Drive-In Blues: Season Finale[ Mind Break/Hypnosis/Feminization/22M,34M]

Chapter 8: Your Wildest Dreams

Nia, no goddamnit Ian, woke up to a headache and the sound of his own voice. In a hangover induced delirium, it took him a while to realize that the tv was on in the corner. The next realization aroused and scared him at the same time.

It was Ian, very drunk and very hypnotized, reciting a mantra for the camera:

“I am daddy’s special toy
I am neither man or boy
My ass is for fucking
Dicks are for sucking
I am never going to stop
Letting daddy ride on top
My body belongs to him
And I obey his every whim…”

The mantra went on and on, somehow constantly coming up with new rhymes that belittled Ian further and further. It took him a few minutes to realize he’d been drawn in, and was mumbling the words softly.

“God damn it” he swore and jumped up. These were his final hours before master showed up. Ian needed to grab Alex and run, just fucking run until this shit wore off. Being around these people, these fucking bimbos, would only get them sucked in.

There was something cathartic about admitting to himself that he was too weak to fight the hypnosis. It was true though. At every step he had tried to stand tall and ended up on his knees. It was time to just leave town, get a new name, anything to avoid losing his mind any longer.

He needed to find Alex first. It may have been Alex’s fault that Ian was stuck like this, but goddamnit Ian wasn’t going to leave him to his fate. Alex deserved consensual hypnosis, not whatever this hell was.

Ian put on the first outfit he could find that covered the most amount of skin. Being this was Stella’s room, it wasn’t much. He was able to find a sweatshirt that was loose in a “im so cute UwU” kind of fashion. However the longest pants he could find were hotpants, barely the size of boxers and tighter then any yoga pants could hope to be.

How could a sweatshirt be so baggy yet not go down to your ass? There was an obvious answer but Ian hated thinking about it. He tried to act natural as he made his way through the halls. He couldn’t let them know, otherwise he was one trigger away from bowing before his master.

Ian shook his head. He needed to stop thinking in those terms. It gave a little buzz of pleasure everytime Ian thought of him as his master. Especially when he thought about the mantra…

Ian shook his head and wondered how long he’d been staring at the wall.

He finally found Alex in the kitchen, eating pancakes. Alex was wearing yoga pants and a crop top shirt with long sleeves. He also looked a little hungover, yet seemed to be in a good mood overall. Ian grabbed him by the shoulder and whispered “We’re running. There’s no fighting this hypno shit here”

Alex looked around nervously “Are you sure man? What if we get triggered as soon as we leave the building”

Ian gritted his teeth “We may have to limp out of here while on the edge of cumming, but for fucks sake we can’t stay. Master is coming today!”

Alex nodded. “No time like the present. How does Texas sound?”

Ian forced a grin ” A little hot, maybe northern California”

Sneaking out was surprisingly easy. Alex led the way, peaking around corners until they made it to the front door. The usual anticipation hit them before they exited, and to their surprise there was no jolts of arousal. Just a cool breeze and the morning sun.

They ran down the driveway, the taste of freedom helping them ignore their lack of shoes. Suddenly, they both heard it. A car coming down the long winding driveway that cut through the forest. Right towards them.

Ian and Alex jumped into the bushes. They were so close, Ian could almost taste it. The car passed by, a red and black Ford mustang.

“Thats masters car…” Alex whispered.

Ian looked at him “How do you know that?”

Something changed in Alex’s eyes. An empty headedness that Ian recognized as the look he had had on the TV. Before Ian could react, Alexa cooed the words “Its time to greet master Nia”

The world went black


Ian came to, completely naked. He was kneeling on the floor, bowed with his forehead against the cold tiles. Memories were vague, was he apologizing for something?

Ian fell a smell drift past his nose. He started drooling. It was sweat, smoke, something familiar. Something he had first smelled on the clothes given to him that week.

He was shaking. Like a fucking dog in heat his body wouldn’t stop quivering. Already he could see precum creating a puddle right below his dick. All of this just from a smell.

