Platonic Friends 21 – Job Feelers (fiction, 23M/23F/23F, Con, Friends, Roommates, Open Relation)

Dating two girl’s is interesting and I still have no idea how the hell I accomplished it.

Though I was beginning to find flaws in it.

The **main** flaw was finding funds to actually do all these ‘dates’.

Sure we had a couple of interesting small dates together that quickly turned into an all out fuck-fest.

So far we had done mini golf together but by the fourth hole we were no longer golfing *but* taking turns fucking each other.

Then we *tried* to do just the movies together but we missed the movie and ended up fucking in Felicity’s car instead.

But now the **big** date was pulled from the ‘*jar of fun*’ and it was taking Emma to a high end restaurant costing me a minimum of $200.

$200 I don’t have.

Sure we had each designated throwing in $50 into the ‘*Date*’ pot that was supposed to take care of the dates. But lately I haven’t been pulling my own weight as the girl’s have been gobbling up my time and frankly me as bills were beginning to stack up on me.

Felicity has been nice to take care of my portion of the rent **this** month as Emma had more or less moved in and Emma helped pick up the slack. But I couldn’t count on them to continue paying for me.

It’s not who I am.

So here I was making rounds at work building up my finances thankful my work let’s me make up my own schedule.

Originally I had asked to speak with my boss as soon as I showed up hoping to renegotiate my job but my boss wasn’t in. So I was forced to leave a note and went on to start collecting pickups.

My first few pickups were pretty simple but didn’t yield much like normal.

The entire time I had money on my mind as each pick up yielded a certain dollar amount.

Originally when my boss would find someone to help do deliveries, the person would do the job long enough before finding a better job and leaving the team.

Leaving me to be the only person dumb enough to continue doing the job.

Naturally I had originally negotiated with my boss because I was the dumb one that I be paid $1400 bi-weekly plus mileage plus pickup.

He of course wasn’t going for it but after a couple more employee’s high tailing it he had to begrudgingly had to agree to **my** terms.

But my boss was able to find a loop hole in my demand was that I didn’t state how much I would be paid per pick up and delivery so he set it at a flat rate.

A flat rate of $50 dollars per pick up and $50 per delivery.

Plus I was being paid $.21 per mile.

Both were nothing to sneeze at in the grand scheme of things.

And he agreed to $1400 bi-weekly as long as I worked at least 3 days a week. Definitely a plus for a college student.

But with my portion of the rent being $1550 does usually eat up my pay check. Then whatever is left over the remaining bills eats up quickly.

That was just for living. I still had a loan on my vehicle that I was paying $800 a month for on a five year loan. A loan that I did two years ago but was fucked because I had horrible credit.

Then there was insurance.

Anything left over I use for food to survive and any other nick knacks that I need.

So sure I make a decent amount but after everything is said and done I really don’t make much.

Hence why I wanted to talk to my boss and see if I can’t renegotiate how much each pickup and delivery in the hopes I can make more money.

That or I finally jump ship and find a better job….which I was afraid to do because I would go from a job where I basically made my own schedule *to* a job that will more than likely require me to put in more hours than I currently was doing.

And if I did that my relationship with the girl’s might crumble because I’d hardly be home.

No, I needed to find another way to make more money. And still have my weird schedule.

I mean I could possibly do the same thing as Felicity was doing and that was teasing people online but I highly doubt women would pay me to stroke my cock no matter what my size was.

Might ask Felicity to see if I could do it and try it out. Who knows there might be a lot of girls willing to pay me to see me stroke my dick more than what I was thinking.

Still I drove as I furiously thought of ways to make money hoping my current education into business might help me find a way to make more money but all I was getting was dumb ideas.

I looked at the schedule for my next pickup instantly smiling at the location as this location was a regular.

I usually smiled at this location for two different reasons. One because the pickups were pretty simple, like most of them. And two I always got a laugh at the person’s name…..Dr Frank Stein.

I put my vehicle in high gear as I high tailed it to Dr Frank Stein’s location lightly chuckling at his name though he seemed to be a nice enough guy.

I made it to the building where Dr Stein resides and unloaded my dolly and clip board with the order before I made my way into the building and navigated my way to Dr Stein’s laboratory and knocked on his door.

I waited until I heard him speak, “Yes?” before I walked in.

