The office cougar devours the young intern [20M] [48F] [MF] (Part 1)

It was 11pm on Monday evening, Jamie had work in the morning and was struggling to sleep so he did what most guys his age do, jerk off and hope that tires him out. Just as he was about to load up the hub an idea came to mind…Candice.

Candice was someone from the office, a woman he worked with who he’d always thought was stunning, from the day he met her all he could do was picture her naked, begging him to fuck her, but she was way older than him, no way would he ever be so lucky, he thought to himself.

Jamie lay in bed before finally deciding he’d do it, he loaded up Facebook and typed her name in, going to her account and loading up the uploaded photos. He scrolled for what felt like an eternity before hitting the jackpot, Candice had went on a vacation last year and uploaded tons of photos of herself in skimpy bikinis. There was no doubt he had found his material now and soon got to work. Around 20 minutes later he was done, when he tossed his phone to the side to go and clean up, he made a fatal error, his finger slipped and hit the like button. All colour drained from his face as he quickly unliked the post but he couldn’t ever be sure if she’d have seen the notification.

The next morning, Jamie went to work as normal, praying that Candice hadn’t seen that he was stalking her year old Facebook posts. He arrived at the office and proceeded with his day until around 9:45 AM, when he heard some words that made him feel sick

“Hey Jamie, would you be able to come into my office when you’re free” said Candice, poking her head into his cubicle, he began to sweat, thinking for sure he was going to lose his job

Around 10 minutes later, he begrudgingly walked into her office “hey Candice, is this about-“ he said, being cut off before he could finish

“Hey Jamie, yeah it’s about my computer screens not working” Candice interrupted

“Oh…okay…yeah let me take a look” he said. Jamie took a quick look around her desk before noticing that both of the power cords had been unplugged from under her desk. “That’s strange” he thought to himself but quickly asked Candice if he could go under the desk to plug them back in

She pushed herself back from her desk to let him in and he quickly plugged them back into the power chord. “It looks like somebody unplugged-“ Jamie said as he turned around, stopping as his eyes realised what they were looking at

Candice had tucked herself back into the desk slightly and allowed her seductively short pencil skirt to ride up her perfect thighs even more than it usually did. Jamie was looking directly at her crotch and couldn’t believe what he was seeing, was this some sort of sick joke she was pulling to make him squirm?

He was looking at the same bikini bottoms that he had blown his load to last night, forming a perfect outline of her pussy lips, he only looked at them for 2 seconds, but it felt like 2 hours before he finally worked up the strength to look up at Candice

“That’s strange! I wonder who could have done that” she asked, doing her best to suppress a mischievous grin

He couldn’t think of anything to say so he gave her a nervous smile before getting to his feet, walking towards the door and hoping she couldn’t see his bulging trousers

“Oh Jamie, one more thing!” She quickly said, continuing before he could speak “do you use Facebook? I’m trying to add a couple of people from the office and just wanted to send you a friend request”

Jamie got home that night and immediately switched his laptop on, loading up Facebook and scratching his eyes in disbelief ‘Candice Hughes has sent you a friend request, would you like to accept?’ It said on his screen

He quickly accepted the request and went to her profile, unable to believe his luck

You see, when you upload something to Facebook, you can choose who can view it, now that he was friends with Candice, he had access to so many more photos, ones from ‘girls nights out’ that featured her in a tiny black dress, failing to cover either her beautiful thighs or her incredible breast, perfectly perky despite her age. There were so many other posts that he genuinely felt like he would wake up from a dream any point. That night, Jamie made 4 different visits to her Facebook, finally passing out once he was completely drained

Thanks for reading! I haven’t written much erotic literature before so please let me know what you thought in the comments! Will post a part 2 very soon if people want it! Candice is far from finished in her plans with Jamie.


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