Freshman Sexpot M19/F18 [Theater][College][Exhibitionist]

I was excited to be working on a devised piece of theatre. For all of you non-theatre-nerds out there, devised theatre is original work created and performed by an ensemble. Most people are used to seeing plays and musicals that were written beforehand, the rights secured for fees payable to various publishing companies. That, or free plays in the public domain.

My college decided to have students work together and write a play. I was a sophomore coming into my own, more confident than ever. My ambitions were to write, act, and compose in this piece. Underneath it all was a deep insecurity that I wasn’t talented enough. But here, I just had to be more talented than my classmates.

I don’t think anyone would have pegged me for insecure, but deep down, I knew I wasn’t as good an actor, writer, or musician as I wanted to be. When I looked people in the eye, I felt their silent acknowledgment of this fact. Worst was that no one had the guts to tell me I wasn’t special. Their unspoken thoughts hovered around my psyche at all times. So the validation of my peers would hit like a drug. Especially the opinion of girls.

When, in brief moments, I felt a genuine admiration or interest from a cute girl, I had to hold on tight lest I fell down a rabbit hole of giddiness. The freshman girls were cool, but there was one clear “it” girl: Bella. She was outgoing, confident, unapologetic, and a sexpot. Bella was the kind of girl that surrounded herself with admiring boys. So when she set her eyes on me, I felt validated.

“Hi, Peter! I’m Bella!” She said, approaching me at an audition workshop at the start of the semester.

“Hey, nice to meet you! How did you know my name?” I replied, already flattered.

“I saw you in *This is Our Youth* last semester when I was doing college visits. You were so good.”

“Shit, you did?” I said, reflexively embarrassed.

“Yeah, I hope we get to do a play together, like, *now.”*

“That’s really nice of you to say. I hope so too.”

Strong opening from Bella. Watching her talk to everyone, I could tell she was naturally flirty. I hoped that her interest in me wasn’t fleeting.

A week later we auditioned and were both cast in this devised play. The cast had quite a few cute theatre girls and boys who were all itching to write, improv, and act together. Our director, Michael, started off our first rehearsal with a rough outline for what he wanted to do, and we all got up for some movement and improv exercises. After making fools of ourselves and laughing with collective embarrassment, the whole cast felt closer. As if theatre kids needed more reason to be physically intimate, the rehearsal had gotten everyone more comfortable with each other.

We all grabbed dinner afterwards in the main dining hall to get to know each other even better.

The dinner was a social push and pull of big personalities dragging intimate details out of each other with hands toughing and stories being swapped. It was a rare moment when I felt less self-conscious and more confident, feeling the eyes of a lot of cute freshman girls, Bella the cutest of all.

After class the next day, I changed into some gym shorts and a clean t-shirt and headed to our rehearsal space. I got there early to settle in and stretch for a few minutes, like a good try-hard. I claimed a seat somewhere in the rear of the amphitheater-style hall with my backpack before hitting the floor.

After a quiet few minutes to myself, people started trickling in.

I Walked up the large steps back to my seat, self-conscious about stretching alone in front of folks. When I was reaching my seat, Bella walked in. She was wearing a confidently tight cropped tank, her smooth tanned skin uncovered, her hair tied back in a ponytail. She wore a pair of sweatpants with our college emblazoned on the side. Comfy and cute.

“Peter! I’m sitting with you. I have to tell you something crazy.” She said, excitedly.

I could tell I was about to get some sweet gossip.

I sat down and Bella plopped her bag near mine. But instead of sitting next to me, she sat right on my lap. I was surprised, but chocked it up to her being a general flirt. Also, theatre kids be theatre kids. I was flattered by how comfortable she was with me. She got her mouth close to my ear, whispering while looking around the room to see if anyone was watching. Only a couple wandering eyes were curious about what was going on.

“I think Marcus likes me.” She said.

My eyebrows raised. Marcus was another freshman in the cast I didn’t know well yet. He seemed nice and super knowledgable about all things theatre.

“He asked me if I wanted to hang out last night after dinner and I didn’t really care either way so I said, ‘sure’ and we went back to his dorm.

“Oh shit!”

“Yeah, and it was kind of awkward, like he didn’t know what to say after that so we just kind of sat there and made small talk. I think he wanted to hook up but he never made a move.”

“That’s crazy.” I said, shocked by the initial boldness of his invitation but lack of followthrough.

“I’m not into him like that anyway.” She said.

I felt special that she wanted to tell me all about this encounter. I was flirting with so many girls but hadn’t developed any serious crushed yet. I wanted to get to know everyone a little bit better. But in that moment, all I could really think about was the super cute girl on my lap whispering in my ear and the challenges that would pose. I didn’t want to kick her off, but I was starting to picture her last night with Marcus and what might have happened if it had been me instead of him.

Bella’s arms were wrapped around my neck and she was pulled in close to me, comfortable and unabashed.

The funny thing is, even with how obvious her affection for me was, in this moment I could only think of the million reasons why she thought of me as nothing more than a friend. I was just a nice, harmless boy she could talk to. I wasn’t shredded. I was just a social tool for her. She does this with everyone.

A girl could practically be kissing me and I didn’t feel confident about how she felt.

