This is a true story of a [F26] woman my wife [45F ] and [44M] I met on reddit, includes; waterboarding, bdsm, ffm and even getting dessert.

This is a couple years ago but worth retelling.

We have posted before regarding our meetups with dark unicorns (a woman seeking a threesome with a couple, in a BDSM context). It has been asked that we update as we do, we have had a few forays that went undocumented but this one we just had to put to pen so to speak. It’s long, no apologies. I give advice throughout it, take it for what it’s worth or don’t I don’t have an agenda but there are things I wish I had known or considered when we first started. I figure I should pass on that knowledge.

First, off we are a long-married couple 14 years, MF and we are really kinky and into harder BDSM, we like submissive women, we aren’t swingers, no swapping, no munches, just the occasional woman to share and abuse together additionally we tend to play with the same woman for an ongoing relationship. We are into fitness and on the attractive side, my wife is simply put; stunning, I am slightly above average if only because I keep fit and dress well not through any genetic gifts.

So, we had posted one of our Reddit ad’s, they are easy to find on our profile, in summary, they are incredibly detailed and even have a FAQ a bit of humor and are concise in what we are looking for. We think that is important. This last time we got a good number of responses we filtered out the ones that are one word or something dumb like ‘let’s fuck’. Move on through them and chat with a few, filter out some that do not really match well. It’s a very physical thing and if you aren’t attracted or have some characteristic that isn’t acceptable you need to politely move on, if you’re just starting out as a couple, don’t settle for something that isn’t going to do it for BOTH of you.

So, the woman we met replied and wrote a very in-depth original message, covering her thoughts and feelings on most of the things in our post, where she’s from a bit of her background, kinks of course, but personal stuff just telling us about her. This shows a few things, she is likely a real person, she was detailed and read our post, most catfish are lazy, and won’t and she had some humor which matters to us a lot.

We started chatting on KIK, we verified, no issues, went over basic stuff. We did a video chat, my wife liked her, and the pics matched her. She was a bit nervous but it’s to be expected. It’s hard via, video chat to really vibe, so if it’s not perfect at first give things a chance.

Here is the thing, most of the women we have met are not vixens or in the sex scene, so if you expect a woman just because she wants a CNC/BDSM scene to be slutty and begging you to destroy her like she is a pro in a porno, you are likely headed for disappointment. We were not and she didn’t we liked the bit of shyness. Moving forward let’s give her a name, let’s call her W.

So over the next week, we talk and message the three of us we communicate a lot, getting to know her chatting almost daily answering questions, making as sure as possible we will get along. It’s a relationship, remember that and all relations need to be nurtured, this is the same you get out what you put in. After a good while we all decide let’s meet, we bought her a ticket to come fly in she lives a few states away. So, there is some financial risk, but you gotta roll the dice in life, nobody who never plays wins.

W fly’s in we were in communication often and we picked her up at the airport, it’s noteworthy that she is much younger, were in our 40’s she in her, mid 20’s. We were waiting and I greeted her at the arrivals took her bag and hugged her, she looked adorable, dressed conservatively she is fit and cute, big eyes and a perfect little nose, I daresay better than the pics, which is another thing I would recommend, don’t send someone filtered pics, send good pics sure, but honest pics, if you’re going to meet don’t set yourself up for failure. If they don’t think you’re attractive the real you, you aren’t going to trick them into fucking you and you made the whole thing uncomfortable. That said she looked great, if she liked me or didn’t I couldn’t tell, I tend to not be photogenic but she looked uncertain. I figured she may be nervous and who could blame her? But I smiled said I was glad to see her and tried to be as non-threatening as possible. I’m a dom, yes, but that definitely doesn’t mean you need to be a douchbag, and being a gentleman in most aspects of your life doesn’t mean you can’t be rough when it’s required.

We walked to the car where my wife was and she got out and greeted W with a warm hello and a hug. I noticed W didn’t really reciprocate with her either, my wife as previously mentioned is gorgeous and sweet, so I figured perhaps the standoff-ish behavior was a character trait or related to nerves.

It was late, already 10 pm so we drove to our house, we made small talk about Cleveland and when we arrived, we attacked her immediately.

