I 25[M] had the most passionate experience with a co-worker 27[F]


This is the story of on the of the most amazing experiences I have had to date.

I’m a 26M in an EMN relationship, we enjoy exploring amazing experiences with others and finding connections with many people. This was last year when I was still 25, so that’s why it’s different in the title.

I hope at some point she gets a chance to read this.

If you’re interested in just the sexy parts, scroll down to Part 3.

**Part 1**

The organisation I work for runs a cadet and grads program each year and I normally get asked to be on it since I was a both myself and now a manager of my own people. So I got paired with this girl from HR, Brittany (not her real name), to do a set of interviews for them with. They were over Zoom with people all over the state, she was in city and I’m in a more country area. Anyway we bantered heaps throughout the day, even things while in the interviews over chat. She made fun of how I always have a cup of tea in my hand, I teased her about her sausage dog constantly at her feet begging for attention.

At the end of our interviews, we were talking more, she knew I had a partner but I just decided to go for it and, said something along the lines of, ‘doesn’t mean I don’t have a tinder account or anything’ and then ended the call. I wanted to bait her a little, just for the fun of it.

I never expected what followed as she sent me teams messages immediately wanting to know more. I gave her a couple of answers before the conversation died off naturally. The next day however, she messaged me again, she had more questions and I was happy to answer.

We kept speaking, eventually moving to other socials. Things progressed over a couple of weeks from curiosity of someone interested in the dynamic, to sending a few naughty gifs from reddit, to things more fun. We shared many of the same kinks, and she was a more than obedient sub when I asked her to perform tasks for me. There wasn’t much I could tell her that she wouldn’t shortly after send me a photo of video giving proof and wanting to be dom’d more. It was exhilarating, not like others I had met before.

All the while I still had to be in email chains with her about candidates and the like. I even sent a couple with hidden messages and told her when she received them to read say the first letter of each sentence and it would spell out things like, ‘I OWN YOU’ and ‘I WILL MAKE YOU CUM’. The idea of it hidden there without others knowing just turned her on more.

**Part 2**

We first met in about March, after the online interviews culled out heaps of these guys (there are spots in the organisation for everything from engineering to business), the next step was an in-person round before some final checks. For this she had to come to the town I live in. We had talked for months about the chance to ever meet and so we of course both very happy when it came up.

We had a plan to meet the night she flew in but I actually ended up picking her up from the airport after a mixup with their hire car. Travelling with her was another lady from HR, Kate (also not her real name), who was also to be apart of the following days interviews. During the whole drive to their accomodation, Kate and I chatted about my former years in the program since she had been involved for a while. I was so distracted though as I saw Brittany in the rear vision mirror biting her lip. She had the most intense, wild look in her eyes – she later told me also that she had a few glasses of wine on the plane to settle her nerves.

When I arrived to drop them to the motel, I seized the opportunity since we were still talking to say that I was going to have a beer at the club adjacent and they are welcome to join. Kate said she was tired and wanted to get to bed before her early start the next day. I knew Brittany was not going to say no. She said she would take her bag upstairs and would meet me down in a minute.

I strolled across, into the club and ordered a beer. I guess she wasn’t the only one needing to calm her nerves that night. When she strolled through the doors, Brittany was wearing some tight jeans, a simple jumper and walking shoes – I wasn’t looking at her clothes much though, it was her smile.

We had a couple of drinks, getting ever closer until I took the chance when walking around her side of the table to kiss her. It was an amazing, passionate kiss, nothing shy either, her tongue and mine intertwining instantly.

Things quickly escalated and it was on from there. At one point she thought she could tease me, walking in front of me when and grinding her ass against me. When I finally said let’s go, we got in my car and didn’t even make it halfway down the road before we pulled over and I had my hands down her panties to feel her soaking wet, it was unbelievable. She herself had reached for my cock let out the sexiest moan when her finger wrapped around my shaft and looked down. I kept my pants partially down as I drove us to a secluded spot I knew while she lent across the seats and wrapped her lips around my cock. There was no slow start here, I had to pull my pants down further because she got so cock drunk and sloppy.

