The College Girl Next Door and the Hot Tub (Chapter 2) [MFF 20’s] [Fiction][Threesome][Cheating]

You should be able to read this story as a standalone. But if you want more context, please also check out the first part [Here](


Just as I was putting away my mountain bike a familiar voice called over the fence.


As I approached the fence I saw Emily’s head peeking over it. “Hi College Girl”, I answered.

“Sorry. Sam. I’m so used to just calling you neighbour in my mind that it’s still strange just to call you Sam. Wanna make a deal? We bought way too much stuff, so I thought you can join us for a BBQ, and in return we can use your hot tub afterwards.”

I pretended to think a bit, but ever since it had grown colder outside I hadn’t seen Emily or her roommates sunbathing anymore. Today was one of the first nice days of the week. And if they were using my hot tub I would probably see them in bikinis again.

“Sure, let me just get changed and I’ll join you.”


Emily and I hadn’t really spoken anymore after the message she sent me. At times I was about to respond and send a naughty message back. But in my mind I was still thinking that maybe if I didn’t respond it didn’t really count as cheating. It was only a one-time thing, right?

Still, whenever I was working from home and sitting in my office I felt my gaze wander to the student’s garden. So far no Emily and no roommates there though. That didn’t mean I didn’t think of her and our naughty afternoon. I would be lying if I said that I hadn’t masturbated to her picture and my memories of that day.

The morning after Emily and I had had sex I was in doubt. I could phone Eva, my girlfriend, and confess that I made a mistake, tell her that it was a one-time thing and ruin her trip. On the other hand, she had once told me that before we met she liked to experiment. Her sex-life had been a lot more spicy than mine. When she wanted to arouse me into foreplay she used to tell me of her adventures. How she and her female housemates ended one of their facemask, wine and corny romcom wellness nights in a big naked orgy. Or how she ended up together with a friend and her girlfriend in their bed. Half of me was jealous, we had great sex but she had decided that her adventuring days were over, the other half just got horny from her descriptions.

A while ago when Eva caught me spying on the college girls next door she had silently approached me and whispered in my ears. “Look at those taut bodies, glistening in the sun. What would you do if I went over there and started licking them from head to toe. Would you stay here, spying on us? Or would you join us?”

Her hand had drifted downward and she had opened my zipper. She lowered herself on her knees in front of me and freed my cock from my pants. Between licks she kept talking about her fantasies. “The blonde girl? I would keep licking her until she exploded on my tongue. Then I would take the brunette and sit on her face while I fingered her to completion. The blonde girl would be playing with my nipples while the brunette would be licking me.”

I groaned and pulled her upwards towards me and bent her over my desk.

Suffice to say, I didn’t get much work done. And thinking back off it now, the window had been opened, Emily had probably heard us.

In my mind I had three options, one: confess and potentially screw up my relationship, two: have Eva seduce Emily (or have Emily seduce Eva) or the third option: don’t think about this anymore, say nothing to Eva and pretend that the whole thing never happened. As the week continued I became more and more convinced that the third option was the right option. It had just been a stupid one-time mistake, and even though it had been very pleasurable I was going to avoid Emily.

But then she invited me to my own hot tub and, idiot that I am, I accepted her invitation.

So I took a quick shower, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, put some goop in my hair and went over to her and her roommates house.

While I was waiting for someone to open the door I felt my fingers tingle and my heart rate increase. I wasn’t nervous about this, right? It was just a friendly BBQ and drinking in the hot tub afterwards. Nothing to be nervous about. So why did I have this sense of anticipation?

I was just about to turn around, go home and order a pizza when the door opened.

Emily was standing there with a wide smile on her face. No bikini this time, but a nice green summer dress that complimented her green eyes.

“Heya Sam, come on in. We had invited more people, but we had some last minute cancellations. So when I saw you I thought there’s a man who would like some barbecue. And to be honest everyone here at home is at least a bit jealous of your hot tub, so a trade seemed like a no-brainer.”

She continued to talk while I followed her to their garden. Her green dress swished around her hips while she was talking animatedly.

As we entered the garden I saw the brunette from a week before sitting on a chair and drinking beer. She was encouraging a guy who was poking the coals in the BBQ to make it burn better. Of course that never works, but it’s what guys do, whenever there’s a fire we need to poke it. I guess it has something to do with our primal instincts. Or maybe we’re just pyromaniacs.

I raised my hand. “Hi, I’m Sam.”

The brunette introduced herself as Hailey. Last time I only caught a glimpse of her, this time I had some more opportunity to oggle her. She was dressed in the same kind of summer dress as Emily was, but Hailey’s dress was yellow, contrasting nicely with her tanned brown skin. Her straight brown hair was hanging loose around her shoulders. The dress had a nice cleavage, and a glimpse told me mother nature had awarded Hailey with a lot more than Emily.

