Taking a risk went better than I could have expected [FMF] Part 1

**Background: Feel free to skip to —— for the erotica**


I’m never sure if I’m attractive or not. Like most people, I go to the gym about 10 times per year, most of them in January. When I look in the mirror I figure I am average to establish a baseline and just judge everyone as either more or less attractive than me. Maybe that’s poor self-esteem talking. I have had a healthy amount of sexual relationships with beautiful women and men over the last decade, and none of them have seemed disappointed with my looks. Maybe bisexual dudes just pull really well. Maybe everyone in this city is horny and I’m just extroverted enough to help people make connections.

Either way, dating apps make me nervous. It’s not that I don’t enjoy flirting or building connections with people. I find it thrilling to get to know someone and earn their trust and respect. My problem is how quickly you can be ghosted even when you think things are going well. Obviously, people are free to look for what they want, and if that isn’t me, I wish them luck, but I just don’t like disappointing people.

A people-pleaser; I guess that’s what I am. While it may be worthwhile to bring that revelation up at therapy next month, being highly motivated to keep people comfortable and safe has proven to be incredibly beneficial for my sex life. When someone feels safe with you, I have found that they will open themselves to all kinds of fantasies and experiences that surprise both of you in the process.

Even though I have had sex in a volcano and eaten someone out at the opera, I still generally consider safety a high priority for any sexual encounter. Verifying that everyone involved has at least met and discussed boundaries in person is such a basic standard that I never thought I would have a cause to violate it. Then Violet came along happy to provide it.

I was done with work for the day and flirting with some people on Bumble (so much better than Tinder IMO) when a new match and message came up. The message said:

> I think you’re the right guy. My address is [redacted]. I’ll go to bed by 8, but the door is unlocked.”

I was stunned. While I had hooked up occasionally with people for one night stands, but I had advertised looking for a relationship on my profile, not hookups. Violet’s profile had quite a few pictures, many of which were famous vacation spots around the world: Taj Mahal, Eiffel Tower, The Grand Canyon. She was ChildFree and her bio portrayed an empathetic and witty young independent woman. She seemed smart. Why in the world would she entrust her address to a random person like that without the least bit of verification? It was definitely something that made me question her judgment.

I asked her what exactly she wanted. Why would she leave the door unlocked if she was going to bed so early?

> It’s kinda simple. I have an intruder rape kink that I haven’t been able to fulfill yet. Since I first saw your profile last week, your face comes to mind every time I fantasize about it. My room is the second door on the right. I live alone. My safe word is Mercy. Hope to feel you soon. Goodnight. 😘

Oh god. I was struck with indecision. Someone trusting me to fulfill a secret dark fantasy is about as erotic as it can be for a kinky people-pleaser like me. It was enticing. Almost too enticing. What was the catch? I could just not go. But will she just keep sending her address to random men until she gets her rapist? What if she sends it to someone that doesnt care about safe words and it becomes a truly traumatic experience?

My mind buzzed with possibilities. There seemed to be no perfect solution. If I didn’t go, I worried that someone else might abuse this situation. If nothing else, most people don’t leave their doors unlocked in the city, and for good reason. Local reports had come out of people walking through neighborhoods checking for unlocked doors and unlocked cars. If she hadn’t heard the news…

If I did go, I worried about the situation I might be walking into. I had no reason to trust this woman. She was gorgeous, to the point that I suspected it was a catfish account and if I showed up at the address I would be mugged myself.

I called Becka, a close friend, who reminded me of a time when I helped her with a similar fantasy. We dated for a little bit but enjoyed our friendship more than fucking. She was excited at the prospect of me being able to give that experience to someone else who needed it and assured me that if I didn’t check in with her by midnight, she would contact police and help them find my body.

Great, I didn’t even think about getting murdered yet.

It was 8:30 by this point and I decided to see how far of a drive I might be looking at. 20 minutes. Not too far. While I wasn’t committed to going yet, I decided a warm shower would help me either get ready to go or get ready for bed. Instead of following my usual evening skincare routine, as the hot water hit my chest, I couldn’t stop thinking about Violet. The warmth calmed my anxieties enough that my suppressed lust could arise.