I’m kidding, that may happen to some of the success stories, but its just not how we do things, so we showed her around, introduced her to our dog. We feel a clean home says a lot about the owners and builds comfort, we showed her the guest room, my wife had prepped a little gift bag, some snacks and water, cookies, and we all then sat in the living room and chatted. I reiterated how I wanted her to feel comfortable and that there was Zero obligation on her part to do anything at all with us. It would suck if she came all this way and decided not to play, but we wouldn’t want her to feel obligated, so we really wanted to be clear about it. Nobody owes you anything, if you buy a woman a meal, its because you chose to do so she doesn’t need to fuck you for it, same with a plane ticket.

It was now past 11 the everyone had worked all day, and both women were looking sleepy, we decided to call it a night, No sex, we all just went to sleep. Gentlemen, I can’t stress this enough if you look thirsty it’s just pathetic, women know you want to fuck them, but if you’re desperate it rarely attracts them, just be calm things will happen. (Good advice for all dating BDSM or otherwise) If you have two women that watch you tripping yourself because you are eager to fuck them both you may very well end up only fucking yourself. We told her goodnight and retired to our room, her in the guest room.

The next morning, I took a shower and then made the women breakfast and brought it upstairs so they could eat in bed, I do this regularly for my wife, she is my queen and I will treat her as such. W was surprised when I knocked on her bedroom door and asked her to come join us in our room for breakfast if she wanted, the option was hers or she could eat it in the guest room.

She came over got into our bed and we all ate, eggs, bacon, bagels and coffee. My wife asked W to show her the tattoos she had, a good excuse to get close and touch her skin a bit. We then sat in bed watching Netflix, I don’t recall the show we were talking and the subject got to sex and kinks. I told W we both think you’re beautiful and would like to move forward with things, discussed safewords, and I said ‘If you’re in agreement why don’t you meet me downstairs.’ In a bit. She said yes a bit of trepidation in her voice.

1st session:

About ten minutes later, I heard her quietly approaching down the stairs. I asked her if she remembered the safe words, she did, yellow- slow down, red- full stop. I grabbed her firmly and pushed her against the wall, kissed her roughly, and then told her, she was a slut for coming to our house and never complimenting my beautiful wife. I had her strip, a delight I admit, a thin waist, round ass, great breasts, and I can’t help but restate how damn cute she is, why is the innocent look so sexy to me? We can break this down on a different forum, okay sounds reasonable.

I put my fingers inside her soaked pussy, she had gotten a Brazilian wax the day before and was smooth, which I like. I then put those fingers into her mouth.

“You’re whore, you’re soaked.” I slapped her face, she nodded big eyes looking scared. She was trembling, full disclosure, she looks so sweet and is so soft-spoken I was feeling guilty, but this is what we all agreed to in many discussions. So, I pulled her hair and bit her neck, I mean I wouldn’t want to disappoint. She had mentioned that previous boyfriends hadn’t been rough enough or felt guilty if they were rough, she wanted someone who was going to push her, but I was seeing their side of things she’s adorable, and it is really hard to go very rough on someone that looks so sweet. That said, she didn’t respond to our post because it said we would go light she knew well what we are about, deep breath in, follow through I reminded myself.

“Fucking whore.”

I slapped her then asked her to affirm for me what she is,

“what are you?” she squinted defiantly, jaw tightening, not loving the idea of admitting it, or vocalizing it. This had been discussed as it all should be, don’t surprise your partner with something talk about it so you don’t get surprised by ruining the whole thing with something that is off-limits.

I slapped her face.

“What are you?”

“I’m a whore.” She replied, without conviction.

‘You are a whore. Tell me again, what you are, this time like you mean it!” I growled pulling her dark auburn hair tensing and pressing my body against her naked body as I did.

“I’m a whore.” She replied with ever so slightly more gusto but still not enough to convince.

“A fucking dirty whore, is what you are.” I slapped her face and pulled her hair. “-say it.”

“I’m a dirty whore.” She muttered, to which I bit her neck and slapped her face harder.

“Say it like you mean it.”

“I’m a dirty whore.”

We repeated this perhaps ten times.

I grabbed her throat pressed her against the wall and choked her, while I rubbed her clit with my other hand.

“Tell me what the fuck you are!” I hissed.

