Her Very First Time [FM]

My wife’s first time having sex was on a shag carpet. She was having a party at her parents’ house. After just about everyone had gone to bed and she was hanging out with a friend in the living room. He jokingly asked for blowjob and she surprised him by agreeing. But she was really drunk and almost gagged on him, so she told him to fuck her instead.

He took her face down on the shag carpet. She let him cum inside her. She apparently had wicked rug burn.

For some reason it’s the detail about the carpet that gets me.

[The Chronology of Anne](https://old.reddit.com/user/LordUnderTheMountain/comments/100f1ap/the_chronology_of_anne/)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/108wx91/her_very_first_time_fm