She was inviting me in. Maybe I’m not a people-pleaser. I’m a vampire, waiting to be invited into the homes and hearts of whoever the next victim of my passion might be. She would be shocked as I take her, thrashing about while I hold her down or pick her up as I see fit. She may scream. She may cry. Without a safe word, those aren’t things she would want to stop my relentless fucking of her body. I could bring my rope, my handcuffs, my gag, and my blindfold. If she truly is sleeping, I could gently bind her before even waking her up. Then I could wake her with the sensation of my cock jolting her awake, and any sense of control taken from her in that same instant.

The possibilities seemed endless in one of the vaguest sexual proposals I had ever received.

I realized that I had been soaping my throbbing erection for the last 5 minutes rather than cleaning the rest of my body. It seemed settled then. I would take the risk. I would pay Violet a visit.

Getting dressed, I decided to bring my concealed carry, just in case. I grabbed a small bag for lube and a few toys then was somehow, to my surprise, driving to rape a woman I had never met.

Just because Violet asked me to rape her didn’t mean I had to. I tried to remember my own feelings in all this. If I truly didn’t feel comfortable at any point, I could withdraw my consent as well.

Around 9:30, I pulled up to a 2-story house in a quiet suburban neighborhood. Parking in the driveway seemed wrong somehow so I parked on the street. My heart was beating out of my chest and I could hear the beats when I turned off the car and sat in silence for a moment, gathering courage. The lights were off at most of the houses on this block, and I was grateful for the cover of darkness, but the porch light was on at Violet’s address. What a warm welcome, I thought.

Sure enough, the door was unlocked. I slowly opened it, half expecting someone to say “What the hell are you doing!” as I took my first steps into this unfamiliar home.

Then it hit me.

I was no longer worried about my own safety, but I realized that I was worried about the safety of the woman sleeping in the next room. What if, instead of catfishing me to harm me, I was catfished to harm someone else? All they would have to do is ensure the front door is unlocked, then they sent me directions to rape someone. If this woman were not Violet, she would not know what safeword would stop my assault.

Sweat beaded up on my forehead and I froze before I could take another step.

If they deleted their account, the messages would be lost as well, and I would have no justification for being anywhere near this home. Hell, I even had a handgun with me. I could have been set up. I could be about to send myself to prison for the rest of my life.


Just then, I heard something. A sigh? A gasp? No. A moan. I crept past the first door and then noticed a faint light under the door of the second room. The same one I was told to find Violet.

Again. Moaning. Someone was watching porn in that room. It couldn’t be a coincidence. I put my hand on the doorknob, took a couple deep breaths, and twisted. The door swung open, silent as the grave, to reveal a dark bedroom. A laptop was sitting on a dresser playing a series of porn videos on autoplay, and by its light I could make out what immediately caught my eye: a half-open palm with long dark fingernails. On a queen bed in the center of the room, a smooth and exposed arm were attributable to a woman lying on her stomach with her face turned away from the door. Her hair was dark and wavy, mostly covering her shoulder but leaving enough exposed that I could tell she was not wearing a shirt.

Given how intense I found the situation, the video became distracting from this sleeping beauty, and I muted it. The light was useful though in slowly unwrapping my present as I uncovered only portions of her body from under the blankets at a time, hoping that this gradual transition would keep a sudden rush of cold from waking her.

This certainty was the woman in the profile I saw. What I didn’t see from her public profile was just how enticing her naked body truly was. Her back was nearly free of blemish, with a few moles by her right shoulder blade that looked like Orion’s Belt on this blank canvas. I thought about how her back might look with a few good welts on each flank. Maybe if she was a good girl I would give them to her. I traced my finger along one of the ridges alongside the valley of her spine and as I made my way down I noticed she had dimples just above her ass. How adorable. I could see my thumbs pressing into them as I would soon grip her hips and thrust into her.

Perhaps it’s a product of evolution, as human skulls grew too wide for the birth canal and women started dying in childbirth, I imagine our ancestors began to grow fond of women with wide hips. Violet had the type of hips that I wanted to wrap around my skull and crush it as I suck on her clit.

