew she was holding something back but I didn’t care. We eventually drifted apart and started dating other people but damn that was a good year.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10j074a/mf_keeping_it_casual

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