**Part 3**

I don’t think I could have pried her from between my legs even if I wanted to at this point. We stopped on a hill overlooking the town, continuing a little further before we got in the back seat.

She wrapped her arms around me as I kissed her passionately. No gawking people at the bar to hold us back, no awkward gearstick in the front seat of the car to hold us – I now had her in my arms hindered by nothing. She clung to me as if never wanting to separate from this perfect moment.

While the lights of the city could be seen on all sides before the rolling hills and into the night sky, in that moment the world around us receded into just that little car perched up on the hill. I too was on top of the world.

I leaned forward, taking her with me until she was on her back, our lips never apart for more than the briefest moments. At one point I remember feeling her smiling at the same time – it came to me that it had felt like an age since I had last opened by eyes but I didn’t care – I felt one with her.

Eventually, I took my hand from her waist up to her neck, my index finger and thumb cupping the shape of her jawline. I pulled myself from her lips, took a moment to sit up a little and take in her beauty before going back in for more. My hand moving her head slightly up and to the side to expose her neck, this was not some corny vampire move of the 80s but I went in as if full blooded. I will never forget the soft moan she made and the way she arched her back to me when I laid the first kiss on her neck. I wasn’t going to stay long though, I knew where I wanted to go from here.

My hands pulled the shirt tucked into the waist of her jeans and slid up between the soft cotton and her even softer skin. I could feel the electricity in the air. I go not, my whole palm to her stomach yet, just the finger tips. I wanted to buildup further her sensitivity to my touch.

Just before my hands reached her tits, I turned my hands to lift the shirt fully and take it from her. As he arms raised to let me free it from her completely, I took the moment as it covered half her face to kiss her once more. Every action in this felt deliberate and to take her sight completely for a moment, I meant to show that while I am in control of her body at this time – she was safe with me.

I took the chance after to unclasp her bra also. It it fell down around her shoulders, revealing the moment amazing set of tits. Her nipples were not quite fully hard yet but that would soon change and it was now I went in with my whole hand to massage one while I continued from where I left off kissing her neck. I lingered once again here though, a long drawn out kiss while in my head I was thinking savouring the feeling of her perfect her breast in my hand.

Her hand grabbed me by the wrist but she moved with me as I continued rather than trying to stop me. I went myself lower now, even I was starting to torture myself. Kissing down to her chest, I could hear her letting out a controlled breathe between pursed lips, trying to compose herself.

I kissed around her nipple first, from the outside half of her body, working around from below so that could look up at her once more before I licked upwards until I reached her nipple and exactly as I heard her gentle whimper I went harder and with more force as I took her in my mouth. I could hear the surprise in her shaky voice.

‘Oh fuck!’ she exclaimed.

I let my fingers come up to pinch her left nipple while I used my teeth to do the same with the right. I did not go softly, I drew each of them up almost as much as I could and squeezed sharply. I wanted the sting to be exquisite. My fingers let go and I used the timing for the same with my mouth.

I looked up and her and watched as she bit her lip. This gentle kitten, quickly being replaced by a hungry tiger. I kissed both of her tits some more to just replace the harshest remaining pain before I continued my journey south further.

In the photos she had sent before, and the words she had spoken I knew that she was self conscious of her stomach but now that she was in front of me, there was nothing stopping me from taking her all in – I don’t believe in a god but if there were a creator, she was one of their finest works. If I could give her anything it would have simply been the confidence in her own skin, before me there was not an atom I didn’t consider immaculate.

The top button of her jeans was already undone from the first time we pulled but I still savoured the moment more. I was more excited to unwrap the gift that was her than any other present I have received before I’m my life. I lifted each of her legs onto my shoulders and pulled her jeans down from her waist. Allowing her to lift her hips up and remove them from down her completely. I left her panties on though.

