[MF] Her Sweet Perverted Hands

I’ve always been quite shy; but secretly, very sexual. Unfortunately, I was also gifted with great social ineptitude.

I was a late bloomer. My first kiss? Junior year of college. My virginity? Senior year. But oh did I love it. I was with my first stable partner for a few months, exploring each other as she taught me how to appreciate and please her, as I did the same. And then, it was all gone…

I met my friend Melissa about a year after I moved back home, a friend of a friend. She was energetic, wild, outspoken, and adventurous. She also had a boyfriend. My relationship with Melissa was quite complex, at first mostly a meeting of the minds. We became fast friends and she suspected, correctly, that I had feelings for her. But I was trying very hard to respect the relationship she was in, and said nothing about it.

About two years after that, Melissa started having problems with her boyfriend and I was the shoulder upon which she spilled her tears and complaints. He was emotionally abusive, hot one minute, cold the next, and seemed not to care about her at all. But it wasn’t my business to tell her who she would be with.

One night we went to the beach. We were sitting in the sand, enjoying the calm atmosphere, the ocean’s waves breaking on the sand filling the air with its salty mist. The conversation, as was often the case, turned to the technicalities and details of sex. I had little experience, but I was very well educated on the subject thanks to the wonders of the internet. Her experience was vast. After a short silence Melissa asked me a question: the question which started what was to be my real sexual education.

“Do you like me?”

I was both dumbfounded and blindsided. I had no idea what to answer; confused, nervous, even scared that my feelings for her were somehow transparent, that she knew…


She smiled warmly, leaned over, and kissed me. It was the warmest, softest, slightest, most wonderful kiss of my life. Her slight sweet musky scent was intoxicating, her taste was unique and delicious, the gentle caress of her tongue and lips enthralling, the experience consuming absolutely all of my focus.

Having spent three years with not as much as a kiss, I was instantly hard. Somehow, she just knew, and soon her hand was venturing between my legs and commenting on my turgid disposition. She bit the bottom lip of her playfully wicked smile seductively, the beginnings of a plan showing now evident on her face, as she started to mold my desire to to her will.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/109ouze/mf_her_sweet_perverted_hands