Hot Chocolate [F30/M29][First Time][Virgins][Wholesome][Gentle]

Peter was waiting for her when she stepped out of the elevator. “Hot chocolate?” he asked, holding out a cup.

“You know me too well,” Arya said, accepting it with a smile. “Sorry I was running late. Had a project that needed to be finished before I left.”

“No problem. It’s not like we’re on a tight schedule,” he said. “It’s Friday. We have the whole evening ahead of us.”

“That we do.”

They had met almost a year ago. Arya had had a long, hard week at work, and it must have showed on her face. Because she had only been halfway through the line at the cafe in the lobby when he had stepped up and offered her a hot chocolate. She’d asked what it was for, and he’d replied that she just seemed like she needed some kindness that day. Didn’t even ask for her number or her name. Just wanted to do something nice for her.

The next Friday when she saw him in the lobby again, she waved him over and they got in line together. She paid him back for the hot chocolate by asking him his favorite drink and buying it for him. It became a tradition after that. Every Friday, they would meet up in the lobby, get their drinks together, and sit and talk for however long they felt like. They had just . . . clicked. And after a few weeks, she had invited him over to her place for a movie-night/cuddle session. She made it clear from the outset that it was purely platonic; cuddling was all that was going to happen. She always had three rules for people she invited over: 1) ask before you do anything new/anything that might make her uncomfortable, 2) if she says slow down, stop, or leave, you do it immediately without question, and 3) don’t be a serial killer. A guy’s reaction to her rules was one of her major tests for them. Anyone who balked at them or seemed offended by them was immediately out. And anyone who tried to push them as well. She gave guys one warning before she kicked them out of her apartment, which unfortunately she’d had to do a handful of times.

Thankfully, Peter had taken them well. In fact, when they had gotten into a tickle fight that first night, he had broken it off suddenly and asked if he was breaking rule 2 by ignoring her laughing pleas to ‘stop the torture.’ She had reassured him that, while yes he had technically broken the rule, that rule was more in place for people who got too handsy or tried to grope or kiss her. But him stopping was one of the many things that had made her say yes when he’d asked her out a couple weeks after that. He was just . . . genuinely a good person. He never pressed her to do anything she didn’t want. He respected her. Ne never tried to use her as a prop or show her off to his friends. He didn’t scoff when she talked about feminism or the gender studies classes she’d taken in college, but he also didn’t shy away from challenging her and her ideas when he thought it was necessary. And he didn’t do it in a way that made her feel stupid or as if he was trying to prove his superiority. He asked genuine, thoughtful questions, made well-thought out points. Sometimes, she had answers or rebuttals, and he wasn’t afraid to admit he was wrong or simply to say that he didn’t know something and needed to do more research. But he also stood his ground when he felt he was in the right, and more than once it had actually been her who admitted that she was wrong or that she needed to do more research.

He was also refreshingly straightforward. No trying to drop hints, or subtly sound things out. He had asked straight up before he kissed her for the first time. And even after that, he would frequently ask for permission before he hugged her or kissed her or put an arm around her. A few months into their relationship, he was upfront but respectful about the fact that he had been thinking about where he wanted their relationship to go with regards to sex. They’d had a long, frank, open discussion about it. Despite her being 30 and him being 29, they were both virgins. Not that they were completely inexperienced. She’d had someone play with her boobs once or twice, and once someone had tried to finger her (she’d ended it because he was getting nowhere), and he’d received what he described as ‘the most pathetic handjob in history’ back in highschool. But neither of them had ever had sex of any kind; vaginal, oral, or anal.

They’d talked about it, and they’d both agreed that, while they really liked each other, they weren’t ready to take clothes off yet. But they still experimented a little. They had many passionate makeout sessions. She’d grinded on him several times (once she had even made him cum in his pants), and he’d fondled her through her shirt. It had been good. He had asked her one night how she would feel if he masturbated to the thought of her, and she’d replied that she was fine with it and asked in return what he thought about her masturbating to the thought of him (he’d said it was fine also). After that, after a particularly heavy session of kissing and touching, it wasn’t uncommon for them to text each other something along the lines of “thinking of you ;)” when they were both home. She’d rubbed one out several times thinking about grinding down on his cock through his pants. And after a few weeks ago . . .

