[MMF] That One Time… with Friends

This is a true story about a one-time (mmf) threesome I had, with friends, about 10 years ago. Names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent. HAHA!

TL;DR I came across some friends of mine, a married couple, on Craigslist who were seeking a mmf, and we ended up spending a hot night (and next morning) together. Plus this is a long story, which is my MO, and it also involves male-male activities; please pass this bi if it isn’t your thing.

At one time, Craigslist’s “casual encounters” section was a great (and free) way of finding great sex hookups “in your area”, in particular finding couples who were looking for a bi guy like myself. While I don’t consider myself to be a swinger necessarily, my interests in various “extracurriculars” definitely have an intersect with the lifestyle; as such I’ve usually perused so-called swingers ads, and found the types of situations that I was looking for. In any case, finding an exciting couple to enjoy a mmf with was what really scratched that itch for me.

One ad in particular caught my attention. It read something like this:

>Married couple seeking versatile bisexual male for a one time meeting. We are experienced, but don’t do this often, so finding the right, personable, fun, adaptable, and attractive ddf bisexual male is critical. We’re attractive, friendly and down to earth people, but we’re also very picky. A picture with your response, along with being able to write complete and clear sentences will go a long way towards getting our attention. Recent test results and safe sex will be required.
>F is 39 years old, 5’9″, blonde, stacked, amazing legs, with a cushion for pushin’, and both dresses and smells amazing. She loves watching two men together, and joining in the fun.
>M is 40 years old, 6’3″, handsome, sandy blonde hair, fit, ddf/clean, go with the flow, and is down for anything,
>Let’s make this a special night before we relocate!
>- Steph and Joe

Attached to the ad was a (headless) picture of the lady standing next to a bed, a mirror behind her, and one high heel and stocking adorned leg resting on top of the bed. She was wearing a bustier that she was practically popping out of, and from her reflection in the mirror, apparently a matching g-string. Stacked, curvy body, amazing leg(s), hmm…

You see, I knew a Steph and Joe in real life — we were really close friends — and they were also moving to another state really soon. My jaw nearly hit my keyboard tray. No way, it couldn’t be them. I had known them for years, and they never gave any indication that they were into extracurriculars like I was. We never even mentioned anything sexual, much less even the slightest innuendo. Most other sexual people I knew would at least give you some signs here and there, even if you never got physical with them. As a sexual person, I am almost always able to identify other sexual people, but in this case I was completely flummoxed.

I just sat at my desk pondering, scrolling back and forth between the picture in the ad and my mental images of Steph, reading and re-reading the ad, trying to figure out how I should proceed.

I concluded that Steph was a sexual person, although I still couldn’t connect the picture with how I viewed her in my mind. I always liked Steph. She was fun to hang out with, she was pretty tall, and I could say anything stupid thing and she’d laugh. Yeah, I had a crush on her, but I’d always viewed the relationship as a platonic (“vanilla”) one, so I never pushed the issue. Plus neither Steph nor Joe had ever given me “signs”, as noted earlier.

Joe, on the other hand, was a total wildcard. Sure, he was a good friend of mine. I’d help him with his home improvement tasks, and we’d drink beer and watch games together, and yeah, I could make him laugh as well, but he was the strong and silent type. Only if he was drunk would he open up and say more than a sentence or two.

What to do? What to do? Should I respond, knowing that my good friends would learn something about me that I wouldn’t share with most people (and vice versa)? I must’ve sat there for hours. And then I realized that maybe they took their ad down already. In times past when I’d post looking for a lady for my girlfriend and I, or looking for a couple to swap with, I’d get inundated with messages… from single men (dick pics, caveman-like messages, crassness, rudeness). So over half the time I’d take the ad down for the sake of my own sanity, and there would be no play.

I reloaded the page probably a dozen times, and their ad was still there.