Maybe I would die tonight, but I would die satisfied.

Then I noticed something. Her breathing pattern had changed. Her breaths were quicker and deeper than her slow shallow breaths before. She had woken up. She knew I was here. She wanted to be taken in her “sleep” and did not want me to know that she was ready for me.

I slipped off my clothes and put on a condom. Hard as a rock, I doubted that I would ever be flaccid again. I wanted her, and I began to care less what her fantasy may have been and more about the fantasies I had in the shower. My handcuffs have metal linking them but are coated in faux fur for comfort with a snap button for quick removal. This meant there was no way she heard me grab them as her head was still faced away from me.

I could have used my leather gag, but I went with a rougher option. I needed her to know me. To know who was fucking her. As it was not the time or place for pleasantries, I decided pheromones could do the introductions for me. I walked over to her and admired the peaceful stillness of the moment before I lodged my left knee into the space between her shoulder blades, pinning her to the bed. With my left hand, I stuffed my boxers into her mouth while with my right hand I cuffed the suddenly awoken right hand. I was able to quickly cuff the left before leaning down and whispering,

“Listen cunt. We can do this one of two ways: you can either fight me, and I will punish you, or you can play along, and I may reward you with an orgasm once I’m done with you.”

Violet’s eyes flew open and she lifted her head. Her muffled scream was likely unable to be heard throughout the house even if she didn’t live alone. Realizing that she couldn’t lift her torso, she raised her ass in the air to try and get her knees under her. I took advantage of the moment to land a heavy smack on her ass which pushed it back onto the mattress.

I grabbed a fistful of that wavy hair and forced her head back onto the pillow as well. She began twisting her hips to try and turn over, still unable to see her assailant.

“Wrong choice,” I said through gritted teeth. Two more smacks came onto her ass and I realized that the slapping of my hand on her sounded louder than what was left of her screams as they became muffled sobs.

She lifted her ass while twisting it away from me and I decided to explore. I let my knee slip down to the small of her back as I pulled her ass back toward me with my left hand as my right reached over the top of her peaked ass to slide a finger between her pussy’s lips. The entrance was wet and slightly dilated but the rest of her lips were still dry. She didn’t have that much time to fantasize once she woke up. She had even trimmed hair but it was so soft that I wondered if she waxed. Her clit was easy to identify but I didn’t have much room to play with it, especially because her knees were still stuck together and she was shaking her ass any which way to escape me.

I pulled away and gave a light suck on my thumb before plunging it into her. Given the angle, my other fingers would have been able to fuck her but not much else. With my thumb, I could access the front wall of her vagina. There is plenty of clitoral tissue tucked in there for me to access as well, and she couldn’t shake me off this way with my thumb stuck inside her. I began rubbing small circles on that front wall until her thrashing slowed to quaking and her sobs went silent. After about 2 minutes of this, she moaned. Was that really enough to break her?

I heard something that sounded like a word under the gag, so I removed it.

“More,” she whispered. It sounded like an exhale with just the slightest hint of a word behind it.

“Use your big girl words, please,” I mocked.

“Please. I need more.”

I could see her face begin to flush and decided to berate her further.

“Tell me why I should rape your useless cunt?” I began losing the pressure my knee had on her back, easing my way onto the bed straddling her. I tucked her arms up in the air so I didn’t sit on them, but there is no way it felt comfortable for her.

Through her heavy sighs she quietly said, “It’s really good and. And I can’t stop from wanting you. I know I shouldn’t but I do. Please. PleAAAHMMMMM” I had reached behind me to cut her off and as my boxers went into her mouth again she seemed startled and screamed again at me. I quickly turned around and began roughly finger-fucking her with three fingers. She was almost dripping onto the sheets at this point and easily accommodated them. I stroked my cock with my other hand and thought about where I wanted her positioned when I first fuck her when I heard something I didn’t expect and couldn’t have predicted.

“Fuck Vi, that’s really hot.”

I looked up toward the open doorframe and saw another naked body. A body I knew well.

It was Becka, my ex.

What could she be doing here?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10ggibq/taking_a_risk_went_better_than_i_could_have


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