“You doing OK down there Nia?” Ian’s ears snapped to attention. That was the voice. The voice over the screen, the one that had made him this pathetic toy.

“Dont…calmedat” Ian mumbled the rest, unable to fully commit.

“What was that?” The voice chuckled

Ian felt his cheeks burn. So stupid so stupid, he should have kept his mouth shut like a good little-

Ian’s eyes widened. Fuck that. He was done. He was going to show them that he wasn’t a toy or a piece of clay. He was a man goddamnit! Ian was about to stand up when-

“Before you do anything, let it be known that the moment you look at me, you will break” masters voice echoed off the walls.

Ian froze. Of course master would do something like this. Force him into a corner.

Master continued. “Alexa, why don’t you explain to her the choice that I gave you two months ago?”

Ian wanted to shout, but could only talk softly. “Two months? What do you mean?”

Alexa giggled “Sorry Nia, but I’ve belonged to master for two months now. Remember that time I was sick for a week?”

Ian did remember, he had been worried but had decided it would be better to stay away and avoid catching it.

Alexa continued “Well that was actually the week master came over to my dorm! Oh he fucked me again and again, over and over. And then at the end of the week, he said that I could either never see him again, or be his lifelong cocksucker! And when I looked in his eyes, I just had to be his!”

Ian wanted to hit the floor “Then all of that shit about needing my help?”

Alexa chuckled “All a lie! Master saw pictures of you and instantly wanted you to be just like me!”

Ian felt…strange. “Master..wanted me?”

“Of course!” Alexa replied “He wanted you ever since he saw you!”

Ian didn’t know how to feel. It made him…happy that master had seen him and instantly wanted him. It made no sense!

Ian felt himself shaking in arousal again. “So..if I walk away without looking at master, I’m free to go?”

“Of course, but you won’t do that will you?” Alexa said.

Master chuckled “I’m not a monster. I’ve just given you a taste of your deepest desires. It’s up to you to accept those feelings”

Ian knew deep in his soul that that was bullshit. The mantra was engraved in his mind, that was meant to make this choice only go one way. The entire week was meant to rob him of all logic and masculinity. Now that he knew that, all he needed to do was stand up and walk away.


Ian kept running the scene through his head. Standing up, staring, submitting. The anticipation and arousal raced through him each time it replayed. He wanted it, God he wanted it so much.

It was like seeing two possible versions of himself. A respectable man, or a submissive toy. Suits and ties, or skirts and panties. Board meetings or cocks and cocks and more cocks…

Ian decided. He would leave it to fate. He would look master in the eye, and resist with all his might. If he succeeded, he would walk away a man, with his pride intact. If not…well then he wouldn’t really need pride anyway.

Ian stood up, looked up and stared into his masters eyes…

And fell back down to his knees. His master smirked down at him. His master looked a like the God of lumberjacks. A large man, husky but still muscular. His black beard glistened in the light, and his piercing green eyes stared down at him with the best kind of contempt. Master was holding Alexa by the back of the head while Alexa worshipped masters cock.

Masters cock

Nia crawled over, of course he was Nia, he couldn’t be anything else now. Master reached down and grabbed Nia’s hair, pulling him up off his knees. Nia whined and master chuckled “Good girl, but let’s get one thing straight. You’re *mine*. Body, mind, and soul. You chose this, so no going back”

Nia nodded quickly “Yes master”

Master dropped him. “Good girl. Now, just sit their and watch Alexa”

Nia pouted but obeyed.

Master continued “Alexa, degrade yourself for me”

Alexa crawled in front of Master with her ass towards master, head on the floor. She tore open her yoga pants, showing off her hole for him. She grinned back at him and moaned “My holes gotten too tight daddy, I need you to loosen it back uuup. Every second you’re not in me I get hornier and hornier and I feel like I’m going craazyyyy. I just want you to fuck me over and over and over..”

Alexa continued rambling about cocks while Master looked at Ian. “This is what a good slave is. Alexa is no longer a person. She is a toy. And you will be too. Understand?”