So, I decided to respond, but although I’m fairly decent with words, I started a response, scratched it, and started over probably a dozen times. I kept my response on point, didn’t share my first name, and attached a non-descript picture of my (clothed) body, so they could see that I was pretty fit. I also noted in my response that while it wasn’t necessarily a smart thing to write — I might know them in real life — that their ad had piqued my interest for that amongst several reasons. Then I clicked the ‘send’ button, and that was that. I figured that either my response would be ignored, or, well, that I’d never hear from them again. I’d been through this game a number of times, and by the time I tossed and turned in my bed during a semi-sleepless night, I mostly forgot about it by the next day. Two days later the whole thing was completely out of my mind.

And then I got the email. It was short, but to the point. Basically it said that they liked my response, my picture didn’t tell them anything about me, but they were intrigued that they might know me in real life — and might be interested in having this experience with one of their “vanilla” friends. They concluded by saying that if my name started with N, T, P, or A that I was still in the running, and that given the volume of responses — they would get back to me by Thursday night — as to whether or not they wanted to meet in person. They asked if I was free on Saturday, just in case.

I was floored. My first name definitely starts with one of those letters! I sent a quick response back thanking them for their candidness and interest, said that my first name starts with one of those letters, that I was free on Saturday night, and then I waited on pins and needles for two days. This was the least productive that I was at work since the dog days of the dot-com bust of the early 2000s.

We were having a hot September that year. I was watching the NFL season kickoff that night, the air conditioner cranked in the background, the moribund fascination around watching NFL players destroy each other physically (that’s a metaphor likely), and at halftime I checked my email.

>Dear NTPA,
>Hopefully you are still free on Saturday night, but please let us know no later than noon tomorrow (being Friday) if you intend to join us on Saturday (or not). Your initial response, and the fact that we might know you, once again, intrigues us.
>As we likely know one another, fair’s fair, and we will keep this in confidence, even if we don’t get to the next level together. As you can imagine, given that we know many people in our community, discretion is paramount — for us, as we’re sure it is for you as well.
>Having written that, and while you still intrigue us, there are no guarantees for Saturday, short of having a platonic good time over a couple of rounds of drinks (on us). If it works during our happy hour, we’ll all have a really nice time following that. If we’re just friends, then no harm / no foul. Hopefully, given this understanding, you’ll join us nevertheless.
>Let us know?
>- Steph and Joe

I sent quick email response back, saying that I would be there, asking when and where, and how I should be dressed. No sooner did I hit send that a response came back — it giving me the location, reiterating that I should bring along test results, protection, that dressing nicely (and smelling nice) was key to attraction, and that they were looking forward to seeing me… at 1pm on Saturday afternoon. They would be seated at a visible location in the hotel, and gave me some brief descriptions of how they would be dressed.

1pm on Saturday? Ugh. I always liked later evenings, and darker lights. But still, after yet another sleepless night, I went to the gym then headed back to my condo to examine my body, trimmed down my chest hair, shaved most of my body, showered, and got dressed before heading into the city. I hit the valet stand at 12:50pm, and in looking in a mirror didn’t look nearly as haggard as I felt. Not too shabby.

I saw Steph as soon as I entered the hotel bar, she nodded and made eye contact immediately, and stood up, meeting me halfway to the bar entrance to greet me. She was [dressed something like this](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0686/9355/products/image_8a8683ca-67ca-4ac2-a9dd-9fd4fdf5a02d.jpg?v=1621560009), but she was taller, and her figure was fuller; her dress seemed like a size or two too small, but that only accentuated how busty and curvy she was. Plus she was wearing these black, strappy, high-heeled sandals, and it was clear that she had a pedicure — her nails done in a fire engine, red tone. I’m not a big foot fan, but in my internal Jerry Seinfeld voice, I said to myself, “sometimes, I love a great foot. Sometimes there’s a good foot. But, the foot. Sometimes, there’s a foot, and there’s nothing wrong with it.” I tried to diminish my eye fucking of her, because admittedly, this was pretty awkward at the start. I never crossed my “vanilla” friends firewall with my “extracurricular” friends… until then.

