Winter Wonderland (f/f public)

Mandy shivered as her breath lilted up and off into the great beyond. She was a melange of hot and cold as she stared up at the swirling snowflakes. Unique pieces of divinity falling from the heavens, bringing life and wonder. Each one sparkling like the innocence of childhood. Bound to be battered and worn by the world until they became a mud puddle dwelling in the ditch. Then she looked down at the sight below her. Somehow even more divine.

Dahlia sleepily gazed into her eyes, surrounded by snow and pinned to the ground as Mandy straddled her. Mandy’s rosy cheeks flexed as she smiled, “You’re rapturous!” The lazy reply came sarcastically, “And you’re a weirdo.” They both giggled. Dahlia groaned through chattering teeth, “My hair is a tangled mess and I haven’t showered for 36 hours. I’m so gross!” Mandy leaned down and gave a kiss that warmed the both of them. They had little but the flames of their love to fend off the cold these days. “You’re resplendent! My reason for being and the fuel for my sputtering star.” Dahlia cringed, “Okay drama queen. That’s enough out of you!” Her hands flew under Mandy’s hoodie and sought warm sides ready for a tickle. They both giggled again and then Mandy gasped as those cold hands found something far more soft and supple.

Dahlia leaned up and pulled Mandy down, exploring her firm body with her tongue. Small clouds of warm moans rising around them. They rocked up and began to sway. Mandy’s head fell back and her chest rose as her nipple was engulfed and subject to a delicate devouring. Purring inaudible bits of pleasure Mandy longed to live in this moment for all eternity. She pressed down on those delicate shoulders, slipped forward and felt that devouring delight begin to nibble on something far south of her nipples. Her lips were wide and her mind was swimming with starlight and iridescent jellyfish.

Mandy had never considered herself very sexual. Continually ensconced in her studies and constantly caring for her ever inebriated mother, there just wasn’t time. A litany of men passing through their home with wandering eyes and bad B.O didn’t help. Yet, the last 3 months had been the happiest of her life. End of the world or not. This small girl with curly, auburn hair and the mind of a mathematician had managed to manifest a miracle and Mandy had blossomed like a spring tulip.

A wish and a kiss and a shirt on the snow. Mandy rolled over holding the hand of her last love. Both panting like tigers having given chase across the desert of desire. Hearts pounding so hard they were sure to arrest in their chests or perhaps wake the dead. A smile graced Mandy’s face as they gazed up and watched the night sky fall down around them.


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