Simba Cannot Forget – Chapter 2 [M19/F18] [Male Reluctant Sex] [Orgasmic Memory Wipe] [Casual Sex With Love Interest]

[Chapter 1](

“What do you mean I am not supposed to remember? It happened just yesterday!”

I said confused.

Hayase looked at me with resentment and irritation, as if I had done something horrible to her. Then crooked her head, as if she had an idea.

“Maybe it was too brief… You did come very quickly, the other guys lasted for at least five minutes, you came in like seconds…

“It was not that short! It was at least two minutes.” I said, offended.

“Maybe one minute, tops”, She said with a mischievous smile. She clearly enjoyed needling me over it.

“Besides, why should how long it lasted matter if I remember it?”

At first she didn’t respond, she just looked up into the ceiling, as if deep in thought, then she walked over a desk and sat on it with one leg dangling and the other on the table, with her chin resting on her knee, her eyes staring into empty space.

“I know this will sound crazy, but every man I have ever done anything sexual with has forgotten about what we did the next day. Like literally every man. No exception. well, except you.”

With the last word her eyes finally landed on me again.

“What is different about you? Yes it was brief, but it certainly seemed to be very intense for you, you made so many faces.”

A crooked smile formed on her face. I felt my embarrassment rise as she kept reviewing my first time performance yesterday. I was about to protest, but thought better of it.

“You were very nervous and you came very fast…” She said again as her eyes wandered to the ceiling again. A second later they focused back on me again and she asked: “Are you a virgin?”

“I- I… Ugh…” Was all I managed to say, before I managed to squeeze out an unconvincing: “No…”

She smiled a devilish predator grin at me, like a lion about to devour a baby gazelle.

“That is exactly the kind of thing a virgin would say. I have never had sex with a virgin before, maybe that is what it is. The first time just didn’t take.”

She jumped down from the table and took a step towards me with her devilish grin widening. I instinctively took a step backwards.

“You know I have been getting away with the most debauched of activities in this school thanks to the fact that boys always forget what I do. At first it felt like a curse, nobody ever remembered me. Was it me, was I not noteworthy enough?”

She took another step towards me and I took another one back. Her grin widened further still.

“Such childish thoughts.” She continued “This is a blessing, I can do whatever I want, whoever I want, and nobody will accuse me of being a slut, a loose woman or stealing their boyfriend. I can get the rush of sucking the cocks of a room full of boys, fucking every man at a party, without suffering the loss in reputation for it. I can fulfill whatever fantasies I can dream off, have as much sex as I want, without ever having to face the consequences of them.”

She took yet another step and I tried to take another backwards, but I backed into a table and fell over it, ending up sitting on the edge. Her eyes were staring at me intently and mischievously. She took a final step and now stood before me. She leaned forwards and grabbed my thighs with her hands and ran them upwards towards my crotch as she leaned in further and said quietly:

“Which is why it is a real bother for me that you remember. I cannot have you ruin my fun by running your mouth.”

Her hands finally made it to my crotch and she squeezed by cock through my pants, making it twitch and grow.

“I promise I won’t tell anyone!” I said desperately, not even sure why I protested. Clearly she wanted to give me a blowjob again. Did I not want that?

*Not like this.* I thought.

She bit her lower lip and said seductively: “I know you won’t, I will make certain of it.”

She pulled down the zipper to my pants and put her hands inside, took a firm grip of my cock through my underwear and squeezed it. It again twitched involuntarily.

“Mmmm…” She murmured, “It is almost already hard, you really want this bad, huh?”

I did want to, but I also didn’t. This felt wrong. Again like yesterday I was just an object to her, something to get over with, to later be discarded and forgotten, and more importantly I would forget.

I would forget her cute satisfied smirk when she knew I was about to cum. I would forget the look of her gorgeous naked body. I would forget that I was no longer a virgin, at least in the sense of having gotten a blowjob. Two even.

But her hands on my cock felt so great and watching her expressive face that I loved so much as she massaged my cock was electrifying.

“I- I am not sure if this is necessary…” I tried to say weakly. “Really, I promise I won’t tell anyone.”