“I’m a whore.” W said, still not quite believable but getting closer, we repeated and then I mixed slapping her and stimulating her with the same hand while keeping her pinned to the wall and slightly choked with the other. (If you don’t know how to choke someone, look it up, it seems simple but there are differences between choking someone to cut off the blood flow and choking someone that will injure the windpipe)

“You’re not learning whore, but you are lucky to have found two people patient enough to teach even a stupid little whore like you to behave like a decent human being, aren’t you lucky?”

I pushed her legs apart and slapped her pussy, she gasped not expecting it.

“I asked you a question whore, aren’t you lucky?” I accentuated it with a series of facial slaps.

“Yes, I am lucky.” She replied, averting her eyes from me.

“Spread your legs,” I commanded, and she did.

I slapped her pussy, making her count each time I struck her and thank me. She was good with this, but there was a button, there, when she was made to affirm things something that twisted in her.

Bondage is odd because you want to push those limits, take your partner to an edge they likely haven’t been to before, but not over it, just right to the line where they are looking down at the fall, scared but not falling, because you as a dom own them that, you’re not supposed to hurt them, and if you think you pushed too hard stop and let them know you won’t do it again, then don’t.

Learn and be intuitive. If you do go too far and you have to stop, and that means you won’t get to abuse someone or get to fuck for a while, then that’s the way it is, take care of your sub, you overdid it, you weren’t reading her, and even if that wasn’t the case and she just didn’t communicate well, that sucks but be a decent person, and take care of her hold her and let her know that wasn’t the intention. If you’re a sub and your dom won’t do those things, it’s not healthy, find someone who will meet those needs and who values your wellbeing and doesn’t just see you as a toy to break.

I digress, I go on tangents at times. Well anyway, I recognized something was there but hadn’t put my finger on it quite yet, well in a manner of ideas anyway.

I grabbed a buttplug, pulled her over the workout bench and lay her across my lap, stuck the plug in and began spanking her. Her skin is porcelain white, and her ass was perky and perfect, I made her count for me each hit, when she failed or didn’t say it loud enough she got additional strikes.

I then forced her to her knees in front of me, pulled out my cock and slapped her, face.

“What are you?”

“I’m your whore.” She looked away.

“don’t look away, look me in the eyes and tell me what you are.” I slapped her across the breasts and face.

“I am a whore.” She said quivering slightly, body still shaking. I slapped her. “Open your mouth”

I deep-throated her until she gagged slightly, pulled out slapped her face.

“What are you?”

“I’m a whore” W replied without eye contact.

I slapped her, “look me in the eyes, and tell me what you are.”

“I’m a whore.” She said hesitantly.

“Whose whore are you.”

“I’m your whore.” She said, without influx, she stared defiantly.

I slapped her breasts and face, then throat fucked her again, repeated degrading her. It wasn’t quite working she was resisting.

Another rant, subs often do this, they want to submit but may not know what really does it for them, as a dom that doesn’t mean just beat them until they come around. You need to push them, find out what gets them down or up, what works and what doesn’t.

I figured it out with W, I will cover it later in the story. DON’T just go incredibly hard, its not the point to just overpower them they want someone to dominate them, not a cagefighter to just beat them, know the difference, break them through attrition and efficiency NOT brute strength, there’s a big difference between a dom and a brute. You can go hard, but the idea is never just to hurt her so bad she’s fucked up. It’s really basic but I feel it needs to be said.

“When we see my wife you will tell her how beautiful she is and try not to fuck it up,” I told W, as I pulled her hair.

“I will tell her.” She replied, exhaling as I bit her neck.

“Go upstairs.”

I tied her hands using a rope forming a Texas handcuff, a favorite tie of mine and we began up towards the bedroom.

My wife was waiting for us, whip in one hand, wearing black panties and matching bra, her tight midriff exposed cleavage showing. She smiled, I like the mix of wickedness and glee in that moment, sexy, the definition of it for me, sexy.

I forced W against the wall and did something I have done before, put pennies under her fingers forcing her to hold them to the wall and not drop them.

My wife whipped her while W counted each lash that reddened her ass. Then the strikes moved to her pussy from behind. At some point, we put a vibe in her and we took turns whipping and varying the speeds of the vibe.

W forgot to tell my wife how beautiful my wife was, and I slapped her face when I turned her from the wall,

“Put your hands up, you forgot to compliment your mistress.”

