I helped my coworker get over his breakup [FM]

There’s no grand story to this one… Actually I’m still not entirely sure why I did it. I’ve worked with this guy who we’ll call Sean for a little while. He’s nineteen, tall and lanky with medium length brown hair that’s normally a bit of a curly mess. Sean’s one of the sweetest people I know. The kind of person who insists upon releasing bugs outside, and who literally gets a joke of the day email. He’s absolutely adorable and until just before Christmas, I’d have told you that my feelings toward him were entirely brotherly.

Sean had a massive fight with his girlfriend, and they ended up breaking up. He came in to work really too upset to function, and I ended up sitting with him in the break room while he vented a little bit. It seemed like a pretty standard “They were in different stages mentally” breakup, but it was his first so I understood why he was so shaken up. He went back to work once we had chatted for a while, but it felt like there was a dark cloud hanging over the store to me because he’s normally so bright and happy.

I decided that I wanted to grab Sean a gift to cheer him up, so I took advantage of the fact that I got off work earlier than him to walk around the mall and look for something. The problem I ended up having was the fact that I actually knew very little about him as a person. I knew about his affinity for cheesy jokes, because he shared them so often. That turned out to be the only thing I really knew about him. He and I normally only talked about work when we were together, and that put me in a situation of having no decent gift ideas for him.

Texting my husband for ideas also yielded very little in the way of help. “Video game? An ounce of weed? A blowjob? Everybody likes blowjobs.” he said. I considered the video game option for a bit, but I know nothing about them, or which ones he even has. Gift cards seem lame to me too. In the meantime, my husband was enjoying the blowjob idea. He was teasing me, saying that Sean may not be able to stop smiling if I went with that option.

I returned my husband’s teasing, and asked if he really wanted his wife hooking up with a college student. (Sean’s definitely younger than anyone I’ve gone for in years.) It was my husband’s response that ended up really turning me on. “Who said anything about hooking up with him? Suck his cock, then come home where you belong.”

I was sold on the idea, but I had no idea if Sean would go for it. I went back to the store at closing time, and told him to come to my car because I had gotten a gift for him. We went to my car, and sat in the warmth chatting for a while. I gave him a little joke calendar I had bought, and told him that life really does get better after your first big breakup. Then once I was satisfied that the parking lot was sufficiently empty… I just came right out and offered to suck his cock he wanted.

He laughed when I offered, and clearly thought I was joking. When I only raised my eyebrows at him in reply, I could see it dawn on him that my offer had been in earnest. In the span of about five seconds, Sean asked me if I was sure, and admitted that he had only had three blowjobs in his life.

It seemed like he wanted to, but he was working himself into a nervous mess fairly quickly so I put my hand on his chest and rubbed in small circles as I affirmed that I was sure, and explained a little bit about my arrangement with my husband. I told him it’d probably be a one time thing, and moved my hand down to massage his cock through his black work pants when he nodded.

I took Sean’s cock out as I adjusted in my seat and leaned over the center console of my car. I had to tell him to lean his seat back to give me more room, he was so caught in the moment that I don’t think logistics had occurred to him. He groaned loudly and swore when I slid him into my mouth, and I could see his arms shake as I began swirling my tongue around his cock.

I got very into putting on a pornographic show for him, and directed his hand underneath my top so he could fondle my breasts while I made gagging noises over his cock despite his length not being quite long enough to do more than tickle the back of my throat. Sean awkwardly palmed my breasts, and hurriedly warned me that he wasn’t going to be able to last.

I sat up a little bit, pulling my top up far enough that I could take my bra off. Sean asked me if he could suck on them, and I let him for a while, lightly massaging my hand over his cock to keep him erect as he did.

I pushed Sean back in the seat, and told him not to warn me when he was going to cum, rather put his hand on the back of my head and hold me down. His eyes widened like someone who’d just been asked to commit a crime, but he agreed.

My pace was quicker when I began sucking Sean’s cock again, I focused on running my tongue along the underside of his shaft. He cursed again, and tangled his fingers in my hair loosely. When I began playing with his balls, Sean moaned and pushed my head down with a jerking motion, cumming in my mouth so abruptly that I actually did choke.

I ended up driving him home afterward, because it seemed cruel to leave him at a bus stop in the weather we were having. He was more relaxed afterward than I thought he would be given his awkwardness. I’ve worked with him twice since then, and it’s been completely fine as well.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zy7715/i_helped_my_coworker_get_over_his_breakup_fm


  1. You don’t say if you enjoyed any part of it. It nice to give sex as a present but a pity if you don’t get a bit more than that yourself.

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