Steph greeted me with a squeal and a tight hug. I could tell that she was on her tiptoes, as I could make out her calves as my head, even though she was a lot taller in heels, was far above her shoulder, me staring down from her shoulders to her rounded ass to her legs and calves. She gave me a slow peck on the cheek, and whispered, “my god, we’re so glad that it’s you” in my ear before grabbing me by the hand, and dragging me towards the table. Thankfully the bar was mostly empty at that point in the day, and maybe that was the plan all along. I used to like meeting up with couples at night, even in a crowded bar, because you could hide in plain sight. But since nobody was around, what was the harm on that day?

After I sat down, both Steph and Joe laughed. Was there something on my shirt? Did I have a booger hanging from my nostril? No. Steph had left a lipstick mark on my cheek, so she dipped her white napkin in ice water before reaching over the table to rub the mark off.

“Great icebreaker,” I quipped.

They both laughed. Joe reached out to shake my hand, firmly, and I shook it back. Joe motioned to the server, who took my drink order.

We all clinked glasses, and made intense eye contact with one another. And then there was silence. Admittedly, as someone who has had these bar type of meet ‘n’ greets on a handful of occasions, it was usually the case that you knew what a couple wanted, what the ground rules were, etc., but this time around it was a completely blank slate. And I was blanking. These were friends, and I didn’t know how to close the deal. I admit it. Who would close the deal, then? Wait for it…

Steph was the first to chime in. “So, tell us. Why… us?”

I kind of stammered. “Uhh…”

Then Joe took over. “You’ve done this before, right?”

“Careful,” I said to myself. “The worst thing you can do is to talk about your various sexploits. That’s a turn off, and you know it.” I demurred at first.

Joe shrugged a bit, turned his eyes to Steph, then just stared at me.

“Okay,” I said, trying to be as careful as possible. “You’ve both known me for so long, and we’ve never talked about it because there was no context, but I saw the ad… and I knew it.”

“You knew it?” Steph asked.

I took a deep breath. “Well, how candid would you like me to be?”

“Very candid,” they basically said in unison.

“So, I’ve never been quite ‘straight and narrow’, you know? Heck, you’ve met a few of my ex girlfriends…”

“Yeah, they were all bitches”, Steph interrupted.

I looked at her with wide eyes.

“Well, they were,” Joe added his useful color commentary.

I shook it off. “I’ve always had this… sense of adventure… and it’s impossible to talk to people you know on the daily about this, so when I saw your ad, I got to thinking… ,” I continued.

They both nodded.

“And what got you to thinking?” Steph asked.

“Well, uhh, like I said, I’ve known you both for so long,” I stammered again.

Steph twirled her index finger in the air as if to get me to make a point.

I sighed. “Fine, then. So, I’ve always liked you both, I find Steph to be particularly attractive, and it floored me that Joe was interested in other guys, but in a good way. I was never going to interfere, but then I saw the ad, and I saw the picture, and after I put 2 and 2 together, I kind of knew it. And here we are.”

They both nodded again. And then there was more silence.

“But I’m really glad that I fit into the NTPA scheme, all the same,” I retorted.

They both laughed.

“This has been really interesting… and fun.”

They both asked if I did this often, and I stressed that I did not. I explained my likes and the things that I enjoyed (pleasing and being pleased), and they gave me a high level of theirs’ (same: pleasing and being pleased), and we all agreed that less is more if you are aligned with the right people. Then I excused myself, after having slid my test results across the table to them, two drinks in, to the restroom, to pee and to brush my teeth, and to hopefully have them chat amongst themselves before I returned to the table. I was so revved up at that point that I was hoping for an invite back to their room. I almost jerked off in the lavatory stall.

But since I hadn’t read them correctly in the first place, even that was in doubt. At worst, I would know that Steph enjoyed one on both ends, or that Joe enjoyed extensive sexual experiences with other men. If they said no to moving further, I was going to race home, and probably masturbate and read erotica furiously for the next 12-18 hours. I was like that all those years ago.

When I returned, Steph was standing, and Joe was furiously writing something on the bill, basically stabbing at it with the pen. I wondered if he was writing, like, “we might be having a threesome, with unspeakable bisexual activity, shortly. Don’t send help. Signed, Room 69+.” I laughed to myself.