A few weeks ago, he had told her that he thought he was ready to take it further. He been very careful about clarifying that he was more than happy with what they were already doing, and if she wanted to wait for however much longer, that was fine. But if and when she was ready, so was he. She still hadn’t been ready at the time. But the more time passed, the more she thought about it. She began fantasizing about what it would be like to have him touch her bare breasts, for him to finger her, to have him inside of her. So back in the present, as they were walking back to her place from the pizza place where they’d had dinner, she took his hand. “So there’s something I want to tell you,” she said.

He looked at her. “Okay.”

“I think I’m ready.”

He blinked. “Like, ready ready?”

She nodded, blushing a little.

He took a deep breath. “Are you sure? I’m perfectly happy with the way things are.”

“I know,” she said. “But ever since you told me you were ready . . . I can’t stop thinking about it. I want this, Peter.”

He looked at her a moment longer, and then he grinned. “And so do I. And of course, if you change your mind, if we start doing something and you don’t like it or you just want to stop-”

“Rule 2 is still in force, and I know you’ll obey it,” she finished. “I trust you.”

They walked hand in hand the rest of the way back to her apartment. The moment the door closed behind them, she spun around and pushed him up against the wall. “Now,” she said, looking down at him. “I know we’re both excited. But first things first, we both need to freshen up. We have pizza breath.”

He laughed at that. He stood on his tip-toe to plant a kiss on her cheek. “I’m sure we’d still enjoy ourselves even with pizza-breath, but point taken.”

She stepped back, kicked off her shoes, and walked over to the bathroom. She gave him a sly look before she closed the door.

In the bathroom, she looked at her reflection in the mirror and took a deep breath. They were finally going to do it! She quivered with excitement. And no small amount of nervousness too. She leaned against the sink, taking deep breaths and willing her heart to slow down. She quickly brushed her teeth and washed her face and hands. When she stepped out, Peter was sitting on the couch. He looked up at her. “Your turn,” she said, sticking her thumb back over her shoulder at the bathroom.

He gave her a quick, nervous smile and walked past her into the bathroom. She got her laptop set up on her coffee table (she didn’t have a TV) and scrolled through a couple shows on Netflix. A cuddle session in front of a show sounded nice to pace things out a bit. She looked up at the sound of the bathroom door opening. “Here,” she said, patting the couch next to her. “I thought we’d take things slow. Start out with just some cuddling.”

“Fine by me,” he said. He sat down next to her. She put her arm around him, and he leaned into her. “What are we watching?”

“I was thinking Is It Cake.”

He laughed. “A bit of an odd choice to get us in the mood, but okay.”

“Oh, I don’t think we’ll need any help getting in the mood,” she teased.
He blushed a little. “No, we probably won’t.”

She started the show, and they settled down. For a bit, anyway. As they watched, she slid her hand down his side towards his waist.

“Arya,” he said. “What are you doing?”

“Is this okay?” she asked.

Yes, but-”

“Then shh. I’m trying to listen to the show.”

He gave her a knowing glance, but he stayed quiet. She kept her hand traveling down past his waist and onto his butt. She gave it a squeeze. “Ooh, this is nice.”

He smirked up at her. “Is it now?”

“Yeah, I really like that color of fondant,” she said, nodding at the screen.
He glanced at her askance. “Oh, really? It was the fondant you were referring to and not,” he thrust his butt backwards into her hand, “my buttock that you’re currently fondling.”

“What, this?” she said, giving it another squeeze. “Oh, I suppose it’s nice too.”

He shook his head before reaching up to place a kiss on her cheek. She accepted it with a smile but then leaned down and pressed her lips against his. She hummed pleasantly at the kiss, and moved to deepen it, but he pulled back. “You’re distracting me from the cakes!” he protested, a cheeky grin on his face.

