All About Her Part 3 [M18-F41] [Cuckolding]

I was in the finishing touches of getting our tea and sandwiches ready when Mags rushed in from the backyard, began stripping off her gardening clothes and called for me to follow as she headed for the shower upstairs. I gathered up her things and as I climbed the steps I began to unbuckle and unbutton in anticipation of a bit of unexpected soapy fun. But as soon as I opened the shower stall door Mags looked at me in such a way I knew I was mistaken. She smiled and shook her head as she sudsed and washed herself letting me know I wasn’t invited. She could see my disappointment and cooed that she would explain and for me to be patient. I smiled back, proceeded to buckle and button myself up and sat on our bed to wait.

She exited the shower wrapped in one towel drying her hair with another and sat sat her vanity. She began to brush her Auburn hair in long strokes, then faced me and excitedly recounted all that had transpired in the shed in minute detail. I could tell she was elated. It was if she had come to life again after being in a sexual coma for almost a full year. As I said earlier, she could always take care of my needs but hers surpassed my capabilities and we knew and accepted that within our union. So throughout lockdown most of her libidinous persona was in a medically induced coma.

I said, “So…ok…what’s next?” Mags came over and sat next to me on the bed. “I told him I would come over after tea telling you it was because I needed to help with his Uni application.” I nodded, “I see. It would be best if he didn’t know we had discussed this. We can play it like you’re crossing the line for him and I don’t suspect a thing. See how far you can take this. But I still get pictures and our rules still apply, right?” “Yes Luv, as always.” She stood and peeled the towel slowly and let it hit the floor. She sat on my lap and kissed me. I could feel the heat emanating from between her legs but when she felt me begin to rise she stood, put her hands over my lips and said, “I want his first time with me to be perfect and want it to be his cock filling me first. You can reclaim me when I come back…if you want to.” And that is where the discussion ended. She sent me away so she could get ready and told me to finish making tea.

After the sandwiches were eaten and the dishes were cleared and washed Mags pulled me into the kitchen alcove and kissed me deeply. “I love you, you know,” she said, “thank you for this.” I took her shoulders, turned her around and said, “Go on then. I have dishes to dry and then some work to finish. Text me or better yet sneak me a photo or two if you can. I’ll be waiting to hear all about it.”

I watched her crossing through the back garden as she quickly made her way to Sid’s back door. I saw him open the door and usher her inside. Interestingly before following her in, he stole a glance toward our house and saw me through the kitchen window. I couldn’t make out his facial expression, but I smiled and waved. There was a moment of indecision but he returned a weak gesture, disappeared into the house and into the waiting arms of my loving wife, Maggie.



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