I (F26) found a website that connects you with people who are willing to fulfill your sexual fantasies and got a man (M30’s) to fuck me in a train (PUBLIC SEX)

I was 19 years old the first time I masturbated.

I guess I felt the… *itch* before. I just never scratched it until then.

I didn’t know how and my religious upbringing made it feel wrong to try to find out.

And then that Friday happened. It was raining really bad and I was on my computer making random Google searches cause I was so bored.

Problem is Google has a way of becoming a rabbit hole, and if you fall deep enough all roads will lead to porn.

The video popped in my screen as a suggestion and I clicked it as a joke. I was just a little curious, I was just a little bored.

That was the first time I ever saw porn.

It was a woman on a train ride. She was wearing a silk shirt and a pencil skirt. Dark pantyhose and high heeled stilettos. She looked like a business woman on her way to an important meeting, but to the men on that train she was meat. And they were hungry.

It started slow. They would bump into her and grind their groins against her butt almost as if it was an accident. But pretty soon, they were feeling her up with their hands, then their tongues, then their penis. They grabbed her like she was cake. Like they could each take a piece and bite it. My breathing went shallow as she got lost in that agonising pleasure, quietly wishing I could have some of that myself. She would moan and I would instinctively feel like following her. All that flesh. All that sweat. There is something about a man’s sweat that turns me on in a heartbeat. She finished that train ride naked, with her pantyhose ripped off and covered in the sperm of a dozen men.

That was the first time I got wet.

I mean, maybe it happened before, but never like this! Never to the point where I couldn’t deny it was happening. I was sitting at a chair in my room, watching the screen and feeling my heart beat in my clit.

I slid my hand down my pants just to feel it a little. Watching her on my screen covered in sweat that didn’t belong to her and the pre-cum of so many men. I wanted to trade places with her. My pubes were wet and slimy, covering my enlarged clitoris. I rubbed my fingertip on it just to check if it was ok? And it felt like a nuclear explosion. It was so overwhelming I could barely look at the screen. Getting lost in myself as my entire body responded to that one touch in a way I didn’t know was possible. So I carried on. I touched it. I flicked it. And I came, discreetly, with tiny little girlish moans.

I was 19 then.

I am 26 now.

I have masturbated quite a few times since, but I don’t think any of them have been as good as that first time.

I had sex a few times too. With a couple of guys. And it was alright, I suppose.

I have that video saved in a tab still. It’s my go to when all else fails or when I just really need a good release.

Love that damn video.

I am telling you all this now cause last week we had a really bad rainy day again. I was on my computer making Google searches cause I was so bored and… rabbit hole, porn, you know the drill.

So I came across this really weird website. Or maybe I should call it a social media.

It’s called “Will you fuck me?”. And I laughed as soon as I saw it. Ridiculous, right?

The place is like some weird craigslist for sex. Only instead of buying and selling services you just make a request and wait for someone to be interested in it.

Let me open the app so I can show you. Here. Take a look. See? This woman here, for instance. She wants someone to cage her and treat her like a pet. And this number on top here says seven people already replied to her request.

I think the way it works is the app only shows your request to people in your area. And they can message you if they want to oblige.

You can ask for anything. *Anything!*

Look at this other one here: this man wants someone to cover him in sunflower oil, lock him in his closet so he can masturbate while you lay on his bed reading a magazine. Five people replied.

I don’t judge. Usually.

But this whole community seems a little ludicrous for my taste.

And yet…

I could go into a whole freudian explanation of why I decided to request public train sex on that website. Maybe it was a lingering desire ever since I watched that porn at 19, maybe it was my recent move to a big city making me want to break out of my shell. Or maybe it was the glass of wine.

I told myself it was just a joke and typed “Looking for someone in Chicago willing to feel me up in a train”. There was a million little options I could add to help it be found on searches. I just picked “woman looking for man”, “public sex” and “no penetration”. I also added a quick description of what I wanted done to me, which was basically the porn.

And I forgot about it.

Next morning my phone had so many notifications I thought someone in my family died.

Twenty eight men had messaged me interested in helping me out.