She rolled her eyes. “Alright, alright. I’ll stop distracting you.” She squeezed his ass again even as she said it.

He chuckled and turned his eyes back to the laptop.

They managed to make it through the rest of the episode without any further ‘distractions.’
Before they started the next one, though, Peter sat up. “I think it’s your turn to be the small one in the cuddle,” he said, holding his arms out invitingly.

She smiled warmly at him and let herself sink into them. It was a little more awkward this way around with him being the shorter one, but they found a comfortable position and started up the next episode. She was not at all surprised when within the first few minutes his hand started drifting down her side. “This okay?” he asked.

“Mhm,” she said, snuggling into him.

The hand reached her butt soon enough, caressing it through her skirt and leggings. “I really like this,” he said.

She smiled, wise to his games. “I agree. That cake is sure to be delicious.”

“Oh, that wasn’t what I meant,” he said, giving her rear a squeeze.

“You cheeky devil,” she teased. “Being a bit forward, are we?”

“Cheeky? You’re the one with all the cheek here,” he replied, squeezing her butt again.

She rolled over so her head was in his lap, looking up at him. “I can think of something else you could squeeze,” she said softly, taking his hand and guiding it to her chest.

“Oh, good idea,” he said, his hand running over her modest breasts. “I can use these to practice kneading, just like they’re doing on the show.”

She blinked. And then she burst out into laughter, curling into him. “That was an awful joke,” she said.

“You set me up for it.”
“I know, I know I did,” she said, still chuckling. “But oh my gosh. Is that your idea of dirty talk? Because I think you need some practice.”

“What dirty talk,” he said innocently. “I thought we were talking about baking.”

She rolled her eyes. “You are awful.”

“If you say so. I must say that you yourself are wonderful, though,” he said, giving her breast a gentle squeeze to emphasize his point.

“Hmm, you’re right. I am wonderful.” She closed her eyes for a moment to enjoy his touch. “And you’re not that bad either. Just your jokes are awful.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

His free hand began to stroke her hair while the other continued caressing her breasts. She sighed softly. “Hmmm, maybe we should skip the sex and just do this all night. This is nice. Like, really nice.”

“I’m fine doing this as long as you want.”

“Good. That’s good. You’re a good boyfriend, you know that?”

“And you’re a wonderful girlfriend,” he said.

She opened his eyes to see him smiling down at her. Oh, how much she loved that smile. “You’re pretty,” she said. “Your smile is so beautiful. And your eyes.” He had warm, brown eyes that shone with kindness.

“Thank you,” he said softly. He was touched, she could tell.

She reached up and cupped his cheek. “Kiss me.”

He obliged her, leaning down to press their lips together. She parted her lips, and he took the cue and deepened it. His hand still hadn’t left her breast. It moved in smooth circles around her nipple. She moaned softly against him. They parted for a moment. “How much longer left in the episode?” she asked.

He glanced at the screen and reached over to jiggle the mouse. “Ten minutes.”

“Mmm, too long. Pause it.”

He did so, and she was quickly off the couch and walking towards her bedroom. “Come,” she said, beckoning with a finger.

He followed her eagerly. She guided him into her bedroom and then leaned down and kissed him thoroughly. She drew back, breathless. “How are you feeling?”

He smiled sheepishly. “Horny.”

She grinned. “But good?”

He nodded. “You?”

“Good. And horny.” She pushed him back until his legs hit the edge of the bed and he sat down on the mattress. She straddled his lap, having to hike up her long skirt to do so, and looped her arms around his neck.

He leaned in and kissed jawline, working his way slowly down her neck. “Oh, yes,” she moaned. She ground down onto his lap. She could feel his cock already hard beneath his pants.

“What do you want?” he whispered, his breath tickling her neck.

“Untuck my shirt,” she said. He did so. “Your hands, under it. I want to feel them on my bare skin.”

He ran his hands up under her shirt, across her back. The contact on her bare skin felt wonderful, especially as his mouth reached her collarbone. “Can I take it off?” he asked.

She shook her head. “No. Wait.”

