Closing Shift [M19/F21] [slow burn][workplace][retail][edging][mild-noncon][sex][sleep]

Here’s [Part 1]( of the story!


I’d been working at LalaLime for about a year part-time. It was a great supplemental job for me ([My time with Liv and Tanya]( was literally the greatest thing that had EVER happened to me.) I had no complaints.

We did have a newer leader on the team who seemed stressed all the time. I didn’t really get why, but I think she just wanted to do a good job. Amanda was tall at 5’9″, slender, and beautiful with hazel hair, green eyes, and an athletic build. I never saw her in a state of calm, and it made me want to see her cut loose so badly. I knew this was unlikely but I couldn’t help being curious. What did it look like when AMANDA was having fun?

Our small store was closing up for the night and I wasn’t looking forward to the last hour of the shift with Amanda micromanaging me as I completed closing duties.

She locked the door right at 8.

“Ok, can you start the closing checklist?” She immediately demanded, not noticing that I had started it 15 minutes ago.

“Already on it.” I replied, a bit tiredly.

Without responding she went into the office to write up a report for the day.

I put on a relaxing playlist over the store speakers and cleaned, taking out the trash, vacuuming, making the product look nice: anything I saw that needed fixing. I took pride in the store looking great and I loved the small details that set us apart from other retailers.

Something in me was nagging though. No matter how hard I worked, Amanda would find the one thing I missed, and comment on it, all of the hard work ignored. “Whatever.” I thought, trying not to assume the worst.

We were 10 minutes out from leaving for the night and Amanda was patrolling around, inspecting my work. She paused at the women’s bra wall and I was sure she had found something I missed.

“Oooooh.” She said.

“What did I miss?” I asked, trying to speed this part up.

“Oh. Nothing! I just think this bra is cute.” She replied, a little surprised.

“Oh, sorry. Yeah. I mean, I guess it is.”

“Ok, the floor looks good. Why don’t we get out of here?” She said, almost cheerful.

“Sounds good, Amanda!” I said, pleasantly surprised.

We gathered our belongings and made our way to the door.

“You have any fun plans tonight?” I asked, feeling slightly more sociable.

“I’ll just be watching Netflix with my cat when I should be doing homework! Can’t wait!” She said, excited to be home. I guess she’s a real homebody.

“Sounds relaxing!” I said, trying to match her enthusiasm.

“It’s the closest I get to relaxing.” She said, and we both laughed, her slightly harder than me. Amanda went to the alarm, set the code, and it started beeping.

We made the door and Amanda fished through her bag for her keys. I heard the jingle and she pulled them out.

“Shoot. No. Nononononononono.” She looked at her keys, distressed. “I had to give my keys to Tracy last night and she never gave them back. No. Ok, listen. I’m gonna call her but we have to stay until she can bring the keys. I can’t be here alone or I’d just send you home. I’m so sorry.”

“Wait, hold on, you don’t have a key to the store right now?” I asked, shocked and a little bewildered at this oversight on her part.

Without responding she hustled back to the disarm the alarm.

She had her phone to her ear, waiting for Tracy to pick up. But something in my heart sank; I knew Tracy wasn’t going to pick up. So basically Amanda would have to call every other leader and hope someone could drive to the store right then to lock the door so we could leave.

I locked the door from the inside and took my backpack off, slumping to the ground. I knew this would take a while.

“Listen, I’m so sorry. This is super not ok. But the company doesn’t allow fewer than two people to be in the store ever. I’ll be in so much trouble if you leave.” She sounded desperate.

“Hey, don’t worry. I don’t have any plans. I can stay. Let’s just go to the break room while you try to find someone with a key, yeah?” I suggested.

“Ok.” She replied, waiting for another member of leadership to pickup the damn phone.

30 minutes later and Amanda still hasn’t been able to reach anyone.

“I don’t know what to do.” She had moved from sheer panic to sadness now.

“We just have to wait.” I said, trying to be calm. “We’ve got snacks here, phone chargers, wifi…it’s not so bad!”

“I feel terrible.” She moped.

“Don’t. Doesn’t sound like your fault, anyway.”

“I feel like it is.”

“Well let’s make the best of it. Want to watch something on my phone?” I asked, pulling up Netflix.

“Yeah, I do. Oh shoot, you have Netflix on there? Can I pick something?” She asked, her mind moving away from gloom and doom slightly.

“What do you want to watch?” I asked.

