[MF] I didn’t know I wanted and needed to fuck her until I did.

Late last year, my wife and I decided to call it quits and I moved out of our marital house.

I found an apartment and befriended my neighbor, Matt. He was several years younger than me but we had a lot of the same interest. Matt’s mom Delia lived with him. Delia was not a hot MILF but more like a mom that you would run to if your real mom was unavailable.

I became real close with Matt and Delia. When Matt was not around (Matt travels for work), Delia would invite me to join her for dinner and I never say no since she always feeds me well.

A few days before Christmas, Matt told me that he was going to New England to meet his girlfriend’s family and he would be spending the holidays there. He asked if I had plans and since I didn’t (my son will be with my wife and her family on vacation) he asked if I could keep Delia company.

At first I thought, “dude, that’s awfully shitty of you to dump your mom on me for the holidays”. But then I thought about it and knew I could really use the company since it was my first Christmas separated from my family.

Christmas day came and initially I woke up excited. Then it hit me that there was nothing for me to get excited about. I wasn’t going to see my son open his presents and be happy. It hit me real hard and I began a downward spiral towards depression.

I was supposed to be at Matt and Delia’s at 11 for Christmas, and it was 1145 and I was still in bed feeling sorry for myself. Around noon time, there was a knock on my door and I forced myself to get up. It was Delia, and she was checking on me. I apologized and told her I overslept. I genuinely thought about cancelling Christmas with her but decided against it.

20 minutes later I showed up to her apartment and it was a Christmas wonderland. It was all decorated for Christmas, Bing Crosby Christmas music was playing, and something smelled delicious coming from the dinner table. There were pies and cakes and the Christmas dinner was a pork roast and a ton of sides. There was enough food to feed a small army.

After the meal, I help Delia clean up and put stuff away. She told me to relax on the couch as she finished up in the kitchen.

Looking around the house, the atmosphere was so joyous and Christmas-y that I wished my son and even my soon to be ex-wife could have seen it. That thought sent me spiraling down again.

I sat on the couch and looked at the Christmas tree imagining my son sitting there opening his presents. I remembered how just a year ago my Christmas was so different, looking at my family and telling myself life was good.

Delia stuck her head out of the kitchen and asked me if I wanted some coffee. My voice cracked when I said yes.

She joined me on the couch with my coffee and asked me what was going on. I told her about what was going thru my head and at that point I started to cry. Delia told me it was only the second Christmas and second consecutive year that she has not spent with Matt. She told me it was always just her and Matt since his dad left 18 years ago. Then she said “why do you thin I did all this?” pointing around her apartment. “So I wouldn’t go crazy. I kept myself busy so I don’t think about it”. It did not occur to me, but she actually understood what I was going through.

Delia held me and said that she felt bad that I was hurting on Christmas. She said she would do anything to make my pain go away. She held me as I wept.
The feeling of genuine affection awaken something in me. Maybe it was me wanting more, so I decided to kiss her. Delia returned the kiss. So stopped the kiss and I looked at her.

“No apologies. I want this.” She said as she pulled me closer and we continued to kiss. We made out for about a minute, when my hand started to wander. I started to fondle her breast and she did not object. A minute more and I stopped the kiss to take her top off. She said no. And seeing the disappointment in my face, she took my hand and put it under her top. She told me I could pull her bra down, but she was not ready for me to see her naked.

We kissed again as I played with her nipples. She moaned every time I pinched it.
“Pinch it harder. Make it hurt.” she said.

I did so and then she asked if she could touch my dick.

I said yes, expecting her to rub my dick through my pants, but instead she unbuckled my belt, pulled my pants down and held my dick. She rubbed it as I pinched her nipples. Then she went back to kissing me.

I guess I was hornier than I thought because pretty soon I felt like I was going to cum. I told Delia and she took me in her mouth. She swallowed every bit of my cum.

Though I was sensitive, I did not lose my hard on. Delia licked, kissed and caressed my dick.