“Hi, I’m Stephen.” The guy had turned around, satisfied with poking around in the bbq, which seemed to be smoking a lot more than before he had touched it.

“So this is the face of the famous hot tub-neighbour,” Stephen said.

“Hot tub neighbour?”

“Yeah, we got all kinds of names for our different neighbours. There’s golden retriever-neighbour, green hat-neighbour, cat-neighbour, car-neighbour.” Stephen explained.

“And you decided that my defining feature was the hot tub?”

“Yeah, at least that’s what we’re most jealous of.”

“We could’ve called you noisy-neighbour,” Emily interjected. I saw Hailey smirk a little. I felt a little blush starting at my ears.

“But, to be honest, most of the time it’s not you being noisy, it’s just the noise you cause.” Emily waggled her eyebrows at me, “You know, with your motorcycle and stuff.” She winked at me and bit her lip a little.

I didn’t know what to respond, luckily Hailey saved me. “So, noisy-neighbour, you want a beer?”

“Sure, and please don’t call me that?”

“As soon as you stop causing that much noise.” Now Hailey started in on me as well. If Stephen also made some innuendo I would jump the fence, run inside and lock my windows and doors. Stupid college kids, teasing someone who was at least five years their senior.

“I think I prefer hot tub-neighbour over noisy-neighbour to be honest.”

“We’ll be the judge of that. We know about the noises you cause, we haven’t tested the hot tub yet.”

I was sure Hailey was teasing me. Last time I met her she had seemed a lot grumpier, but maybe that had just been the hangover and this was her real character.

When the BBQ was deemed hot enough Stephen and I put ourselves in charge of the meat. We had some drinks, talked a bit about this and that. I found out that Emily was studying electrical engineering at the university, while Hailey and Stephen both studied industrial design. I still couldn’t find out whether Stephen was just a friend, a boyfriend of one of the girls, or just one of the roommates. As our stomachs were getting filled up from the BBQ I saw Stephen keep checking his phone. “Sorry guys, I would have loved to stay but the Champions League final is just about to start.”

I knew just about enough about football to know that the Champions League final was a big deal. But don’t ask me which teams were playing.

As we saw Stephen retreating Emily moved over to me. “We kept our part of the promise, now it’s your turn.”

“Sure, let’s go!”

“We’re going upstairs to get changed, will you prepare the hot tub?”

There wasn’t that much to prepare, just taking off the cover and switching everything on. The hot tub wasn’t the most expensive or big one, but it was good enough for Eva and me.

“A little help?” came the voice of Emily from their side of the fence. The girls had put an empty beer crate next to the fence and were now climbing over. Both were still wearing the same summer dresses that they had been wearing before. Being the gentleman that I was, I walked over to help them down. Emily put her hands on my shoulders and pulled herself against me. I put my hands around her waist and helped her down. Feeling her body against me made me want to lower my hands down and cup her bottom, but I restrained myself. Next up was Hailey, she held out her hand for me and I lightly helped her down.

I gestured to my hot tub: “Tadaa, there it is. You both get in, I still need to get changed.”

“Well…. Regarding getting changed…” Hailey said, “The thing is, both our bikinis are in the laundry…” she kind of stopped talking.

Emily took over, “So we thought, bra and panties are almost the same. But Hailey here only feels comfortable if you’re also in your underwear.”

“Hey! Don’t throw me under the bus.” Hailey seemed to be both a little irritated, but also a little ashamed, “This was your idea!”

I shrugged. “Fine by me.” I couldn’t help but tease them a little bit “Normally I just go in naked.”

“Oooh, that’s a good idea too!” Emily cooed.

Hailey hit her on the arm. “No! Underwear is bad enough. I’m not going in there naked with you two.”

“So you would without us?” Emily teased her.

Hailey started to blush, it was cute. Though I was curious to know her answer I decided to save her by dropping my trousers and taking off my shirt.

“You coming?” I said as I was about to step into the hot tub.

Emily was the first one to react. She slipped the straps of her dress off her shoulders and let her summer dress fall down. A blue bra cupped her modest breasts, accompanied by blue panties with small bows that looked to be from the same set.

I glanced at her body in admiration. Emily saw my appreciative look and winked.

Seeing her roommate lower her dress, Hailey couldn’t stay behind. She took the hem of her yellow dress and tried lifting it over her head. She got caught up in the dress a little, probably something to do with her nervousness. While she was trying to extract her head from her self-made trap I had some time to admire her body. Her skin was slightly brown and on her tummy I could see the outline of her abs. Not a full six-pack, but still nice and tight. Her breasts were bigger than Emily’s and she was wearing a white bra. While she was jumping and turning around trying to escape from her dress her boobs bounced up and down. As she turned around I could see that she was wearing a white g-string. Finally she managed to lose her dress, her brown hair messy around her face and her blue eyes.