“It’s cheesy, but I really like *To All the Boys*.”

“Oh man. That is cheesy. We can watch it, but I’m gonna make fun of you, ok?” I said playfully.

“That’s fine.” She replied, accepting the punishment but more excited to watch the show.

I started us on Episode 1 since I was unfamiliar with the story and Amanda was more than ok with that. The Netflix ‘N’ slammed onto the screen and we began to watch. My phone has a decent screen, but it was still small enough that Amanda and I had to sit close together on the break room couch. At first, she tried not to touch her thigh against mine, keeping a professional distance, but she’d lean into the screen and bump my leg, eventually giving up and keeping her left thigh pressed up against my right.

I tried not to look, but her skin was so smooth and tanned from running outside everyday, toned and lean but still a thick handful. It was summer and Amanda was wearing 4″ biker shorts with a cropped t-shirt over, her flat stomach and thin waist accentuated by the high-waisted shorts. She had taut B-cups, I’d guess. Flat enough that she wasn’t shy about her bra showing, but not small-chested enough to be insecure. When she wasn’t being psycho, she was fucking hot. Well, maybe more cute than hot.

I was wearing run shorts with built in underwear which rode up my muscular thighs as we sat on the couch.

Distracted as I was by our touching skin, I was still ribbing Amanda on the shit-ass content of this Netflix show.

“Holy shit, this acting is so corny.” I said in a loud whisper.

“Language! My God!” She said reflexively.

“Come on, Amanda. No guests are here.” I said, laughing at her a bit.

“Ok, fine. You’re right.” She relented.

“Do you never curse.” I asked. But it came out as more of a statement.

“Are you kidding? I have a potty-mouth. Just like, not here.” She replied, quietly.

“Stop.” I said, pausing the show. “Say one bad word.” I said, teasing her.

She looked over at me and smiled mischievously. “Crap.” She said.

I blew up. “THAT IS NOT A BAD WORD.”

“OK, OK! Just don’t tell anyone here.”

“Goddamn, I wont, Amanda!” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Ok. Fine. Fuck me.” She said. “NOT LIKE THAT. Sorry, just. Fuck. There you go! I said a bad word!”

“Wow!” I said, making longer eye contact with her than I thought I ever would. “I’m pleasantly surprised.”

I can’t believe I was actually having fun–scratch that. I couldn’t believe *Amanda* was actually having fun.

I started playing the show again and she pressed into me, her shoulder now against mine as she got more comfortable.

I saw her check her phone, but no replies on the screen. She put it back down and watched.

It may have been summer, but the AC was blasting in the store and both of us were starting to get a little cold.

“Are there any blankets in the store?” I asked

“I don’t think so. We can probably just put on some hoodies. I think it’s ok.”

I paused the video again and we went grabbed hoodies before returning to the couch.

The first episode ended and Amanda looked to me as if to say, “another one?”

I let the second episode play and she was giddy.

“I know this isn’t your thing so thanks for keeping it on.” She said.

“I really don’t mind. It’s kinda fun to hate watch.” I replied with a smirk.

Amanda slapped my arm playfully as pressed ‘skip’ on the recap.

We watched two more episodes before both of us were getting pretty tired. Amanda checked her phone and still hadn’t gotten any replies.

“I don’t know what to do.” She said, looking at me.

“I mean, it looks like we just have to sleep here tonight.” I said, only half joking.

“I literally don’t see any other thing for us to do here. I can’t stay alone–” She added.

“I definitely would not let you stay alone here overnight anyway.”

Amanda looked surprised but incredibly grateful. It was a Friday night and being stuck at work overnight is not an ideal way of passing time, but this was a unique circumstance.

“You’re a saint. Ok, let’s umm–”

“This couch is a futon so I guess if you want you can stay here and I’ll go upstairs to the biggest fitting room.”

“No, no, no. This is not your fault. You are going to sleep on the futon. Plus we only have the one blanket so I’m not letting you sleep upstairs on the hard floor. It will be so cold and uncomfortable.”

“I’ll do it, it’s no big deal.” I offered, not too worried about one night of bad sleep.

“I’m serious. I’ll go upstairs–”

“Not a chance, I interrupted.” I started to make my way upstairs.

“Wait! Don’t. I–” She was having trouble saying what she wanted to say, so I waited for her to get it out. “Even with one blanket, it’s really cold. We can just share the futon. It’s ok. It will be way warmer that way and maybe we will both get good sleep.”