But it was just a joke, right? I wasn’t really gonna do it.

I just read the messages cause it was funny.

I just replied cause I was curious.

I just narrowed it down to three guys cause I was bored.

It was just a joke.

I wasn’t really gonna do it.


Thing is one of the three guys was just my type. Like JUST exactly my type. He sent me some pictures of himself and I was floored. Have you ever looked at something and thought “yeah, I could have that in my vagina right now”?

He is 35 and he’s only in Chicago for a week. So if I wanna do this I gotta do this now.

The whole thing feels a little too technical. We set a date. I send him some modest pictures of myself, tell him what I’ll be wearing and what train station I’ll be at.

He tells me not to worry cause he will find me.

It feels like a business transaction which ends with him telling me it’s ok if I change my mind and setting a safe word if either one of us wants to stop.

We land on “this is my stop” as a safe word, but “red” will also work if the other one feels to complicated to remember.

We both also absolutely agree that if there are any kids around, we abort mission.

It doesn’t feel sexy, does it? Deciding safe words, checking train schedules and defining boundaries?

I put on a white silk shirt and a gray pencil skirt over a pantyhose cause if I’m gonna do this, I might as well really do this, but by the time I get to the station, I’m considering calling out the safe word as soon as he approaches me.

I look around trying to find him and I don’t.

It would be nice if he was late and missed it, actually. Would save me the trouble of having to safe word.

The L train arrives and I still don’t see him. But I do have to get to work so… in I go.

“Crowded” doesn’t begin to describe the situation that morning.

I stand so tightly surrounded by fellow passengers that I probably wouldn’t even need to hold on to something to stand still.

I usually drive to work, so when the train shakes on a turn it catches me (and my high heels) by surprise and I almost lose balance. But maybe my heels and inexperience isn’t at fault as most people around me also seem to tilt quite a bit with every sudden curve.

I am standing next to the door when the train lurches again and the whole crowd moves like a fluid pressing me against one of the poles.

Someone behind seems to have lost their balance as well cause he leans in the same direction I did, squeezing me against the pole.

He quickly apologizes and I tell him not to worry but… *he doesn’t move away*.

The train is moving steady again and the fluid-crowd went back to it’s normal stance. All of it, except for the one drop-person behind me.

I can feel him rubbing my ass with his groin, using the train’s movement as an excuse. His chest is so hard against my back that I get pushed into the pole to the point where the damn thing is pretty much between my breasts.

The crowd is so thick I can’t move enough to turn.

“Excuse me, sir, can you back off a little?” I ask, as this unknown man moves his hip dry humping my ass.

“I’m sorry” he quickly says “Is this your stop?”

I freeze.

*Great job, Annie. What did you think was gonna happen?*

Well, Annie, I thought maybe he overslept and missed the train and I was free.

*That’s dumb, Annie. He accepted the request to fuck a woman on a public transport, it’s unlikely he even slept at all.*

Well, fuck.

Time to decide.

It’s either my stop or it’s not.

“Hm?” He moves his hips and I feel his erection. It’s very much undeniable “Is this your stop?”

I am so hesitant even my breath shakes.

“No” I whisper “It’s not my stop yet”

The train stops to a halt and inertia makes him crash his boner into my ass.

“I’m sorry, miss” he adds. But I don’t think he is sorry at all, cause he puts his arms around me pretending to hold on to the pole in front of me and if I could barely move before, I can’t move at all now.

There are four more stops before I need to go. He knows this.

That’s why he wastes no time.

He moves as if he is using my ass to jerk himself off. But if feels… a little different now.

Ten seconds ago, it felt like a boner inside jeans being rubbed against my skirt.

Now, it feels like there is hot manly flesh just outside the thin layer of my clothes.

It’s the way it fits, you know? Ten seconds ago, there was just a lot of rubbing… but now his dick feels to be inside my asscheeks just like the train pole is inside my tits.

I stop breathing and look around nervously.

He is *undressed*. He has his dick out in the middle of the train.

God save me.

I am suddenly far too aware of the people around me. The group of 20 year olds sitting by the window discussing some Bulls game. The old lady in the back with a large bag over her shoulder. The dozens of people who absolutely look like they are on their way to work.