“Before we get in, do you have anything to drink, Sam?” Emily asked.

I went inside, while I left the hot tub to the girls.

“Sorry, the only thing I have left was this and whiskey. And a hot tub and whiskey don’t mix.” I held up a neon-green bottle with some kind of cocktail mix and three glasses.

Emily and Hailey had made themself at home and had even found the bubble settings of the hot tub. They beckoned me to come in, which I gladly did. The hot tub was actually designed for two people, so we had to move around a bit until all three of us got a place to sit down. Emily was sitting to the right of me, Hailey to the left.

I poured some of the alcohol in the glasses and held them out to the girls. They took them and we clinked glasses. “To the hot tub!” the girls said. Almost as if we had rehearsed it we all made the same disgusted face after downing a shot of what could only be described as cloyingly sweet, yet very sour with aggressive hints of alcohol.

“Oof, that’s bad…” I said. The girls agreed.

“You sure you don’t want to share your whiskey collection?” Hailey asked.

“Not his time.”

“Then I guess we need to make do with this.”

“I know what we can do,” Emily said, “seeing that this is one of the most disgusting drinks i’ve had, it’s a good punishment. Let’s play Never-have-I-ever.”

It might have been the shitty alcohol or the effects of the warm water and two beautiful girls sitting next to me, but to me it sounded like a great plan. Hailey seemed a little more doubtful.

“Come on Hailey, it’ll be fun! And we can try to find out all of Sam’s dirty secrets!”

“Ho ho, nobody said anything about secrets!” I interjected, “Not that you’ll find out any secrets.”

“No, ‘cause I already heard you two,” Hailey blurted out. I guess she surprised herself, because she put a hand in front of her mouth, her head quickly reddening.

“Well, now you need to participate! I have to find out some of your secrets,” I teased her.

“Okay. But I don’t want to get drunk today. I have an important deadline tomorrow.” It seemed like her blush had crept all the way up her cheeks and down her neck. The bubbles of the hot tub were hiding anything more interesting.

In the meantime Emily had poured a generous amount of liquid in each of our glasses.

“Okay, I’ll start,” she said, “Never have I ever… “, she looked at Hailey while she was drawing out the moment, “… slept in someone else’s bed and claimed it was mine.”

“That’s not fair!” Hailey proclaimed, “you know it was me who slept in your bed.”

“And you were too drunk to even move. I had to sleep on the couch! Now drink!”

Hailey made a face at Emily and took a sip.

“My turn,” the brunette said, she scrunched up her face and looked at Emily, trying to come up with a good argument to make her drink. “Never have I ever gone streaking.”

Emily stared daggers at Hailey but said nothing and took a sip.

I couldn’t control myself and blurted out “Really?”

“Yep, it was a dare. Actually it was Hailey who dared me to do it. I ran across the football field and back. To be honest we were pretty drunk, the only thing I remember was that it was way too cold.”

So, getting fucked in front of a window wasn’t the only of her exhibitionist traits. This game was getting more interesting. Now it was my time to think of a good statement. I didn’t know the girls very well yet, and it felt like they had some kind of rivalry going on. Thinking to continue on the theme that Hailey started, I thought I had found a good one. “Never have I ever gone skinny dipping.”

I looked at the girls, no sounds of protest came from them as they both raised the glasses to their lips. I smiled and raised my own glass to toast them, I mean getting naked into a hot tub must count as skinny dipping, right?

As I raised my glass to the two girls I saw Emily do a double take. “You went skinny dipping? When, what, where?”

“You don’t have the monopoly on nudity in public you know,” Hailey smiled, “as for who what when where, none of your business.” She stuck out her tongue at the other girl.

The turn came back to Emily, immediately after she took her sip she took her opportunity to get a little more under Hailey’s skin: “Never have I ever had loud breakup sex.”

Hailey glared daggers while she took a sip. Surreptitiously I also took a sip, but I guess I wasn’t as sneaky as I thought I would be.

“Really, you too?” Emily asked me.

“Yeah, one of my previous girlfriends. She broke up with me, I wanted to stay together, we hugged, we kissed, had loud sex and then she still left.” I guess I must have sounded a little sad because both girls looked at me with pity in their eyes.

“It doesn’t matter, it was a long time ago. To be honest it was a good thing she broke up with me. We were bad influences on each other. Anyway, whose turn is it for the next statement?”

“Mine, and I know a fun one!” Hailey said. “Never have I ever had sex with multiple different people on the same day.”

I know she said this one to embarrass Emily, but the last time I ‘met’ with Emily I had also just had sex with Eva. As I raised my glass I saw Emily do the same. I guess it shouldn’t surprise me.

I almost yelped as I felt a hand on my right thigh. I saw Emily raise her glass to me as her hand moved up my leg. In surprise I took a bigger gulp than I wanted. Waiting until I was done coughing I had some time to think of a good statement. I saw Hailey was smirking, did she know what Emily was doing? Did she see the look of understanding Emily and I shared, or was she just smirking because of my cough? Time to take a chance.

