[F] My (42F) son’s friend (M19) gave me goosebumps

My son’s friend got a good feel of my legs last weekend when he stayed back after the yoga session to watch me do a handstand. I was quite confident that he’d find an excuse to stay back this weekend too. But I didn’t want to assume anything, so I decided that on Saturday morning, I’d simply tease him and gauge his response, and then on Sunday morning, I’d stay back to *ahem* help him with some poses.

On Saturday, I was wearing shorts and a high neck sports bra that had thin criss-cross back straps. It was nothing out of the ordinary, but I dressed hotter than usual. And it had the intended effect. I could see that he was looking at me more often and I also caught the only other guy in the session looking at my back. I caught both of them looking at my legs. So, I knew I was being a tease. I don’t move around a lot during the sessions unless someone needs help. So I could not go near him. He was towards the back, further away from me, but we made an eye contact often. I also gave him a smile. After the session, he stayed back and tried to start a conversation, but I wanted to tease him some more. With my back towards him, I bent down and picked up my phone and water bottle and mat. I think he must’ve gotten a good view. I then faced him and with my hand on his arm, I said “I’m so sorry, but can we have this conversation tomorrow? I need to run today.” He said “Yeah ofcourse. I can come in earlier tomorrow if that works better for you.” I had not expected that, and with some hesitation, I said, “Sure that works.”

Later, I realized that he did not say how early he would be here. I assumed that he would be there maybe 15-30 minutes early, but no, he was there a full 45 minutes early. I was not even ready by then. I greeted him in my PJs and said that I would be back in a minute. I took 5, and put on an outfit similar to the one I was wearing the previous day, except that I was wearing a smaller sports bra and I had put on a loose top over it. The loose top would be perfectly fine for all the other exercises that I’d be doing in the usual session, but surely not for a handstand.

I walked in stretching my arms and said “Sorry to keep you waiting.” While laying out the mat and preparing the room (I am temporarily using my living room for this, so the couch and other stuff needs to be put against the wall), we were talking about random things like my job, his classes, etc. I then thanked him for helping me prepare the room, and he said “No worries, it’s the least I can do.”

We had about 20 minutes before others would start coming in. I was tying my hair back when I asked him “So, where do we begin?” He said that he had been practicing the handstand. He was right in front of me, which is usually where the other women are in the usual class. I was starting to see why he wanted to come in earlier. He was getting into position and I was standing in front of him. He was much better at it compared to the previous week. His legs were more relaxed but he was still moving them more than he should. He then got up and looked at me with an expression that asked ‘so what do you think?’ I said “You have made a lot of progress. I notice that you push your legs too far back when you get in position, which makes you depend on moving your legs to maintain balance. You can try to do this against a wall, so that you know you’re not pushing them too far back. See, like this.” I moved against a wall and tried doing it, and I knew my loose top would get in the way. I got back up and said “Sorry, I need to get this out of the way” and took off my top.

This sports bra was similar at the back to the one I was wearing earlier, but was deeper at the neck. It showed a hint of my cleavage. And I immediately caught him stealing a glance. I ignored it. I got back against the wall and showed him how to do it. I knew he already knew how to do a handstand against a wall, because that is step one, but I liked the feeling of being backed up against a wall while he was in front of me. I said “See how my back does not arch as much as yours?” He got to the side and said “Yeah I can see it.” He did not need to touch my back to see that it wasn’t as arched, but he touched (rather, kind of cupped) near my waist and said “I think I bend too much here.” His hands were very cold. I got goosebumps. I lost my balance and I was clumsily but safely getting back in the normal position. I don’t know if he saw the opportunity and acted on it or simply tried to help instinctively, but he put one of his hands on my back and the other just below my bra and tried to catch me, so that when I was back on my legs, he was kind of holding me sideways. He took one of his hands away but kept the one on my back and said “I am so sorry.” I was laughing and said “It’s not your fault, I’m just very ticklish there.”

He looked a little embarrassed. To ease the situation, I touched his arm and said “good catch though” and we both laughed. We then talked a little more about random things and I put on my loose top again. During the session, we looked at each other more often than we usually do, but that was also because he was right in front of me.

Later, when I was taking a shower, I looked at all the skin that he had touched and I thought “that’s a lot of touching for a son’s friend.”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10dhgkf/f_my_42f_sons_friend_m19_gave_me_goosebumps


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