Then he stood up, and I just stood there staring at them. I had no idea what was going to happen next, and it was still light out. It was about 4pm, in September, on the east coast of the United States. Yeah, the brighter sun was gone, but it was still light out.

Steph waved some pieces of paper in front of my face, and I took them. They were clean, too. She handed them back to Joe, who then handed me my papers, which I tucked into the inner pocket of my suit coat, then Steph grabbed my hand, practically pulling me out of the bar. The clack of her heels on the faux marble flooring was mesmerizing as I watched her bubble butt undulate, and her thighs grind from side to side. Joe appeared to be completely fine will all of this, my head turning to look at him over my shoulder, as Steph pulled me towards the elevator. He nodded at me and gave a thumbs up.

Lots of people ended up in the elevator with us. Why?! And yet, we persisted. Joe swiped his key card, and the elevator went to an even higher level of the hotel. It was a suite. Holy shit.

Steph, to my disappointment, excused herself to the bathroom to “freshen up”. Joe offered me a scotch, which I took neat, as we sat kitty corner on the L-shaped couch in the corner of the suite. We just kept looking at each other, saying nothing, as we took quick nips from the scotch in our glasses. And then it happened, at what seemed like an eternity later. Seriously, you could hear water running, a hair dryer fired up, clanking of heels on the hard floor of the bathroom, Steph sighing and cursing to herself… I always liked hanging out with Joe, but man, there was no game on, and the room had this sexual tension like you would not believe. What in the fuck was Steph doing in the bathroom?!

Like in the John Hughes film, “Weird Science”, Steph emerged, but without the smoke nor the electrical fires. Her hair was now parted down the middle, and was deliberately curled all over (I LOVE when women do this to this day), wearing nothing but a black sheer robe, tied around her waist, black garter belt, black stockings, and black stiletto heels with these gold tips, but nothing else. As she approached us, her hips grinding and swinging once again as she strutted in her stilettos, now given the light from the windows and the fixtures, you could tell that her nipples were pierced, and had dangling rings. Holy fuck. She was totally fucking smoking hot. How did this all (d)evolve so quickly? I’m not one to ask.

Joe patted the couch cushion next to me, then pointed in my direction. My hard on was already stressing the light fabric of my dress pants, so when Steph plopped down on my lap, I knew that she felt how she excited me as well. She made a deep sigh before she threw her arms around my neck, and thrust her chest into my face. I couldn’t even see Joe’s reaction at that point.

Steph took one arm from around my neck, undid the tie of her barely-there robe, and let the robe fall down off her shoulders. Her tongue flicked at my lips, and intense and amazing kissing ensued. She pulled away after a few minutes, grabbed one of her huge tits in her hands, and offered it to my mouth. She whispered to me about what excited her, and I took her lead in pinching, gently pulling, and twisting her nipple ring(s) while intermittently nibbling and biting each of her nipples. All the while she continued whispering words of encouragement and dirty thoughts into my ear.

As I continued on with her tits and nipples, she continued to grind her pelvis and naked pussy on my dress pants. I could feel the heat and smell her musk. She smelled fresh and amazing. She pulled away slightly, grabbing my right hand, and jamming it into her crotch. She was absolutely soaking wet, and my fingers slipped right in, causing her juices to run down my arm. “See what you boys are doing to me?” she whispered in my ear, before pushing my hand away and hopping off of my lap.

“Come here, sir,” she said, grabbing my hand, pulling me to stand up. “And you too, buster,” she continued, pulling Joe off the sofa. She maneuvered us so that we were facing each other, and simply said, “now…”, her voice trailing off to a whisper.

I just stood there staring at Joe, he also being tall and fit, looking really sharp in his suit. It was game on, with Steph in the background, her hand circling her pussy slowly, watching us intently, so who would initiate?

