Thicc Big Titty Goth Girl Loses a Bet [M30s] [F20s] [Enemies to Lovers] [Lost Bet] [Foot Rub] [Massage] [Hotel Sex] [Creampie] [Short Girl]

Thicc Big Titty Goth Girl Loses a Bet

Abby may have been a little *too* drunk when she made a bet with some random guy at the bar who, earlier, she had caught checking out her prominent back side. She wasn’t really in the mood to be ogled, having just broken up with her dirt bag boyfriend after finding him rifling in her purse for loose cash. Deep down, she knew it wasn’t the first time he’d done it, but actually witnessing the violation had been too much for her to take. Big cock or no, that was some serious bullshit and even though he stood 10 inches over her 5 ft. (maybe less) body, she’d gone after him like a rabid raccoon charging a mastiff. The raccoon analogy was somewhat apt because at the time she was wearing a thick application of eye shadow and liner, having just gotten home from doing her best to make her parents uncomfortable at the family dinner.

That was pretty much the same look she still had at the bar, where her friends had taken her out to blow off steam after throwing all of the assholes shit out of her apartment. At least her neighbors had gotten a show with the ruckus. So, for some reason, this guy at the bar’s casual act of voyeurism had dug in her craw, and after a few too many, she had confronted him.

Cal had apologized profusely for offending her, even if that really wasn’t the point. He was just the unlucky victim for her wrath. He’d just stopped at the dive to finish off the evening while he was temporarily in town for work. He really hadn’t meant to leer, but damn, it wasn’t every day you saw a short little goth girl with an ass that thick and the tits to match, loudly swearing like a sailor about some breakup that sounded like the guy had really fucked things up. She was too short to describe her figure as hourglass, still being thick in the middle. But that only made her curves seem to fit together that much better without the stark contrasts in width, even with the black lace corset cinching in a little to make the bust and bottom that much more pronounced.

“Like what you see?” the stout little black lipped gremlin demanded, angrily while eyeing him from under her thick bangs.

“Uh, sorry, what?” Cal’s mind was blanked by the brashness of the encounter.

“My ass, dipshit! Like it? Want a picture? I saw you glaring at it from over there.” She gestured a wagging finger to where her friends were still sitting, watching the spectral and giggling among themselves.

“Oh, uh, sorry about that. I didn’t mean to stare. I’ll leave if you want…”

“Fuck no! You aren’t getting away that easy fuckface.” She thought his face was actually kind of cute. A sort of bedraggled, on the road look to him. But tonight she was in the mood to crush something with her boots.

“Oookay? Um, do you want me to buy you a drink or something?” He felt like a cornered animal trying to figure out a riddle while it was trying to stab him.

“Uh uh. You can buy your way out of this that cheap.” She looked around the bar and her eyes fell on the dart board. “How about this, I’ll let you crawl out of here with your tail between your legs if you can get a better hit on that board over there than me. One throw, one score each.” She firmly planted her stout legs on the hard wood floor. The rest of the patrons had stopped whatever they were doing to see what was stirring up at the bar, especially when the sound of a wager came up.

“And if I lose?” Cal inquired, reluctantly.

“You pay for me and my girls drinks for the rest of the night.” Abby smirked up at him.

“Fuck that!” Cal looked at the five other girls and knew for a fact he’d have an empty bank account and then some by the end of it. “I’ll take a beating over going broke.”

The denial to her demands made Abby’s lace choker bulge with furry before she stopped herself from slugging this random drifter. A thought came in to her head and, with the promise of taking care of her friends (and herself) while knowing that she was actually pretty fly at chucking darts, a wicked grin spread across her face. “Alright, big guy. I win, me and the girls drink free. And if you win, I go back to your place and you get to do whatever you want with me.” She knew that this pervert couldn’t pass up a deal like that. “Or are you that scared of a widdle girl?” She mocked.

