The Big O in Chem Class (f/public orgasm)

The afternoon light burst through the window and lit her like an angel. Just inches away, I could smell her marshmallow perfume. I could taste it! God, it was delicious. Her loose bun of hair flowed this way and that, rebellious strands swiping down to tickle her neck. Abbi had the cutest little freckles speckling her face, not that I could see them at the moment, but they made their way down around her collarbone and traveled across her strong shoulders. I could see a few of them playing with those wayward strands. It was then that I finally heard our chem teacher, “I said are you with us Ms. Lecroix?”

“Y-Yes ma’am…I’m sorry” I replied, embarrassed, but instantly sinking back into the depths of my waking dream. I crossed my legs and began to bounce them in short, soft bursts. A little dance with myself. I hummed my favorite song and longed to lean forward and whisper into Abbi’s ear, “I love you and I want you.”

More than that, I wanted her to want me, to do unspeakable things to me! Things I almost feared to imagine. Almost. To have her turn and wink her misty eyes and thick, black lashes. I’d melt here in my chair! Crawl to her on hands and knees, give light kisses along her calf, purr so gently, and make my way up to her thigh and beyond. I’d worship her right here, in front of my classmates and that old prune giving the lecture. If she asked, I’d slip off my skirt and let it fall at her feet. An offering to my goddess. I’d beg and plead for her to fill me with herself or anything else she desired.

I took a deep breath and felt a shiver flash through my spine. My legs had been bouncing harder and longer than I realized. I shuddered and moaned and felt something wet running along my seat. My eyes flew open and I was all alone, sitting in the last shaft of afternoon light. The old prune was at her desk staring with starving eyes, “Very good Ms. Lecroix.”


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