I could see the frustration in her eyes, she is like that, striving to be perfect but this is designed to be impossible, sensory overload forces you to forget things.

“She looks beautiful, the most beautiful thing ever, a goddess a piece of art.”

“She is, but you waited too long.” I slapped her again.

I will admit I was impressed with the art comment, but I couldn’t show it so we attached breast suction cups and whipped her some more, then moved her to the bed, and tied her down spread eagle.

We got a new toy for this session, its called a social distance wand zapper, and I love it for BDSM, its enough to sting but not going to hurt too bad, in most places. You see where its leading…

We pressed the zapper to her butt at first and zapped her, then moved over her body.

You can press the button a short zap or keep it held down to give a prolonged sting. At first we started with short zaps on the breasts, then moved to directly on the nipples.

“count for me whore, a count of two, are you ready?” she didn’t reply, so she was zapped perhaps three times in rapid succession, alternating nipples. She writhed in pain and breathed out rapidly.

“Are you fucking ready to count?” I said grabbing her by the throat and pressing the want to her breast.

“Yes, Yes! I’m ready.” She squealed, I slapped her and then counted down from three, and pressed the button holding it for a full second, I wanted to go longer but I couldn’t.

she shrieked and eventually told her she was going to take ten more zaps or five more and one to the pussy.

She chose five and one to the pussy I zapped her ass five times then, and I pressed it to her opening her up to make contact with her clit,

“Are you ready whore?”

“Yes.” She stammered.

I made her count down from 5, when she got to 1 I said it was too fast and to count again slower, I could see the anticipation of it was killing her, she counted slowly now

“five, four, three, two, one…”

I pressed the button. Her body jumped from the jolt and her mouth opened with a silent shrill. I put the wand away for the moment. That was rough, and she did well, rewarding behavior is called for.

My wife pet her head, and we made sure she was okay, we gave her some water, she hadn’t used a safeword but subs will do things in the moment and we like her and the idea of her hurting isn’t something we want. So we broke scene for a moment.

“Are you good, do you want to keep going?” my wife asked, kissing her gently.

“Yes, I do,” W replied.

So we did, my wife put the strapon and we took turns fucking her, then we did a DP which is fun, but a bit difficult, strapon technology has some room to improve and the shaft will slide out.

We ended this afternoon by going down on W until she came and then I fucked her long and hard while my wife slapped her and choked her.

At one point I had gotten her to the sweet spot slapping her face, biting her, pulling her hair and making her tell me she was a whore, she had lost her resistance and began to gutturally spat.

“I am your fucking whore, I’m a dirty slut, I am your fucktoy painslut, I want you to hurt me!” I slapped her and choked her alternating with my wife’s strikes while fucking her hard.

“What are you? Whose are you?”

“I am your fucktoy, use me like a whore, fuck me, I deserve it, I’m your slut!” she said writhing.

I did, we did, until she convulsed violently in one of the more alarming orgasms I have seen, I liked it of course.

When we were sure she came, I fucked her at my preferred finishing rhythm and pulled out and blew it in her mouth.

We stopped then, cleaned up, things were messy, lube all over, cum, sweat, bodily fluids and we all sat in bed for a while, holding onto W but she seemed to be fine.

She went to get cleaned up after a bit.

I went to her room afterward and moved towards her to hug her, she hugged me back halfheartedly.

“No, do it better, like you mean it.” I said, not my dom voice, we weren’t in session, W looked at me “I don’t do hugs usually.”

“You will with me.” I said, she nodded, those big brown eyes meeting mine.

I embraced her and pulled her close and she pulled in tight, it felt good, in my mind she enjoyed it too, but I’m a guy and we fill in the blanks with what we like. But she liked it, I just know.

I still hadn’t figured out what it takes to break her, we would just not that day.

Everything that transpired was done before 1pm so we had a full day ahead of us we decided to show W the city and took her to the Flat’s in Cleveland. We had lunch, the girls had drinks then dessert. You’re probably thinking we got kinky again that evening, not the case though.

We just had some good conversation, W is well-traveled and likes to joke, so we enjoyed her company just talking. We all went home after lunch my wife was tired, I would say beat but you know that wasn’t the role she had.