“Naww” She said with a fake sad tone and feinting a sad face, “Are you afraid that you will lose all those wonderful memories of me and your first time?”

She pushed down my underwear and my cock sprung out like a strung bow. She grabbed it with her hand, again her touch sent jolts of pleasure through my body, and put her mouth so close to it I could feel her hot breath as she spoke:

“But you know, you were never meant to have them in the first place, they do not belong to you. They are mine and I will take them back.”

With that she put the head of my cock into her mouth and started to suck as she smirked at me, keeping eye contact.

I knew this meant nothing to her, that I should also mean nothing to me, that this was wrong. This wasn’t love or affection, this was just her getting rid of an irritation. This wasn’t what I wanted, not really, and I knew that I should stop her. But her lips and tongue played up and down and around my cock, sending shiver after shiver of pleasure through me. I didn’t want it to stop. Seeing her gorgeous face and mouth wrapped around my cock was all I could think of. It was the stuff of my most lustful dreams. That smirk and grin that went all the way to her eyes as she felt my cock twitch and pound under her touch was entrancing. I wanted more of it.

If I told her to stop, I would never get to see her like this again, she would hate me and every time she looked at me it would be with resentment and suspicion. The thought made my stomach knot itself. I hated the thought of never getting to see that devilish smile directed at me again.

On the other hand, if I didn’t stop her, I would not get to keep these memories, but at least she wouldn’t hate me… At least I might get the occasional teasing smile every now and then. To defy her would be the end of everything. Even the minute chance that I might get close to her, infinitely small as it was, would be atomized into nothingness. I couldn’t stand the thought. I would sacrifice my memories if it meant her not hating me.

I let her do it and I tried to enjoy every moment of it. I closed my eyes and tried to feel every sensation, every touch. How she lightly, but firmly, used her tongue to enhance her sucking as she pulled her lips up my cock, how she teased my head with her teeth, giving me a seductive and devilish grin. Once I allowed myself to enjoy it, it was glorious. How any man could forget something like this was beyond my comprehension. I let out a moan.

“Shhh, King of the lions,” Hayase chided me, “we can’t have anyone hear and peek in on us. It would be quite annoying if I had to convince a teacher to let me suck his cock. Even worse if it is a female, I don’t even know if it works on women…”

She paused briefly at that, then continued.

“I should try some time…”

I lasted longer than the last time, but not by much. Soon I felt my cock swelling as the feeling rose and the orgasm finally erupted as a tsunami of pleasure that rocked my body. I felt her lips still around my cock as rope after rope of cum shot into her mouth.

Once my cock stopped pulsing and I came back to my senses again, I noticed that Hayase had gotten up and walked towards a sink in the lecture room. When she arrived there, she spat into and the turned to me and said with a satisfied smile:

“Done. Now be gone King of lions, once a virgin, but no longer.”

Then she went to the exit and left without looking back at me.

I felt empty and hollow. It was bitter sweet, knowing that as much as I had enjoyed it, I wouldn’t get to remember any of it. Oh well, at least now I could still love her from afar and dream of the impossible.

I got up, left the room and went home to reminisce over my soon to be faded memories, skipping the last lecture of the day.



I scrambled to turn off the alarm clock, managed instead to knock it over on the floor.

*Fuck this morning started miserably…* I thought to myself, *I barely got any sleep because I stayed up all night thinking about Hayase and what she did yesterday. Fuck, I am really going to miss those memories…*


I sat up straight in bed.

*Wait. I still remember… I still fucking remember!*

My heart started pounding. I tried to recall the memory of her mouth around my cock. It came immediately, making my cock twitch in arousal. One memory of her naked in the gym shower and another one in the lecture room.

*I remember both!*

I would have to put on the best poker face of all time to ensure that she never found out. I got to keep the best of both worlds, I would get to remember her blowjobs and still have her not hate me!

The only problem was that I was well known amongst my friends to have the worst poker face ever and lying… Well… I usually never even bothered, I always got caught…

*Don’t worry about memories, I won’t fail you! I promise! I hope I won’t anyway… Fuck I am so screwed…*

**to be continued**


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