[M]y ex partner [F] had a little too much to drink and invited me to stay with her the night

Firstly a little back story, we have been separated for nearly 5 years, High school sweethearts and a couple of kids. Living in separate houses.
[M] 33
[F] 33

We kept each other sane during the first covid lockdowns in Australia (2020) I don’t think either of us would have mentally survived if not for the fling. This ended not long after it started.

Okay now the juicy stuff.
We had decided to take both the kids out for a night of mini golf and food after some good news came through for both of our children.
This particular establishment serves adult beverages in addition to finger food and non-alcoholic drinks.
She wore a puffy crop top that really showed off her cleavage, a black leather skirt and knee high black socks with garters to hold up her socks (I had noticed them before we picked the kids up and asked her about them, she pulled her skirt up to show that they were black leather with a cute little bow on the front)
We arrived at the mini golf place and proceeded to check in and grab some food/drinks before we started. She chose a cocktail and I’m fairly sure the staff free-poured her drink because she was already a little giggly and flirt after she finished her drink. We ordered another drink and started our first round of mini golf.
I suggested a wager before we started “If you beat me I will do as you wish and back off from my flirting to you BUT if I win I can either go through your deleted photos or I get to remove you skirt later tonight and see you in your underwear, garters and socks”
The response was a giggly “piss off” but I didn’t get a direct no.

Our second round of drinks arrive and we start our round. The kids go first and we both take turns in helping them, I made sure she went before me so I could attempt to put her off her game. Through all the first 9 holes she is attempting to win but the more of her cocktail she drinks the worse her aim gets (I suspect this was intentional). As I’m driving us home I am limiting my pace of drinking to ensure I am under the limit to drive home.

After the first 9 holes I have a very clear lead and she appears to not be too upset by this.
She finishes her drink and I go to the bar to grab another drink for her, a Gatorade each for the kids and a Pepsi for myself.
We proceed through to the next hole and we change order and I am now playing before her. She attempts to put me off my game but she’s not very good at it. The flirty eyes and contact do fluster me a little but long story short I end up winning again and we head back to the car to go home.
The kids get in the car and close the doors and I pull her aside and say “so what will it be?”
“Fine I’ll show you my deleted photos” she says with a grin while turning her phone around for me to see. “There is nothing good there!! Why did you make out there was?!”
She shrugged and gave me a smug smirk “I never said there was anything good”

Needless to say I was pretty disappointed and argued that it was bull and I’ll just have to take her skirt off later. “NOPE, I held up my end” she said as she got into my car.

We head back to their house and the kids walk into their rooms with their screens for some wind down time.
We sit in the back yard to smoke/vape and she starts talking random rubbish about her last drink being shit and her feet being sore.
I lifted her legs onto my lap one by one and took her shoes off and started to rub her feet to ease the pain. I tried my luck and started working my way up her legs with my hands a little higher with each movement.
She spread her legs more and more with each of my movements and I could see the lacy underwear she was wearing (see through) and the full view of her garters around her legs. She started to let out little sighs and moans the more I touched her.
When my hands got to her upper thighs she lent her head back in the chair and spread her legs more. I could feel the contrasting temperature from outside (Aussie winter) and the heat radiating from her pussy.

“The kids are entertained, it’s cold and I don’t have anywhere to be. Let’s watch some TV?”
“Yes please” she says with a cute smile as we walk to the lounge room and put some TV on.