We all took a nap, separate rooms wife and I ours, W in the guestroom. When we woke W and I played few board games, I love board games and she is smart, and though she hadn’t played that particular game she was apt and played to win. It was during this that I inadvertently discovered something.

“We both think you’re so pretty and my wife absolutely adores you.” I said as W was pondering a game turn. She looked down and shelled up tensing noticeably, she was super uncomfortable with being compliments and though she’s really sweet and pretty, it clearly bothered her to hear it. Something was there.

Saturday night, we played an escape room game, we lost and it wasn’t the greatest but all of us hanging out was nice and that’s the point of board games, the time passed with friends is enjoyable not necessarily the game you play.

We said goodnight and that was that, separate rooms and off to bed.

Sunday morning- I should preface this by saying that when we originally posted we mentioned we would like to find someone that would like to be waterboarded. Its Hardcore and we doubted someone would take us up on it but you don’t get what you don’t ask for. W said she was interested she brought it up a few times prior to traveling out and it was decided she was going to do it. I had prepped for it, I bought a board.

Breakfast, this time pancakes, eggs, fried spam and bacon. We ate and then asked her if she was sure she wanted to go through with things and she affirmed she did indeed. I readied the room downstairs, a wooden board with eyehooks to secure someone to it and a blow-up pool.

My wife and I got ready and I went to the guest room, asked W if she was ready and when she said she was we went downstairs and I kissed her gently, stroked her hair back and checked again to see if she was having second thoughts.


Session #2

I took off her clothes, no harsh words, not rough that was coming but this didn’t need to be, I wanted her to remember that I wasn’t going to try to kill her, that I was someone she could trust to push her farther than she had ever gone. I secured her to the board, feet elevated, and her head lowered into the empty blow-up pool. I gave her a squeaker to hold to use as a safety alarm if she couldn’t speak.

My wife came down the stairs that devil’s grin on her perfect lips, her dark hair pulled back she glowed.

We started slow, a cloth over her face, no water just to get her used to it, my wife used a vibe on W, briefly.

We added water, only a bit and we vibed her to intensify the experience. She gasped as water poured over but didn’t tap out, I counted down starting low 5 seconds at first, then 7 then 10.

“Five seconds, four, three,” she struggled but I pulled the cloth tight and held her in place and kept pouring. “Two, one.” I removed the cloth she gasped and sat up but her hands and feet were secure.

My wife pleasured her orally and I forced W back down, to a supine position, I began to ramp up the scene slapping her and pouring water over her face for longer durations, each time. Forcing her to gasp, but still not breaking.

So, I upped the level, each time I took the cloth away, I made her affirm to me “What are you?”

“I’m your fucking whore.”

“What else?”

“I’m your slut, your fuckwhore!”

“I don’t fucking believe you.” I pushed her back down less time to recover now and pulled the cloth over her face she gasped, and I poured the water, while my wife used a vibe or her mouth the stimulate W.

Up to 15 seconds of water being poured over, then slapped forced back down and made to affirm.

“What the fuck are you?”

“I’m your slut, your dirty slut, cunt to fuck and use.” She said, now she was beginning to tremble small tears starting to form, we had asked her before if she wanted to be brought to tears and she was clear that she did, but it’s hard as a dom since I like her. My wife likes her too and this is hardcore even for us. But she wasn’t quite there. Then I had an epiphany.

We kept her secured and started to use the zapper mentioned earlier, “do you want this, do you deserve it?”

“I do, I’m a worthless whore, a painslut, hurt me!” She screamed as we zapped her.

We did it repeatedly, in longer zaps holding it to her breasts she screamed so much I thought the neighbors may hear, 2 seconds on her ass she writhed and tried to pull away but couldn’t. Then to her pussy, I thought it had gone too far but she kept it together after a howling yell.

Then we changed the game a bit, with the idea that had been brewing.

“You’re beautiful!” I said, “do you know that?”

My wife picked up on it “you are so sexy, you are pretty, tell me your pretty!”

W opened her mouth, but no words came out, tears were flowing, I slapped her face and breasts.

“Tell her!” I commanded.

“I’m pretty! I am beautiful!” she said but there was a definitive cry in her voice, now tears were running.

“You are, you’re pretty and you need to know it!” I said.

“I am pretty!” She screamed after we shocked her breasts and pussy one more time.