So we stayed like that for the last few minutes before the director showed up while we talked and laughed, clearly drawing attention from others.

When the director showed up, he said that instead of doing improv exercises, he first wanted to show us a clip from a movie that would inspire the tone of the piece. He asked the stage manager to dim the lights as he connected his computer to the projector in the room.

When the lights go down, I felt my interest go up.

I was suddenly hyper-aware of my thin gym shorts and Bella’s soft sweatpants, her firm dancer’s ass pressed hard onto my lap.

I shifted a little uncomfortably, but hoped Bella wouldn’t notice. All of a sudden, she got up. I was mortified she was reading my mind and felt my fear. And now she wouldn’t want to be friends with me, because I clearly had a crush on her and would try to pull something. All in a moment I felt this.

Bella went to her bag two seats over and grabbed her water bottle.

And when she got up, I realized I was raging hard. Had she noticed? If not, it was a close call. I was sure she had noticed.

After a few swigs of her water, the clip started playing. She put the water down and went to sit. But instead of sitting next to me, she came back to my lap. Before I could say anything, her ass was pressing right into my hard-on, where she froze for a brief moment, taking in the information, surprised. I guess she hadn’t felt it before. But she certainly did now.

Bella slowly turned around to me, her mouth wide in what looked like a gasp of a smile in the dark. We made eye contact as she slowly continues to lower herself onto my lap.

“Damn, Peter.” She whispered into my ear. “Did I give you a boner?”

“I’m so sorry.” I said, mortified.

“Peter, it ok. It ok.” She said. “You a boy.”

“I am boy, yes. I boy.”

“It’s pretty big.” She added.

I didn’t know what to say, so I kind of just stuttered out, “I–I–I…”

She wiggled her ass against me, grinding my dick gently in the dark of the room.

Holy shit.

My hands reflexively grabbed her strong, lean thighs, pulling her weight into me. I was losing control.

Bella lifted herself off me slightly and very matter-of-factly grabbed my shaft and moved it between her thighs up against her mound so it could stick straight up without being crushed.

She seemed so un-phased by all of this; it was astounding. My hips moved back and forwards subtly in my blind lust and I realized I was dry humping her thighs in a dark room surrounded by peers while we were supposed to be watching a clip of a movie for rehearsal.

Instead of absorbing the tone of this movie, I was blindly edging my junk, digging my fingers greedily into her delicious thighs.

Bella put her hands around my neck and begun to breathe very heavily into my ear as I could feel her hips slowly gyrating as she joined my rhythm.

I looked around and in the dark no one was looking at us. Slowly, I moved my left hand off her thigh and up to her chest, grabbing her left tit from outside her cropped tank, a sweet, heavy, c-cup filling up my hand. Bella started breathing more heavily at this and I squeezed harder, her breathing getting more rapid in my ear and her gyrating becoming more intense.

I was. worried the feeling of all the fabric and friction on my cock would start to hurt, but I didn’t want to stop for Bella’s sake. I was so turned on I could probably cum like this anyway. It was dangerous.

After a few minutes of our tension quietly building, Bella whispered to me suddenly, “Fuck, this feels so good.” And she bit her lip.

Worried about the mess I was about to make in my shorts, I brought my. hands to my waistband while Bella instinctively stood up just enough for me to pull my shorts and underwear down. Now, my cock was out,, her thighs and sweatpants riding my bare shaft, the tip already leaking.

I could tell Bella was close and so was I. She was wrapped so tightly around me, my hand back to grabbing her chest, the friction getting hotter and hotter.

Just when I thought I was going to explode, Bella leaned slightly forward and peeled her sweatpants and panties down just far enough to sit back down on me. My mind blown, her soft, shaven, warm, wet pussy enveloped me in an instant and I felt her start to convulse, minutes of built up tension released in one moment as my rock hard cock entered her. Her walls pulsed and throbbed around me and with one thrust I lost control. I felt my cock ache with pleasure as jets of cum shot deep into her, both of us stifling the sounds of our intense pleasure. I could feel every inch of her as we slowly stirred her hips around my cock, quietly lifting her self up and down my shaft as we came down.

It felt like our collective orgasm kept going and going, neither one of us wanting to break away and take a breath of post-coital air.

But we had to take a break. We had to clean up. We had to find a way of covering our public indiscretion up before this clip was over. How long had it been? No fucking clue.

Suddenly, Bella hopped off my cock and pulled her sweatpants up, both of us knowing her underwear would be drenched in cum. She got up and scurried out of the amphitheater while I quickly pulled my shorts up, fine with the fact that they would be wet and sticky. It was far worth it.

Just as Bella was returning, the clip ended and the lights came up.

She rejoined me like nothing had happened. A good actor. I looked around and no one seemed to be the wiser.

“I cleaned up!” She whispered to me, giggling.

I just stared at her, my mouth slightly agape with a smile. I just mouthed the words, “That was insane!” To her and we both laughed.

From the front of the room we heard the director say, “Peter? Bella? Care to share your thoughts with everyone?”

We looked at each other, eyes wide.

Finally, I got out “Uhhhhh…sorry, I’m still processing.”

We laughed.
