A New Hope Part 1 (SCI-FI) (F36/F19/?) (NON CON) (NSFW)

Just trying somthing a bit diferent for my first one back in a while, hope you enjoy xxx


03.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log001



“Day one on Planet #666. All 69 crew members are out of stasis, all vitals are steady. Sensors have begun atmospheric scans. Internal cameras all online. External cameras are sporadic at best. Engineers have discovered a weak electromagnetic signal they currently believe is to blame. Once they have clearance to go topside they will try to troubleshoot. Not much else to do but wait until the scans are done.”

04.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log002



“Initial scans are positive. Oxygen/Nitrogen balance deemed sufficient for human life. Final scans should be done by this afternoon. The captain is itching to step out onto solid ground after all these years in cryo. Can’t say I feel the same way. This lab is home to me, ill leave the exploring to the sufficiently trained marines.”

05.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log003



“Scans completed last night. The atmosphere has been deemed 98% safe for human life. The captain has approved topside excursion missions #001 and #002. The marines will move to secure a small working parameter allowing for initial ground works to begin. Mission #002 will see the engineering corps begin inspection of the ship and hopefully figure out the issue with the cameras. I don’t envy the construction corps job. From what little we can see through the external cameras it seems the land is covered in a variety of vine-like foliage. Some shoots appear no thicker than a human finger but some are much larger. The brief for the initial expansion of our base of operations will require a radius of 100 feet around the ship. At least once they start there will be a sample for me to sink my teeth into… figuratively obviously.

06.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log004



Perimeter has been established. Engineers have started work on the cameras. The solution for now is a simple shielding bolted over the units. Looking forward to getting eyes on the surrounding area. Construction corps accessing the organic matter to decide best approach for clearing the site.

07.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log005



Organic sample 001. Initial inspection has revealed the vine so be quite dissimilar to plant matter back home. It would have more in common with flesh than a vine. It’s is soft to the touch and compresses when squeezed but regains it’s for when released. Upon opening it up I was shocked to find what appeared to be nerve endings. I immediately called for a temporary halt to the ground works. I believe there’s a chance the plant life on this planet isn’t plant life at all. At least not the way we know it. The Captain denied the request, apparently if it doesn’t have eyes it’s not really alive. Marines… Anyway I digress. The sample is an end section, the tip if you will. As it comes to an end it has a bulbous head to it. The head contains a small hole that I have found runs into a tubeline opening down the length of the vine. I hypothesize that this is how the plant… no the lifeform gains its nutrients. How it does this I have no clue. We have seen no indication of the vines moving so I must sume it simply absorbs moisture from the air. I will likely work through the night in this one.

08.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log006



I am currently running further tests in the many samples that have been bought back into the lab. I’d love to have a look at these things in their natural environment but sadly I do not have clearance to leave the ship. I have had my assistant Sara accompany the construction crew throughout the day. She has relayed pictures and observations through to my lab. As far as we can see these vines grow in clumps surrounding a central one almost like branches off of a tree trunk. There has been chatter this afternoon about what the crew is describing as small animal bones. I will need to get Sara to try and bag me some of those… strange because we have seen no indication of animal life on the planet thus far.

09.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log007



Most of the groundwork has now been completed. Temporary shelters and security fences are being erected. Once the site is secure I will be allowed to step off the ship. Obviously with a heavy contingent of security but still, it will be nice to have a quick look around. The captains readying his team to begin excursion mission #003. It is to be an all day trip covering a lot of ground. The objective is to reach a spot we had seen upon approach. It had appeared to be a blue coloured space not much unlike a lake. Finding a water source would be the holy grail for humanity. I requested Sara be allowed to join them as we need to gather some online readings if it turns out the site does contain water of some form.

10.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log008



The captain’s team still hasn’t returned. He was expected back before dark last night. The rest of the crew are understandably worried. Losing 10 crew members in the first week… it’s not ideal. I worry for Sara… she’s the youngest member of the crew… maybe I shouldn’t have sent her.

10.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log009



The excursion team returned an hour ago. It seems the distance traveled wasn’t so much the issue rather the densely packed foliage. They ended up having to set up camp at the mission site. The samples Sara has collected are currently being processed. Sara has been acting strangely. A bit spacey and unable to give me a consistent report of the mission timeliness. I’ve had her signed off to her quarters to rest. I’m going to do a complete examination on her in a few minutes.