Cal, looked at her, then her friends, then the board. He’d played darts maybe three times in his life and had done ‘okay’. Mostly he just wanted this situation to end so he could go back to his room and finish getting drunk in piece. All of these girls were pretty small, so how much could they possibly drink before either puking or passing out? Sighing deeply, he relented with a nod.

“Great!” Abby had a look like a huckster just hustled her mark out of his life savings. “I’ll even go first so you can have an idea of how well you need to do.”

With every eye in the place on them, they both squared up on the line. Cal’s palms were sweaty. He guessed that he would just have to run the tab on his card and then spend the rest of his life paying off the debt.

Still smirking, Abby lined up her shot, and with the precision of the inebriated, lobbed the dart right into the center of the board. “Ouch, that sucks dude,” she chortled with mirth. “Better luck getting laid next time, loser. Well, get your throw over with so I can get back to getting wasted, on *your* dime.” She cackled to herself at her astounding wit.

The blood had drained from Cal’s face as he saw his end right there before his eyes with one singe dart. Resigned, he stepped up to the line and, with a heavy heart, reached back for his throw. As his hand moved forward, his eyes went from the target to the cavernous cleavage just below him, jiggling slightly as it’s owner giggled uncontrollably. The projectile left his fingers and without even looking where it landed, he heard a thunk and the bar went completely still.

Had he missed that badly? Did he hit a painting or priceless photo on the wall or something? By the way the girls black lined mouth was slack and dark rimmed eyes bugged out, it must have been something really important to the locals.

After an eternity, Cal finally forced his eyes to look up and asses the damage. His own mouth fell open as he saw that his dart had landed squarely on the triple 20 spot. For a moment he wondered if someone had run over and moved the dart when his eyes were turned away. The hush was broken when a random patron gave a raucous “whoop” and started clapping furiously. Cal’s arms were limp at his sides as he realized fate (and fantastic cleavage) had saved him from months of a ramen only diet.There was a high pitched whine coming from his side and he looked over to see a trembling black ball or fury inches away. At first he thought the sound was literal steam escaping her ears, but realized it was just her mouth slowly releasing air like a pinched balloon.

“Heh, I guess that means I can go. Thanks for the memorable night.” He turned and started making his way quickly to the bar to pay his tab and flee back to the relative safety of his hotel room. After leaving his tip on the counter, he turned and almost tripped over the girl standing in front of him. He looked down at a pair of big brown eyes staring daggers up at him beneath their dark curtain of hair. A tiny finger jabbed him in the chest, hard.

“Where you going mister, we made a bet and you still need to hold up your end.”

“Yeah, I won and now I can leave.” Cal was trying to figure out how to get around this round barrier in his path without attempting to crawl up on the bar to bypass her in the most comical way possible.

“And, you get to fuck me.” She declared, louder than Cal would have liked.

“Look, don’t worry about that, we can call it even for me making you uncomfortable.”

“No, I don’t welch on a bet and, besides, everyone saw me make it and if you go spreading the word that I didn’t follow through, my rep is ruined. I’m not moving to a new town over this shit.”

“I’m not gonna tell anyone anything. I’m not even gonna be in town after next week. You’re pride’s safe.”

“Nope, I don’t know you and I don’t trust you. So we’re going to your place and getting this over with.”

Cal groaned, “I gotta get up early for a work thing tomorrow, so I really don’t have time to do anything else tonight. Maybe I can just take a rain check or something?” He hoped that this would settle things.

Abby was actually kind of relieved with this answer. She was really starting to feel the shots she’d been pounding earlier and didn’t want to end up passing out this weirdo’s room and turn into a bunch of trash bags on the side of the highway. But she still couldn’t just let him disappear and leave this all hanging over her head forever.

After squinting at him for a moment she said, “Fine, not tonight, but you’re giving me your room number and were your staying and I’m stopping by tomorrow, right at 8:00 pm sharp. It’s a Friday night so you don’t have any work excuses to use for that.”

Exhausted, Cal sighed, “Fine, I’ll write it down for you.”