“Say it, tell me you’re pretty.” I hissed.

“I am pretty.” She stammered this time her body shuttered as she cried.

I don’t know why but the forced affirmation of admitting she was pretty was something that really pushed her to the edge.

We paused, held her and checked on her then began again.

“I want to try to fist you.” My wife said, she has wanted to do so to a woman but never been able to so far with any partner, W is small and tight so I really wasn’t optimistic.

My wife started to finger her and kept adding fingers in until most of her hand was getting in up to the knuckles.

We spent a long time, working her hand in, more and more but it seemed it wasn’t going to happen.

I told W don’t overdo it, but she said keep going. We went slowly taking time, lots of lube and working my wife’s small hand into her. It would not go all the way and we were going to stop.

“No, don’t stop. I need to do this, I need you to ask me why?” W said, I was confused but did.

“Okay, why do you need to do this?”

“Because I know you both want to and I want to give you something you want.”

I didn’t know what to say, so I kissed her face, her eyes were staring off at the ceiling but her jaw was set and determined.

“Okay baby,” I said, yeah I dropped out of the role but it happens.

“You come to me.” My wife said, not wanting to force her hand in deeper, for fear of hurting W.

W groaned but slid her hips towards my wife eventually taking her entire hand inside with a moan that was both sexy and scary. I was crazy turned on this whole thing was wild.

I licked her clit, as my wife fisted her, I think she came at that time, I could be wrong.

My wife fisted her for a while then stopped and pulled out slowly and carefully.

We stopped she was crying, and we undid the restraints and pulled her to her feet, and hugged her she didn’t resist this time.

We went upstairs, gave her a drink, made sure she wanted to keep going. She did.

We tied her up again to the bed now and used sounding rods on her peehole to and then brought her to orgasm by licking her. Then I began to fuck her, and my wife rode her face, she had wanted to taste her mistress and finally got to, and she wasted no time bringing her to orgasm.

My wife sadly is like a guy in that respect once she comes she’s done and its like make me a sandwich and give me the remote, but she really likes to watch me fuck so she encouraged me to really fuck W. I did, hard long, and rough, choking her, pulling her hair and we untied her and she wrapped into me incredibly hard, tears flowing from overwhelming emotion and overstimulation. She had been drydrowned, fisted, shocked, slapped, bitten, degraded, rode, and tormented and it was starting to break her.

“You need one more, shock.” I said reaching for the zapper, she shook her head ‘no’

“You need it, one more,” I said but it was a, question, not a command.

She hesitated, I was in her, and I forced her to look into my eyes, “one more.”

She winced, then nodded.

“I need you to say it.” I spoke quietly face to face, not gyrating but I was deep inside her.

“Yes, one more.” She affirmed.

“Good girl,” I said and resumed fucking her for a few more strokes.

I then put the zapper on her clit, while fucking her.

“Are you ready?” I said thrusting, my wife was biting her nipples.

“Yes.” She spoke.

I fucked her then pressed the button for a long one-second discharge, I could feel the pulse through her on my cock, she screamed, I dropped the rod and pulled her close she wrapped herself around me digging her nails into my back I made her eyes look into mine, I finished.

Twenty minutes later, we were all laying in bed, W had gone to the bathroom to pee and came back and was in the bed between us naked a sheet over her legs. She looked at my wife and said,

“When I walked out to the bathroom, I saw myself in the mirror and I said you know what, I am pretty.”

I don’t know why but my wife and I both could have cried at that odd moment it felt so honest, I cuddled W so tightly and my wife slid in we held her so tight.

“You are so pretty.” My wife said, I knew she meant it, she was right, W is pretty, we felt so protective at that moment, It was one of those times where you’re like ‘who made you feel unpretty’, we will hurt them.

It was an intense weekend, the story is all true, but there was a lot so I may have missed details or put something out of sequence. It was all consensual and discussed beforehand at length. I hope if you’re into BDSM this helped in some way, we really had a great time and I hope it came through that we care for our sub and think it makes the experience all the better if you do.

We look forward to seeing her again, she is great fun in the bedroom and out and we both have a crush on her.

Most importantly W is a real woman, she’s adorable, unassuming and sweet, and she is really pretty, and we would hurt anyone who made her feel otherwise.