She stood and backed away a few steps. She grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it off in one smooth motion. And pulled her skirt down as well, letting it pool around her feet. She was left in her leggings and her bra. “So,” she said, spreading her arms, “what do you think?”

She saw him take in her half-naked body, and then his gaze went back to her face. “You’re gorgeous.” The expression on his face made her believe it.

She sat down beside him and pulled him into another deep kiss. “Do you want to do the honors?” she whispered against his face. “It’s a tradition for the virgin to fumble with the bra-strap.”

He chuckled nervously. “I’d like to think I’d be able to break that tradition, but . . .” he reached around her back and found the catch. And, like she’d predicted, his fingers fumbled at it for several moments. She reached behind her back to help him, but he caught her hands. “No, I want to do it on my own. I’ve got to learn somehow, right?”

She smiled. “As long as you manage it before I get bored.”

It only took him a few more moments before he managed to get it undone, and her bra loosened around her chest. She slid it off her shoulders and tossed it to the floor, her breasts now exposed to the open air. And to his gaze for the first time.

She saw him eyeing them, wide eyed. “The first pair you’ve seen in person?” she asked.

He shook his head. “No, a girl I dated a while back, she showed me hers, but . . .”
She cocked her head. “But what?”

He shrugged. “This time just feels . . . more meaningful, I guess. Like, I think she only showed me because she was really horny. You’re showing me because . . . well, you trust me.”

“To be fair, I’m also really horny,” she said.

“Well, yeah. But you know what I mean.”

She leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. “I do. Now, it seems like we’re unbalanced here.” She grinned devilishly. “Take your shirt off.”

He hurried to comply. The moment his shirt was on the floor, she was on him again, planting a trail of kisses from the corner of his mouth across his jaw, down his neck, up his collarbone. He groaned. “Your hand felt really nice on my tits earlier,” she said. “I wonder how much nicer it’ll feel without anything in between.”

“Are you sure?” he asked. He was breathing hard.

“I’m sure.”

His hand reached between them and found her breast. She moaned as it made contact. Having him feel her over her shirt had been one thing, but the direct contact between their skin . . . it was heavenly. She moved back up to capture his mouth with hers. They kept kissing for several moments as he fondled her, and then he pulled back. “Can I put my mouth on them?”

“Please,” she said breathlessly.

He lowered his head down and captured her nipple in between his lips. She threw her head back and moaned loudly. “Oh, fuck. That’s so- oh!”

Peter had just flicked his tongue across her nipple. She could feel him circling it with his tongue now. “Oh, don’t stop! Ooohhh!”

He didn’t stop, but he did switch to the other breast, giving it the same treatment. She had her head thrown back, one hand behind her holding her up, the other on the back of his head, holding it against her chest. “Fuck, that feels so good!”

At last, he released her breasts and brought his lips back to hers. She kissed him. Hard. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, the heat and wetness between her legs. A hand found her breast again. “Peter,” she moaned. “Your cock. Can I take it out? Please?”

He pulled back, his face flushed. His eyes searched hers. “If you want to. Are you sure? I mean, this is more than we’ve ever done before. If you want to end it here-”

“I don’t. I want this.” She took a deep breath. “What about you? Are you good?”

“More than good,” he said. “I mean, not to sound creepy, but I’ve been daydreaming about this for months.”

She grinned. “Not creepy at all. I did give you permission to masturbate to me.” She leaned close and whispered in his ear. “I’ve also been fantasizing about this.” She pulled back. “Now. Can I take it out?”

He nodded eagerly.

He laid back on the bed, propping himself up on his arms. She reached out and undid the button on his jeans. She could already see the tent his cock was making. She unzipped his fly. “Lift your butt so I can get it out from under,” she said.

He did so, and she slid his pants off until they slid down around his ankles. With his jeans gone, the tent his dick was making was that much larger. She palmed it through the underwear, and he let out a moan. “Does that feel good?” she asked.

“Oh, fuck yes!”

She grinned. “Can I take your underwear off?”

“Yes, please.”