This moment was the culmination of many hours of talking, sharing, laughing, and not the least of which, desiring. I remember during some of the earliest conversations she would ask so many random questions about me, what I liked; to do, to eat, to know. One of the earliest nights she asked simply my birthday. I told her as such and she responded quickly that she read once of November babies, being a Scorpio that we are supposably best summed up as, ‘I desire’. I have never been one to put any stock at all in horoscope but by damn if that did not sum me up completely in this moment – it was to be savoured, anything less would be a betrayal of the moment. I would not make that mistake.

I used this chance to quickly take my own shirt off, not giving myself the same treatment going slowly, I moved swiftly not wanting to miss a second focusing on her. I leant back into her, I kissed every inch of her stomach, and when I was done I did it all over again. I felt alive at every moment we connected. I could smell the intoxicating sent of her wetness growing the whole time. It was a drug and I was an addict.

I allowed my fingers to drift down under the elastic of her silky panties momentarily, the delicate lace edging that almost framed them on her body. I kissed lower, skipping over the material and along the horizon where they met the crease of her thighs. My right hand slid to hold her by the waist, allowing my thumb to tease her sitting across the top of the silk at almost the narrowest part joining their front to the back. If they were to be much smaller, they would surely have been just a skimpy g-string.

Moving down her left leg (as I looked at her), even I was becoming inpatient in my own game. The long wait was nearly over. Drawing my right hand down under her leg, I lifted it up at the knees so as I can back up on that same side I could direct each of my kisses further around on her inner thigh. At times it felt I needed to barely touch her as her moans grew louder – there is so much more than a couple of simple areas that make up a woman. I had endeavoured to reach as many as I could. I could see as I got back to the top almost relief on her face.

‘Surely he can’t keep me waiting any longer’, I didn’t need her words to tell the thoughts through her mind. I could see the trail of the small remains of my spit snaking their way up to her neck where I started. I came in close to her, gazing in her eyes.

‘You are so beautiful,’ I whispered before blowing a gentle wind of cool breathe down over her body.

I could literally see the goosebumps as they formed and the small follicles of hair standing at attention. It was time.

I peeled back her panties slowly, watching as her grool stuck to them, drawing out as I took them lower until finally it broke. Seeing her so wet made me realise I could feel the tip of my own cock pressing against my stomach leaking precum. Taking them off her the same way I did her jeans I wanted to put them in my pocket and keep them forever.

I came in at kissed around her lips, glistening in the light, her wetness almost dripping freely from her body. I let my tongue make contact first just adjacent to her ass – I already knew how much she liked ass play – and licked her pussy slowly upwards until I found her clit and made a deliberate flick of my tongue, I felt her leg jolting inadvertently from my actions. Fuck she tasted so good, I wanted nothing else but to be able to taste her whenever I wanted, wherever I was, completely when I mood struck me for the rest of my life – possibly for the better I couldn’t as I would have never wanted to do anything else.

I allowed my hand to slide up from her waist and towards her tits once again. It felt so good to massage them once again but also I wanted her to hold my hand this time. And she did. As my licks continued I heard her moans growing louder and louder, I narrowed in on her clit as I ensured my lips were touching her entirely. Brining my tongue down and around her, I wanted to make this moment so intense. I wanted her to cum.

Her hand gripped around my wrist as I continued, each time I felt her squeeze me, I knew to keep doing the same thing, listening to the actions of her body to direct my next moves. I made sure to take a break at times, moving down to lick her lips explore the entrance to her pussy more. Like my lips kissing her whole body, I wanted my tongue to find every part of her. I went for more and more. I could feel her in ecstasy and reactive to every thrust and turn of her body.

‘I want to feel you inside me’, she soon cried.

‘Want?’ I said in question.

‘Need. I need to feel you inside me baby’. I didn’t need any more encouraging that that.

I sat up to allow myself to remove my pants completely now. I actually remember quite comically that after I did so and kneeled over her beautiful body that we were both completely naked accept for our socks. It was another of the silly bits and pieces that we had spoke about before and how she preferred to keep her socks on during because it’s more comfortable. Strangely I knew exactly what she meant – it’s the little silly things like that that make the connection even better.

