The Accidental Dick Pic [M32/F32] [Femdom]

*Beware: M32/F52. Damn fucking typo. Enjoy your read.*

Yes, it happened to me. I sent a dick pic to the total wrong person. I wanted to sent one to a friend with benefits, we both were into sending each other pictures like that, but it landed on my companies CEO’s phone. As soon as I realized that I made a mistake, I tried to delete the picture. But it was too late, it already got delivered. I had more than just a small anxiety attack back then.

You might ask yourself, how an average corporate office drone got the phone number off an CEO, here is the explanation for it: I once had the honor to serve as driver for the head of the corporation I worked for. The reason for it was that the actual driver was sick. He wasn’t able to get out of bed for two weeks. So a replacement was needed. And when my boss ask who has a driver’s license, I was smart enough to lift my hand.

Then my boss asked me into his office. There he made me an offer: For some little extra money I would be the driver for our CEO until her original driver would be back from sick leave. Due the fact that I was bored in my office job, a job I wasn’t liking that much at all, I said yes. Without thinking too much about anything. Then I drove around in a fancy car for three weeks. And that is how I got our CEO’s phone number.

But back to the dick pic. After I sent it off, after I realized that I couldn’t delete it anymore, after I got a nervous breakdown, I waited. I waited for something to happen. An answer. Any answer. From “I wanna suck on him” to “You are fired.”

Everything was possible. But nothing happened. Not until the next day. I was a workday. It was a Wednesday if I remember correctly. I was working for a couple of hours when my boss came over to me. He had a very surprised, confused expression on his face: “You have been called up. To the CEO’s office. In thirty minutes sharp.”

Inner me froze. Fuck, she will kill me. She will eat me alive. She will grab me by balls and hang me up to dry. Because the head of the corporation I worked for was a tough nut. She was no one to fuck with. I saw her in action. I was more than just nervous when I walked towards the elevator. I was fearing for my life.

When I arrived on the highest floor of the building I knew my way around. I went towards her secretary’s desk and told him that I was ordered up. He nodded with his head. He looked at me from tip to toe: “So you are the pervert.”

He got no answer back on that. I only was thinking something like: “Yes, I am the pervert. I am the fucking moron that sent a dick pic to his CEO.”

He probably knew what was going on inside of me. A smile appeared on the secretary’s face. Then he guided me inside the office. He made me sit down on the big sofa sitting in front of the big windows in one of the biggest offices I had ever been in. Then he offered me some beverage. I gladly accepted his offer and asked him for some sparkling water. The secretary excused himself and came back a few minutes later.

Once he was back he told me that she, the CEO was held up in a business meeting. She would show up as soon as possible. He told me to enjoy myself while waiting. He pointed towards a wall filled with books while he told me that. But to be honest, I wasn’t in the mood for any reading. I was fearing for my job, even worse, I was fearing for my life. But I thanked him for pointing it out. Then the secretary left me alone in the office.

Unable to sit still I wandered around the huge room. I glanced at a few of the book spines. I looked at the art hanging on the walls. I looked at the pictures of the CEO herself that were standing, hanging around in the room. While doing so my mind wandered off. I was thinking about what she would do to punish me. And I honestly wondered why the entry door to her office was that heavy, probably even soundproof. Maybe because there were many secret things going on in here.

All of a sudden she stood behind me. The fifty six year old head of the company had entered the room without me taking notice of it. My mind clearly was elsewhere. She caught my attention in a very polite way: “I hope I am not disturbing you.”

A shiver went through my body. I took me some time to turn around, it took me even longer to answer her question: “No, you are not.”

A decent smile appeared on her face. Then we sat down on the sofa. Next to each other, in a ninety degree angle. Then she came straight to the point. She took out her phone, she put the picture of my hard one on the screen and shoved it into my face: “What is this?”

No need to deny anything: “A picture of my rock hard dick, ma’am.”

The smile on her face got a little bit bigger: “And why do I have something like that on my phone? Are you one of those perverts sending out random dick pics?”

I explained her everything. I explained her why she had my dick pic on her phone. A smile appeared on her face while I did. Once I was done, she nodded with her head. She seemed to believe me. But there was one thing she wasn’t believing me at all: “Is that really your dick? Not just some pic you stole off the internet?”

She asked me in a very snappy, very provocative way. She was up to something. She tried to press some buttons inside me. She was attacking m ego. And to be honest it worked. She had me. I told her that it was my dick. I ensured her that it was my dick. I got more than just emotional because of it. And she stayed at it: “I don’t believe you. Show me.”

Moments later I was standing next to her. With my pants and my boxers on the ground. Showing her my balls and my limp dick. She took a closer look at it. And she kept on going: “You can’t compare a limp dick to a hard one. It is like comparing apples with eggs.”

I knew what she was up too. She wanted me to get myself a boner. She wanted to see my hard one. So I began to play with myself. I jerked off my limp dick. I struggled to get hard. I was just overly nervous. She watched me trying. She was whipping with one of her feet while she was waiting for me to get hard. She told me to hurry up.



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