There is a woman right in front of me, holding on to the same cursed pole with a book in her other hand. She casually raises her eyes to me, like if her attentions was drawn for no reason. *Stranger* picks this second to slide his fingers on the edge of my skirt and I feel cold sweet on my brows. The woman looks at me with a small friendly smile and I try to smile back as a hard fat cock humps my ass.

He pinches my pantyhose and pulls it a bit to see how much it’ll stretch.

I told him I’d like it ripped.

I told him I’d like cum everywhere.

But that was Daredevil Wine Annie, clearly. Cause Rational Sober Annie knows she is on her way to work. That will be hard to do with covered in sperm wearing half a pantyhose.

Fortunately, it doesn’t look like he’ll go that far.

He just humps me. Going harder and faster. Sliding his hands on the edge of my skirt like he is considering grabbing my thighs or going all the way to my pussy.

The train jolts and instead of holding on to the pole, he holds on to me. My waist. My hips. He’s feeling me up, 100%. His touch travels so far up that his fingertips are brushing the bottom of my tits.

His breathing speeds up. I can feel it on my ear. The muffled moans of a man who is doing everything he can to keep quiet.

His hands travel up and down my body. Strange hands, strange breathing, strange moan. I try to perk my ass back but I am starting to feel lust overcome me. I remember my favorite porn. I remember the audio. I remember the sequence of events.

And this feels like living it.

The woman in the train. The man who can’t keep his hands off and will use her as he pleases.

I am getting turned on.


Trying to focus is pointless and my eyelids keep dropping. I pull the pole tighter. I think I wanna hump it. Rub my pussy on it and let the cold metal fuck me until I cum.

I told him no penetration. I told him little touching.

I am starting to regret both those things.

Trying to stand still is the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

His breathing speeds even more. He is close. His hands pull my skirt up just a little and I can hear his moans of agony, cause he really fucking wants to pull the thing up and out of his way, but knows he can’t. He teases my thighs but knowing he can’t grab them and open them slowly eats away at his sanity. So he does what any reasonable man would do and moves away, sliding his hands back up, away from my legs. Problem is… the more he goes north, the closes to my boobs he gets. And as soon as his fingers are scratching the bottom of my tits, it seems like that touch burns him way more than it burns me. His muscles flexes and I know what he wants…

He wants to rip my buttons open, and shove his hands in my bra to roll my nipples on his fingers like they are little round olives, ripe for tasting. But he knows he can’t. He holds his position for as long as he can, before going insane once more. Then he slides his hands down… and repeat, and repeat.

His desire makes me wet.

His swallowed moans make me wetter.

To the hell with my shame. I think I really wanna get fucked.

I think maybe I need it.

But three stops came and went. Next time this train halts, I’ll need to get off.

And as for my Stranger… getting off seems to be on his mind as well.

He grabs me harder when both his hips and his breathing break in that typical way. Like an adventurer reaching the top of the mountain, letting go of a tension that’s been building up for a long time.

He came.

He gulps trying to catch his breath and I feel his hands moving quickly behind me as he covers his dick before walking away, as well as he can considering how crowded the train still is.

We get to my stop and I step off, looking back trying to find him. I see him for two seconds, I recognise him from the pictures. He winks at me before the doors close and the train takes him away.

I adjust my skirt to… what the hell?

I feel it sticky and warm on my pencil skirt. On my ass, where he relentlessly humped.

His load is still there. Holding on to me to remind me that I am up-the-walls horny with no release in sight.

I stare at the male cum in my fingers feeling my chest rise and drop rapidly, my lips slightly open and my eyes slightly closed.

Damn it, I should have asked him to touch me! Just a little bit.

What the fuck do I do now? How do I focus on work?

I don’t, is the answer.

He texted later… quickly, to ask if I was ok and if I was “taking the L tomorrow again”.

I say yeah, cause… I mean… right?

And I tell him it’s ok if he touches me a little more.

Next day, I see him before I board the train. He is wearing a suit and reading a newspaper. He looks kinda hot… and also like he is about to go to some important meeting. Is that weird if that turns me on even more? That I’m the little snack he gets on the way to more important affairs?