She slid her fingers underneath his waistband and slid them down. His cock popped out, and she regarded it. She had seen plenty of penises in porn before, but it was different seeing one in person. Up close. She reached out and closed her hand around it. He let out another moan. “Can I-”

“Yes! Whatever you want!”

She giggled. “What if I was about to ask, ‘can I bite it?’”

He groaned. “Use common sense!”

“How am I supposed to know what common sense is?” she asked sweetly. “After all, I’m just a poor, inexperienced virgin.”

He glared at her, and she let out a laugh. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop torturing you.” She began slowly, experimentally stroking him. He was warm in her hand. If she paid attention, she could feel him throbbing. She slid back his foreskin from his head and gave it a light tap with her finger. He flinched a little.

“The head, it’s really sensitive,” he said. “Painfully sensitive.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she said. “Here.” She slid the foreskin back up around it and resumed her stroking. “Is this better?”

He nodded. “Just . . . don’t touch it except through the foreskin.”

She nodded. She kept stroking, keeping a gentle, sensual pace. “Can I put my mouth on it?”

“Yes, yes, oh fuck yes!”

She chuckled. “Eager are we?” She leaned down. She could see the precum beading at the tip of it. Stuck out her tongue and licked it off. It had a salty taste. Not pleasant, exactly, but not unpleasant either. She dipped down again and placed an experimental kiss on its tip, still stroking it all the while. Peter moaned. “That’s right,” she said, looked up at him for a moment. “Don’t hold it back. I want to hear you.” And with that, she took him into her mouth.

She swirled her tongue around his head. He was warm and throbbing in her mouth. She closed her eyes and began to move slowly up and down, careful to keep her teeth away from it. She dragged her tongue along it, licking more precum off the top. She kept at it for several long moments, his moans music to her ears, until . . .

“Arya! Arya stop!”

She pulled back immediately, looking at him concernedly. “Is everything alright?”

He was panting. “Yes, yes, everything’s great. It’s just . . . I was about to cum.”

She blinked. “Oh.” She smiled devilishly. “Do you want to do it in my mouth? I can swallow.”

He shook his head. “Maybe another time. I’m just worried if you make me cum now, I won’t be able to get it up again for a while.”

“Ah, I see. And you’d rather do something else with your cock before then, wouldn’t you?”

He blushed. “Only if you want to.”

“I do. But, you have to get me ready first.” She got off the bed and stood, bringing her hands to her waistline. She smiled. Peter was staring at her with wide eyes. Slowly, swaying her hips to inaudible music, she slid her leggings down, and her underwear with them.

The effect was ruined somewhat when she got them all the way down but then couldn’t step out of them, the elastic on her leggings being too tight around her ankles. “Blast it,” she muttered. She sat down on the bed and reached down to pull off the offending garment. “There. All bare.” She turned to face Peter. He was like a deer in the headlights, and she laughed. “Come here,” she said gently, beckoning.

He crawled over to her, and she cupped his chin and pulled him into a deep kiss. “Here,” she whispered, taking his hand and guiding it down between her legs. She let out a gasp as he made first contact with her folds. She was already more than damp.

He began probing her with his fingers, sifting through her folds. “I’m supposed to find your clit, right?” he asked.

She nodded. “Here, I’ve found it before. Let me see if I can guide you.” She reached down between them and put her hand over his. “A little right, no, my right your left. There we go. And up, just a little. Nope, too far.”

He giggled. His face was red as a beet. “On the hunt do I embark,” he said in pirate voice. “In search of the most wonderful treasure! The woman’s pearl!”

She burst out laughing, both hands flying up to cover her mouth. She fell back onto the bed. “Oh my gosh, Peter. Did you have to?”

He shrugged. “It made you laugh, didn’t it?”

Her laughter subsided. “You are such a dork.”

“Yes I am,” he said. “And you love it.”

She gave him a sly look. “Careful now. That was almost an ‘I love you.’”

He smiled at her. “And what if I do?”

Her smile faded, and she grew serious for a moment. “I think that’s a conversation to have when we’re both calm and collected, not when we’re naked in a bed for the first time and ridiculously horny.”