I wanted to argue as my heart started racing, new thoughts running through my mind about all of the implications of this and all the *issues* that might arise. But I also didn’t want to bring up my dirty thoughts, thinking it would be obvious they had been on my mind.

“I know it’s weird, but seriously this is a weird situation and we can pretend it didn’t happen after the fact. It’s fine.” She reassured.

“Ok. Alright…so, how do you want to do this?”

“Well, I’m gonna change into something more comfortable and just buy whatever I wear tomorrow, it’s fine. You can pick whatever you want to sleep in, and I’ll have the store comp you the product. You deserve it.

“Ok, cool. That’s really nice.”

The run shorts I was wearing were great for a workout, but would be super uncomfortable to sleep in. They had built-in underwear, so I went to grad a pair of sweatpants and underwear to change into. I didn’t have any LalaLime sweatpants, so this was a great opportunity for me.

I went upstairs to a changing room and closed the door, taking off my shorts and letting myself breathe a little bit. My cock was out, unsmothered by the shorts and liner, and I was already a little hard. Tonight was going to be challenging. I slipped on the super comfy sweatpants and tried to relax, getting the dirty thoughts about sleeping with Amanda out of my head. She was probably super prudish and cold and I’d have nothing to worry about. I was, however, worried about my body having unwanted reactions to the situation.

I took a deep breath and went back downstairs to the break room.

Amanda was wearing sweatpants, like me, and the hoodie she’d put on.

“Ok, ready for bed?” She asked.

“Yup.” I replied, trying to stay cool.

We turned the couch into a futon and grabbed the break room blanket. It was pretty heavy, probably wool, and looked vaguely Navajo. It had been in the break room for god-knows-how-long and was probably super dirty. It didn’t matter much. We were cold and needed not to be.

“Can you be big spoon?” Amanda asked. “It will help me sleep.”

A little nervous, I answered, “Sure” before she hopping on the futon, pulling the blanket over her.

I slowly got in behind her and huddled up to her a bit stiffly, trying to minimize contact with her. She wiggled towards me a bit for warmth before abruptly saying, “Goodnight!”

The lights in the break room were motion-activated and were awkwardly on for a few minutes before going out, putting us in the dark.

Thank god my body was a little chilly and under control. I didn’t really know what to do with my arms and couldn’t move much for fear of disrupting Amanda, who seemed to quickly fall asleep. I kept my arms tucked under myself, my hands under my head. It felt like the best option, but wasn’t how I normally slept.

I knew my sleep quality would be pretty low, but it seemed like Amanda was comfortable, so I felt ok about it. After what felt like hours, I finally drifted off, nuzzled against Amanda.

After what felt like a split second, I woke suddenly when Amanda shifted in her sleep. I wasn’t sure what time it was, but since the room was black, it felt like the middle of the night. And there was a problem. My legs felt naked. And I realized that in my sleep I had slipped my sweatpants off. I never slept in pants and this had happened before, causing me to wake up wondering how my pants got off while I was sleeping. It had happened tonight. And to make matters worse, I was rock-hard and pressing right into Amanda’s ass. This is the nightmare I was worried about.

Too nervous to move and arouse Amanda’s suspicious, I just prayed for my cock to calm down. I didn’t need my job to be in jeopardy. I didn’t need a sexual harassment claim. And I didn’t want to make Amanda uncomfortable. I was petrified.

She seemed to be asleep, but Amanda was starting to rouse, her ass started to grind ever so slightly against me. All I could do was hope she wasn’t awake.

In the fresh pair of underwear, I could feel the head of my cock pressing into her warmth, my body unable to calm down, my heart rate skyrocketing. Amanda wiggled herself further onto my length, basically putting me through her legs pressed against the outside of her pussy. It felt so good and I was mortified.

After a minute of her gyrating on me, it got really quiet and her breath changed. My heart almost leapt out of my chest as I was sure Amanda just woke up.

I had to pretend to be asleep. I needed desperately for her to think I was asleep and had no control over my body.

She realized what position our bodies were in an I could feel her gasp before letting out a small vocalization that sounded like a moan. Godfuckingdamnit. There was zero was I was going to be able to get soft. I just needed to know what she was going to do.

Even though she had woken up, her small grinding movements continued as if compulsively. She wasn’t stopping. Her breath was getting a little faster as she grinded my cock between her thighs and against her mound from outside her sweatpants. If she kept going, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to hold on, but I was also playing at being asleep.