“Never have I ever kissed a girl.”

I raised my glass, so did Emily. Hailey didn’t, which surprised me a little bit. I guess it also surprised Emily because after she took a sip she turned to Hailey, “You really have never kissed a girl?”

“No, it just never came up.” Did I see a little regret in her answer?

“But skinny dipping did?”

“It’s totally not the same. Skinny dipping is solo and cold and scary, and as soon as you get out of the water you get dressed. While kissing a girl is supposed to be intimate and soft and…” Hailey petered out a bit.

“Would you like to kiss a girl?” Emily asked her. She had put her glass away. Her left hand had crept up until it was resting on top of my boxer, just to the right of my rapidly hardening penis. Her right hand reached out to cup Haileys chin. The brunette didn’t resist as Emily moved closer and lightly started kissing. I was having a front row seat as Emily kept kissing Hailey. At first Hailey was a little passive, but as Emily was moving away Hailey got up out of the water a little and moved forward to continue the kiss. Surprised Emily answered the kiss. As I saw Emily lightly bite Haileys lower lip I felt her move her hand to my dick.

Panting a little the girls broke the kiss. I could see a blush creep over Haileys face. “How was that? Was that intimate and soft?” Emily asked. Hailey could only nod.

“Could you imagine, Sam? A girl naughty enough to go skinny dipping, but still so innocent that she hasn’t kissed a girl yet.”

“Hey! I’m not that innocent!” Hailey protested.

“Prove it. Kiss Sam.” Emily winked at me while lightly squeezing my cock. I saw that Hailey was a little bit hesitant, but then she just said “Sure” and bowed over my way. Her soft lips touched mine. I let her take the initiative, I didn’t want to spook her. For a short while it was just our lips touching each other but then she opened up her mouth a little. I licked the inside of her lips before making more of a move. My hand moved to the back of her head, pressing her against me. She answered with full enthusiasm, her mouth opening for my tongue. I could still taste a hint of Emily on her tongue.

“Fuck guys, that was sexy,” Emily half moaned, “Was it just as sexy as when Hailey and I kissed, Sam?”

“I don’t know, maybe you should try again,” I answered. I let my right hand slip under water and move to Emily’s leg. I saw her startle a little when my hand touched her knee. Then she squeezed my dick again with her hand, softly stroking it over the outside of my boxer, encouraging me to move my hand.

“I’m up for that. How about you Hailey?”

“I’d be up for that. But first I want to watch Sam and you kiss, who knows maybe I can learn something.”

“Okay, but in that case we’ll need to make it extra educational. Sam, you sit over here. Hailey, you move here.”

Emily started moving us all around in such a way that Hailey would be right in between Emily and me and would have a first rank view of the kiss.

“Just one more thing.” Emily took Haileys hand and put it on the inside of my thigh. Surprised, I moved a little bit. “If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do this right.” As she took my hand and placed it on the inside of Haileys thigh. I could feel Emily keep a grip on both Hailey’s and my wrists.

“Ready?” She grinned at both of us as she bowed towards me to kiss me. As she moved forward she used her grip on our wrists to move our hands. Her sweet lips touched mine, Hailey’s hand was at the edge of my boxers, my hand was halfway up Haileys soft thigh. I breathed in the scent of Emily, savouring the moment. Then she opened her mouth a little, probing with her tongue. She moved our hands again. This meant that Hailey’s hand was tantalisingly close to my dick. My hand was touching the inside of her thigh. Wondering what Emily’s plan was I decided to start tickling and stroking Hailey’s thigh. From the corner of my eye I saw her leap up a bit, but then sit down again and bite her bottom lip. In response I felt Hailey start stroking my inner thigh.

I guess that Emily felt our extracurricular activities and started kissing me more aggressively. At the same time she started moving our hands again. I felt Haileys hand caressing my inner thigh, over my balls to the underside of my dick. Her hands cupped my dick and she gave it a tiny squeeze. My hands were following the naked flesh of Haileys thighs, resting on top of her g-string. As I used my middle finger to apply a little pressure to her slit I felt her squeeze my dick harder.

I used my other hand to start stroking Emily’s back. Long strokes just a little further down each time until my hand rested on her buttock. Squeezing her butt, I pulled her toward me. She lost her balance and nearly fell on top of me. She let her grip on our wrists go to use her hands to break her fall. I was happily surprised to feel that Hailey kept her grip on my underwear-covered dick for a moment longer. Using my newfound freedom I moved my hand down a little, tracing the inside of her lips over the outside of her underwear with my middle finger. I saw her squeeze her eyes shut and bite her lip. She stroked my dick from the base to the tip and then removed her hands from my underwear. Being the gentleman that I am, I also stopped touching her slit and brought my hands back above water.