He dropped his gaze. “You’re right. I’m sorry. A conversation for another time.”

She reached out and tipped his head up. “It’s okay. Just don’t get carried away.” She smiled. “Now, back to hunting for that treasure?”

He grinned and crawled over so he was on top of her, her back against the bed. He leaned down and gave her a thorough kiss, which she returned eagerly. His hand quested back between her legs, and she sent one of her one to guide it. “Almost,” she said. “Just a little up and to the left – my left you’re right. That’s right, just a little – ooh! You brushed it.”

He frowned, glancing down at their hands between them. “Is that it?” he asked, pressing with a finger.

“No. No, not that either. No, a little-” she gasped as he finally rubbed against it. “Oh, fuck yes, there! Right there! Yes, keep going! Keep going!” Her breath came in gasps as he rubbed at her. “Fuck, fuck, don’t stop!” She brought her hand up from between her legs and pulled him down for a kiss. She moaned into his mouth. “More, faster,” she mumbled against his lips. He obliged. She threw her head back and arched her back. “Oh, oh, oh! Yes, yes, just a little more, just a little-”

Her world went white. Pleasure coursed through her, wave after wave. Peter kept up his rubbing until the waves began to subside. She lowered her arched back to the bed again, panting hard. He looked down at her. “How was that?” he asked.

“That,” she gasped, “was wonderful.” She reached up and cupped his cheek. “How does it feel to be the first man to make me come?”

“Amazing,” he whispered. “Are you alright? Do you need some time to recover?”

“Just a moment to catch my breath.” She grinned up at him. “We’re made of tougher stuff than you men. We don’t need to stop after just one orgasm.”

He smiled. “Do you want to . . . do it, then?”

“Maybe take it a bit slowly. Start off with just your fingers, but . . .” she pushed herself up on one elbow and put her lips right next to his ear. “I want you inside me.”

He took a raggedy breath. “Okay. Yeah. I can do that.”

She rubbed his arm. “Are you up to it?”

“Yeah, yeah, definitely,” he said, giving her a reassuring smile. “But um, should we use a condom?”

She shook her head. “I’m on the pill. Ordinarily, I’d want to use a condom also, just to be safe. But this is our first time. Our first time together, and both of our firsts. Let’s make it special. Although I’m not sure either of us count as a virgin anymore, seeing as I’ve had your dick in my mouth and your fingers on my clit.”

He shrugged. “Eh, who gets to decide what counts as sex or not. I made you cum. I think that makes me no longer a virgin.”

“Well, by that measure, I am still a virgin then. Since I haven’t made you cum.”

He smirked. “Would you like to remedy that?”

She smiled and pulled him down for another kiss. “Fingers first,” she reminded him. “Build up to it.”

He nodded, and his hand delved between her legs once more. This time though, it didn’t go for her clit. Instead, it quested even further down until it probed at her entrance. “There,” he said. “Is that it?”

She nodded. “Start with one. You should be good, I’ve had my own fingers up there before, but just to be careful.”

“Okay.” Slowly, gently, he slipped one finger inside her. “Fuck, you’re so wet,” he said.

She giggled. “Geez, I wonder why.” She reached down and found his cock with her hand. “Can’t let you have all the fun.”

“Oh fuck. Careful, don’t do too much or I might cum too quick.”

“It’s alright,” she said. “Don’t worry about performing. You’ve already given me your orgasm. This is your turn.”

“I still want to be good for you.”

“I know. And you already have been. You can put another finger in now if you want.” He did so, and she let out a lusty breath as it stretched her. “Ooh, that’s good,” she said. She stroked his cock lazily. He was rock hard already. She quivered in anticipation. “I can’t imagine what it’s going to feel like having this inside of me.”

“Good, I hope.”

“Oh yes. Good. Very good.” She took a deep breath. “One more finger.” The third digit entered her, and she let out a long moan. “Fuck.”

“Are you alright?” he asked.