10.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log010



Patient name: Sarah Belford

Psych evaluation: Inconclusive, patient is still Spacey but now more coherent. Cannot remember a large portion of the mission. Memory loss appears to have begun somewhere after entering tent.

Physical examination: Patient complaining of stomach cramps and discomfort of vaginal cavity. Closer examination shows clear signs of entry. No other superficial wound present.

Toxicology report: Unknown chemical present in trace amounts. Chemical composition is however sharing a few similarities to Rohiptnol.

I have submitted my report to the Captain. Situations like these are taken very seriously and the entire excursion team has been quarantined for questioning. Kateys quarters have been locked down. I feel like I have failed to protect her… this… this shouldn’t be a fear any crew member needs to deal with. We are almost family by now. I will check on her again in the morning.

11.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log011



My request to bring Sara into the Lab has been denied. The captain has concerns regarding the toxins found in Sara’s body. Her quarters are completely off limits now even to medical personnel. I have had to complete my evaluations visually using the roof mounted camera in her room. Unfortunately her confused state has progressed. She has removed all of her clothes and spends her time either writhing on her bed or slowly walking about the room. I have noticed she spends a lot of the time running her hands over her body. I am yet to figure out why this behavior is presenting itself but if I could hazard a guess I would say the toxin is causing an almost euphoric effect. She sometimes looks up into the camera, her constant smile is… well disconcerting. I will press the Captain to allow me inside with a containment suit.

12.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log012



The captain is still adamant on restricting all access to Sara. I’m somewhat ashamed to say I didn’t react professionally to this news. I feel entirely responsible.


The interviews of the excursion team have been complete. No one saw or heard anything. Watch was cycled twice through the night and it would be hard to believe that someone could have snuck in without anyone seeing. The working theory currently is that Sara came into contact with the toxin whilst gaining the readings at the lake. It doesn’t explain the vaginal agitation but based on her actions now throughout the day I may have some insight. Sara’s euphoria has progressed. It seems to have activated some level of erotic stimulus. She has been masturbating on and off for hours now. Another concerning development… Sara seems to have gained some swelling in her abdomen. It may be an infection so I am keen to at least talk to her. I have asked engineering if there is any way to establish contact with her. They believe the cameras have a built in 2 way microphone but the ships system has not been coded to active them. They are going to work on it and hopefully by tomorrow we will have something.

13.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log013



Engineering has successfully activated the microphone in Sara’s quarters. Her abdomen has continued to expand. If she were a terrestrial patient I would assume she was about 3 months pregnant at this point but obviously that’s impossible…. Okay well here we go, establishing contact now. I will patch the feed through.


Sara? Sara can you hear me?

Samantha is that you?

Yes it’s Dr Wheeler. How are you feeling?

Oh Samantha… I feel wonderful…. Hahaha fuck I feel wonderful Sam!

Sara listen to me, do you remember anything from the night of the excursion?

Note that the patient is not responding.

Sara can you tell me exactly what sensations you are experiencing?

Mmmmm my skin…. It’s electric. I feel… I feel like I need a big fat cock inside of me. Can you send in Deric? I’ve seen his in the showers… yea Deric will do nicely hahahaha.

Sara please focus. Sara I can see your abdomen is inflated. Can you please apply some pressure and tell me if you feel pain?

Note the patient is reaching to her abdomen, this is good, it shows she is still able to follow inst….

Fuck Sam I’m so wet! Oh fuck that feels amazing. (Moaning sounds)

Note the patient has inserted her fingers intonher vagina and appears to have begun masturbating again. I am going to silence the feed as I don’t believe this is relevant.

14.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log014



The patient appears to have drifted off after climaxing. I have concerns for her well being as she has not had any food or water since quarantine. I am now begging the Captain to let us in there but he’s still adamantly against it. The samples taken from the lake have turned out not to be water. They are viscous in composition and have high levels of the toxin Sara has been exposed to. I don’t believe Sara would have ingested it but at this point anything is possible. I will continue to monitor her.

15.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log015



Incident report: 2 members of the construction corps have been found dead outside of the perimeter. It seems they were investigating signs that the foliage had rapidly grown up the sides of the fence. The 2 male corpses were found impaled down through the mouth by large vines. Attempts to remove them were unsuccessful as the vines had passed through them and rooted them.into the ground. A third member of the construction crew is still missing. She was last seen leaving the gates with the 2 male workers who are now dead. The captain is assembling a search party now but is wary of leaving the perimeter.

