A conversation with the older man who once rejected me [FM]

*First off, he read this story [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/z8hhph/the_man_who_wouldnt_let_me_use_him_for_sex_fm/] last week when we met up and laughed for a solid thirty minutes.*

G: V… No! I can’t.

V: I’m recording. Is that ok?

G: Sure, but… The things you changed, keep them changed in case something slips in this chat. Does that sound fair? I don’t really get this.

V: Sure. I won’t post without your approval. I’ll cut whatever you want.

G: I’m having an out of body experience.

V: Are you mad I wrote about it?

G: I just… That wasn’t what I was expecting. I assumed you write memoirs.

V: …I do.

G: Oh god, V.

V: Can you tell me what’s going on in your head?

G: I think I try to block out that part of our relationship and reading it in detail was… Interesting. And kind of disturbing. Does [your husband] know about all of this?

V: Of course. He’s never read my blog though. Weirdly enough I think he’s a fan favorite. I think YOU might be a fan favorite. That story got a lot of hits.

G: Why?

V: I never know what’s going to be popular. A lot of times my stories that aren’t “hot” do the best.

G: *Shudders* Oh my god.

V: I mean, part of that story was hot. You sexted me.

G: That’s the only part I wish you had changed.

V: What? What’s happening right now?

G: Oh V… You were a child. What was that? Ten years ago? I just see you very differently now.

V: What are we now?

G: I need a drink. I’d like to be a little drunk right now. That’s what I wish we were.

V: I mean our relationship. What are we to each other?

G: You’d call me your mentor, but I think you make more money than me now.

V: I’m still very immature. You’re still my mentor.

G: You’re much more mature now. Did it really happen that way? I think you were more forward with our texts. Oh god, our texts! I’m so disturbed.

V: Don’t tell a woman you’re grossed out by an I tomato relationship.

G: We didn’t have an intimate relationship!

V: We made out once, dude. That’s something that can never be undone.

G: Let me be clear, I’m not grossed out by you. Our relationship changed a lot. To be honest… I don’t know. You seem so young in that story. You seem so young now. Oh god.

V: Dude, chill. It was a long time ago and nothing happened. I was in my mid-20s. It’s not like… Nothing happened.

G: More happened than should have happened.

V: You’re human.

G: You’re like my daughter.

V: Dude! Stop! I get that the thought of us together is making your skin crawl. I get it. Stop saying it. Also… Your girlfriend isn’t that much older than me.

G: She’s 47.

V: [Your girlfriend] is 47? Holy shit. I thought she was in her late 30s. She looks great. I am not going to be that hot.

G: Good genes. Also, you’re beautiful, V. Stop that. You just also happen to be a few decades younger than me.

V: Alright… I’m going to ask you questions.

G: I’m terrified. But I have a drink now. I might need five more.

V: Why… Ok geez… Why didn’t we have sex?

G: Is that a serious question?

V: It was just because I was young? I was old for my age.

G: On the contrary, you were very, very young for your age. I thought you might have been on drugs when I met you.

V: I think that’s just my personality.

G: You’ve relaxed a little with age. [Your husband] helped with that.

V: [Name], why didn’t we fuck? Answer the question directly.

G: Will you be offended if I say I didn’t find you attractive?

V: I’d think you were lying.

G: There’s that confidence. Ok, honestly? You were a loose cannon and I didn’t want to get fired. And I had just gotten out of a marriage and had no desire to sleep around. Plus, V, you look like my daughter. I like you much more as a friend. I just wasn’t interested in our relationship in that way.

V: If we had slept together do you think we would be friends now?

G: I’m not capable of something casual like that… Why are you looking at me like that?

V: I just really, really like you as a person. You’re a good guy.

G: I really like you as a person. That’s why I’m glad nothing happened.

V: We dry-humped.

G: Ohhhhh, please, please find another descriptor.

V: We rubbed our crotches together and made out passionately.

G: I just assumed we would never talk about this again.

V: Surprise! Ok. For real, I liked you more when you turned me down.

G: I forgot I told you that you made me sad. You were really sad. I remember that.

V: You were sad too.

G: I was getting a divorce, my kid hated me, and I was afraid of losing my job. I had reasons. You were too young to be that sad.

V: You don’t think sex would have helped two sad people? I’m not trying to trick you. I’m genuinely just… I’m unpacking this rejection.

G: …

V: …What?

G: It’s not that crazy that someone would reject you. I adore you, but sometimes people get rejected.

V: I was turned down many times, thank you very much. I can handle rejection. I’m unpacking it.

G: It seems like it still bothers you.

V: No. I was kind of perplexed by it for a while. I get it now because you flirted with me for so long. I couldn’t fuck a 22 year old though. One of the women I manage is 22 and she just seems so… Young.