She nodded. “Mhm. Try moving them in and out a little. Like- ooohhhh, yeah, just like that. Yeah, a little harder. A little faster. That’s good, just, ah, keep it there . . . for a bit . . . let me . . . get used to it.” She was breathing hard now as his fingers slid in and out. She let him continue for several more moments. “Alright. I think I’m ready.”

She let out a soft gasp as he pulled his fingers out. She felt him take his cock out of her hand and begin to line it up with her pussy. “Is it in the right place?” he asked.

“I think so. Just take it slow.”

He nodded. And then, ever so slowly, he began to push into her.

She gasped as she felt him stretch her. “Fuck,” she let out. She had known it would be different from fingers, but this, it was . . . good. So, so good.

“Are you alright? Does it hurt?” he asked worriedly.

“I’m good. I’m so good,” she said breathlessly. “Are you all the way in?”


“Keep going then. Just, slow. Gentle.”

He pushed further in. It didn’t hurt. Not exactly. It stretched her out, but it was a good stretch, not a painful one.

“Fuck,” Peter said. “I’m all the way in. Damn, Arya, you feel so good!”

She chuckled. “So do you. Ah, this was worth it. All the waiting. All 30 years of it. For this moment.”

He looked down at her. “You really thinks so?”

She smiled up at him. “Yeah, I do.”

A smile spread across his face. He leaned down and gave her a soft, tender kiss. “Is it alright if I try moving?”

“Go for it.”

He slowly slid out and then back in. He let out a long moan, and so did she. “Good?” he asked.

“Good,” she confirmed. “Keep going. Fuck me, keep going.”

“That’s what I’m doing.”

She rolled her eyes. “Well keep doing it.”

He rolled his hips, sliding in and out of her with ease. “Fuck, I’m not going to last long,” he breathed.

“It’s okay,” she reassured him. “It’s not a performance. I’ve alreaedy – ooooh – I’ve already had, hah, my orgasm. Oh fuck!” She threw her head back and closed her eyes, focusing on the feel of him sliding in and out. “You can go faster . . . if you want.”

Apparently he did want to, because he sped up. He slid out a little more quickly and then thrust in one smooth motion. She felt that wondrous stretch each time, until . . .

“Fuck,” he said. She felt suddenly empty. “I slipped out.”

“It’s fine. Just put it back in,” she said, propping herself up on an elbow to look at him. He was flushed, but whether from embarrassment or arousal she couldn’t tell.

He lined it up again, and his eyes flicked up to hers. “Are you ready?”

She nodded, and he pushed in again. “Oh, fuck. That first insertion, it feel soooo good.”

He chuckled. “I’m glad I could give it to you again, then.” He leaned over her and kissed her. “I’m going to start thrusting, okay?”

“Okay.” He began moving again. “Fuck, you feel so good inside of me! Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck me!”

“Working on it,” he quipped. His breath was coming in labored gasps. “Fuck, I’m going to cum soon.”

“Do it,” she said. She locked eyes with him. “Do it. Cum inside me. Fill me up. Cum in me, cum in me, cum in me!”

He grunted loudly and arched his back. His thrusting grew more erratic. She felt him throbbing inside her, and then a moment later he collapsed onto her.

She wrapped her arms around him. “How was that?”

“Good,” he breathed. “Fuck, it was so good. Worth waiting for, just like you said.”

She smiled. “Good. Now, while that was wonderful, Peter, I do need to pee. So do you think you could roll off of me?”

He let out an exhausted “Heh,” but he rolled off of her. As he pulled out, she felt something warm and wet drip out of her.

She sat up, leaned over him, and pressed a kiss to his forehead. She hadn’t noticed until now, but they were both covered in a this sheen of sweat. “I’ll be back soon. Just need to wash up. You made quite a mess,” she teased. She gave him one last kiss and rolled out of bed. She walked to her bedroom door but stopped there, glancing back over her shoulder. She looked over him, all his naked glory. He opened his eyes and their gaze met. She blew him a kiss and turned to go. In the bathroom, she leaned on the sink and let out a laugh. They had done it. And it have been everything she had dreamed of and more. And worth every last moment of waiting. All thirty years of it.