In an accusatory voice Abby followed up, “And you better not be sending me on a wild goose chase. I’ll literally knock on every hotel room door in town asking if they know anything about a sick pervert matching *your* description. Got it?”

Cal didn’t know whether to laugh at this notion or break for the door and hope her short legs wouldn’t be able to catch up to him before he reached his car. Having heard somewhere that dwarfs were natural sprinters, he gave up and wrote his real room on a bar napkin and handed it over.

“Fine, whatever. Here. I’ll see you at 8:00 tomorrow night or something.” He was really really ready to go to bed and leave this all behind.

“Good, I’ll be there.” Abby glanced at the napkin and was relieved to see that it wasn’t a skeezy fleabag motel, but an actually decent one on the edge of town. After he left, the alcohol began spreading through her brain as she wobbled her way over to the table with her friends, who were looking quizzically and tried to cheer her up as she plopped down in the booth and sulked the rest of the night in a haze of booze and self pity.

The following night, Cal got back to his room and showered. He tried to make himself as presentable as possible, like he was gonna be going on a date or something. While going over his face in the mirror, trying to trim up his short beard as best as possible, he stared in his eyes at the absurdity of the situation and barked out a laugh, followed by a deep and depressed sigh. Briefly he went through his wardrobe to try and find a nice shirt and pants to wear, then stopped and realized he wasn’t going to be going out to dinner, so just ended on some comfy sweat pants and a t-shirt. He gave a little prayer to whatever deities presided over travelers who had fallen victim to the insane local women in bars that the girl would simply change her mind when she sobered and just not show up.

The minutes until the deadline ticked by painfully, like a pendulum slowly lowering to cut his soul in half. He stared at the clock by the bed as it clicked over to 8:01 and let out a huge sigh of relief. The brief respite was shattered immediately when there came a soft knock at his door.

“Please be house keeping, please be house keeping.” he chanted as he slowly made his way to answer. House keeping did not stop by rooms at 8:00 pm, but his mind was grasping at whatever lifeline there was to keep himself from breaking down into a nervous wreck. His heart dropped as he opened the door and revealed the grim reaper herself.

Or at least hottest grim reaper he could have imagined. Abby was dressed up even more than she was the night before. Her makeup was done up like she was going to a party, her jet black hair was done up in bouncy curls framing her bangs with hints of dark purple strands sprinkled throughout. Instead of a corset, she was wearing a black, low cut tank top that stretched over her ample breasts then hung loose beneath, revealing an intricate pattern tattooed on her upper right bicep that stood out against her alabaster skin. From the waist down she wore a dark red and black plaid skirt that ended just above her knees, revealing purple and black knee high stockings down to her shiny black platform shoes. Her choker had gone from black lace to crimson, standing out against her pallid throat.

“Oh, shit…” fell from his lips, causing Abby to look away in embarrassment. She had no idea why she had put this much effort in to looking this good just for some guy she met at a bar and would probably just nut in her and throw her out. Maybe if this whole thing ended early enough, she could go drown her shame at the pub and maybe pick someone up to spend the night with and hopefully put as much mental distance between this and the rest of her life.

“Sorry, I mean, wow… you look really good.” This just made her blush more, pink showing up along with the black and white of her face.

“Yeah, thanks…” She mumbled back, not sure what else to say.

“Um, come in.” He stood to the side and ushered her in. In the tight entry way, as she shuffled past him, she couldn’t help but accidentally brush her soft ass up against his crotch, causing him to involuntarily catch his breath.

“Oh sorry,” was mixed with “Excuse me” as they both blurted out their apologies on reflex. She continued past and there was an awkward silence as he closed the door and put the lock bar in place out of habit. Abby stood in the middle of the room and looked around. She wasn’t sure what to expect a hotel room to look like other than a hotel room. She could tell he’d been there for several days, various items slung haphazardly on chairs and in the small kitchenette.

“Um, nice room.” was all she could think to say.