Nia nodded

“Good girl” Master said, and Nias body glowed with pride and pleasure.

“Now” Master continued “Degrade yourself for me Nia”

Nia assumed the same position as Alexa, who was still dutifully spouting off line after line of foul self degradation.

Nia could feel his masters eyes on him. On his hole, exposed and ready to be entered. He took a deep breath “I…I can’t stop thinking about it master…”

“About what Nia? Spit it out!” Master commanded

Nia felt a sharp slap on his ass, making him gasp in shock and pleasure. “I can’t stop thinking about your cock! I want it inside me hole, I want it to fuck my brain until I’m a drooling cum ridden toy!” Nia almost yelled, feeling dizzy at the admission of his feelings.

Master laughed and grabbed Nias hips. “Good girl, a few more days and we’ll have you trained like a proper slut.”

Nia felt lube being poured on his hole, and he shivered in excitement. It was finally going to happen. Master was going to treat him like a woman and breed his fuck hole until he couldn’t stand anymore.

Fingers entered Nias hole and he moaned. Girlishly of course. When was the last time his voice had gone deeper then a flute? It seemed silly that he would ever need a deep voice again.

“You ready Nia?” Master said, gripping Nias ass tightly.

Nia nodded quickly. “Yes yes God fuck yes!”

Master obliged, and slid his cock inside of Nia. Nia thought she heard a noise, a feminine cry, a long exhale of air that was not quite a scream, and not quite a moan. Something in-between, and almost angelic.

Then Nia realized she was making that noise, and it all clicked into place.

Nias tongue rolled out of her mouth as she pushed her ass against masters cock. His cock slammed into her prostate over and over, sending shockwaves of delicious feminine pleasure throughout her body. Her cock flopped uselessly around, only half hard and dripping precum all over the floor.

Master grunted and groaned like a beast, and grabbed Nias hair. He pulled her head back playfully and Nia moaned. Every thrust of masters cock he pulled her hair, increasing the sensations and making Nias mind all gooey. There wasn’t much to grab, but master would change that. Master would make Nia grow long hair and big boobs and pink lips…

Nia came, her cum squirting on the ground in bursts while she shook her hips on masters cock. She was gasping for air when master whispered “Did you think I was finished?”

Nia didn’t have time to respond as master flipped her over onto her back. She could feel her lower back being pushed into the puddle of cum. Master looked down at her and smiled, a wonderful dreamy smile that made Nia remember her mantra.

“I am daddy’s special toy
I am neither man or boy…”

Master grabbed Nias hips again and continued assaulting her hole. Nias legs wrapped around his waist pulling him closer. She loved this, she needed this. Why had she ever tried to get away from it?

“I am never going to stop
Letting daddy ride on top…”

Nia continued the mantra in between her moans. They made the sex even better. Her mind was becoming pinker and foggier and hornier all at once.

Master grabbed her wrists and used them as handles to continue thrusting into her. It felt amazing to have completely lost control. Even if she wanted to, Nia had no way to escape. She could only allow master to continue until…until…

Nia realized what would happen eventually, and shivered at the thought. She wanted masters thick hot cum. She wanted him to pump it into her until she was leaking it out of her *ears*!

Finally master started gripping her wrists tighter. His cock was getting bigger, oh god his thrusts were getting faster and faster until-

Master thrusted into Nias hole one last time, and shot load after load of cum. God it just kept cumming. Nias own cum was pathetic as it squirted up and barely reached her chest. Masters cum masters cum masters cum kept pumping and pumping until it leaked out onto the ground below Nias ass.

Master let go and Nia fell to the floor, shaking I’m the afterglow. Not a single thought in her head, just devotion to her master, and joy that she had made him cum.

Master grinned down at her. “Good girl, let’s get you cleaned up. Guests will be arriving soon”

*End of Season One*

*If you are interested in an epilogue and second season, please comment your favorite part of Drive-In Blues! I have alot of fun writing these characters, so it would be interesting to see where I could take it from here. Thanks for reading, and have a great 2023!*