After Emily was done spluttering she looked at Hailey intensely and said, “I hope you paid good attention. Or were you a little distracted?”

Hailey splashed some water towards the already very wet girl. Emily splashed back and it didn’t take long for a small water fight to break out. I don’t know what happened but quickly they turned against me and started splashing me. Not to be outdone by two twenty-something girls I turned on them with big armfulls of water. It took a few minutes until we all calmed down.

“I’m a bit done with all this water, can we go inside?” Emily asked.

“I thought you wanted to try out my hot tub?”

“We did, and now we want to go inside to dry off and raid your whiskey stash.”

“Oh, that’s how it is now?”

“Yep,” Emily said. Hailey nodded in agreement.

As the girls got out I got another good look at their bodies. The sheen of water made them glisten in the lamp light, highlighting all their curves. Emily surely had a better ass than Hailey, it was shapely and round, not too big. Hailey’s ass was a little smaller, although I could see more of it with her g-string not hiding anything. As they turned around I saw that both their bras had become a little translucent. The brunette had a bigger bosom than the blonde girl. The cold had made both girls’ nipples hard, poking a little through the fabric of their bras. Hailey had perfect brown areolas with pert nipples, they looked a bit heart shaped.

“Are you done ogling?” Emily asked. I guess my subtlety had left me.

“For now…” I replied.

“In that case, it’s our time.” Both girls leaned their elbows on the edge of the hot tub, supporting their heads in their hands.

There is no way to get up out of a hot tub seductively, everything is slippery and uneven, but I tried my best. I raised myself from the water in the middle of the hot tub and took on an exaggerated bodybuilding pose, both my arms next to my head and trying to flex all my muscles at the same time.

“Now turn around,” Hailey said. Happily I obliged. When my back was facing the girls I wiggled my butt until I heard the girls giggling.

“Okay, you’re approved to come out of the tub now,” Hailey giggled.

The girls had found the towels I had put next to the tub in all my foresight. I also took a towel and walked to the backdoor.

After we dried off the girls sat down on the couch, still clothed in their underwear. I offered both a glass of whiskey. Emily accepted, Hailey asked for a soda which I was happy to give her. While I was busy pouring drinks in the kitchen I could hear the girls whisper. Though I could not make out what they were discussing. As I went to sit down in my comfy living room chair Emily patted the space on the couch between her and Hailey.

“Why are you sitting so far away? Won’t you just sit in between us?” Hailey asked. Seeing that they had some sort of plan, I happily changed my trajectory and I plopped down between the two girls.

“You know,” Emily said, “we had promised you a kiss. So you just sit down here, and enjoy the view.”

They both moved to sit with their knees on the couch as their heads moved towards each other. Once again Emily took the initiative and planted her lips on Haileys. Hailey quickly responded and opened up her mouth. I saw Hailey’s hand grab Emily’s hair and pull her tighter towards her. It seemed that the brunette wanted to take more initiative this time. As she pulled the blonde closer towards her I saw Emily’s hand first touch Haileys side just below her ribs, then she moved closer to the middle to stroke Haileys belly. I could hear a small moan come from the brunette. This seemed to make Emily only more brave as she moved her hand up to the brunette’s bra. The white piece of fabric had dried a little and wasn’t as translucent anymore. Not that it mattered because Haileys nipples were poking through the fabric. Emily’s hand cupped the breast. From a little cry of pleasure I could hear that she pinched Haileys nipple.

Not satisfied with just being an observer I laid my hands on both girls’ legs. Starting just near their knees I moved my hand upwards over the soft flesh of their legs. From the aggressiveness in the way the girls were kissing I could see they were enjoying each other. I moved my hand further upward, to the inside of their thighs. Emily spread her knees a bit more, inviting my hand in, while Hailey was still distracted by the hand kneading her boobs. I moved my hand even further, until both my pinky fingers were laying on the white and blue fabric covering both girls’ crotches. Just as I was about to continue the girls stopped kissing. I heard Hailey let out a disappointed sound.

“You must be wondering what we were discussing while you were grabbing the drinks,” Emily said.

“Not really, I’m just here to enjoy the show,” I answered honestly. Thinking back to the previous time I interacted with Emily and how that escalated I was happy to wait for what was to come.

“The thing is,” Hailey said, “although I find all this very sexy and very exhilarating, I don’t think I’m ready for two people at the same time. But I would like to watch, if you don’t mind.” Her voice trailed off while she looked at me, her face was flushed but I don’t know if it was from arousal or embarrassment, or maybe a combination of both.

“Hmmm, having sex with a beautiful girl with another beautiful girl watching me, isn’t that everybody’s fantasy? What about you Emily, do you want Hailey to watch?”

“Actually, it was my idea to finally give her a visual to go with the auditory experience.”