Joe leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on my lips. It was a perfect first move, and I kissed him back. Steph gasped in the background as she watched Joe and I escalate our intimacy. Our hands roamed and Joe had one hand on my ass cheek, with his fingers strongly and periodically probing my crack. As we frenched furiously, he started by unbuttoning my shirt, and I did the same to him. We broke our embrace briefly, and tossed our shirts and jackets on the seat at the end of the bed. Then we got back into it. Eventually we found ourselves completely naked, and Steph wasted no time in squeezing our cocks together, giving each an inspection for their differences (Joe was LONG but thin, and I’m average sized but super thick), flicking her tongue over each head as a tease. I reached for my suit coat and rolled a condom on to my cock.

Joe guided me to the bed, and positioned me. He laid across from me, and after taking his lead, we got into the 69 position. This was all *super* hot, and if I wasn’t wearing a condom, I would’ve probably nutted out early, no matter how much I tried to practice restraint. We were at it for a bit before Joe started fucking my mouth, which is kind of a no-no because my gag reflex is terrible. So I slowed his hips down a bit so that he didn’t go in so deep, and I set the pace and depth of his penetrating my mouth. He released me from his mouth and said that he was getting close.

Steph surprised me by hopping on the bed, squatting over Joe’s face. Her circling around her pussy got faster and more furious, and then she let out an animalistic scream before squirting all over his face and chest. At that point, Joe let go in my mouth, and I swallowed some of it. I’m not a huge fan of swallowing, so thankfully Steph paid me some attention by squatting over my face and rubbing her crotch along my nose and mouth. I ended up snowballing — I guess that’s the right term for this — Joe’s cum into her pussy and the rim of her asshole with my tongue. Joe went back to work on my cock with his mouth right away, and I was finally getting close. In a muffled voice, what with Stef riding my face and all, I asked Joe to finish with his hand, and asked Steph to pinch my nipples while he did that. I was moaning and moaning into Steph’s crotch while I pumped my hips, fucking Joe’s fist, and finally I came. And came. And came. And came into the condom. For whatever reason I’ve always been a heavy cummer, and I guess that it excited Steph enough that she came again, right over my mouth, but this time it was a lot of dripping of her girl cum and Joe’s spunk that fell into my mouth and went down my throat.

I excused myself to go pee and to get some water/rinse my mouth, and when I returned, Joe was already railing Steph doggy style, her curled hair knotted in Joe’s right hand as he hammered her, her delicious round booty jiggling up, down, and everywhere, her gigantic and gorgeous tits hanging and swaying before knocking together with loud slaps, and his other thumb circling her asshole from what I could tell from my vantage point. Steph was making these delicious, rhythmic low squeals before periodically letting out a yell. It was sexy beyond belief, and I always enjoy a woman who emotes like that when she’s being fucked. It was also super hot seeing Joe so passionate. I’m so glad that they had me along for the ride, so to speak.

Just watching this brought me back to life. Joe took his hand that was near Steph’s asshole, raised his eyebrows, and gave me a questioning thumbs up. I nodded my head, jerked myself a few times to ensure that there was no failure to launch, then put on another condom. He pointed that I should head to her front, and Steph basically grabbed my shaft and shoved it into her mouth. The way that Joe was hammering her and controlling the movement of her head, lead to me face fucking Steph, if only by accident.

Next, Joe pulled out of her, and used her leg as a lever to put her on her back. He entered her again aggressively, and had one of her legs slung over his shoulder while her other was tightly wrapped around his back. He gave me a nod again, and I guided my cock back into her mouth. This time she reached out and held the base of my shaft as she guided the motion of me piston-ing into her mouth, but that was short lived, no matter how much I was enjoying it — even with a condom on. Steph popped me out of her mouth then slid her arms beyond my ass cheeks and pushed me forward, towards the top of her chest. I balanced myself with my hands planted on the bed so that I didn’t topple over. Then her mouth and tongue started flitting back and forth between my perineum and asshole; my god, it felt *so* good, and I made my feelings known by saying “fuck” over and over again, and grunting / emitting guttural noises.

Joe asked me how Steph was pleasuring me, and he told me to be explicit. “God, her tongue is gold. Oh god, perineum… ohhh… and now she’s fucking my asshole with her tongue. Fuuuuck!” With that, apparently it sent Joe over the edge, and instead of hard and fast strokes, it was a slow pull out followed by a hard slap as he entered Steph again followed by another hard slap — before he tensed up and let out this huge yell. I briefly mistook him for Tarzan, Lord Greystroke. He did some slow pumps until he came down from his high, then pulled out of her. He motioned for me to come over and admire his handiwork, I assume.