I took my hard cock in my hand and moved into her, I used the tip to tease up and down the lips of her pussy. Seeing it glistening under the dim lights. I watched as she bit her lip and looked down at what I was doing with anticipation. I slowly slid myself inside her. She exhaled loudly this time without control,

‘Mmm fuuuck!’ she moaned.

She felt so tight around me, as if her pussy was desperate to hold on her me and never be without me inside her. That is exactly what I did though, taking myself completely out again for a moment, and did it all over again. I wanted to repeat that feeing with her once more. I continued to do this half a dozen or so times, it felt even as I slid back from her as if she was clenching down around me. She wanted me either to stay where I was making her feel so full or if I was to go she would try and milk every last drop of cum from me as I left.

I couldn’t wait myself now though, I thrust into her, harder this time, adjusting my hips when balls deep to make her feel me move within her. I leant forward now using my arm to hold myself up, while my other too her hip before building up a rhythm. I alternated at the start from some usual thrusts not of my full length before harder, more intense individual efforts. The strength of my hips slamming into her creating an audible clap, pushing her body up each time and seeing her tits bouncing with me.

I moved my hand from her waist to around her throat, squeezing at the sides. I watched as the smile on her face grew even wider, my little sub knew I had her completely in my power and was enjoying fulfilling her purpose. I went harder and faster now, more than any to this point now.

‘You like that feeling of my big cock inside you baby, feeling me stretch your pussy as I use you for my pleasure?’ I exclaimed between shortened breaths.

‘Fuck yes baby, I am yours you use as you want, fuck me like the dirty little slut I am’, she quickly responded.

I used my other hand that had been holding me up to massage her tits just briefly, adding some pinches of her nipples in there for good measure. Really what I wanted to do was shift my weight for a time that she felt me pressing down on her more at her neck. She took one hand and held me by the wrist that choked her, not trying to stop me but in a way, offering her body to me more. She trusted me. I kissed her, hard, but I did not break rhythm at this point.

Pulling away from her, we continued to enjoy each other a little more before, I didn’t realise until the next day but but this point she had thoroughly scratched up my back. Soon though through the shortness of her breath she begging, ‘please let me ride your cock baby, please!’ never breaking her eye contract.

It was so sexy and I don’t know how I didn’t finish right there. I moved into position. The small confines of the car broke us back to laughter again for a moment. Let me tell you, if you can’t laugh with the person you are have sex with during, you’re not doing it right.

She straddled her legs over me and held my head in each hand while she kissed me more. My hands themselves feeling her body, down her back and resting on her ass. She reached down, stroking my cock a little more before lifting herself up a little to allow herself to ease herself down on my cock.

Since this night was months ago, some of the exact memories slowly start to fade as all good times do, mostly I believe we remember how the moment made you feel rather than what you did. The way she looked however, as she leant back, her arms reaching back to holding herself up by the console between the two front seats is something I will never forget until I die. It is the single snapshot of the whole experience I remember most. Her eyes closing, her head leaning back, her almost primal and animalistic moans, her tits bouncing as she rode, even her nipples still hard from my fun earlier, in fact her whole fucking body was and is just a perfect piece of art that even do Vinci would be proud of.

You know the short montages that happen in films when someone feels something so intense that the camera zooms in through the pupils of their eyes and it shows clips like an atom bomb exploding, a flower blossoming, an avalanche falling – these mighty and awesome forces humans of nature erupting – it was like that. I was in total awe of this person. As a woman, just wow.

The curve of my cock meant that the way she leaned back had my head working perfectly against her g-spot and soon a felt her legs shaking and her voice reaching its crescendo before breaking entirely and nothing more than a faint whimper could come from her mouth. I could feel her pussy pulsing around my cock and I knew I wouldn’t last longer myself.

I tried to hold it for longer because I just didn’t want this time to end up I was fighting a loosing battle. I told her, ‘oh fuck, I am going to cum baby’.