Cal was a little stunned at the sharp contrast between the bully that was yelling accusations at him the night before and this nervous girl standing in his hotel room, there to provide him with carnal satisfaction out of some bizarre sense of obligation. “Thanks?”

Abby let out sigh and looked Cal in the eye. “Alright, lets get this over with. You want to just bend me over the bed there and you can get down to business?”

Cal couldn’t help but let out a laugh at her bluntness, which only seemed to sour her mood further. “Sorry, no. I’m not laughing at you. It’s just… isn’t this all kind of fuckin weird to you? Some Christmas miracle lets me beat you at darts and now you’re here in my hotel room trying to get me to… I don’t know… nut for you?” He really didn’t know any other way to describe it.

Abby glared at him, trying to figure out if he was messing with her or not. She honestly didn’t really recall much from last night except the feeling that this man that had won the bet (probably using devilry) was some hedonist freak that wanted to do unspeakable things to a young twenty something girl. The person in sweat pants whose hotel room she was in now didn’t really match up with the one she remembered.

“Look, there’s no sense beating around my bush. I’ve got places to be.” Like the bar, drinking until this was all far behind her. “So let’s just… do the thing.”

Another awkward pause. “I’m Cal, by the way.” He finally introduced himself.

Abby looked up at him, then said, “Abby,” like it was trivial information.

Cal finally decided to just embrace the madness and see where he could go with this. “Now, you said I could do whatever I wanted, right? That was the deal.” He stepped closer, within arms reach, looking down at her heart shaped face and chocolate brown eyes.

Yeah, that sounded like drunk Abby, she thought. “Sure. You want to stick it in my butt or something?”

“Woh, slow down a midnight.” He couldn’t stop himself from making a goth joke. At least he hadn’t thought to say something like, “Worried that the sun’s coming up soon and you need to be back in your coffin?” He really didn’t want to be mean but she was definitely turning up the abrasiveness.

Despite his restraint, Abby still punched him sharply in the arm. It was a reflex from taking shit from guys her whole life and she didn’t actually mean to do it. “Oh shit, sorr…” She cut off her apology, what did she have to be sorry for?

“No no, it was my fault, I shouldn’t have said that.” He rubbed the soon to be bruised arm. Abby didn’t know what to do with this flip in the blame game. This guys attitude was weird and alien. Was he an alien? Was she going to see an alien’s dick tonight?

“You actually look really beautiful.” More mind games. This was his plan for world domination. She was the test subject for how to manipulate world leaders in to giving him all the nuclear codes or something.

“Whatever…” She was turning pink again and looked at an awful mass produced landscape hanging on the wall.

“No, really,” Cal made a bold move and tucked a finger under her chin, turning her to face him. “You look really good. It must have taken you a while to get this dressed up.”

It had taken two and a half hours to get everything together, between showering (and shaving), styling her hair, getting the right outfit, and making sure her makeup was on point. She had kind of used the prep as something to keep her mind off of what she was getting ready for instead up just sitting in her room watching the clock tick down. (Authors note: I actually have no idea how long it would take. The wikiHow didn’t say anything about prep time so I hope I didn’t horribly undershoot it.)

Abby shrugged and tried to be as nonchalant as possible, not quite being able to pull it off. “This? This isn’t anything. This is my normal going out look.”

Cal may not know a whole lot about women, apart from they were always cold for some reason, but he could tell that she was being a fibber. “Well, even if that’s true, you still look amazing.”

Abby was getting uncomfortable with all these compliments from a stranger. What did he have to gain? She was already in his room trying to get him to whip his dick out.

“Is it okay if I touch you?” he asked, a little awkwardly.

“Dude, it’s your party, do whatever you want.” she grumbled out, still looking to the side and annoyed with this mister goody two shoes shtick.

Cal put his hands on her shoulders and gently caressed them. Her skin was cool and smooth, but firm to the touch. She shivered unintentionally as goose bumps raised on her arms. He was close enough to smell her blossomy perfume and felt his heart rate increase. His thumb brushed lightly over her tattoo.