G: You had a cardboard box as a bedside table.

V: That’s just my minimalism.

G: No! That’s being 22. It’s ok. You were supposed to be 22. You were exactly where you were supposed to be, but that was not where I was.

V: You’re a really good guy, you know that? …Can I ask you something else?

G: Worse than what you’ve already asked me?

V: You’re bright red. Chill!

G: Ok. Ask me anything.

V: Does [your girlfriend] know we’ve… rubbed our crotches together and made out passionately?

G: What do you want me to say?

V: The truth.

G: I told her you had a crush on me and nothing happened beyond a flirtation.

V: I think that’s the truth, isn’t it?

G: Of course it’s the truth! I didn’t need to divulge every detail of my non-sexual history. I don’t lie. I just… She didn’t need that image. She really likes you.

V: I kind of get the feeling she doesn’t.

G: What? She loves you.

V: You’re really bad with women.

G: [My girlfriend] isn’t like that. Do you not like her?

V: I’m indifferent. I really wanted to like her but she never seems very happy to see me.

G: I think it’s because we’re usually in settings with a lot of old firm people. It’s not you.

V: Does she know we’re getting drunk together right now?

G: I mean… Just because I haven’t told her about it doesn’t mean she doesn’t know.

V: Dude… What?

G: Just because we haven’t specifically had a conversation about what we’re doing today… I’ll tell her.

V: Y’all will have a fight.

G: You have the wrong impression.

V: Does she not like me because you don’t tell her when we hang out?

G: I don’t understand anything women do ever for any reason. If she doesn’t like you, this is news to me. And it‘s not rational. She has no reason not to like you.

V: Except the whole dry humping thing.

G: Older people don’t think like that, V. Once you both have enough of a history you have to let that stuff go.

V: You have a lot of history, eh?

G: I wasn’t a saint just because we didn’t sleep together.

V: When you were single did you sleep around a lot?

G: Not really. I have a hard time with women.

V: …

G: What?

V: I can’t tell if you’re humble or obtuse.

G: I’m honest!

V: Women like you, dude. I’ve seen it. And even so, like, not to be shallow, but you’re attractive and wealthy. You don’t even need a cool personality. And you have a fucking awesome personality. You have hobbies and shit.

G: Yes… My hobbies and shit. I build furniture.

V: Oh my god!

G: What?

V: You don’t see how that’s appealing?

G: Again, I don’t understand anything that’s appealing to women for any reason, ever.

V: You’re very… The dad from Twilight.

G: I have no idea what that means.

V: You transcend the love triangle. Like, you’re… Ok, never mind. This conversation makes you seem like you’re insecure and you’re the cockiest person I know. Apart from myself.

G: Alright. All jokes aside, I actually did like that about you when you were younger. Frankly, that was the… *almost says sexy* …most fascinating part of your personality.

V: What?

G: There’s a confidence I think a lot of people get in their mid-30s or so and you had that when you were in your early 20s.

V: I’m very good at sex.

G: Ok, V. Let’s calm down.

V: Sorry, I’m tipsy. But that is where my confidence comes from.

G: …I… Ok, I’ll bite.

V: When I was young I had this series of really hot partners who were way out of my league and really great in bed. It made me pathologically confident because… It just did. It’s hard to come back from that. Like-

G: -We can’t talk about this.

V: You asked.

G: I just don’t think of you like that anymore.

V: Anymore?

G: You’re messing with me.

V: A little.

G: How would [your husband] feel about that?

V: About me fucking with you? He’d probably laugh.

G: Your husband knows we had a moment of passion?

V: a moment of passion?

G: Please stop messing with me.

V: He knows.

G: About the texts? Does he know about that?

V: Yeah. I think I told it as a funny story.

G: Hilarious. I just can never look him in the eye again.

V: Oh please. One of his groomsmen was my ex.

G: You’re an interesting person.

V: Am I your youngest friend?

G: Does my daughter count?

V: Sure, I’m friends with my dad.

G: How did you meet [your husband] again?

V: [Redacted]

G: That’s a sweet story. You kids are cute.

V: We’re not kids. You’re just old.

G: Well… To be honest, this old man is very flattered.

V: That I wrote about you?

G: Sure. It’s nice to read. I think anyone would be a little flattered.

V: …We’re drunk

G: Was that inappropriate?

V: No! I just have a low tolerance. I’m making a simple statement.

G: I want to read your other stories. Did you write about you with women?

V: …Hey [G]?

G: Yes love?

V: Now you’re being inappropriate.

G: You’re right. You’re right.

V: I’ll cut that part.

G: You’re fine. You made me seem like a saint. It’s good to show a human side. Do you still flirt with me?

V: I kind of flirt with everyone. You want me to stop?

