[FM] My daughter took a chance to set me up with her ex

**(Note that all names and certain details are changed to preserve anonymity).**

I’m 46, 5’7”, about 130lbs, pretty well toned for my age, with brown eyes, black pixie cut hair and fake 34D tits.

There’s a nude beach not too far from my home. Sometimes when the weather is nice I will take a day off from work and drive up there, either by myself or with my husband, Spencer, if he feels like it and can take the time. Last time I did it was on a Tuesday during the summer.

I called the office to tell them I wouldn’t be in, threw on a bikini and a coverup, gathered some things together and hopped in the car. Spencer was too busy so I went by myself. I arrived at the beach nice and early.

The nude part is about a 20 minute walk along the regular beach from the car park, behind a protruding cliff. I got there and it was quiet, only a few scattered people here and there, which probably meant the nudist part would be almost empty, which was ideal.

I enjoyed my walk along the regular beach, until I was almost at the cliff, when I heard a voice call, “Hey, Mrs. Moretti!”

I turned around and saw Blake. He’s a friend of my daughters, 21 years old, 6’6”, with tight brown hair, broad shoulders, and built like an NFL linebacker. He was standing there with a grin on his face, and I got lost staring at his abs, and it took a “Hey,” from him to snap me back to reality.

“Blake, how are you?” I asked warmly. We chatted for a bit. I explained I was taking a me day, he told me he was working nights so got time to chill on the beach during the day.

We finished catching up and said “Well, it was really good to see you.”

“Wait, you’re not heading up that way are you? That’s the nude beach around there, FYI.”

I smiled, “Bye Blake.”

A look of recognition crossed his face as I turned and walked off.

I rounded the corner to the nude beach. There was one other couple there, near the entrance. I walked a bit further down, stripped naked, and hopped in the water for a swim.

I came back to my spot a while later to see the couple had disappeared, and I had the beach to myself. I laid out on a blanket and closed my eyes and relaxed.

My daughter, Alicia, had dated Blake before. I do girl talk with my daughters, so I knew from that he had a huge cock. I tried to put it out of my mind, to relax, but I was getting kinda horny thinking about it, I couldn’t stop myself.

I soon got a text from Alicia, “have fun `;)”

A short while later I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye as someone came around the corner. It was Blake. He stopped to take off his shorts, then walked up the beach towards me, his cock swaying from side to side between his legs as he walked towards me.

He stopped close to me. He was staring down at my naked body, while I stared up at his. He had a wide grin on his face. “Hey Mrs. Moretti, Alicia told me you wouldn’t mind if I hung out here. Do you?”

I sighed and shrugged, “Make yourself at home.”

Blake settled down on his back next to me as I texted my daughter back, “WTF did you do?”

She read the text, but didn’t respond.

“You’d better put sunscreen on,” I told Blake, nodding towards his penis.

“Huh? Oh yeah,” he said as he pulled out a spray bottle and covered his hips, upper thighs, and then he sprayed some on his prominent member and spent a minute rubbing it up and down the shaft, getting good coverage. I watched him work, giving an involuntary moan “mmm,” before I could stop myself.

He grinned at me, “You enjoying the show?”

I rolled my eyes, “What the fuck did Alicia tell you to do? Is she fucking with me?”

“Relax,” he told me, laughing, “I know about the arrangement you have with Mr. Moretti, and Alicia told me that you think I’m hot and you’d probably, you know, like to see me naked, and maybe have a good time?”

“And did you want to see me naked?”

“Oh fuck yeah, you’re a fucking MILF Mrs. Moretti! But I never would have come around if Alicia didn’t say it was ok.”

I sighed, and looked around. There was no sign of anyone still. I got up and walked to the cliff and peered around it. No one walking up the beach towards us. Unless one of the bathers nearby decided to come around the corner, we would have at least 10, probably 15 minutes to ourselves.

I walked back over and lay back down, and asked, “You have a condom?”

“Always,” he responded with a grin.

I reached down and rubbed up and down his cock, quickly getting it rock hard. It was even thicker now. I lay back and opened my legs. He rolled his condom down, then climbed on top of me and slid inside, easing his massive piece into my soaking cunt.

“Be quick, ok? Pound me hard!”

He got to work, ramming his hips against mine, driving his cock so deep inside me. If felt incredible, I felt so full. I did my best to suppress my moans, breathing hard, whispering “yes, yes, yes,” to him, but I couldn’t stop a scream when I came.

He didn’t let up, he kept pounding me until he came himself. He rolled off of me, he pulled off the condom and threw it in a trash bag I had, then we went for a swim to clean up.

Another couple of nudists soon arrived so we couldn’t go for round two there. We chilled for an hour, then we walked out, got into our cars and he followed me home for round two.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10flj3g/fm_my_daughter_took_a_chance_to_set_me_up_with


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