A Slippery Slope, Part 3 [romantic] [bdsm] [femdom] [real] [D/s] [F40/m43]

[Click Here for Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/zt63xn/a_slippery_slope_part_2_romantic_bdsm_femdom_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

When he woke up on Friday, one of his two regular work-from-home days, he laid in his bed a little longer, and reflected on what had taken place over the past few days. The events of the past Tuesday aside, things had started to feel normal again. Since then, there was the type of honeymoon period that you’d expect in any relationship. They’d spent hours communicating on Telegram, and he was amazed by how open she was in telling him how she liked things done. She had him hooked so deeply, he didn’t even realize that every exchange was her training him more and more to serve as her submissive.

As he sat on a morning Zoom call, he felt a vibration in his chastity device. He quickly shut off his camera, picked up his phone and logged into Telegram – he knew that if he kept her waiting, the vibrations turned into intensifying shocks. He greeted her with a message saying, ‘Good morning my Beautiful Goddess,’ which she seemed to ignore as she laid out instructions for the day.

‘At 4pm, I will remotely release you from chastity, at that time, you will have 30 minutes to remove the device, shower and groom; and put it back on,’ that message ended and she went on to the next one. ‘Sexual release is not permitted at this time, this is simply a matter of hygiene. If you attempt to pleasure yourself without my permission, the punishment will be severe and something you do not want to experience.’

Her next message asked him for a picture of a credit card, front and back, along with his billing address. By this time, he knew not to hesitate, and he quickly opened his wallet and snapped some pictures – sharing them in the encrypted chat.

‘Perfect, I will send you directions shortly on what I have planned for us this weekend,’ the green dot momentarily disappeared before coming back again. ‘And don’t underestimate how quickly 30 minutes can go, if that device isn’t locked in place when I see you later, your weekend will get off to a very bad start.’

She left the conversation after that, and he went back to his Zoom call; but all the while, he couldn’t help but think about what had just happened, and more importantly, to what he had just committed. When the call ended promptly on the half hour, he closed his laptop and reached between his legs; rubbing his swollen balls as his cock tried to stretch against its hard plastic prison. Without warning, it was met with the most fierce shock he’d ever felt. He opened the Telegram app back up, as he’d learned to do every time he received that type of shock. In all caps, she had already sent the message ‘AND HANDS OFF MY PROPERTY!’ It was like she knew his every move before he made it. He sent a message to confirm he understood and closed the app.

The rest of the day felt like forever. He made sure to end his day by 3pm in order to be ready for his shower. He put together a weekend bag with two sets of clothes for each day, and shorts and t-shirts for sleeping, something he hoped there wouldn’t be too much of happening. Right before four, he went back in the bathroom, turned on the water to warm it, sitting naked on the closed toilet. At 4pm exactly, the device released and he was able to remove it completely – his cock was free. He went into the shower and quickly lathered up with soap and rinsed off, he then gave the same attention to most of the same areas with shave lotion before shaving most all of his body hair, starting with his head and ending with the inside of his asshole. When finished, he rinsed off, turned off the water and hopped out of the shower to dry; it was 4:12PM.

As he dried himself off, he let his mind wander again to all that had happened this week. Never before had he fallen so quickly and completely for someone. The mere thought of her made his heart skip a beat, and sent blood rushing to his cock. Before he knew it, he was standing in his bathroom with his throbbing, purple-headed cock as hard as he’d ever remembered seeing it. The thought of her, the anticipation of what was next; everything in his mind led him to the act of stroking while he blacked out all else. Suddenly he was brought back to reality by the alarm on his phone, he’d set one for 4:25pm to be ready for the locking device to re-engage; but now, he was nowhere close to being ready for that, right now, he was left with a raging hard on, and few options how to resolve his situation.

He thought about cumming, but felt like she’d know. He then switched to what he’d do when he was younger, thinking about unsexy topics in an effort to send the flow of blood somewhere else in his body. With only three minutes left until the device was scheduled to be locked again, he leaned into the third option he’d come up with, an ice cold shower. Even though he’d just dried off, he put the water on its coldest setting and jumped in – it worked almost immediately. His body reacted to the ice cold water, including his cock. He hopped out of the shower, with the water still running and pulled his balls through the loop and placed his cock in the plastic tube. Within seconds, it tightened around his balls and locked back in place. Almost immediately, his phone rang with a FaceTime call; it was her. He was noticeably shivering with a towel around his shoulders when he took the call.

“Show me! Show me that you got it back on slut,” she snapped as she walked down the street holding her phone in front of her face, and he lowered his to show the device in place. “Good boy. And I will assume you weren’t dumb enough to empty your balls in order to get it back on. I will send you a message with your next instructions.”

She hung up the phone and he waited for why seemed like an eternity, but was literally less than five minutes. The message was short and to the point; ‘Bryant Park Hotel, 6pm, check-in under your name. No bag, I shopped for what I want you to wear, and for your arrival, sweats and an appropriate coat are fine. Now hurry, you’re sure to hit traffic.’

He put down the phone and rushed to dry off, the fact he was freezing no longer mattered, only his battle against the clock. He put on a pair of sneakers he felt could work with whatever she had picked, threw on his black, Canadian Goose jacket and hopped in his car, headed towards the train station. He parked in a different garage, because he hoped he’d be leaving his car there for multiple days, and hopped on the first train headed into the city. It was the first chance he’d had a moment to think, and as he did, he felt a jolt in the device. And in the Pavlovian way he’d been conditioned, he took out his phone, opened Telegram and waited for her next order. Without him even realizing, her training was working perfectly.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/zx7whi/a_slippery_slope_part_3_romantic_bdsm_femdom_real

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