I looked at Hailey and she blushed even more, “It was hard to ignore, okay? And I’ve been thinking about it all week. I just made the mistake in confiding in Emily. And look where that brought us.”

I looked her up and down with as much approval in my gaze as I could, “Look where that brought us indeed. On the couch with two beautiful girls who were kissing each other in their underwear. I think it was a good thing telling Emily. Now let’s go upstairs.”

I made sure that the girls climbed the stairs ahead of me, so I had some more time to look at their beautiful pert bums. In the bedroom I cleared the chair that I had been using as a clothes hamper for Hailey to sit in. I gave the tanned girl a light kiss on her forehead. Expectantly she tilted her head my way. I took my hand under her chin and lifted her head up for a real kiss. Hungrily she accepted my mouth, clamping on to me as if she was starved. This was a different Hailey from the demure Hailey I kissed before. Suddenly I felt hands on my stomach, Emily’s hands stroked down to the waist of my boxer, and with a quick jank she pulled my already hard dick free. Her hands continued stroking my body while I kept kissing Hailey. I felt her nails trace their way from just above my dick to my belly button and then down to my thighs. She was making sure to tease me as much as possible without touching my dick. Going from nails to just very light touches she started circling my belly button, down to my thighs, just around my balls and upwards to my nipples. A quick tweak made me groan a little. I normally don’t really enjoy having my nipples played with, but in this context it did add a little something extra. Emily now had both hands on my pecs, her index- and middle fingers positioned next to my nipples. She waited a little. Then pinched down. Even though I was expecting it I still yelped a little and broke my kiss with Hailey.

“Finally,” Emily said, “I thought we were going to give her a show, but instead you were distracted with Hailey.”

“I was just doing crowd work, it’s very important that the crowd is warmed up before the main attraction begins.” I explained while I rubbed my sensitive nipples.

Emily circled the base of my penis with her index finger and middle finger, making it stand out a little more. My dick was at the same height as Haileys head.

“You ready for the main show?” Emily asked as she lightly squeezed my dick. Hailey nodded while keeping her eyes on the head of my dick. Emily kept her grasp on my rod while she led me to the bed. She pushed me down until I sat on the bed, facing Hailey.

The blonde sank to her knees and started kissing my dick. Very small kisses, starting from the base, all the way to my frenulum. As she reached that very sensitive spot my dick twitched a little and Emily let out a giggle while her kisses went down my shaft again, ending with a kiss on each of my balls.

While Emily was about to start kissing back to the top of my dick I heard Hailey, “Emily, can you please move a bit? I can see Sam’s face and it looks like he’s really enjoying what you’re doing, but I can’t see his dick.”

Oops, that was true I guess. While I had a great view of the light brown girl in her white bra and g-string sitting in the chair, Hailey was looking at the back of Emily bobbing up and down in front of my cock.

“Where do you want us?” I said.

“Oooh, let me think,” Hailey put a finger to her lips in an exaggerated thinking pose, “Sam, I want you on your back on the bed, but lying crosswise, so I can see your full body. And Emily, I want you to sit on the bed across from me, with Sam’s body in between us. And then I want you to continue kissing his cock.”

We laid down in the positions Hailey directed. My feet were on the left side of the bed, my head on the right. My cock exactly in the middle of the bed. Emily climbed over me to sit near the head-board of the bed.

“Emily, could you please also undress. I’ve always been curious how your boobs look without a bra.”

Emily smiled as she reached behind her to unclasp her bra. She let the straps slide from her shoulders while preventing the bra from falling down by holding it in place with an arm in front of her boobs. She looked down at me. Even though I had seen her beautiful pert breasts before I was still waiting in anticipation. She looked at Hailey and smiled, I turned my head to see what had made her smile and I saw that Hailey was sitting in the same kind of pose as Emily was. One hand holding up her bra to her boobs.

Emily put her hand around my dick. “Three,” she pumped once. Hailey followed up with a “Two,” and Emily pumped again, extracting a small moan from my mouth. Ever since the girls had stepped into the hot tub in their underwear I had been excited. “One!” Both girls let their hands drop and Emily started jerking me off in earnest excruciatingly slow strokes. Emily’s white pert breast sprang to attention, bouncing a little with the movement of her other arm. I turned my head to look at Hailey. Her lightly tanned skin made the contrast with her untanned boobs even bigger. I could see two white triangles of where her bikini used to cover her breasts. Small heart shaped areolas surrounded two pointy nipples. Hailey used her upper arms to squeeze her boobs together.

“Wow, you have such pretty boobs!” Emily exclaimed, “I want to kiss them all over and suck your nipples.”

“Tough luck, you can’t. Today you’re going to give me a show with Sam.”

While the girls had been distracted with admiring each other’s breasts I had moved my right hand up Emily’s tummy to her left breast and let it cup her pretty mound.

