Public flashing [mature][MF]

100% real

Some context, l live in Australia, afternoon walks are nothing unusual and I usually go 4-5 times a week nothing stressful just a nice relaxing walk.

For the last year or so I have noticed an older couple who walk their dog be in front of me and then disappear. Over time I’ve found they’ve ducked off into some bushes for some adult fun. So because of this I tend to walk the same way to catch them in the act, which I have done several times, same bush same time every day. I have a little look and a chuckle and move on.

So today i was out walking my normal route, now this grass area has tree coverage on one side and house fences on the other, some with gates for access.

So I was walking looking out for the naughty couple when I noticed a gate open up ahead, not totally unusual.

As I approached a mature lady in her late 50s was there trimming a bush,no seriously a bust attached to her fence, thing was, she was wearing a silk robe.

I continued to approached she turned slightly and there it was clear as day, she was totally naked underneath.

It took a second to register, not something that happens every day while taking a walk.

Now she saw me and made a very poor attempt to cover herself but hen quickly returned to trimming her bush with a very large pair of clippers , needing to hands to operate.

Seeing a potential opportunity I greeted her and she responded, this time allowing her robe to swing open.

Now I do indeed enjoy an older lady especially red heads, and she is a red head. Solid C cup breasts, with 2inch nipples that wear as pink as I have seen in a long time. Her pussy was clean shaven, a shame really, i like a little red bush, in a weird way ,although she was naked she had some class about her.

I stopped in my tracks and attempted to chat to her, which she did, but she was clearly flustered by my presence.

I told her the best way to trim her bush and she didn’t retreat into her home but continued to trim away.

Not wanting to come across creepy or anything, I took a couple steps away and got a much better view. I was hard I won’t lie.

Then mid conversion she disappeared into her yard, but didn’t shut the gate.

I carefully approached as she disappeared into her shed.

After a moment she reappeared.
I just stood at the entrance and said, ‘sorry if I scared you but just, not every day that happens when I’m out for a walk’

She replied ‘ I thought I scared you’ we both chuckled alitte. I asked if I could enter her yard.

She said no but didn’t usher me way, we had a brief conversation and then I asked if she wanted me to leave.
She said yes, I have a partner, I said no problems and turned and left.

I was less then 5 meters away and she reappeared out her yard robe completely open giving me one last view and returned to her yard.


1 comment

  1. appreciate the fact that this is not some concocted unbelievable totally dumb and irrational story. Appreciate that this is as real as an encounter gets

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