Mia: A Power Exchange Story [MF 30s][d/s][bgdd][gender roles][humiliation/degradation]

[Mia: A Power Exchange Story](https://www.wattpad.com/1302798090-mia-a-power-exchange-story-welcome)

**Part I: Mia in Training**

My thumb tapped over my screen. Chapter 11. Week two writing five thousand words a day, falling asleep to images of my characters and waking to their dialogue.

I didn’t notice the sunset fighting through the swirling silver clouds. Or that my train stopped for five minutes on the Manhattan bridge. Or the person next to me, snooping.

At DeKalb Ave, slender fingers with short, yellow nails placed a purple sticky note on my phone. The note-giver disappeared into the crowd of people leaving the train. But through the subway window, I marked her yellow nails as she turned and looked at me.

A yellow mask covered half her face. A black baseball cap hid dark hair. Her body was drowning in a yellow raincoat.

And her eyes. The color of dark sand. Set deep, sharpened by dark, heavy brows, one scarred in half. Long, fishtailed eyeliner.

The train screeched away.

“Dear Gideon, I’d like to be your Mia.” the note said.

Mia. Mia in the black, leather collar. Mia eating from Gideon’s hand. Mia cleaning dishes by hand then scrubbing the floor on her knees. Mia tied up and left on the ground for the night.

I waited until 11 PM.

*Look for directions tomorrow morning, 8 AM.*

*Daddy? :)*

*8 AM.*

*I’ll be ready. One thing though. I’m in Connecticut for the weekend.*

*8 AM.*

I couldn’t remember the last time I connected with someone knowing so little. Work? Religion? Politics? Dating goals? I knew nothing except what mattered most: she wanted to be Mia.

I waited until 8:10.

*Your task this weekend is to prove you are worthy of the name Mia. Consider yourself a Mia in Training. I will measure you three ways.*

*First, a Mia must speak and act with deference. Second, a Mia must have lust. Third, a Mia must be obedient.*

*Your rubric: 3 = Exceeds expectations; 2 = meets expectations; 1 = falls short. You’ll receive a score tonight and tomorrow night for each of the three items. You must have a cumulative score greater than 10 over the next two days to graduate to a Mia on Trial.*

She outlined her day by the hour for me. I questioned her about supplies. Did she have a red thong? No. I approved a pink one. Black leather pants? Yes. A tight white crop top? No, but a regular white tee. A choker necklace? No. A dildo? No, but her bullet vibrator would work. A spatula? Two clothespins? *Yes* and *Yes daddy.*

It was Saturday, and I had a day of chores myself – laundry, groceries, deep clean of my apartment. She would shop with her family in the morning and midday. They would go to a corn maze in the afternoon and a drive-in movie at night.

*Check in with me every step of your day. When you need to piss, eat, take a walk – if it involves a decision, if it’s a matter of agency, you need me. A Mia can’t think for herself.*

*Yes daddy.*

*You mean Daddy.*

*Oh I’m so so sorry. Yes Daddy.*

Seven minutes later – which was five minutes late – I got the first selfie. Her makeup was done the same as the day before, her eyes again stealing attention. They were matched by full, black hair, straight and reaching down to her ass. Her shirt hung off her tits, a half inch of space between fabric and belly. Her pants came up past her hips. She wore black boots with swirling brown designs.

She looked older than I’d thought – about my age, mid-thirties. Her face showed how wrinkles would settle. A wise look, the kind that suggested self-understanding and comfort in desire.

That desire, now, being me.

*Stand up taller, shoulders back*.

Another pic.

*Bring some of your hair forward, down over your chest*.

A third pic.

*Walk downstairs and keep that posture and positioning of your hair.*

*Yes Daddy*. And, *Can I piss first?*


I gave permission to use the bathroom after eating, had her put on a red jacket, and told her to sit in the passenger side back seat when she joined her family – her mom and two sisters – in the car.

At the outlet mall, she followed directions to pick out lingerie. Then to find three of the sluttiest regular outfits she could. She brought it all to a dressing room thirty minutes later.

I had gotten back from the grocery store minutes earlier and was eating my first orange slice. The strength of the taste kicked off adrenaline and excitement in the sex-adjacent way that only food can, priming me for the mirror selfies.

The first was a front view of a tight black dress that stopped maybe halfway down her thighs. There was a big diamond cutout over the belly, and her tits spilled into the opening. In the second, she turned and showed her back, which had a diamond cutout similar to the front.

*Try again. From a mirror outside the changing rooms. A Mia is a slut for Daddy in private and public.*

She had her back to me again, but this time she let her dress ride up high enough to show she had taken off her panties. The outline of her pussy was clear enough to see she had prominent inner lips. Pre-cum dripped down my right thigh as I imagined feeling her in my mouth, tasting her. I took a big bite from another orange slice.

Next, a large green winter coat. At first, she had on the black pants she’d worn to the store and was smiling – a catalog model. In the second, the jacket was unzipped, and she had shed the pants to show her pink thong. Her lips were pursed tight, cheek bones lifted as she narrowed her eyes. The jacket covered most of her left tit but little of the right, revealing a tattoo of a jaguar down that side.

*Is this a good Mia look?*

The third outfit included a skin-tight, pink turtleneck, short black jeans shorts, and a pair of thigh-high, knitted socks. I directed her to take a lap around the store, perusing more clothes while people stared at her in what was my favorite outfit so far.

*Now put the lingerie on*.

