Tom and Vai play a game (part 1/2) [MF 20s][d/s][food mess]

Have you ever been happily embarrassed? Where you feel undignified but in front of someone you trust, but closer to them afterwards – and glad when you look back on it? I had decided to embarrass Tom like that. We had done some pretty daring and embarrassing things with each other before, each of us equally so. This warm evening I had carefully planned some games and dares that, if I got it right, would have me in control and Tom doing the embarrassing forfeits. It would be fun for us both, of course, but at the end of the day, he would be mine to toy with.

“Let’s play a game!” I said. I tried to make it sound like I had just had an idea. “Let’s take it in turns to throw a ping pong ball into a cup with water in. I’ve seen it on the internet it looks pretty hard. They do it as trick shots but we can just do straight forward throws.”

“Oh yeah, I’ve seen videos with those” said Tom. “Vai, it’s amazing what people manage with enough time”.

“But I’ll make you a deal to make it interesting. Let’s say for each throw we get in, we get another throw… and the other person removes a piece of clothing…”

“Haha you’re in a playful mood-”

“And one more thing!” I said suddenly as if another idea had only just struck me. “Whatever clothes we remove have to stay off until midnight.”

Little did Tom know that I had been practising a lot. I was rather proud of how good I had become.

“Oooh interesting…” said Tom, although there was a hint of shyness in his voice. “hang on though, it looks to me like I’m wearing a T-shirt, trousers, and boxers – just 3 things. But you’re wearing a scarf, dress, bra, and panties – 4 things. It’s not a fair game is it?” He stuck his tongue out at me.

I was hoping he wouldn’t question it, I wanted the safety net of extra clothes just to be sure, but Tom was always so careful and observant.

“Ahh I hadn’t thought of that” I said with an exaggerated straight face. He laughed. “I’ll make you a deal. If you let me play with the clothes I have on,” I said carefully, “then I’ll let you go first.“ I paused to watch his reaction. It wasn’t enough. “…And I’ll flash my panties at you” I added, a little nervously.

“Deal!” He said quickly. Too easy.

I looked him in the eye, and lifted my dress. I saw his gaze drop down, his eyes widening. He blushed a little, and then broke into a shy smile. I smiled back at him.

“You have to earn the rest!” I said, dropping my dress again. It was my turn to stick my tongue out.

We positioned a cup with some water in and set up a line to throw from. I handed him the ball. He stood behind the line, took careful aim, and threw.

We both watched it sail through the air. *splash*. It landed in the cup. I stared at it. Tom grinned in victory.

“Must be beginners luck” he said with an all-too-casual shrug as he retrieved the ball and got ready to throw again. He stopped and looked at me expectantly.

Oh, right, of course. I unwrapped my scarf and put it aside. My long hair unfolded down behind me and over my shoulders. He threw again – straight into the cup. I suddenly realised I was in trouble. I took a deep breath and lifted my dress over my head. I tried to catch Toms attention as I removed it. Maybe I could distract him. But Tom was carefully looking away now.

“Tom, how are you so good at this?”. My plans for the evening were in jeopardy. He put on an innocent face.

“Tales of a misspent youth – although right now it does seem to have been a good investment!” he said as he threw the ball into the cup again. My bra. I undid it slowly, reluctantly. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. Tom was still looking away, entirely focused on the game. Splash. Another hit. Oh god, my panties. Tom relaxed and looked over to me. “Well played Vai, close game!” He mocked. “Next time we – wow…” he trailed off as he saw me standing in my underwear, bra half removed. His reaction did a lot to improve my mood. He watched, wide eyed, as I discarded my bra, and then slowly slipped down my panties, revealing… another pair of panties. “Vai!!” Tom disolved into laughter. “Oh my goodness I should have thought of that!” He scolded himself. But he hadn’t stopped laughing.

“Still one more to go!” I laughed. He was distracted now, maybe I stood a chance. I hadn’t thought I would need this extra pair but I was glad I took the precaution.

I walked to the cup. I tried to make it a sexy walk but I really don’t know how to do them. I picked up the ball, walked over to Tom and stood close to him in my near nakedness, I let my body touch against his and met Tom’s eye as I placed the ball in his hand. As I stepped away I ran my hand along his shoulder and down his arm.

I felt vulnerable, like he was taking aim at me, ready to shoot, and my plans would be ruined. The ball left his fingers. I held my breath, and closed my eyes.


It was over. Resigned, I removed my panties, and stood there naked and embarrassed in front of him. I was caught between despair and hopeless amusement as my plans crumbled around me. And I hadn’t thrown a single ball. I needed to get my plans back on track. I needed to win this game.

“I’ll make you a deal.” I said, thinking fast. “Double or nothing, I get one throw, if I get it in I get my clothes back, and I get yours too – until morning.”

“Haha and if you miss? I’ll need something compelling, Vai” he replied.

“If I miss… If I miss… you can tie me to your bed.” I heard myself say it before I realised that I had decided to. I felt the urge to cover my mouth. Had I really just said that? We had joked about playing with soft ropes before, teasing each other with the idea, but neither of us had given away whether we were serious or not. Was I serious now? I didn’t even know.