16.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log016



Sara’s condition has progressed. Her abdomen has expanded further. She now resembles a woman 6 months into pregnancy. She seems to be deliriously speaking to her stomach while caressing herself. I would also seem that her breasts have begun to grow larger as well. It’s all in fitting with a standard human pregnancy but… but there’s no way that can be the case. Can it?

17.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log017



The search party headed out at first light. They took the majority of our combat ready forces. 30 of the 34 marines are now combing the surrounding area. I can’t say I feel too comfortable with only having 4 armed guards posted within the perimeter but the Captain seems to have lost all reason. He says he has a responsibility to his squad but I can see the fear starting to grip him. It grips us all.

18.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log018



The search team never returned last night. A few gunshots were heard in the distance but then… silence. The captain failed to establish a temporary command chain before leaving and having taken all of his ranking officers it leaves me as the highest ranked on site. I’m going to give them one more day before I attempt to take command of the site. God knows the few military personnel left here wont be too keen on the idea…

19.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log019



Still no sign of the captain or any of his group. The vines have now completely covered the external walls and are encroaching on our site. We do not have the man power to clear them and to be honest most of the crew are too terrified to go near them now. I have decided that without the captain here I will take the opportunity to examine Sara.

19.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log020

Recording of staff quarters 013


Sound of lock disengaging and door opening/reclosing.

Hello Sara, are you able to hear me?


Sara, I’m going to approach you now please lie still.

I am approaching the patient. Her stomach is now expanded beyond that of even a 9 month pregnancy. Her breasts have grown from a modest C cup to an enormous double H cup. The pressure must be excruciatingly painful. Gravity doesn’t even have a hold on them now as they stand rigidly off her small chest, veiny and… and leaking? Leaking milk? She looks healthy enough although maybe a bit weak. This could be due to the fact she has refused to eat any of her rations since we quarantined her.

Sara, I’m just going to touch your stomach, please remain calm.

I… I can feel movement, oh god no I didn’t want to believe it…

“Ohhhh mmmm Sam please keep touching me… god I need you Sam”

Sara… I… im going to fix this okay?

“No Sam… I don’t want you to. Please, take off that suit and lie with me”

Sara… I ca… OW! Sara let go of my wrist!

Sounds of a struggle.

“Here Sam, feel how wet I am!”

Please Sara! Oh god what is that moving between your legs?!

“Mmmm it’s good isn’t it Sam? It keeps me nice and wet… it comes out to make me feel good and then it slides back in… You should put your mouth down there for me… oh Sam please do it!”


Sounds of crashing as medical trays hit the ground


“OH SAM FUUUUCK! Shhhhh shhhh it’s okay mmmmm oh god your mouth feels so warm on my sensitive lips. Just let me sit on your lovelly mouth for a bit longer… Oh Sam… Oh god you’re gunna make me cum! OH OH FUUUUUUCK!

Sounds of heavy panting

“Oh Sam… I think it likes you…. Can you feel it sliding down your throat? Mmmmm see that’s how it’s been feeding me Sam… it gives me it’s seed in exchanged for carrying it inside me. It’s almost ready Sam… I can’t wait to nurse it… my breasts are so sensitive Sam… You’ll feel so good too soon Sam, it’s seed makes everything better. Let it wash over you then once you’re feeling good like me we can get that suit off you baby. Then it can give you it’s seed properly… Oh Sam we can just spend the rest of our lives together here in this room… Oh that thought its making me feel… fee…

THWUMP… Sounds of struggle, slurping, coughing.



Sounds of door opening, slamming, lock engaging.


Thanks for reading part 1 guys! For those who recognise me… sorry I disappeared for so long. I know I let a few of you down by starting the process of a commission only to go full ghost mode.

Unfortunately I got doxed and my familly were informed as to what I was doing here. Its a long story as to what happened but I ended up out on my ass and dropping out of Uni. I’ve kinda just been existing but now I decided fuck it. I want to keep doing what I enjoy.

I’m not ready to take on too much in the way of large commissions yet but I’m definitely going to keep posting stuff here for fun.

Also if you’re reading this Mark, Amielia, Mike etc etc… go fuck yourselves lol.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/103e6d7/a_new_hope_part_1_scifi_f36f19_non_con_nsfw

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