G: Of course not. I just can’t imagine you cheating.

V: Where the fuck did that come from? I don’t cheat.

G: You don’t think you’d mind if [your husband] talked like this with another woman?

V: That depends, would he let me join?

G: …

V: …

G: Ok.

V: Sorry, dude. I didn’t know that was going to put you over the edge. What’s weird is you’re like the fifth person I’ve interviewed for my account and you’re one of two that’s gotten kind of… I don’t know. Interesting?

G: Who was the other?

V: Oh, my ex girlfriend. She gets off on fucking with me.

G: Gets off?

V: You don’t know what that means?

G: I suppose I have enough context clues.

V: She gets sexual gratification from messing with me. We have sexual tension and she’ll intentionally say shit she knows will mess with my head.

G: Your husband is lucky.

V: Ok, boomer.

G: Is that a boomer thing?

V: Yeah, it’s always older guys who think my bisexuality must be like living in a porno. She’s still my ex. I had real feelings for her like any other ex. Maybe more so because she’s like, the one who got away.

G: I’m the other one who got away. What can I say?

V: Jesus Christ. Don’t flatter yourself.

G: I promise I’m not. I just read a very in-depth description of us getting physical, but I love [my girlfriend] and I see you as a daughter.

V: I see you as a very good friend. I think it’s cool we’ve stayed friends.

G: We have to stop recording, V. I’m drunk.

V: I was going to anyway. You can say something to my readers if you want first though.

G: I don’t get it.

V: I don’t know. My ex girlfriend said I’m good in bed because she taught me everything. You really were kind of a fan favorite. You can say your side of the story.

G: You’re good at this. I forgot you were almost a journalist.

V: Now just a humble lawyer and sex blogger.

G: V is a very good friend and lovely person who I was never interested in.

V: That’s lovely, [G].

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10ae3tf/a_conversation_with_the_older_man_who_once


  1. I loved the conversation but oh my god, the amount of wives/gfs who don’t “like” a girl not due to anything she has done but due to how the partner handles the relationship is astounding. (This happens with all genders, I just picked the one from the example).

    Man, I have absolutely no opinion about your friend Josephine or whatever. But the fact that you go out of your way to hide her from me, or unusually downplay her, makes me not like whatever dynamic there seems to be, regardless whether Josephine is the purest heart in the world. It’s not Josephine, it’s you!

  2. While the “bisexuality is a porno” thing *is* a boomerism, I think G can be forgiven since a lot of your experiences actually *exceed* what most porn would get into. There’s all the real life baggage on top of that, but you’ve experienced more wild sex than a lot of actual porn stars, no matter the gender on the opposite end.

    Also, this whole conversation furthers my belief that Young V was absolutely terrifying. Not to say that Current V isn’t, but you at least seem to have the ability to mute it a bit on command. Every story, and *definitely* every interview, seems to imply that Young V was set to maximum and couldn’t turn it down. It made you attractive, but also scary. G seemed to realize that and pulled up at the last second, because you Change People and he wasn’t up for any more change at that time of his life.

  3. For context here, I’ve been married nearly 47 years, and I still have to remind my wife that I still haven’t passed Mindreading 101 yet. No matter how much I love her, no matter how much we talk about things, there are things about her I simply don’t get. I suspect she finds it amusing after all these years.

    Maybe, in his defense, the “I don’t understand women” isn’t an act, but simply, a coping mechanism. Honestly, if I were in the presence of a beautiful young woman that was willing at roughly the same point in life, I’m not sure I’d know how to cope with that, either. The mind reels.

    On the other hand, to spend time with V? I’m not sure whether I’d be thrilled or terrified. But it’s certainly something to dream about.

  4. This conversation amused me quite a bit lol. What a strange conversation. The introspection you guys went through going through this visit down to memory lane was fascinating.
    I totally get his out of body experience thing. Such a strange situation to revisit at this stage in your lives with drinks. This conversation reinforces the fact that you were and are scary AF from the way this man describes your manner back in the day when you were fixated on an objective. “Chill V” heh

    I find it interesting how fascinated he is with bisexuality and wlw relationships or at least the physical aspect of it. Very amusing lol.

    I like that he builds furniture. I used to build furniture with my dad once upon a time. Hopefully one day I can rebuild my relationship with my dad like G did with his daughter…. who knows though

  5. Yeah I have to agree, the “I don’t understand women “ is a cop out. What he’s really say is “I don’t take the time to understand this species”. It’s people. We just don’t get each other sometimes and usually it’s just because we’re not that interested to take the time. That’s probably why he builds furniture. Not much mystery in a chair to have to figure out. Not a bad thing, just a part of him that’s hidden from himself. I’m 63 yr old man and I love the relationship you’re intent on having with him!

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