“Vai”, he looked at me “are you teasing me?” He tried to ask casually, but there was a quiver in his voice. I decided to commit. Standing there nude, I spread my arms invitingly, suggestively, and slightly parted my legs. Tom looked stunned. Eyebrows raised, and without saying a word, he handed me the ball.

I stood and took a deep breath to calm myself, my heart was racing. The cup seemed so far away. Why, oh why, did I only practice this with clothes on? I aimed, I threw.

In that instant, as the ball left my hand, I found I wasn’t so sure I wanted it to go in. But it was out of my control now. The ball sailed towards the cup. It was on target. It was going in. It bounced off the rim of the cup, and mockingly skittered across the carpet.

“No!!” I sank to the floor.

Simultaneously frustrated and excited, I offered up my wrists to Tom. Tom laughed and helped me up. He met my eyes with a nervous smile and I couldn’t help but smile back. My frustration with a plan gone wrong faded a little. Then his smile turned wicked and he produced a blindfold. I can’t imagine how. He wiggled his fingers in a wave and tied the blindfold over my eyes, took my hand, and led me to his bedroom.

Cautiously I let him lead me, blindfolded and naked. He sat me on his bed, and helped me lie down and align in the middle. Then he took my hands, he was trembling a little. I felt something soft but strong wrap around my wrists, binding them together. Once. Twice. Three times round. Then he lifted my hands above my head, straightening my arms as the rope pulled tight. A few moments later he moved down to my legs. He took my legs and parted them. Further. Then further. Comfortable still, but I felt utterly exposed. Four wraps around each. A couple of minutes later he was done.

“Wait right here, Vai” he teased

“Ha ha very funny” I said. “Wait- where are you going?” I asked, suddenly concerned.

“I’ll be right back don’t worry, shout if you need anything!” And I heard footsteps heading out of the room.

I lay in my darkness. I listened to my breathing. The knots were strong and firm without being tight. “Tom?” I whispered into the air. No answer. I paid attention to the feel of everything. The rope against my skin, the bedsheets underneath me. I tested the ropes, trying to pull my arms down. They didn’t budge. I couldn’t bring my legs together even a little. I wiggled my toes – yes, my toes were still mine to command. I’d never felt this way before – exposed and vulnerable, but also strangely safe and secure. Thoughts raced through my mind about what might happen next.

Footsteps coming back into the room. The sound of Tom putting things down on his bedside table beside me

“Let’s play a game!” He said, as if he had just had an idea. I have some ingredients for you to try and guess what they are. Each one you can guess first try you get a small reward. Guess enough correctly and you’ll get a big reward.

“Hahaha how long have you been planning this?” I laughed. “And what if I guess wrong, is there a forfeit?”

“Only missing out on the big reward if you get too many wrong, Vai.” He didn’t answer my first question. “But seriously, if you need to get up just say, and I’ll untie you. Ready?”

“Ready.” I opened my mouth to taste whatever was coming. But nothing did. Then I felt something being poured into my belly button. Oh my god of course. I closed my mouth. Maybe Tom didn’t see.
I concentrated on the liquid filling my belly button. It was overflowing and dripping down my sides. It was thicker than water. Gloopy almost. It wasn’t cold like from the fridge. Glug. Glug. Glug. I heard it then I felt it. Masses of whatever this liquid was landing, splashing all over my middle, my breasts, then across one leg and then the other, then over both my arms. I felt it trickling slowly up and round my neck. Into my underarms. Between my toes. Between my legs.

It was everywhere. I squirmed in it. The texture was delicious against my skin. And then Tom put his hands on my left foot, spreading the liquid all over. He worked his hands slowly up my left leg, inside my thigh as well, holding me gently but firmly like the ropes. My breathing deepened in anticipation of him reaching the top of the inside of my thigh. But he didn’t. He swapped to my right leg and began again. Working his way up almost to the top again before stopping. He put both his hands in mine, letting our fingers intertwine briefly then slid them slowly down my arms, across my underarms making me squirm more, then he slid his fingers gently around my neck, firmly enough to avoid tickling, firmly enough to tell me I was his. And I was. Then gradually down across my breasts and the flat of my stomach, massaging and teasing as he went. And down, and down. My mind raced. Please touch me. Oh Tom please, I want you to, I need you to.

“Not yet, Vai” he said. Oh no, had I said something out loud? I hadn’t. Had I?

“You gotta guess first”


I felt something touch the sole of my foot. It wasn’t a hand. Lips? Yes lips. I felt his tongue against the sole of my foot. He half kissed half licked as he worked his way up my left calf. The side of my knee. Yes I liked where this was going. The inside of my thigh. Yes! I tilted my hips as much as I could in anticipation. But there was a pause. Was he touching me? Maybe just barely? But no. his mouth passed by. He traced up my side with his tongue. Then a pressure on my lips. I parted my lips without thinking and met his tongue with mine. The kiss lingered. It was olive oil.

[Part 2](