Abby suddenly felt very vulnerable with him standing over her, probably a foot taller, touching her intimately on her bare arms. She was getting a strange fluttering sensation in her tummy. Cal couldn’t help but stair again at her amazing cleavage, so deep that he wanted to crawl inside. After a moment he snapped out of it and realized how uncomfortable she looked. “Sorry, didn’t mean to loom over you.” He moved around, his hands still on her shoulders and turning her to face him as he sat on the bed, allowing them to be eye to eye. “You doing okay?”

“Look, if you keep asking shit like that, I’m gonna punch you again.” Abby replied angrily. She was used to being the one in control of the situation and his worrying was making things even more awkward. “Like I said, just do whatever.”

“Fine.” Without another word, he pulled her in and kissed her on the lips. He could smell her lipstick and makeup as their mouths met, and she let out a little oomph of surprise, her eyes going wide, then slowly closing, as he held her there, only slightly shifting his jaw. After a few seconds he slowly pulled away, their lips sticking together a little as they separated. The pink in Abby’s cheeks was starting to turn red.

“What did you do *that* for?” she asked with shock.

“You said to stop fuckin around, so I’m not fuckin around.” Cal spread his legs, then put his hands on her lower back and pulled her in so her chest was touching his. Abby let out a yip of surprise and was, for once, speechless.

“Now since I have you for the night, I don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t take my time. I’ve never been with anyone as… endowed as you before.” Again his eyes latched on to the white orbs pushing up towards his face.

“F-fine.” She stammers. “Just don’t… (vivisect me?) do anything too weird, like pee on my face or anything.”

Bemused, Cal chuckled a little, “I wasn’t planning to. The toilet here works fine.” He realized that it was a dumb attempt at a joke, but luckily she seemed to flustered to really catch it. “Let’s just start with something simple.” Cal did what he had been thinking about all night (and honestly yesterday at the bar when he was distracted during the fated dart toss). Tilting his head down a little, he brushed his nose and lips across the tops of Abby’s half exposed breasts. The sensation was amazing. They were soft and pillowy, smelled incredible, and when he kissed them, they seemed almost weightless, probably because of the bra pushing them up with support. He couldn’t help but moan a little as he brushed his face across to the other side, again lightly kissing the top. His hands moved down to her round ass, squeezing her cheeks that were almost as soft as her fantastic tits.

Abby bit her lip to keep from making any noise. His hot breath and beard on her skin felt really good, despite how mad (embarrassed) she had been about the whole ordeal. She wanted to reach up and take his hair in her hands, even push his face in more, but she resisted.

Speaking in to her cleavage, Cal said, “Fuck, these are amazing. They make me want to just lay my head on them and take a nappy.”

Abby snorted a laugh, “Dork.” she couldn’t help but smile.

Cal looked back up at her, pleased that he’d managed to break the ivory mask hatred. It was probably the first time he had seen a genuine smile on her cute little mouth. “You’re not starting to enjoy yourself, are you?” he grinned at her.

He looked so adorable that Abby couldn’t help but smile more. His alien mind control seemed to be working perfectly. “Yeah, well, since I’m stuck here why not have a *little* fun.” She admitted.

“I think we can do better than a little,” in one quick action, Cal stood, picked Abby up by the waste (he was actually surprised at how easy it was, having never hefted a woman before), and tossed her playfully on the bed.

Abby’s indignity turned to giggles as she bounced on the mattress, her tits jiggling. “Hey, watch it buddy.” she grinned.

“You said I could do what I wanted,” he said playfully. Crawling on the bed up to her. “Now, lets get these shoes off.

It took a moment to get the laces and buckles undone. Cal tried to do it by himself at first, but Abby’s instructing and chastising finally led to her just doing it herself. After conquering the Gordian Knot, he carefully placed them beside the bed (Abby had informed him several times in the course of the removal how much they cost), and slowly rolled down her socks, one at a time.

