The Blonde Doe: Happy Holidays [MF]

When I was younger, I was always the scrawny kid. I always had messy hair, broken glasses, and my physicality was that of a number two pencil. For the sake of time, I’ll get to the point: Girls never really were into me. I will admit, part of this was because many believed I was gay. It was to the point where, even to this day, some folks get that impression of me before getting to really know me, purely because I normally just have an outgoing and rather flamboyant personality. A girl in my class, (we’ll call her Brianna), was one of them.

Brianna was stunning to me at the time. She was skinny, with bright yellow-blonde hair, but my favorite thing about her physically were her bright blue doe-eyes, which developed into being “my thing” over the years. But the biggest thing I liked was her personality. We had met in school when we were younger, about the sixth grade…but obviously due to our age, nothing ever really happened. But, despite the bullying, or the fact that many of my classmates would rather ignore me…she was never afraid to be my friend. We occasionally walked to class together, ate lunch together, etc. She was just your typical golden retriever energy, girl next door, American girl!

There was one time that things did get a little strange between us. There were even a couple times that we had kissed, but it was only ever for a party, or a truth or dare game. Past that, we were just friends. We would occasionally call and talk over the phone, or we’d play video games together (nothing insane, but like Minecraft, Mario Kart, etc). But then senior year came along, and a bunch of things had changed. The entire year, we slightly grew apart. I was busy shadowing different teachers (prepping for my path to become an educator), and she was doing the same, so sometimes we would both leave school early. Both of us also had our own sets of extracurriculars, so that also put a strain on things. In other terms, we weren’t seeing each other much, and it really really sucked. But eventually, on my birthday, I got a text message…

*B: Hey, what’s going on?*

*ME: Oh not much, just living life. Getting work done, all that jazz. You?*

*B: Same. So listen, do you want to hang out sometime?*

*ME: Yeah, what do you wanna do?*

*B: When’s your next rehearsal?*

*ME: I don’t have it for next couple weeks…*

We had put together a plan to go out and eat lunch after school hours. We met at a burger joint that wasn’t far from school, and a few of our mutual friends also tagged along. Now don’t get me wrong…I wanted this girl. Not just in a physical way, but in every way. She just felt perfect, which I know is a rather dangerous way of thinking…but I was in high school, so give me a break! Part of me always felt like she knew my feelings, but we never really discussed it. But these recent hangouts were different. She kept inching closer to me, going from three seats down, to two seats, to right across from me, and then to right next to me. Each time, less of our friends came along. I’m sure there is someone reading this that thinks I am an utter moron for not putting two and two together, but I was one hundred percent clueless.Rehearsals had started back up, and much of my after school time became that very thing. I would occasionally still be able to grab some food with her, but due to my commitment, things got even more strained. In the back of my head, I felt a scratching of something telling me: *Oh my fucking God! Just ask her out. Or something!* But I never did. Maybe I was intimidated? We were older now, and yeah, she was still blonde, with doe-eyes…but her skinniness was complimented by a small, yet plump butt, and breasts that were not huge, but not small either…the perfect size to not be distracting (unless you’re me naturally), but big enough to jiggle a bit if she walked too fast.

Finally, another rehearsal day came along, and we had time to grab some food. I decided that I was going to say something that day, and honestly it was only because I knew that she would have somewhere to be, plus I had rehearsal…so there would be a break in communication once I decided to release the kraken, as it were.

“Hey so, can I talk to you about something?”

“Yeah? What’s up?”

“I’ve been having a pretty stressful time recently, and I just wanted to thank you for hanging out with me and stuff.”

“Of course! It sucks that life is starting for us officially right now. I’ve missed hanging out with you like we used to!”

“Yeah me too. Well listen, I’m not sure why I never said much before now…but I’ve sort of had a thing for you for like…years?” I felt as though this was too much of an actual confession, so I quickly switched gears into: “So, like, sorry if I have ever seemed weird around you or whatever.”

“Oh…” She just sat there, twiddling her thumbs. Oh fuck, oh shit, oh fucking shit this isn’t good. Then she suddenly perked back up: “Hey uh, don’t you have practice in like ten minutes?”

Ten minutes. Crap. I had ten minutes to walk back to school, get to the upstairs dressing room, get my suit on (it was a Christmas show coming up), and any other kind of stage pre-work done. I was part of a big show, with many people who need the same stuff done, which means that I was going to be one of last people ready, which my director was totally going to give me shit for. But rehearsal went on, and if it wasn’t for the fact that I was the leader of my group, dealing with those in said group, on top of the bright stage lights, I could’ve sworn I saw Brianna in the audience.

This was one of the nights that outside of rehearsal, I didn’t really have anything to do. So I did take my sweet time getting ready. Eventually, it was just me in the upstairs dressing room. I had been looking at memes on my phone, so I was still in my stage clothes when I heard a knock on the door.

“Who is it?”

“It’s Brianna! Is that you, OP?”

“Yeah? What’s going on?”

“You decent?”

“I’m still in my stage clothes, but yea,” I said, as she opened the door and waltzed in. She shut the door behind her.

