Welcome to Beaverwood [M18,F18M,F30,M35] [explicit, coercion, face sitting, comedic]

Inside the cab of an old pickup truck that is parked behind a sign reading, “Welcome to Beaverwood,” Judy Mathis is sliding off her panties and preparing to take it up the ass from Freddy Hardin.

“I told you,” she says in her mother’s southern drawl that only comes out when she is horny, “to bring a condom.”

“I’m sorry, Judy. I forgot, but if I don’t bust this nut soon then I might just die.”

“Well, come on then,” she urges him, taking his cock into her hand and giving it a couple of quick tugs, “stick it in my ass before anyone shows up.”

“Who’s gonna to show up?”

“The law, dumbass. Now stick it in.”

Freddy turns to face Judy who is on her knees in the passenger seat, presenting herself. He grips his cock and feels himself push inside. They both let out an audible moan.

“There now, you’re in. Happy?”

“I am.”

“You gonna marry me after this?”

“Marry you after what,” he asks as he pulls his cock out and slowly reinserts it.

“After fucking me in the ass. If you are going to fuck me in the ass, you should at least be polite enough to—“

Her words are cutoff by a loud SMACK across her ass that reverberates around the small, enclosed cab of Freddy’s pickup truck.

“Goddamnit, Freddy! Be gentle!”

“I’ll be gentle when you’re sitting on an icepack tomorrow morning.”

She huffs and enjoys the feeling of him stretching her out.

After just a short while, he is already about to bust. She knows this because he is making that low wheezing sound that he makes when he is close.

He reaches forward and cups her dangling breast, squeezes it firmly, then pumps a dense load into her backside.

Falling back into place behind the wheel, his softening cock pulsating between his legs, he says, “You, my dear, have the tightest asshole in Beaverwood.”

“And how would you know, Freddy? Weren’t you a virgin when we first met?”

A look of amusement flashes across his face. “Did you actually believe that?”

She gives him a smile and punches his thigh. Her fist lands close enough to his junk to make him jump.


“Sorry, next time I won’t miss.”

“Come on, now. You know I’m only teasin’.”

She considers this. “Yeah, well next time—if there is a next time—don’t be teasin’.

She leans over and kisses the red spot on his thigh then looks up at his limp member. “I’m sorry, little one. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“He ain’t little and you know it,” he says, lighting a cigarette and blowing a puff of smoke down at her.

“You gonna give me some of that?”

“It ain’t weed.”

“And I ain’t looking to get high. I’ve got to meet my parents at church in a couple of hours so I would prefer to not be leaking cum out of my ass and stoned out of my mind.”

He passes down the cigarette and she takes a drag while keeping her cheek planted on his thigh. The red ember at its end is bright and hot and less than an inch from his shaft. He feels the heat from it. She takes a long drag, then blows the smoke onto it.

“Now it’s gonna smell like shit and smoke.”

They both giggle.

As they are enjoying each other’s company, a bright light appears on Freddy’s face from outside the driver’s side window. It illuminates the cab and quickly moves from Freddy’s face to his uncovered lap and then to Judy’s face beside it.

“Oh Goddammit,” she shouts, scrambling to find her panties. “I told you that the law would—“

Freddy is just reaching down to retrieve his boxers when his driver’s side door swings open and a deep, male voice, obscured behind a bright LED flashlight, speaks to them: “Beaverwood Police. Okay, you two, get out of the truck.”

Both of them freeze, still naked from the waist down and staring dumbly into the light.

“Come on! I said out,” the disembodied voice orders them again.

Freddy and Judy stumble out of the truck and stand barefoot in the grass. The officer approaches them, but even with the moonlight overhead, they cannot see his face, only the blindingly bright, white light.

From behind him, the headlights of a squad car that had been parked just a few yards away illuminate the entire area; the blue pickup, the rear of the welcome sign, and, of course, the two lovers are all at once in plain view.

The officer flips off his flashlight and they can finally see his face. Neither recognize him.

“Now, what exactly are you two doing out here at this hour, butt naked and smoking—” he takes a sniff inside the cab of the truck, “is that marijuana?”

“No, sir, it’s just a cigarette.”

The officer walks up and stands beside Freddy. At over six feet tall, he stands almost a foot taller than both Freddy and Judy.

The door to the patrol car opens and another voice, a female’s voice, calls out to them. “Freddy Hardin, is that you?”

“Aw fuck,” he drops his head and shakes it side-to-side. He still can’t see the voice behind the lights but doesn’t need to. “Officer Hatfield, that you?”

The door shuts and the pair listen as footsteps approach. The silhouette of a woman in uniform crosses in front of them and walks up to Freddy. She is tall, almost as tall as the male officer.