We do an absolute glorious repeat.

Only this time, he grabs my thighs a little.

He grinds me, cums and I leave with his load dripping from my skirt and my pussy burning up.

It’s hot. Incredibly hot. Exactly what I wanted.

The only problem is getting clean before I get to work hasn’t been easy.

So this isn’t sustainable, to be honest.

And then Thursday happens.

I get to the station and I don’t think he has work today cause he is wearing sweatpants, sneakers and a hoodie. He has ears buds on and some sweat on his forehead that makes it look like he’s been running.

And fuck me, what is it about a man’s sweat than can make your pussy scream like a little bitch?

Or at least mine, does.

It’s my pussy thinks hard exercise equals strenght, which in turn equals manhood.

He ignores me like he always does. We never really talk. We don’t even text.

All I know is his username and what his moans sound like.

We walk into the train and it’s business as usual, but I decide to make my request.

“Hey” I whisper, very extremely low “Could you cum someplace else? It’s hard to clean you off my skirt.”

“You want me to…?” fuck, his voice sounds good. And he’s already grinding me a little bit. Like he is sweet fucking me.

“I don’t know” I shrug, a little shy “Just… someplace else? Like in your pants or something? Just not my skirt”

I wait for him to say yes, but instead I feel his smile on my cheek.

“I’ll make you a deal” he whispers back “Spread your legs a little bit. Let me rub my cock on your panties, and I’ll cum someplace else”.

It’s like you, as a person, is actually three separate entities.

There is your mind.

There is your heart.

And there is your body.

Your mind thinks it’s in charge, your heart tries to mess it up. But while the two of them are fighting and undecided, the body knows what it wants. The body has attitude and no room for self doubt.

Stranger asks me to spread my legs so he can rub it in and every muscle in my body tightens like a rope too small being stretched too far. My vagina tenses as if it was a person of it’s own. A very spoiled and entitled person of it’s own, who is mad at me for making it go hungry for a whole week.

I get that burning feeling in my groin that quickly becomes a wetness dripping out my pussy.

“What do you say, hm?” He speaks as if he is moaning “Spread your legs for me?”

I close my eyes.

I don’t answer with words, but with actions.

As soon as my thighs drift apart just enough to make room for him, I hear him quietly laughing with pure satisfaction.

He pushes his sweat pants down, pulls my skirt up a bit and I feel it.

Oh, fuck me Lord Almighty, I feel it.

His cock is like hot steel. Hard, long and thick and so so *so* warm.

My pussy isn’t cold in the slightest, quite the contrary: it’s freaking feverish right now. And I still feel him hotter than my body.

That warm piece of man slowly stroking me over my panties, like he is casually fingering me with his cock.

He lets out a hoarse grunt cause feeling my pussy might be a little too much for him right now.

“Can I touch it?” He begs.


A couple of 30-something year old men to my left bump into me when the train moves and I almost trip. So he holds my arms quickly apologising. I try to smile and say “don’t worry”, but Stranger is sliding his fingers up between my thighs. He pushes my panties to the side and slides a finger in as I’m about to say the “don’t worry”, so what comes out instead is a tiny little scream I desperately swallow with a blushing smile.

The two men who bumped into me turn back to their conversation and their day. They are right next to me. Their arms still brushing mine. Talking about some new processor technology or whatever. But there’s a finger up my pussy so I don’t much care.

“You got a really warm pussy” he says like a man who is far passed the point of drooling. He moves his finger in and it feels so good I could grind it for hours “Can I put my cock in here?”

That makes me hesitate.

He can tell.

“No, hm?” He understands “Really? How about just the tip?”

That never ends well, does it?

I am not that experienced in sex, but “just the tip” sounds like intro to “the whole thing”.

But I am so horny, I can’t think. I nod yes and I can hear him exhale with absolute pleasure.

His finger goes away and the tip of his hard cock presses into my pussy making way for itself. I think I’m so nervous I am even tighter than I usually am. That little bit of dick in a public place like that almost feels like a full on invasion. I wanna close my eyes so bad I could die.