I sit down in the corner seat and She proceeds to lay down facing away from me and put a blanket over the lower half of her body.
Her feet rubbing up against my legs and she kept adjusting herself so that the blanket would move and reveal her ass to me, her underwear wasn’t quite sitting right and I could see her pussy peaking out the side of her underwear and I could not help but look. I did cover her back up but the blanket always seemed to slip. Every time she moved I had the sweetest smell waft into my nostrils. You don’t spend 10+ years with someone and not know what her wet pussy smells like, that is all I could smell and it drove me absolutely wild.
I moved the blanked back over her body but this time I let my hand join under the blanket and I started to caress the back of her legs all the way up to her ass, her feet started to rub against my legs again and then one of her feet made its way to my crotch.
I was VERY hard at this point and she knew it, she slowly rubs her foot against my hard cock so I decided to return the favor by running my fingers over the outside of her underwear working my way down from the top of her butt and stopped at her asshole and she let out a little moan and jarred her hips pushing my fingers deeper into her ass crack and moving her underwear more in the process.
I moved a little further down and felt that her entire pussy was exposed and absolutely soaking wet (no wonder I could smell it so strongly)
I moved my fingers to tease her clit a little when my daughter walks in and asks to join us in watching TV.
I immediately stop what I was doing and scoot over a bit to let her in and she changed the show to something she would like.
My ex let out a sigh of frustration and quickly proceeded to fall asleep with her ass pushed right up against my leg. I could still feel the heat radiating from her soaking wet pussy.

After 15 minutes I notice she was restless and uncomfortable and I offered to take her to bed and then get the kids sorted for bed which she accepted.
By this time I think the drink had really hit her and she struggle to get up So I carried her to her room.
As I laid her down she gripped onto my neck and took me with her and my body landed on top of hers. She grabbed my arm and pulled it in tight so I was awkwardly on top of her side spooning her and she started to play with my hair.
“[M] don’t leave” she said in the sweetest voice I have heard from her in a long time.
“Let me get the kids in bed and I’ll come check on you” I whispered back. She answered with a sigh.
I leave and get the kids changed and settled into bed and enter her room with a glass of water about 15 minutes later and I can see by the hallway light that she is on her back with her legs spread, one hand was holding her underwear to the side while the other was busy filling her tight little pussy. The whole room smelt of her and again it reactivated my urges just take her then and there.
I asked her if she would like me to make her a little comfier by taking her skirt off to which she responded with a desperate “please xx”
She used my pet name which drove me even wilder, I had not heard her say that in 5 years.

I removed her skirt revealing her amazing legs and underwear with her garters still firmly in place “I told you I would take your skirt off you” I said smugly “shut up and hold me” she said with urgency.
I did as she asked and she started to build up an orgasm but stopped short and grabbed my hand and moved it down to her soaked pussy, I couldn’t believe how much wetter she was than before and she said “[M] I love you, I miss what you do to my body and I want you to make me squirt again”
As she said that I could smell the level of alcohol on her breath and I decided to stop before we both did something we would regret later.
I said to her “if you still feel like this tomorrow I will gladly do these things but for now you need to sleep”
“I want you to stay with me in my bed, I want you to make me squirt and I want you to fill me with your cum tonight” she stated “I will even let you fuck my ass, please stay”

It took all my strength to decline the offer but I said that I needed to go and if she still felt that way tomorrow to message me.
“Okay, I’ll message in the morning BUT I need a kiss goodnight”
I kissed her on the cheek and proceeded to show myself out.
My drive home was about 45 minutes and I just replayed the entire interaction in my head the whole time. When I got home proceeded to blow the biggest load I have ever blown and pass out.
The next morning I did not receive a message so I sent one to make sure everyone was okay
“Yup all good 😊 thanks for looking after us”

I asked if she remembered asking me to stay with her and she said “I would never do that”
So I left it.

It’s my first time writing down something like this so I apologies for any errors or a hard to follow story line.

I know she frequent here so let’s see if she finds it.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zvcee7/my_ex_partner_f_had_a_little_too_much_to_drink


  1. Smart man.

    My ex wasn’t herself when drunk. While her entire being was a turn-on to me while sober, but black-out drunk “xx” was a turn-off and a no-go for me. Even when she was begging for it.

    Part of it was she’d call me by someone else’s name, the other was that she wouldn’t remember what she’d said when she’d sobered up. Creeped me out.

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