All About Her Part 4 [M18-F41] [Cuckolding]

Once Sid went in and shut the door I could visualize what he’d most likely been dreaming of awaiting him somewhere in that house. As I dried and put away the tea dishes I knew by now she would most likely be already giving him the ride of his young life along with all the trimmings. True to form she’d do her best to drain every ounce of cum he could generate and wouldn’t return home until he was unable to continue.

I popped a couple of sausage rolls into the crisper knowing she would probably be famished from the “workout” when she made her way home. I then cracked open a Pilsner, headed for my upstairs office and buried myself in work. When I finally completed my reports and handled a slew of emails I realized I had lost track of time. It was well after midnight and Mags hadn’t returned. I grabbed my phone and saw she had sent me three messages.

The first was a photo of herself from the neck down reclining on a bed naked save for her sexy black lace g-string.
The second was a quick note letting me know they had had a great time getting to know each other and they were taking a break after round one. She snapped the picture when he left to get her some water. She said she would give me all the juicy details when she came home.
The third was short and to the point. As of an hour ago he wasn’t close to being finished with her and not to wait up.

It caught me off guard a bit. I had expected this to be a wham bam kind of tryst. A boy blowing his load quickly and, perhaps after 20 minutes or so, a repeat performance lasting a bit longer was what I had anticipated. This was something else. There was little else for me to do but go on about my business getting ready for bed and sleep. I knew Mags would be home soon and regale me with all the details of her neighborly, teenage, sexual conquest!

I was up at five (my usual time) and, as my wife hadn’t returned as expected, I began my day solo. I brewed my first pot of Earl Grey and let it steep. I opened the kitchen blinds and though it was still pre dawn I could make out a figure leaving Sid’s back door and heading toward ours. I was suffering a momentary flash of jealousy in the same way I had when she went out on fuck dates with strangers. It was different. This was uncomfortably close. He was right there all the time. Then the flash was over. Here she was returning to me. I was her center. We were dedicated to each other in all the ways that truly counted. We were among the 50% with a successful 25 plus year marriage. Sex was just sex, primal and viable between consenting adults without the requisite adherence to society’s restrictive guardrails. We are honest with each other and both our needs are met to our mutual satisfaction…so far.

Mags came in the door and straight on hugged me, kissed me and apologized for not sending me any warning that she would be there this late. She asked to have a shower before she fills me in on her night. “There are some things that happened I didn’t expect and we need to talk about them, Luv.” I nodded ok and asked, “Are you happy about the experience?” Mags smiled and said, “It was more than I ever imagined it could be” and headed upstairs to shower. She stopped at the top step, looked back, winked and said, “So…are you coming?” That’s my girl I thought as I quickly followed her aloft.



  1. This is getting hot!! (I do want to hear how Mags explained away being there all night?)?

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