Joe stepped behind me, giving my cock a couple of tugs, and whispered in my ear, “your turn. How would you like her?”

“Doggy,” I whispered back.

“Doggy it is, then.” With that, Joe tapped Steph’s thigh, grabbed her by the leg, and pulled her into position. He made a “she’s all yours” hand motion then helped guide me into her. I was almost ready to cum again. Holy crap. These people. My friends. Sloppy seconds, even though I was wearing a condom.

She was tight, even though she was super lubricated at that point. I’m thick, and Joe’s not, and I wondered if my thickness was a contributor to the tightness. But on to the matter at hand. This is something that I’d always wanted to do, so I savored the moment with each deliberate stroke, having my own first person POV each time my hips crashed into her, watching her gorgeous butt cheeks undulate, listening to her whine and moan each time she took a new dick (mine!).

Joe stood behind me, looking over my shoulder as I fucked his wife. At first he tried to change positions to snake his head and neck under her body so that there could be fucklicking. But, no, that didn’t work. So, he went back to viewing my passionate penetration while watching over my shoulder again.

And then things took an interesting turn. As Joe kept whispering into my ear, he asked me if I wanted to see what was really on their minds. I stopped pumping for a moment, and he grabbed my cock shaft before I plunged back in, pushing me backwards while helping me keep my balance. With one quick move, he grabbed the tip of the condom and pulled it off my cock with a slap then used a slingshot motion to send it flying across the room. He gave my cock a few pumps then put me back into Steph.

“Mmm, this is what’s on our minds,” he hissed. My god, the man could actually say more than a few words, even when he was semi sober. He guided my right hand to her curls, and I made a tight grip, pulling her head back towards me with each thrust.

“Do you know how he’s taking you?” Joe asked Steph.

“It feels like he’s… I think that he’s… bare,” Steph replied, before her arm reached back, her hands cupping my balls at first before her fingers realized that there was no condom. “Oh my god, he is…” And then she came again.

I announced my intentions a moment or so after. The stimulation was beyond belief. Joe whispered in my ear that I knew what had to be done, and I had an intense orgasm inside of his wife. Somehow he managed to take sloppy… thirds (?) .. and re-did the deed, but by that point I needed a break. I looked at the clock near the bed, and should it believed, we’d been at it for almost 4 hours, a new personal record.

Steph excused herself to the bathroom, and the three of us sat around naked, acting like nothing had happened. We had some drinks (scotch for us and white wine for Steph), and just chatted as if we were hanging out at their house on a Sunday afternoon.

Steph, now completely naked, joked that we should play strip poker, and we all laughed. Yeah, it was funny.

So, we continued to chat and laugh and drink, and periodically we would take turns fucking Steph’s mouth, or trying DP or DVP, and it felt amazing, but didn’t lead to more orgasms. By 10pm we were all pooped, and crashed in their bed.

I woke up early the next morning, brushed my teeth, and got a hot shower going. I smelled like sex at that point, but in a bad way. Steph, to my surprise, joined me in the shower, and made a “ssh” motion with her index finger, even though she whispered that it was fine. We fucked in the shower, and I seeded her again. Then she returned to the bed and gave Joe some sloppy seconds while I went to get coffee for all of us.

We chatted a bit more, and that was that. I helped them move a few weeks later, but things, by appearances alone, were back to normal. I was kind of disappointed, but I’ll be damned if I don’t admit how great of a sexual experience this was. We’ve been in touch again since 2021 — they now have 2 kids — and they’ve talked about getting together again, with a stipulation of “we’ll see”. So, we’ll see.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/1047d4c/mmf_that_one_time_with_friends


  1. Super well written and super hot. I upvoted as soon as you used the word ‘flummoxed’, haha. Was definitely long, but enjoyed all of it. Super jealous too! Thanks for sharing!

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