Without missing a single beat she jumped from me, like a contortionist moving her body quickly, she grabbed the base of my cock hard this time and began to stroke me as she wrapped her lips around the tip and down the shaft. She worked both her mouth and hand in unison for a moment before I came. I could feel each pulse erupting from myself. It was so incredibly intense as her tongue kept going to tease the tip. It was one of the most amazing orgasms of my life.

She sat back up, a small drop spilled as she rose but I watched as she swallowed what was still in her mouth with a cheeky smile. She lent back against the car door in sheer exhaustion. We both sat in silence for a bit while we caught our breath. Smiling at each other intermittently, no words were needed.

Knowing that we needed to get moving because it was late, we started to get dressed again. Hopping out from the back seat, she walked out a little further away from the car to look out over the city.

‘It really is beautiful here’, she said.

‘It really is,’ I replied as a walked up from behind her, although I wasn’t looking at the city in front of us.

I hugged her from behind and we just stood there again for a while before we turned to leave. Getting back in the car we returned to the normal conversation, the jokes and fun that we had always had between us but holding hands the whole way. I pulled up to the motel again and we both looked at each other. Not wanting the night to end.

‘I’ll see you in the morning,’ she said bashfully.

We kissed one last time before we said goodnight and she jumped out. I drove home with the biggest smile on my face.

**Part 4**

I awoke with anticipation the next day to see her again. I was dressed early and out the door. I knew I didn’t need to be there for a little while longer but I wanted to make the most of today.

I walked into the club where the interviews were being held. Past the table we sat at initially the night before and around to the bistro area where I saw her and our mutual colleague, Kate, having some breakfast while chatting. I pulled up a chair and sat at the end. Immediately I felt her hand reaching under the table and onto my leg, it was going to be a teasing day for sure.

Once they had finished eating we moved into the conference room – this was one of the places we would use for the interviews. I put my bag down and said I needed to work through some emails, really I just needed to catch my breath. She moved to sit next to me to do the same while Kate went into the functions room to get the tables for the other interviews setup.

We were desperately trying to keep our hands off each other, knowing she could walk back in at anytime now though. It was nice to just enjoy her company and sit there though, truth be told we didn’t do as much chatting the night before as we normally would.

After some time we had to get out to the lobby that connected each of the spaces and welcome the candidates. As we were standing up to walk out, in that moment she leapt at me, taking the chance and ignoring the risk to kiss me. I felt the electricity through my body once again. The day went on through the morning pretty uneventful.

We messages each other throughout. at one point I slipped into the bathrooms send her a little snap, we talked about fantasies and what we would do if there were no consequences to our actions, and I sent her some gifs of things on reddit.

In the afternoon all the candidates came together for a group assessment task. She sat down on one of the chairs away from the group with me while the others stood around them closer. I took my opportunity here and let my hands run up her legs and under her flowing black dress she was wearing to feel her ass. I moved my fingers under her panties, knowing I couldn’t go much further but it was too much fun not to.

It was about time to go as she was flying home that afternoon. After the candidates had left, the rest of our colleagues assisting with the interviews, and it was back to only the three of us remaining to finish packing up.

At one point while Kate was in conference room, we were walking from the function room taking out some of the bags of materials using but I called her back, took her by the waist and kissed her once more. It was the culmination of a day feeling so close but so far away. Little did I know, this would be the last time.

We moved everything into the car and I began driving them to the airport. This time she sat in the front seat. This time she took the initiative to be daring, spreading her legs with her dress lifted as she began to rub her pussy from the outside of her panties – fuck she was some woman.


We arrived at the airport quicker than we both had hope. Eagerly Kate got out of the car to get home, we did not share the same enthusiasm.

Initially thinking we could orchestrate a chance to say a proper goodbye. Sadly not though, and just as she had got here, she was gone again.

Ultimately we have continued to talk since then and are actually very close friends. So I do hope to see her again, even if it were to just be for a coffee and to see each other but who knows.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/1085a1d/i_25m_had_the_most_passionate_experience_with_a


  1. Talk about the need for a tldr tag… curious that you drove away to have car sex with the Motel next door?

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