“Want to hear a trick?” I asked Hailey. Without waiting for her reply I squeezed Emily’s nipple. Emily let out a sound between a squeal and a moan. “Emily has very sensitive nipples. I bet I could make her cum just from playing with her nipples.”

“Uhnf, I don’t think so,” Emily said, “but please continue feeling me up.”

“Enough talk! More dick sucking!” Hailey commanded, “continue with the show!”

“Your wish is my comma… ooh”, Emily answered, distracted at the final word because I had rolled her nipple between my fingers.

She bowed at her waist, her head moving towards my dick which she still was pumping in the same excruciatingly slow rhythm. She stopped jerking me off as her red lips engulfed the head of my cock. She had my dick pointed upward so Hailey could get as much of a view as possible. Emily’s tongue snaked out from between her lips to lick my shaft. I moaned as the wetness of her tongue warmed me. I turned my head to look at the tanned brunette. She was mesmerised, her right hand fondling her left breast, kneading and stroking and pinching her nipple.

Emily removed her lips from my head and licked down my shaft to my balls, then turned a little bit and licked upwards again. Everytime rotating a small amount until she covered my full dick in saliva, making it shine a little bit in the low lamplight of the bedroom. I used my hand to squeeze and massage her boobs, trying to give each of them equal attention. Every once in a while I teased a small moan from Emily as I pinched a nipple. When she was satisfied that my dick was nicely coated she once again wrapped her lips around the head of my dick. Her tongue went to work and I couldn’t stifle a moan. Almost at the same time I heard a moan coming from the other side of the room. I could see Hailey was now fully enjoying herself, squeezing both her breasts in her hands, circling her nipples with her fingers. The view made my cock throb even more.

“Hmmm, that’s a good job Emily. Suck that dick and make him moan.”

Stimulated by Haileys encouragement Emily bobbed down once again, taking my dick to halfway down her mouth. I decided to stop my teasing of her nipples and moved my hand down, stroking her taut belly down to her underwear. There I slid further down until my hand was lying on her pussy, just the blue cotton of her panties separating us. I felt her wet warmth radiate through the fabric. I started to stroke her a bit, and I could feel the vibration of a moan on my dick. With my middle finger I pushed her panties to the side, allowing me free access to her wet slit. I moved my middle finger between her warm moist lips, gathering her juices on my finger. When I found it to be wet enough I pushed my finger into her opening.

Emily moaned deeply as she let my dick escape from her mouth.

“Hey! What’s going on? I can’t see from here.”

“He just put his finger inside me,” Emily answered between moans.

“How does she feel, Sam?” Hailey asked me. I made eye contact with her, I could see that one of her hands had drifted from her boobs down to the band of her panties. It was clear that she wanted more than just a simple description, so I decided to give her an in depth tour of my sensations.

“She is so fucking wet. I can feel her wet pussy contract around my finger. Her pussy is so nice and tight and warm. Right now I’ve put my middle finger fully in her, just holding it still.”

Haileys hand had moved inside the band of her panties. I could see that she was tracing the outline of her lips with her own middle finger.

“Hmm, tell me more. And Emily, you keep sucking him.”

Emily once again enveloped my dick with her warm mouth. “She’s sucking me, I can feel her tongue playing with my dick, slowly licking it and bringing me closer and closer to an orgasm. I’m now moving my finger in and out of her. She’s so wet, I can hear her sop.

I’m using my thumb to try and find her clit.”

Emily let out a moan while sucking my dick. “Found it. I’m lightly caressing her clit, using just enough pressure to let her feel me.”

I saw Hailey try to copy what I was doing to Emily. Then with a look of frustration she stood up and removed her G-String from her hips. She gave me an apologetic shrug, “I need more space.”

She sat down in the chair once again. She put each of her legs over the arm rests, giving me a good view of her pussy. A little brown landing strip accentuated her lips. She moved her middle finger between her labia to get it wet again.

“You’ve got your finger in her pussy.” Hailey moaned a little when she entered her middle finger in her pussy, “and your thumb on her clit.” She moved the thumb from her other hand to her clit.

“Now what are you going to do?” She looked at me with a look of aroused apprehension.

“Now I’m going to move in and out, almost all the way out, until only the top of my finger is between her lips, and then all the way in, touching her clit when my finger is all the way in.”

Putting action to words I started fingering Emily. “I’m starting slow, and then I keep increasing my pace.”

I saw the girl on the chair copy exactly what I was doing to Emily. My actions didn’t leave her unmoved. The blonde started grinding against my hands, pressing her clit into my thumb every time my middle finger entered her.

She let my cock out her mouth and moaned, “Please put in another finger, I want more.”



  1. “Did you hear that, Hailey? She wants another finger.”

    The brunette stopped masturbating for a bit. “I heard her. I think she has been a good girl, she deserves another finger. And so do I.”