Cal admired how stunning her legs were. Just as pale white as the rest of her, they were incredibly smooth, soft at the thighs and firm at the calves. He took one of her dainty feet in his hands and couldn’t help but compare how small it was to his relatively gigantic hands. Her toenails were naturally all painted black to match her fingers, making them stand out all the more. He began to intently use his thumbs to give her arches a deep rub.

“Oh, shit!” Abby’s head fell back. The pressure of his thumbs moving over her tense feet was incredible. She could only let out a long sigh of relief as she felt them press across the outer ridge of her arch and then over the tender side and along the top. Then he gave each individual toe it’s own little squeeze. He then proceeded to work the other foot, finishing by working her ankles. Her whole body was limp and unresponsive by the time he was done.

“That good, huh?” Cal said with cocky satisfaction.

A breathless “yeah” was all she could utter. No one had ever rubbed her feet before, and now she was ruined forever unless she manage to track down and seduce a masseuse.

“I guess that makes up for making you look bad in front of your friends?”

Again “yeah” was all she could muster.

She let out a full throated moan as the pressure from his thumb push all the way from the bottom of her calf up to behind her knee. The bastard did it again and again, alternating between each leg and causing a droplet of drool to form at the corner of her mouth. She felt so weak in his hands as he plied her with whatever space technology had been implanted in him. She let out a low, “yesss” as she sensed his lips kiss up from her ankle to the top of her thigh, lifting up her skirt and revealing the red panties with little bats on them underneath.

There it stopped. She looked down to find the reason and saw him examining the series of five faint, parallel scars a few inches below her hip. She immediately felt immensely self conscious, wanting to bolt under the bed and hide, but without saying anything, Cal simply kissed them gently several times and continued massaging her thighs.

A naughty thought crossed Cal’s mind, and he took his hands and placed them on Abby’s thighs, with his thumbs firmly planted just below the crotch of her panties. He then began rubbing them in wide circles.

Abby felt herself tense inside as the movement of his thumbs managed to pull her pussy open, causing a wet spot to form in the middle of her underwear. It was teasing most foul, manipulating her lips without actually touching them. She whimpered loudly as he continued to rub, making the circles wider and pulling her open more.

“You fucker,” she said under her breath as it got heavier. This only made him chuckle as his thumbs moved slightly higher, almost going under the edges of her undies and brushing her now swollen mound. “I can’t take it,” she exclaimed, “Just shove your cock in me already! I want it!” Cal pulled his hands away and Abby whined in disapproval. “Ooo you fucking suck!” She yelled at him.

“Hey, now. I could just kick you out and leave you with blue lips if you don’t behave.” he scolded. Abby just pouted. “Now, are you gonna be nice?” he said with a hint of baby voice.

“Fine, I’ll be good.” She replied sullenly.

“Okay, now. Let’s continue.” Cal moved up on top of her and began to caress her sides. Abby let out a little giggle as it tickled slightly. His hands glided lightly over her slightly protruding belly, then he bent down and begin planting kisses in random spots on her now exposed tummy. This just made her giggle more despite her face become flushed. She didn’t really care too much about her stomach, but even so, no one was immune to the impossible societal beauty standards. Cal didn’t seem to mind either, though, as he almost lovingly kissed over her mid section, savoring the softness of her rolls. Finally, he told her to take her top off, which she happily did. Her bra matched her bat panties and did a very good job of accentuating her large breast, letting them overflow slightly at the top. Cal reached up and began gently squeezing her through the fabric, again entranced by their size and feel.

By now, Abby wanted him so bad it ached. Imagining straddling his cock and pounding up and down until he burst inside. The fact that she could feel his hardness brushing up against her leg through his pants only made things worse.

Getting fed up with waiting, she unleashed her special attack. Sitting up she quickly undid her bra, spilling her tits out almost directly into Cal’s face. They were even better than he could have imagined. Heavy and round, the areolas were almost as white as her skin, making them nearly invisible if it wasn’t for how puffy they were. With a deep urge, he grabbed one up in his hand, the skin spilling between his fingers, and began licking and sucking the hard nipple.

