Hypnotize 01 – Intro (fiction, 20F, hypnotize, drama)

Hypnosis is a tricky thing.

And hypnotizing **people** is even trickier, **but** it can be done.

Sure, someone could be hypnotized by using certain ‘*vices*’ in order to hypnotize someone. Such ‘*vices*’ or ‘*tools*’ like drugs to help relax someone to where they’re receptive to *suggestions*. Or teas to help someone become relaxed. Or using a watch. Or controlled soothing speaking.

I should know as my parents, both are therapists, have used hypnotism on me….multiple times.

So I know hypnotism works.

And before you get your panties in a bunch no my parents didn’t use hypnotism for anything nefarious…..at least I don’t think so.

They just used it to help me with certain *aspects* of my life.

Like my first love when he dumped me I was so heart broken they used therapy and hypnotism to help get over him.

So they’re actions weren’t controlling or anything bad. They were just using the tools at their disposal to help their child.

Another aspect of hypnotism is that there are people who **can’t** be hypnotized….*but* the majority of people **can** be hypnotized.

So it wasn’t really any surprise when **I** went off to college to become a psychiatrist, just like my folks, and delved deeply into the art of hypnotherapy as my main focus.

Sure I did good in all the other aspects of being a psychiatrist in school paying most of my classes.

I even dabbled in programming, another thing I was surprisingly good at, thinking I could blend both aspects.

The more I learned the more I put into my craft.

I scoured the books in school as well as just about *every* internet article I could stand to read.

The more I learned the more I *tried* things out.

Naturally I couldn’t exactly hypnotize myself….that’s just silly. What would happen *if* I hypnotized myself too deeply and couldn’t snap myself out of it.

No, I needed a guinea pig, if you will.

As luck would have it I had a ‘*guinea pig*’……my college roommate.

When I first got to college I got saddled with this, I believe the right term is ‘*alt girl*’, lovely and nice creature with **way** too many tattoos and piercings that made you think she was a *bad bitch* but in reality she was a really nice and sweet girl.

The girl…..Sarah Thornton.

Sarah is a 20 year old college, like me, who stood 5’1”, shorter than my 5’3” frame though not by much. She was definitely slim or petite compared to my slightly slimmer than average frame.

She has almost hypnotic sea green eyes, which I found highly alluring making my brown eyes seem common. She had multi colored hair that she had running down to her ass, though later I found out her natural hair color was black and again making my brown hair seem common.

She was definitely more developed than I was sporting huge perky D cup breasts giving me breast envy with my large B’s.

She was covered in tattoos, her biggest piece was on her back. And had various piercing’s that made me cringe as I wondered *why* anyone would do that to themselves.

When I first met her, when we both were assigned to be roommates as 18 year old freshmen in college, she was wearing a short skirt that barely covered her lower body with fishnet stockings. A torn open back shirt not wearing a bra. Thigh high leather platform boots.

While **I** was wearing more modest clothes in comparison to her as I was wearing simple shorts that were mid thigh with my flats. A simple, I think, red shirt and a bra.

If anyone were to look at us they could easily see we definitely polar opposite’s of each other. She looked like the wild one not to be trifled with. And I was the plain Jane.

Despite the obvious image differences….and décor flaws Sarah and I actually had a lot in common.

I introduced myself to her telling her my name was Nadine Garth semi expecting her to be a mega bitch or harlot judging by her look and outfit. When she told me her name was Sarah Thornton I blinked in surprise as she sounded chipper and nice.

As we walked to our dorm room we gave each other a brief run down of our interests gauging each other to see if we had any common ground.

We both enjoyed movie’s and had the same crushes on certain actor’s…..and actresses. I wasn’t a *huge* gamer and she was. I didn’t care for anime at first but after catching a few glimpses I kind of grew to appreciate anime. We had the same eating habits as we both loved Italian food and enjoyed a good gyro.

It was easy to say we clicked fairly quickly as we walked to our dorm room.

Our dorm room more or less looked like a decent hotel room. Nut a cheap hotel room nor an expensive one. Kind of like a time share room without all the amenities of a time share.

In the main area there was the common area that served as our living room with a half kitchen. The living room was decent sized as it wasn’t overly large nor overly small as it had a cabinet with a small flat screen TV on it. There was a semi sized couch just big enough to where we could sit semi comfortably with just enough room between us where it wasn’t cramped. There was one chair that we could sit in. And in the middle was a medium sized table.

In the half kitchen was a kitchen big enough to have a working oven/stove that completely electric and a fridge big enough to put some perishables in but wasn’t big enough to put too much in it and a small freezer to put some stuff in it.

Just beyond the common area was a hall where on one side was our bathroom, sort of like a hotel where you walk into a small alcove on one side is the mirror and sink and on the other was a small bathroom where a toilet and walk-in shower was crammed in. On the other side was our dual closet.

Then in the main bedroom was a dual bunk bed on each side. On the top was a bed that was larger than a full sized mattress but wasn’t considered a queen. Underneath the bed was our desks to do our school work.

The desk was laughable as it looked like it barely held a laptop. The only thing that was decent was under the bed was a fairly large space where you could do a lot of packing if you knew how to do it.

The entire dorm was fully furnished…. that was obviously on a budget as everything looked cheap. As the basics were only there.

There was no flashy furniture. No decorative items like a cool lamp or anything.

If I’m honest I’m surprised there was a TV.