*You’re not supposed to try on lingerie, Daddy*

*Be a good Mia, and put it the fuck on! You can stay in the changing room.*

I got a picture five minutes later. It included a see-through mesh bra with a set of straps going over the shoulders. Another set of straps criss-crossed from the front of the bra down over her belly to her panties. There were flowers stitched as trim around the cups. The underwear was high-waisted with a pleated skirt attached, all made of the same see-through mesh. Flowers were stitched in, same as the bra.

*Touch yourself until you cum. If the panties aren’t wet, then don’t leave the stall. A good Mia is always ready to cum.*

*Yes Daddy. I wish you were here and could fuck me Daddy. I want you inside me.*

She apologized for expressing a desire.

A closeup pic showed moisture captured in the mesh around her pussy. *Take a picture of your pussy-stained lingerie hanging up in the stall. LEAVE IT THERE.*

She wrapped the lingerie around a hanger and left it as directed. I was stripping down for the shower. My face was still sticky with orange juice. I felt across my body, grazing around my chest, belly, inner thighs. My body felt light, and I entered the shower hard, close to orgasm.

For the corn maze, I directed her to send her family in without her so she could make a call before joining. We got on video for the first time.

“Position the phone on the console.”

“Hi Daddy.” She laughed.

“We’re not exchanging pleasantries. Position the camera. Now.”

I had her get on all fours using the back row of seats. She had to drop her pants to her knees and slap her ass with the spatula, first her right cheek three times, then the left three times.

*Slap harder. Cry out louder. A good Mia is primal. Alternate sides and don’t stop until I say.*

She continued for five minutes. I let her soften the blows a few times, then commanded her to make up for it.

It was on one of these softer blows that she flipped onto her back and pulled her pants up. I heard a knock on the window. She sat up and rolled it down.

A drawling, deep voice filled the car. “You okay? I thought I heard some yelling.”

“Oh, I’ve just been watching a movie.” She nodded towards me on the phone. “I had it connected to bluetooth – I’m sorry it was so loud.”

“Ah, okay.” He looked towards the backseat, then the front. “Well I just wanted to make sure you were alright. Have a good one.”

“Daddy, did you see how well I handled that!”

“It was very impressive, Baby Girl. I’m proud of you.” She sat back with a sigh.

I waited for a moment, studying her. She was out of breath and wore a goofy, knowing smile.

“You shouldn’t be able to sit back all comfortable like that. Assume the position again. Work your ass until it is so raw you can’t sit. Then, join your family in the maze.”

I hung up.

She messaged me from the maze and said she could hardly feel herself walking, that her ass was swollen and as raw as possible for me. A picture, taken at some turn in the maze, proved her point.

*I think the same guy that caught me in the car just saw me take that picture, Daddy.*

*I’m sure he’s thinking you’d make a great fucktoy.*

*Do you think I would?*

*I don’t know. I haven’t inspected your pussy.*

Two minutes later, she sent a video of her rubbing her clit. At the end, she dipped a finger in her pussy and showed me her wet fingers.

*I feel so dirty doing this in the maze, Daddy.*

*Did I tell you to do that?*

*Oh shit! I fucked up again. I can’t do anything right.*

*No, you can’t. Find your family and think about how well you’re representing the essence of a Mia.*

*Okay. I can’t wait to see the bruises tomorrow, Daddy. Is a good Mia bruised often?*

I searched stores in her area to find a place with a temporary tattoo kit. She picked it up between the corn maze and the movie.

During the movie, I directed her to the bathroom.

*Suck on your vibrator, then rub it over your nipples in front of the mirror.*

She checked in minutes later, saying her nipples were hard as rocks.

*Get out the clothes pins and clamp them on.*

She said it hurt too much.

*Open and close them several times to loosen them up. Try clamping more of the skin.*

*It hurts so fucking bad, but I’m going to keep them on for you.*

*Now bring the vibrator to your clit. Look at yourself in the mirror and acknowledge how perverted you are. You’ve followed directions from a stranger to go into a public bathroom, hurt yourself, and try to get off at the same time. Complete, Mia-level debasement.*

*I am so dirty Daddy. God I can’t believe you’re even considering such a slut as me to be your Mia.*

*Speak out loud: “Defile me Daddy.” Do it over and over for a full minute. I’ll time you.*

I was settling in for Netflix on my couch at this point, waiting for a load of my laundry. The moon was starting over the dim, final rays of the sunset. I was completely naked, as I believe one should be to fully enjoy a leather couch. Imagining her in that bathroom had me wanting her more than I had all weekend.

*Your minute is up. That was a warm-up. Record yourself doing it again and send it.*

I should’ve waited to start the laundry. Five minutes after she sent the video, I came without stroking my cock once.

That night, she followed my tattoo directions. *Depraved*, down her left side. *Whore*, above her pussy. On the inside of her right thigh, *Daddy’s*. Two arrows from there, one to her pussy, the other to her ass hole. *Daddy’s cum rag*, across her tits.

*Your handwriting is shit.*

*I had to write upside down!*

*No excuses. Pathetic.*

*You’re right. I’m sorry.*

*Write,* “*Slut!” all over your right thigh to practice your penmanship. Tiny letters.*

She sent picture proof an hour later. *Are you hard Daddy?*


*Will you cum for me?*

*You don’t get to ask for things. Here are your Mia Rubric scores for the day: Deference – 1. Lust – 2. Obedience – 1. Don’t respond to this text. Complete a one-page essay, handwritten, reflecting on your scores.*

[Part II here](https://www.wattpad.com/story/330050316-mia-a-power-exchange-story)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/10d8fge/mia_a_power_exchange_story_mf_30sdsbgddgender