“Don’t move” he holds me almost violently. And I… I didn’t notice I was trying to ride his dick, but I guess I am? “If you keep moving like that, it won’t be just the tip anymore” he says, pushing my lower back so hard I’m almost kissing the window.

Have you ever been fucked by a cock tip before?

It’s fantastic.

It’s terrible.

It’s like a never-ending foreplay that will never become an orgasm but it’s wonderfully fun either way. My body is so needy for touch that just that little bit of man is enough to cause explosions from my pussy all the way to my knees. But at the same time, I need so much more, that just that little bit of man is nowhere near enough.

And yet that’s all he gives me.

When he can’t take it anymore, he gets out of my pussy and start fucking my pussy lips instead. His whole cock between my thighs, going back and forth as he strokes me with it, his length sliding in my natural lube. I think he got caught in my panties, cause every time he strikes me I feel the fabric being pulled forward really hard. Like the tip of his cock gave up on my pussy but not on its smell, so now it’s fuck the front part of my panties instead.

“Fuck. I’m gonna cum” he whispers so very extremely low.

“Not on the skirt, ok?” I remind him with a plead.

Again the train moves. Again the two Processor Men bump against me, holding my arms and apologising. My nipples are so hard you can see them through bra and shirt.

“Not on the skirt” he agrees “Keep your legs open like this. I’ll do it just like the porn you asked for”

I obey him and feel the warm thrust of his load hitting my pussy.

Fuck, now I’m the one who’s gonna cum.

I am so close.

So desperately, hopelessly, terribly, agonisingly close. Please somebody flick my clit. For the love of God, someone, please!

I think he put his cock back in his pants but his hand is still between my thighs, spreading his cum all over my slit, my pussy lips and my panties. His load is fucking fat, there is so much of it. And he keeps sliding his fingers all over, like he is moisturising me. And then his fingertips hit my clit.

That’s all I need.

I start shaking as orgasm gets a hold of me and he notices that with a soft chuckle, grabbing on to my clit harder and rubbing it so I can finish.

And I do finish. In his hand. Grabbing on to a metal support and the window, trying not to fall off. He takes a tiny step back as we approach the stop where we go our separate ways. My panties are heavy with his cum. The fabric starting to harden as the cum dries. I’m covered in it still.

“You gonna smell like me all day now” he says “Are you good?” He asks, carefully.

“Yeah” I say “I’m good” and I step off the L.

But that’s a lie.

I’m not good.

Nowhere near good.

I want more.

I want so much more.

——— Edit: Hi, everyone! Thank you for all the comments, I’m glad you are enjoying the stories. Since I got a lot of messages asking the same thing, I decided to edit:
Please note this story is **fiction.** I may sometimes draw things from real life as inspiration (as do most who write) but this is a fantasy, the website and app are not real.
I hope this goes without saying, but some of the messages I got worried me so… please **always** **get** explicit **consent** from anyone you’re engaging in sexual interactions (of any kind) with. And also a safe word, when needed. Sexual act without consent is sexual harassment or assault, please never forget this.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/107o5uj/i_f26_found_a_website_that_connects_you_with


  1. This was a masterpiece. Oh my god I’m dripping right now. Fucking amazing job!!!

  2. Oh my that was good! Very exciting. Well written and productive. A most satisfying end on my side. Absolutely ❤ loved it. More please

  3. Yeah wow first question I have is what website and does it cover Australia too?
    So happy you were able to have this fantasy fulfilled ive always wanted to be the one to feel someone up in public and not have them report me lol. I used to play with myself sometimes when I took the bus and always hoped someone would see and join God that was a rush😅

  4. Welp, new fantasy unlocked 😍 I love your writing!! I felt like I was right there in the moment too 🤤🥵

  5. So I’ve been on those subway trains. I I used to live in NYC. I can tell you that your story happens…a lot. So my question is… is it true

  6. That was amazing and so hit. God I’m horny as hell now. Lol. Would live to read more stuff like that.

  7. Omg this is one of my favorite “scenes” to imagine. Complete with insemination. Definitely need more of this story.

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