Sarah muttered as we looked around the room simply saying, ‘*This will not do.*’. Before looking at me and said, ‘*Don’t unpack yet. Let’s make some modifications shall we.*’

Sarah quickly went to work modifying our new room as she had the ‘*desk*’ removed which I didn’t know could be done as it looked like one solid piece or at least attached in some form.

She installed her own desk to where she had enough room for a computer tower and installed a mini studio complete with mic, large curved monitor, gaming chair and a mini fridge. Then she installed a heavy cloth closing her in the small space to look like a mini office. Once she closed it off she installed a small string of LED rope lights at the top.

Then she installed two cabinets under the sink in the bathroom area. One was **my** cabinet for all my toiletries and beatification gear. And the other was hers.

Then she installed functioning cabinets in the closet to maximize our clothing.

Then she had the TV in the living room removed before installing a BIGGER flat screen smart TV. So we went from a 30 inch TV to a massive 70 inch TV and sound bar.

Then she had some other modifications done to maximize the space in our room **before** she started moving in her stuff.

And she did all this within a weekend. After all the modifications were complete is when she finally started unpacking.

I blinked at her efficiency and how she could afford all this is when I found out she was going to school for communication’s and was already a little bit of a success in the online community doing online gaming and modeling, I think, so with her online presence and some online hustle she admitted she had she said she was making enough money to where the modifications were pennies on the dollar in her mind.

I also learned she’s was from the mid west and was the middle child and only girl in the family of three siblings hence her knowledge of maximizing her space. I told her I was from the west coast, Oregon to be specific, and I was the only child so I really didn’t know how to maximize my space.

We kind of fed of each other throughout college.

I was the subject of her online series called ‘*Converting an Anime Noob*’ where she made me choose a letter in the alphabet then I had to spin a wheel for the type of anime it would be. Then she would choose the anime from those choices and she filmed me watching those anime’s gauging my actions to those anime’s.

The little bitch even introduced me to Hentai as on the wheel there was this little sliver for Hentai., which I did not care for. Call me crazy but watching cartoon porn didn’t appeal to me as the story lines sucked drastically compared to her library of anime.

At first I thought anime was stupid but semi understood the fascination as a couple of friends growing up slowly started gushing about certain anime’s.

And in turn for me watching so much anime, which I was slowly appreciating and yes I’ll admit a *may* have binge watched a few of them, Sarah agreed to become **my** guinea pig for **my** hypnotizing attempts.

My first few attempts at hypnotizing Sarah didn’t bear much fruit as I was still a beginner in the art.

That was our first year. When we weren’t in class and I was done with homework she convinced me to help her with her new series, watching anime, and she was my test dummy as I tried to perfect my hypnotizing skills.

In that year I noticed things that started becoming a problem or character flaws that I wasn’t accustomed to.

As I’ve said Sarah *looked* wild and it wasn’t long before she let her *wild* side out as I started catching her longing around our room in the nude more and more.

At first I immediately blushed seeing her nude as all of her tattoos and piercings were proudly on display on her near flawless body making her look like a tattooed goddess as her perky tits constantly defied gravity as her body always looked glistening.

As time went on I slowly grew accustomed to her careless nature as I started becoming jealous of her body…..and slowly started becoming attracted to her.

The only time she would dress up was for class or when she was about to ‘*work*’ online or when she was going to go run or work out. Then there was the times she would doll herself up to go get a man.

Another character flaw I found in Sarah was that she had *no shame* as she constantly masturbated….loudly. And she gave no fucks if I were in the room or not.

One moment I was sleeping and the next I’d wake up to her moaning as I heard a loud buzzing from a vibrator.

At first I hated it but slowly her constant need to masturbate slowly turned me on to where I would start masturbating right with her but always tried to hide it.

And then there was her lack of decorum and failure to notify me when she had a guy over as she fucked him being even louder than when she masturbated.

Can’t tell you how many times I walked into our dorm room to find her on the couch having a guy eat her out or her on her knees blowing some guy as they hadn’t made it to her bed yet. Or come to our dorm to find her on her bed fucking some guy in whatever position. Or already sitting at my desk doing school work as her and her fuck come bursting in and loudly fuck on her bed….sometimes multiple sessions.

And sometimes it wasn’t just a guy she would fuck as she would bring a girl over and successfully seduce.

That’s just her sexual flaws that I found.

Sure I didn’t mind as she would disappear for a day or two as she went on her excursions but I minded her bringing it to our room.

And I’ll admit it took her roughly a month or so before she became a hoe. And she waited a week before she started furiously masturbating.

Then there was *other* flaws throughout the year.

Like Sarah preferred eating out nearly all the time as I gained nearly 15 lbs before I was forced to join Sarah on her morning jogs just to get my weight back under 130lbs.

She hardly picks up after herself, especially, when she has a romp at our place. So her clothes mysteriously is strewn across the place and takes her almost a day to pick it up. And sometimes even longer to pick up her trash.

So throughout the year I started making notes hoping during my attempts to *curb* these flaws the most I was able to succeed was I got her to pick up more often to where she was almost cleaning up after eating. And maybe an hr after sex she picked up the clothes that were torn off her lovers.

By the time my first year was done and my trip back home I didn’t know **who** was truly being hypnotized…..her? Or **me**?


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/zu3ai9/hypnotize_01_intro_fiction_20f_hypnotize_drama