“You did great up there! Really good!”

“Thanks,” I said, blushing I’m sure. “What are you doing he-”

Before I could finish, she ran up, grabbed both my hands, and kissed me. Nothing crazy, just a small, soft kiss. I wish I could say that I was in heaven, but frankly my brain was not functioning correctly. How was this happening? The girl of my dreams, is kissing me. Holy. Shit. Every single thought that could run through a guys mind at that age suddenly came about: *Oh my god, she’s kissing me. She tastes great. Is that strawberry? Do I taste good? I hope she’s enjoying this. Aaaaaand I’ve got a boner. Like this isn’t gonna scare her away. Shut up, she’s kissing you. Obviously she won’t have a problem with it. She will if my breath tastes like crap. Jesus Christ, I am a fucking moron!*

She pulled back, and we both opened our eyes. We just stared into each other, not saying a single word. Until finally I chuckled: “wow…”

She giggled, and leaned in for another kiss. I obliged. Okay, she came back for more, I thought. I got this. Our hands didn’t move much. I’m very happy to say that in that moment, we just held our hands in front of us, simply leaning in closer. This went on for ages. We pulled away again, and then found ourselves doing smaller kisses. You know the ones, where it’s just repetitive little pecks on the lips…teasingly going for the lips, and going to the cheek, only for the other person to get upset, and grab your face to get the real thing. Jesus, I was butter in that moment. Finally, we separated. I was leaning against the shelf in front of the mirrors, she had sat down on the AC unit.

“So…I guess I didn’t freak you out earlier.”

“No you did. But it was only because I was kind of wondering why I wanted to be around you,” She said. “Few nights ago, I realized I had feelings for you too, but wasn’t sure what to do when you told me that. Honestly, I spent the entire time out in the audience debating if this was going to happen or not.”

“I’m glad it did…” I admitted.

Boy was I…because things just got better from there. We walked the halls during the day, many people turning heads at the newest couple in school. We never tried to be show-offs about it. But we just wanted to be close. We’d hold hands walking everywhere. We’d have our arms around each other at lunch. Thanks to puberty, I wasn’t the scrawny loser I used to be, but still was rather unpopular. Brianna wasn’t the most popular, but everyone was simply shocked to see us together…which honestly I couldn’t blame them at all.

Both of us had study hall at the end of the day, but different classes. Thanks to us being seniors, we were able to get approval to leave school during that time, so we would go get food early, before my practices, and then be back up in the dressing room, fooling around until someone would walk in on us, simply trying to get ready for said practice. It got to the point where many people started knocking to make sure we were decent. We never understood it, since the farthest we ever got was down to our t-shirts that we both had under our winter clothes.

I couldn’t complain though, especially with the chemistry we had and how comfortable we were getting. A few times, my hands did drift over her chest, and she would take a sharp breath, but then giggle and allow me to continue. Same thing when she would tease the tips of her fingers around my zipper…it was unnerving at first, but we got used to it. That wasn’t the only issue of course, because thanks to all the makeup lying around, she was always a joker with it. I can’t tell you how many times I was late for curtain call, because she had held me back…or worse, when I had bright lip marks on certain parts of my face. Once, she had gotten a bit frisky and left a hickey on my neck, which my directors promptly ignored, but all the students not currently on stage waiting for their set gave me a couple shoutouts. But man, if only they knew what would happen on the last day of rehearsal before showtime…


Everyone had mostly cleared out, and Brianna was already up in the dressing room with me. A few of the other guys remained, but they had already gotten changed and what not before she arrived. Many of them were simply waiting for friends to message them about plans. When she walked in, they all kind of smirked at me. In that moment I at least felt like “one of the guys”. Earlier in the night, they had made a few cracks at the fact that all Brianna and I ever did was make out, and maybe fool around above our clothes. They wondered when I was going to push for something more.

Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to. But I genuinely enjoyed what we had, and I didn’t want to rush things. Eventually, the rest of the guys cleared out, a few of them giving me a thumbs up on the way out.I was sitting on a chair, and as soon as the door shut, Brianna straddled me, and we began to make out. Us making out always started exciting and rough, like what you see in teen movies when they start whipping their head around like crazy, but that only ever lasted for few moments before things got nice and slow, just how I liked it. We both just sank into each other, and it was obvious we both loved it. Again, we had fooled around above our clothes before, so she didn’t pull back when I had grabbed her butt, nor did I when she rubbed her hand on my obvious bulge. But when she had started tugging on my zipper, and I heard the thing become undone, I stopped kissing and lightly grabbed her hand.

“…Whatcha doin’?”

“Oh nothing…”, as she tried for the button on my pants. “There a problem?”

“No, no problem at all,” I said.

“So then why are you still stopping me?” she asked, finally undoing the pants button, and reaching inside.

“Bri…Look, I enjoy all of this, I seriously do,” I said. “But I’ve got to be honest…I don’t want to mess things up. I know that other girls here talk about guys they’ve hooked up with, and all that. I just don’t want to end up being a disappointment and ruin what we have you know? I don’t need stuff like this.”