I smiled at the man still trying to determine if he really was Frank*N*Stein or not before I spoke trying to hold back my laughter, “How’s it going doc?”

Dr Stein looked like he hadn’t slept much as he sipped at coffee. His clothes looked like they needed a fresh wash…..and so did he.

He sipped his coffee before speaking, “Oh you know burning the midnight oil.”

I blinked at his statement as I spoke, “But it’s only 4:17….**PM** doc.”

He blinked for a second as he looked at his watched and groaned, “Dammit!!!”

He held up his watch to me showing it was one of those digital watches, “Forgot to charge the blasted thing.”

He turned and ripped off the watch before setting it on the charger. Then he turned and addressed me, “What can I do for you?” Completely ignoring his comment and obvious lack of keeping track of time.

I looked down at my clip board and spoke, “Says here I need to pick up some venom.”

Dr Stein sighed, “Right.” He stood and walked off towards a door labeled ‘*Venom*’ as he waved, “Come on.”

I followed him into the room before he finally stopped next to two stacks of big hard cases stacked three high.

He smacked his hand on the closest stack, “Here you go.”

I looked at the stack of ‘venom’ as I looked at Dr. Stein, “Hey Doc, would you happen to be looking for an assistant?”

Dr. Stein looked at me before looking around his lab before looking at me, “I’m not sure if I’m actually looking for anyone as my job is kind of tasking.” He looked around again, “Though it would be nice to be able to focus on other projects for once.”

I spoke, “I could help with that. Do all the menial labor and train me up on taskings so you can focus on other stuff.”

He shrugged without saying anything.

Then I moved onto guiding my dolly to the first stack and scooping the long blade under the first stack before Dr. Stein spoke, “Why? Are you looking to move away from doing deliveries?”

I stopped and looked at Dr. Stein nodding, “Yeah. Think it’s time for something else.”

Dr. Stein nodded as if knowing what I was getting at before speaking, “Is it just money you’re looking for?”

I shrugged, “More or less yeah.”

Dr. Stein looked around his lab again before looking at me, “Out of curiosity, what would you be looking to make?”

I looked around his lab before speaking, “I don’t know. Maybe a little more than what I’m making now. Just work nights or something.”

Dr. Stein tilted his head, “Going to school or something?”

I nodded with a smirk, “Yeah.”

Dr. Stein spoke, “How far along are you?”

I sighed, “Well I got the rest of this semester and maybe another one or two before I’m done,” I smirked, “depending on if they have all my classes next semester or not.”

Dr. Stein mused before he nodded, “Makes sense.”

I quickly spoke, “I swear I’m a hard worker and I can be a quick study.”

Dr. Stein waved his hand at me, “It’s not the work I’m concerned with. It’s the time.”

I spoke more quickly, “I can work week nights and weekends.”

Dr. Stein pursed his lips together, “That could work.” He looked around again before looking at me, “And how much are you making now?”

I sighed, “About $1400 bi weekly not including drive time and loads.”

He nodded, “And on average how much do you make including ALL that?”

I shrugged, “A little below 2k,” I chuckled, “I think my *best* check was 4k a few months back when I had to do multiple runs to the city and back.”

Dr. Stein nodded before he smacked his hand on the remaining containers, “Tell you what. I’ll put in a requisition for a lab aid. I’m not promising much but I’ll see what I can do about getting you a free schedule so you can continue going to school but I can’t promise the pay will be too great. But once I get an approval for a lab aid you’ll have to apply just like anyone else who applies for it.”

I nodded, “Sure,” as I was all too familiar with the hiring process.

I smiled as I tilted the stack of venom and started moving it so I can load it onto my vehicle.

Dr. Stein spoke, “Can I ask something?”

I stopped and looked back at Dr. Stein, “Sure.”

Dr. Stein spoke flatly, “If it’s money you’re looking for why not just do Muschi’s breeding? It’s easy. You can make your own schedule. And they pay pretty well.”

I bit my tongue before speaking, “Let’s just say I’d rather not stand out if you know what I mean.”

Dr. Stein blinked at me, obviously confused.

I decided to use a different tactic and spoke, “I have a girlfriend and really don’t want to test the relationship by fucking other girls.”

This time he nodded, “Gotcha.”

I continued walking towards the door, “Well keep me posted on the job.”

And I walked out.