This time Abby did grab his head as the slurping sounds filled the room. Her fingers intertwining with his soft hair, pressing his face into her breast. This caused him to moan in to her, lolling his tongue in circles. In his other hand he took the twin, rubbing his thumb on the sensitive nub.

They were the best tits he’d ever seen, let alone felt. Flawless in their smoothness, only a hint of the blue veins underneath the surface. Cal greedily suckled back and forth, his cock pressing against Abby’s thigh, dry humping it in his excitement. Eventually she pulled his head away and kissed him hard, smearing her black lipstick on his face. Cal could feel a stud in her tongue as it slipped into his mouth. Then, pulling back, she commanded, “You need to fuck me right now!”

“Yeah, I do,” Cal nodded enthusiastically, and began moving toward the nightstand beside the bed.

“What are you doing?” Abby asked.

“Getting the condom?” Cal replied like he was being asked why was he paying for something he was buying.

“Hell with that, I’m on the pill and I need your seed inside me. Now.” Abby practically shoved Cal back on top of her.

“Yeah, okay,” Cal couldn’t really think through the throbbing in his pants as he frantically stripped off his cloths.

“Niiiicee” Abby crooned as she saw his cock flop out of his sweats. Now it was Cal’s turn to blush as he looked away and began to position himself. Taking his shaft in his hand, he pushed it between her thick lips and began sliding it up and down, making a wet sound as he coated it in her juices. Abby’s fingers dug into his shoulders as he pressed himself up against her.

“Put it in! Please put it in!” Abby begged, thrusting her hips up to try and line him up with her opening. Cal dutifully complied, placing the head at the entrance and slowly pushing it inside.

“Holy fuck! Your so tight…” He groaned as he felt her walls squeezing around him.

“Shove it in!” She yelled at him, “Split me open with your fat cock.” Abby’s legs wrapped around Cal’s middle, practically pulling him inside her. Cal plunged in, causing her to cry out as she stretched around him.

“I’m so fuuullll…” she groaned as Cal began to pump. The sound of him slapping against her juicy thighs filled the room as he collapsed on to his elbows, moaning in her ear and burying his face in her curly hair. His arms wrapped around her shoulders and he encased her underneath him, rutting harder in her hot, dripping cunt.

Cal didn’t know how he was going to manage holding out for her as he felt the pressure rising in his balls and travel up his tube. Luckily he didn’t have to wait long as he felt the tightness squeeze hard and a gush of liquid splash around his crotch and balls.

“Cumming! Fucking cumming!” Screamed Abby for all the hotel to hear and directly in Cal’s ear, causing him to spill his load deep inside her. Abby was crushing him with everything she had, her arms, legs, and pussy, as his warmth surrounded her in her ecstasy. Abby remained latched on even as Cal eventually rolled over on his back, nuzzling into his neck and trying not to let him see that she had tears streaming out of her eyes. If he did, he didn’t say anything about it as they lay in their tight embrace, not wanting to let go of this new found happiness. Eventually Abby’s bladder began to complain about all the jabbing, and having already told him that he wasn’t allowed to urinate on her, she felt it only fair that she not just let go all over him.

Cal had to help her off the bed as she swayed cum drunk to her feet. Cal offered to help her to the bathroom but she slapped his arm (the same spot she had punched it, which didn’t help) and said she could get her own damn self to the shitter.

A flush and a towel wiping for both of them later, they lay snuggled up together on the hotel bed, next to the large wet spot that they had made.

“How long are you in town for?” Abby asked quietly.

“Uh, till the end of next week I think.” Cal replied drowsily.

“Good, I’m coming over every night until then.” Abby said as if it was a simple fact.

“Uh huh.” Cal replied. He wouldn’t actually realize what he was agreeing to until the next morning.

“I’m sleepy,” Abby said, giving him a deep kiss. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, sessy.” Cal slurred, and in a matter of minutes, they were both softly breathing as the sleep debt from the night before took it’s payment.