Officer Hatfield looks at him, then at his exposed self, then over at Judy. “You already drain him?”

Judy blinks, dumbfounded by the question.

Officer Hatfield takes out her baton and uses the tip of it to jingle his manhood.

He doesn’t move an inch.

“Looks like it. What are we going to do with you, Freddy?”

The unknown male officer walks up to Judy and says, “if he’s Freddy, then who are you? His little slut?”

“I’m his girlfriend, asshole.” Her mother’s country accent comes out when she is pissed off too.

The officer laughs and puts his handcuffs around her wrists. “Well, Freddy’s girlfriend, you’re about to spend a night in the county jail.”

Freddy speaks up. “Come on, she didn’t do nothin’, and neither did I! We was just having a little fun and that’s all there is to it.”

Officer Hatfield leans in to examine his face closely. Now Freddy can see her bright, red lipstick and piercing green eyes.

He relents. “Fine, I know what you want. Just let Judy go and I’ll do it.”

Officer Hatfield shoots the other cop a look, and he says in his deep—although now uncertain—voice, “It’s up to you.“

“No, seriously,” Freddy says, “let her go and I’ll do it.”

“Do what?” Judy’s eyes dart from Freddy to Officer Hatfield and back to Freddy. She feels a tug on the handcuffs as the male officer begins to lead her away toward the patrol car.

“Hang tight, Judy. This ain’t the first time I’ve been in this situation.”

Officer Hatfield reaffixes her baton to her gun belt and then reaches for the belt’s front latch. With a metallic clink, the entire belt—gun and all—falls to the grass and, after a quick unzip, is joined by her black pants. Her white panties immediately follow. She kicks off her boots and steps out of her socks so that both she and her detainee are naked from the waist down. The headlights illuminate her shapely, toned calves and thick, doughnut-funded thighs.

She steps forward, puts a hand on his chest, and pushes him backwards onto the ground. He stares up at her as she steps one foot carefully on either side of his head. He can see a slight hint of the short, neat fuzz between her legs.

Back at the patrol car, Judy stands beside the male officer with her back against the car and facing away from the unfolding scene behind them. She turns just in time to see Officer Hatfield squat herself down on Freddy’s face. Freddy‘s arms and legs kick out as she drops, smothering his face between her legs.

Judy looks up at the male officer and asks, “what kind of crooked fucking cops are you?”

The officer chuckles. “We’re two of the best cops in this town, but like all cops, we have our vices. Mine is drinking. Officer Hatfield’s is—well, you can see.

Underneath the weight of Officer Hatfield, Freddy gently licks and tastes her; however, unsatisfied by this, she presses herself against his face and grinds back and forth. She rocks herself forward and back, dragging her wetness from his chin to his nose and back again.

He wraps his arms around her ankles, digging his nails into them as he struggles to breathe. He pushes his tongue out as far as possible so that it makes better contact with every sensitive part of her vagina.

To her surprise, she sees Freddy’s member—which up until this point has been slumped lazily against his right thigh—begin to wiggle and grow. She laughs and forces his head deeper into the soil beneath them.

Officer Hatfield reaches back and wraps her hand around his solidifying cock. She squeezes it firmly and orders him to, “keep going.”

At first, the quivering that Freddy feels on his lips is soft and subdued, but as she presses him further down and her thighs begin to tighten around his head, he hears her call out.

“Oh, God! I fucking love this job!”

Now satisfied, she stands and looks down at Freddy, allowing the moisture from between her legs to drip onto his forehead. “Go home, Freddy,” she says. “Your mother is expecting you and your little girlfriend at church in three hours. Go atone for your sins.”

Freddy scrambles to his feet as officer Hatfield puts on her panties and pants, and then walks with her boots and socks in hands back to the patrol car.

The male officer uncuffs Judy and gives her a firm smack on the ass as she turns to run back to Freddy. It stings because it is the exact spot where Freddy had smacked her earlier.

Officer Hatfield and the unknown male officer climb back into their patrol car and shift into reverse. As they pull away, the headlights redirect away from Freddy and Judy, and after spinning some gravel into the air, the car vanishes into the night. They leave the young, half-naked couple standing beside the sign that reads, “Welcome to Beaverwood.”


Hello everyone, I hope that you enjoyed the story! This is the first episode of a series titled, “Beaverwood.” This Episode is the only one available as of right now, but please feel free to follow the story on [Kindle Vella](https://www.amazon.com/kindle-vella/story/B0BR4KB4BW) to be notified when new ones are released.

Also, follow me on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/QuinnHalcyon) if that’s your thing.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/103ysbs/welcome_to_beaverwood_m18f18mf30m35_explicit