“But do you *want* stuff like this?” she asked, taking her hand out of my pants and placing it on my chest. “With me?…”

“I do…”

“Then shut up…”

I did as she said, and kept my mouth shut as she reacher her hand back into my pants. She leaned in to kiss me again, and as I felt her tongue go inside my mouth, she began to fiddle around with my penis, lightly teasing the head of it. She tasted like cotton candy. She sat back up, and pulled her hand back out, which now had my pre-cum on her fingertips. She stopped for a moment, unsure of what to do next, and sucked on her fingers to get it off. She did it very fast at first, looking at me, seeing if I approved. I did. She told me to get on the floor, which thankfully was soft carpet. As I got down, she went into the hallway. Turns out she had left her phone on a ledge, and had an earbud in…just to make sure if she could hear any noises (gotta love the commitment).

Brianna got down and sat next to me, as I propped myself against a wall. She wiggled my waistband down, and got my boxers down with them. There was my dick, hard as a rock, sticking up. It was at this moment I panicked a little. We were both virgins, but we both knew people who had screwed around…and just like I know that guys talk about girls bodies, that girls do the same with us. I was mortified that I was going to be rather lack-luster, compared to what she had heard. Thankfully, she didn’t waste any time. She started stroking me, and immediately leaned in for another kiss. Her hands were soft. I could tell she was nervous, because occasionally she’s hold me a tad too tight, but then other times it felt like she may let go completely. But it didn’t matter. We were doing this. I was doing it with her. No way this could go wrong.

We had continued on like this for a little bit, before she had wet her own hand with her mouth, and got back to stroking me. Jesus, thank God it didn’t do me in! As she stroked me, she stopped kissing and started laying her head and chin on my shoulder, and decided to whisper in my ear.

“Be honest…have you ever imagined this?”

“What do you mean?” I breathed.

“You know…have you ever thought about us doing this?” Brianna nibbled on my ear as she whispered. “Or have you ever done this yourself?…Thinking of me?…”


She chuckled a little, and gave one little tug on my earlobe before she grabbed my hand. She was sitting on my right side, so she grabbed my right hand, and guided it towards her waistline. She continued to stroke me, but looked up at me, almost with a pleading look. I quickly undid her pants, and slid my hand down. Once I found her, I did the very best I could. At the time, I had been reading stuff on the internet to find some tips and tricks, just in case. Sadly, nothing came of said research, as it was obvious she wasn’t having as good of a time as I was. Finally I just decided to cut my losses, and simply ask what she would like me to do. What followed was a certain combination of “down…up…a little more…”. But I knew I found the right spot when she let out a loud, moaning breath. I wasn’t in her…but the very sound was enough to drive me insane mentally. It wasn’t long before I felt like I was going to cum, and I tried to hold on the best I could. I guess that my face made it obvious, because she had came back to my ear…

“You okay?…” She breathed.

“Yeah,” I huffed. “You’re just doing a really good job.”

“Yeah?” she said in a teasing tone. “Need to grab one of your spare shirts?”

I moaned and simply nodded my head. I knew that it was coming, and I think that she could tell too. It wasn’t too long before I told her that I was close, and that I was going to cum. I had expected her to stop for a moment to reach for a shirt, when suddenly I felt her warm mouth wrap itself around me, and I came in her mouth instantly. I was not quiet, but I honestly didn’t care. She wasn’t super fancy with it, but kind of sat there with her lips around the tip, but it was amazing none-the-less.

Once I was done, I took advantage…I flipped her on her back, so that she was laying on her back, with her head across my lap. I reached back into her pants, and actually put my fingers inside of her. She instantly moaned loudly, and looked back up at me in shock. I waited a moment, to make sure there was no complaints. When there wasn’t, I began to finger fuck her. She was moving her hips with me, loving every second. She eventually reached over for my other hand, and began to suck on my thumb, occasionally nibbling on it, or using it to stop a big sound from coming out of her mouth. It wasn’t long before I had gotten exactly what I wanted.

“Oh fuck…oh fuck…I’m gonna…I’m gonna CUM!”

I could feel the muscles inside of her flex around my fingers, and could feel how very wet she was. Once Brianna settled down, still breathing, she just glanced up at me…and smiled a big grin. She didn’t bite her lip. She didn’t roll her eyes back and stick her tongue out. She just smiled. Fuck. We just sat there for a few minutes, both of our pants still open, smelling like something kinda went down.

“Merry Christmas…” she said, sitting up a bit to give me a kiss.

“Merry Christmas…” I replied, taking her in for a long embrace.

It was then that her eyes got wide, and she quickly sat up, and pointed towards the door: she heard something in her headphones. We quickly got ourselves put together, when one of the directors came in. I’m sure our director expected something else, but all he got was her helping me with tips on stretching so that I could perform certain choreography moves that my director knew I was having issues with. He asked us what was going on. She explained how she was helping me, and proceeded to perform one of the harder moves that I had to do. After everything that happened in this short time span, the killer blow was her smile and laugh once my director walked out.

*Damnit,* I thought. *I’m in love!*

**PART TWO coming soon for those who want it!…**



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