Lights Out! [M29, F29] [Edging] [Blowjob] [Biting] [Softcore]

The lights flickered. The tv they had not actually looked at in 10 minutes flashed off. They both sat with their feet on the coffee table, staring at their phones. One of her legs casually draped over his. At the first flicker their eyes darted up, then looked at each other.

“Was it supposed to be this windy?” she asked. The lights went out again and did not come back on. Her phone disconnected from the internet it refused to load the article she was so close to finishing.

“I didn’t think it was going to be this bad, but you never know. It is New England” he replied, pushing back one of the curtains to look outside. The sun set hours before but the streetlight illuminated the blizzard outside. The snow blew in drifts down the sidewalk and covered the cars so they were almost invisible.

They put their phones down for the first time in a couple hours. She leaned her head against the back of the couch and looked at him.

“No lights, no internet… whatever will we do with ourselves” she grinned.

“I can think of a couple of things” he replied. His arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss. The day had been leisurely, they hadn’t dressed or gone out at all. Most of the day was spent in that very position, waiting for the predicted storm. The streetlight cast just enough of a glow through the half open curtains that they could see each others faces in shadow.

needless to say they were well rested bordering on restless, if the sudden movement in his pajamas was any indication.

“It’s going to get cold down here pretty quickly” She said, feeling his hands under her shirt.

“what do you recommend?” He asked, pulling her t-shirt over her head. Her nipples perked at the rush of cool air. He took one in his mouth and slowly flicked his tongue. She moaned, He pressed his hips harder against her, she could feel him now.

“upstairs…” she gasped. She tried to wiggle free but he held her close, pinning her to the couch with one hand while the other slowly caressed her chest, finger tips moved slowly down her torso and slid gently under the waistband of her leggings.

“you sure?” he asked “seems pretty warm in here right now”

“yeah” She sighed, his fingers pressed into her clitoris gently. Her hands moved to the back of his neck, pulling him closer, kissing him deeply.

He gently moved his kisses to her jaw bone, her chin, her neck and down. He nibbled at her collarbone and she could feel her body begin to melt into his, losing all sense of time, place and falling deeper into the moment. He sank his teeth into her neck and she gasped with pleasure, his fingers moving against her faster, he sucked gently on her nipple… another moment and she would be there.

And then he pulled away, grinning mischievously. Her eyes fluttered open.

“excuse me?” she asked through the fog of pleasure in her brain.

“you’re far too easy, you know that?” he teased

“easy? Me?” she laughed and flipped the dynamic. She pushed him down on the couch and straddled him. His eyes grew wide. “I’ll show you easy”

She tugged his shirt off, running her hands over his chest. He sighed, clearly enjoying himself.

She ran her hands gently, caressingly down his torso, to the waistband of his pants and slowly slid them off, releasing him, in all of his glory. She bit her lip and looked up at him. She gently caressed him with the tips of her fingers, slowly stroking up and down. She could feel him pulsing with anticipation, but she was going to take her time. She wanted him to work for it.

She bent over and caressed him with her mouth, gentle kisses up, flicked the tip with her tongue, and back down. Her hands running over his hips and holding him here. He placed a hand on her head, wound his fingers into her hair and tried to push her down but she held firm and said “not yet, my love”

She teased him and she could tell he was yearning for more. She enjoyed the feeling. She slowly lowered her mouth on to him and he moaned with pleasure. Her eyes darted up to look at him, his eyes flicked down at her for just a moment and she watched his face the moment she took him in her mouth, his eyes rolled back in his head. She loved that moment.

Her mouth moved faster, she took him deeper in and he writhed in pleasure. He was close, she knew it.

At the soft, wet noise of her taking him out his eyes flickered open.

“and you said I was easy…” she trailed off and sat up to straddle him. She guided him in and their hips began to move in unison, faster, they both wanted it, they needed it. The heat built in the room, sweat glistened on his forehead and her breath came faster. She could feel how wet she was as his hands moved her hips further up and down to make that beautiful, wet, smack together that both drove them wild.

She arched her head back, pressing down harder on him, feeling him inside her, grinding against him.

By the light from the street he could see her face, she was close, he felt her clench around him, she was warm, wet and welcoming, It was all he could do to hold on while she finished.

She let out a loud “oh my god…” as she finished and that was all he needed. His body convulsed with pure pleasure, and they sat for just a moment, basking in the warmth they created in the room.

The lights were out, but the heat was turned all the way up.

They both breathed heavily as she slowly extricated herself from their entanglement. Her foot hit the coffee table with a loud thwack and her face scrunched up in pain.

“you okay?” he asked, laughing. He grabbed her hand and pulled her back onto the couch, laying beside him now.

“I don’t need those toes” she replied, wiggling in closer to him, one leg thrown over his. He really was a human furnace.

“When do you think the power will come back” she asked after a few moments

“does it matter? ” he replied, and kissed her forehead gently.