    “Okay, but first I want to get rid of my panties too. I’m the only one with clothes left.”

    Emily stood up from her kneeling position to let her panties drop down. I looked at her cleanly shaven pussy. From my low vantage point I could see it glistening with her arousal.

    As she lowered herself I took her hips and moved her over myself. Her pussy was now just above my mouth. With my hand I first entered my middle finger in her wet pussy.

    “You should feel how aroused Emily is. I’m going to make her cum so good.” Even though I couldn’t see Hailey anymore from this vantage point, I was adamant in giving her a play by play for as long as I could. From the sounds of soft panting that I could hear coming from the corner of the room I could hear that she was appreciating my commentary.

    “Now slowly I’m also putting my index finger in her pussy. Ooh, she’s so tight, her smooth walls are crushing my fingers.”

    I started moving my fingers and I could hear Emily start panting. “Now for this next bit my tongue will be a little bit busy.”

    I used my other hand to pull Emily closer to my head. While I was slowly entering her with my fingers I put my tongue on her pussy. Licking up and down until I found her nub. A deep moan told me I had hit the jackpot.

    I started teasing her, licking softly, circling her clit. Then suddenly a lick over her clit and circling again. A few flicks over her most sensitive body part and then back to teasing. Underwhile I kept increasing the speed of the fingers that were penetrating her.

    At a certain moment Emily had stopped her blowjob, and was now jerking me off with her soft hands.

    “Oooh Hailey, you don’t know what you’re missing. He’s so good at this, teasing my clit with his tongue while his fingers are pleasuring my pussy.” It seemed that Emily had taken up the mantle of commentator.

    “You should feel his hard throbbing cock. It’s pulsing in my hand, look at it glistening from my saliva. It’s so hard. I can’t wait to feel it fill up my pussy. You should feel what he’s doing with his mouth. He’s pleasing my clit. I don’t know how long I can take it.”

    Distracted as I was by my attempts to pleasure Emily I suddenly felt another pair of knees land on the bed. Hailey had chosen to leave her chair and get a first rank view of the action.

    “Didn’t Sam say this was your weak point?”

    I don’t know what Hailey did, but I heard Emily moan. My guess was that the brunette had taken the blonde’s nipples in her hands. Emily tried to close her legs around my torso. Feeling that she was about to cum I concentrated my tongue on her clit. The next time I moved my fingers from her cunt I moved my ring finger next to the other two fingers and entered her with three fingers. That was the last drop, and I felt her pussy clench around my fingers. I kept licking her clit while I heard Hailey, “Cum for us Emily, show me what your orgasm looks like.” I kept licking and fingering her for as long as I could. “Wow! You’re still cumming! Is it that good?”

    “It’s even better than that.” Emily panted as she came down. She had fallen on her side, finally giving me my vision back.

    “That was so sexy,” Hailey said. She bowed over to me and licked my lips. “I can taste you Emily. You taste good.” Hailey kissed me, her tongue entered my mouth, looking for more of the taste of the blonde.

    “You think the show is done? Look at that raging hard on, we still need to do something about that,” Emily said when she finally had gathered herself enough, “and since it’s your show, how do you want us to do it?”

    “First off, I want to do this…”

    Hailey’s hand stroked my belly down to my cock, until her warm hand enveloped my cock. “Hmm, that is good and hard.” She pumped it a few times. I moaned a bit. Maybe I exaggerated a bit to encourage the brunette to keep going. She smiled and let go of my dick. She went to her pussy and entered two fingers to make them nice and wet. She grabbed my dick again and used her own juices to make it extra slippery.

    “Okay, now it’s good and wet, I want you to try one of my favourites. I want Emily on her back, and you on top of her. Then, I want you to lift up Emily’s legs and put your hands next to her sides, with her knees on the inside of your arms.”

    She saw the confusion in our faces. “It’s okay, I’ll help. Emily, lay down!”

    “Yes, Ma’am.” The blonde laid down on her back in the middle of the bed. Her legs were opened a little bit.

    “Now you, Sam, start at her feet. Lift up her legs.” I moved to the end of the bed and started crawling forward, first kissing her soles and then lifting up her legs. I put her feet over my shoulders as I crept forward. Soon Emily was lying in a kind of L-shape, her legs over my body, her feet near my ears. My dick was close to her pussy, but I had no hand left to guide it in.

    I felt Hailey’s hand on my dick. “I’ll help, move forward a little.” She pointed the head of my dick between Hailey’s wet lips.

    “Open your legs a bit more Emily.” The blonde did as ordered, and as she opened her legs I felt that I had some more room as my shaft slid a little bit in her. As on cue we both moaned.

    “Now open your legs further, until they are near Sam’s elbows. And Sam, move forward.” I moved forward, until we were in the position Hailey wanted us in. This way Emily was rotated in such a way that I could just push right down. And that’s exactly what I did.

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