I pulled her legs up to the couch and raised her dress. I touched her ass through her panties, and Delia decided to take her panties off. She had a beautiful ass. I fondles her cheeks and ran my finger down her crack. Her ass tightened and her asshole puckered when I touched it.

Delia moved to lay on her side and gave me a look at her pussy. Her pubic hair was trimmed and well groomed. She spread her legs and asked me to touch her. I ran my fingers up and down her labia and after a few seconds, she asked me to put a finger inside her to fee how wet she was. As soon as I did, she put me back in her mouth.

I was a bit surprised how tight Delia was. She was moaning while sucking my dick as I fingered her. She was doing such a good job that I knew I would not last long. I really wanted to fuck her and I was not sure if I can pull off cumming three times in one afternoon.

I stopped her and told her I wanted to be inside her. Delia smiled and pointed to the Christmas tree.

“I want it there, under the tree”.
We got up and Delia laid a blanket under the tree and laid on it. She asked me to take off all my clothes, which I did. She opened her legs and because she was so wet,I slid right in. She felt magnificent. I fucked her as deep as I could. Slow and deep.

She started to ask me to fuck her harder and faster and pretty soon I felt myself getting ready to cum. I told Delia and asked her where she wanted it. She wrapped her legs around my waist to told me to cum deep inside her. I put my dick in her as far as I could and came deep inside her.

I collapsed next to her and we cuddled for a bit and dozed off.

I woke up and alone on the floor several hours later and I heard Delia in the other room talking on the phone. From what I could make out from the conversation, it seemed like she was talking to Matt.

Delia walked out of her room wearing a robe. She looked at me, smiled and signaled that she is going into the kitchen. I heard her tell Matt that I ate so much of her food, that I was dozed off on the couch (if Matt only knew what we did on that couch}.

Delia said her goodbyes and hung up. She asked if I wanted anything from the kitchen and asked her if she had some diet coke. She came out with two glasses, set them on the coffee table, opened the bottom of her robe to show me her pussy and the she sat on my crotch, her pussy resting on my flaccid dick.

Delia asked how I was feeling and I said “better”. She smiled and said thank God.
The fact the her pussy was resting on my dick was not lost on me and I started to get hard again. Delia felt it and commented that somebody else was waking up. Delia and I fucked a lot that weekend and into Monday.


I knocked on Delia’s door as I came from running errands. I brought home a pizza and a salad and asked her if she wanted to join me for dinner. She said she’ll get some wine and head over in a few minutes.

I have had a smile on my face since Christmas day and thought about what led to Delia end I having sex. I must admit, part of me felt guilty that I somehow took advantage of her, using my holiday blues as an excuse. I decided I was going to apologize to Delia at dinner.

As we were eating, I brought up the subject and apologized to Delia. She said there was no need and in fact she had a confession of her own, she wanted me to fuck her.

“Really?” I asked. She nodded.

“Why did you think my legs were shaved and my pubes were trimmed.” She added.
Delia said it’s been about 12 years since she had sex and for sometime had just lost the appetite for sex. Then recently, her libido came back and it came back with a vengeance. She told me that for the first time in her life, she bought a vibrator and then a dildo. She said she’s masturbated more in the past few months than she has her whole life.

Delia said she was thankful for what happened. And if I was okay with it, she would like to continue our “activities”. We fucked again that night and for the first time, I got to go down on her, but she still refused to take her top off. We compromised that she will wear a t-shirt with no bra and I can suck on her nipples only when the lights are off.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/1052ja7/mf_i_didnt_know_i_wanted_and_needed_to_fuck_her


  1. Looking at your history, you had a wife for one year, a gf the year before, and fucked your ex gf’s friend the year before that, and “fucked your way through Asia” in 2018?!! What’s going on

  2. Great story! As a guy with a young son, the background kind of bummed me out and took me out of the mood but then the next parts brought me right back lol

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