She moved her thighs in a circular motion around the head of my cock against her warmth, trying to keep the movements small so as not to wake me up.

I knew that my only option was to “wake up”, or move onto my back, disengaging the contact while still pretending to be asleep.

But I was so turned on by her movements that I didn’t want to stop her pleasure. It felt amazing for me too.

Still, I thought about my job and how I needed to pull this off. So I decided to shift onto my back and pretend I was asleep.

In one quick motion, I removed myself from between her legs and onto my back, my hard-on pressing straight up through my underwear, the tip already wet.

I listened intently to what she would do next.

Amanda moaned in apparent frustration. She laid there for a moment before I heard her do the unexpected. I felt her arms shift as she brought her hands to the waistband of her sweatpants before pulling them to her ankles. Under our shared blanket, Amanda had taken off her bottom.

I felt her listen for if I had woken up before she brought one hand between her legs and she began touching herself.

Something awoke in me hearing the quiet wet sounds of her fingers slipping in and out of herself, my cock rock solid right next to her and I brought my own hands to the waist of my underwear before slipping them down my legs.

We both knew we were awake at this point and Amanda listened for what I’d do next.

I was so turned on, edged by her amazing thighs and warmth. I turned my body back towards her, her bare ass still facing me as my hard cock grazed her ass before I placed it back between her thighs, feeling her warmth and wetness.

Immediately Amanda began grinding against me, this time her bare-shaven, hot, wet pussy lips painting my cock wet with her juice.

We both began to moan as I reached my hands now around her, embracing her for the first time. My hands found their way up her cropped hoodie to find nothing underneath but bare skin. She wore no top and no bra, her small but firm chest filling up my hands as I grabbed her, greedily feeling every inch of her.

Amanda moaned and turned her head around towards me, putting her face right at mine, but not kissing me. It was pitch black, but I could feel her hot lust-filled breath on me as she reached her hand down between her legs are wrapped her fingers around my cock, guiding it inside her as we undulated together. The head went slowly in, feeling how tight and wet she was. I entered her as slowly as I could, wanting to feel every millimeter of her intensely before I pounded her with reckless abandon. We both moaned, knowing how close we were feeling the fruits of our apparent foreplay starting to grow.

I filled her up and began thrusting deeper and harder into her, our faces as close as they could be without kissing. I grabbed her face with one hand as I fucked Amanda harder and harder. She brought one hand down to her clit and worked herself into silent ecstasy as I felt her cum hard on my cock, her muscles spasming, begging me to cum too.

Feeling strong, confident, hard, wet, I pulled myself out of her and quickly straddled her, lifting her cropped hoodie up before jerking myself over her. The motion sensor of the break room light activated and drowned us in light right as I moved to quick completion and we both watched jets of cum cover her belly, tits, face, drenching her in an evening of pent-up desire.

Grunting as I shot my load all over her, Amanda panting with desire and completion, we were quiet for a minute, seeing the aftermath of our work: a soaked futon, a beautiful girl covered in cum, a still-hard cock glazed with juice. It was an unforgettable sight.

We both smiled at each other, catching our breath, not saying a word. I got up to grab paper towels to clean up Amanda and she rolled over to check her phone.

“Oh shit!” She said, out of nowhere.

“What’s wrong?”

“Liv is going to be here in like, 5 minutes with a key.”

“Shit. We have to clean up.” I said, starting to hustle.

Together, we dressed, trying to hide any wet spots on our clothes. We put the futon back to a couch and used the blanket to cover up any wet stains we’d left. It would have to do for now. Then, we heard the front door open.

“Guys?” We heard Liv say

“Hi!” We said, in unison.

“Holy crap, so sorry you guys were stuck here. Hope you at least got some sleep.” She said down the stairs.

“We were fine, thanks. Glad you’re here.” Amanda said.

“Thank god.”

Amanda looked at me as we were about to head upstairs and leave.

“Please don’t tell anyone about what happened.” She pleaded.

“I won’t. I don’t regret it either.” I said.

“Me neither. Best Friday night I’ve had in a long time. Thank you for staying.” She said, as we walked upstairs.

We both tried to play it cool as we met Liv at the front door, but I could see a smirk on her face. I think Liv knew and the smirk made me think she wanted in next time we got stuck at the store.

Amanda turned the alarm on and we left, this fever dream of a night coming to an end.

Best. Job. Ever.


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