A Slippery Slope, Part 2 [romantic] [bdsm] [femdom] [real] [D/s] [chastity] [forced bi][F40/m43]

[Click Here for Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/zrju6y/a_slippery_slope_part_1_romantic_bdsm_femdom_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

As he walked away, he felt as though he was having an out of body experience. His entire adult life, he had dreamed about this moment, and it was now actually happening. He still couldn’t get over her level of boldness – it was unbelievably sexy. As he sat on the R train on his way to SOHO, he couldn’t help but replay the morning’s events in his mind. The only time he broke away from those thoughts was when he looked at his phone still finding it hard to believe the last two text messages.

Suddenly, reality slapped him in the face. He remembered the reason he needed to get into the office that day was for a board meeting, and he suddenly felt woefully unprepared. He exited the subway at his stop and sprinted up the block and a half to his office – he was still the first one in. He pulled out his laptop and started going through his Google Slides deck he’d prepared yesterday, which now seemed like years ago. The other board members trickled in, and the meeting started on time, right at 9am.

Throughout the meeting, he felt he was completely on point with everything. The board members loved the deck, agreed to his strategy for the next quarter, and congratulated him on a job well done. He soaked it all in, enjoying being the one recognized as the thought leader in his space, even if only by this small group of peers.

As he returned to his desk, he put down his laptop, and picked up his phone. As he did, a young woman from the marketing department said, “sorry, I had to put your phone on vibrate, it was buzzing non-stop. Promise I didn’t read anything.”

He picked up his phone and looked at the Lock Screen, 38 notifications. He pressed the screen, and there were 37 messages and one missed cal, all from ‘my Mistress.’ As he flipped through the messages, her tone became progressively more angry. The last message said, ‘come to the address as soon as you get this, but if it’s after 11:30, just delete me from your phone and never contact me again.’ He looked at his watch, and it was already 11:05. He grabbed his coat and hopped in the elevator and headed out.

He remembered the address, and knew it wasn’t too far away, although he was unfamiliar with the area. He figured he was heading to a restaurant, so he pulled out his phone to check out what he might enjoy on his lunch date. As he power walked and Googled, he was stunned when the address brought back only one result, a place called The Leather Man; and from the looks of their site, it wasn’t a place he’d regularly visit.

He arrived outside with two minutes to spare, so he wasted no time heading inside. His senses were completely overwhelmed, there was black leather everywhere, and the scent that filled the place was absolutely intoxicating. As he composed himself, he looked up and saw her. She was sitting on a stool next to the register, exactly as sexy as the image burned into his mind. She was looking down, messaging on her phone, not even lifting her head until he was right in front of her.

“You barely made it. I had a lot of things I wanted to speak with you about, but they will have to wait,” she spoke as she took a small, black box off the counter, handing it to him as she stood up and put on her coat. “This is Alan, he will help you with that. I need to leave now.”

As she put on her jacket and scarf, she stepped much closer to him than she had to that point. So close, he could feel the heat from her breath.

“Remember, until the next step is complete, you can simply walk away,” she spoke as she came closer until their noses literally touched. “After that though, there is absolutely no turning back.”

She kissed him on the cheek, turned and walked out the door. He stared at the black box he was now holding in his hands.

“Open it up, I don’t have all day,” the man who was introduced as only Alan growled. “Your little friend was pretty excited about this thing.”

He opened the box and stared at something inside that he’d only seen on the internet, and although he’d never seen one in real life, he knew exactly what it was – the Cell Mate 2, a app-controlled chastity device.

“You putting it on,” Alan asked impatiently. “She wants me to make sure you put it on the right way.”

He nervously agreed and was led into a back room where he was immediately instructed to drop his pants. He’d never been dominated by a man before, but this certainly felt as though that is exactly what was happening. He took the device in his left hand, and reached down with his right, grabbing his balls and pulling them through the metal ring. He closed the hard plastic piece and felt it lock into place. He reached down to pick up his pants and put them back on, but they had been kicked away. He walked across the room and got dressed.

“How will you be paying,” Alan asked as he checked his pockets for his wallet in a panic. “You’re not leaving this store without paying for that thing. Your friend said you would.”

He checked all his pockets, but his wallet was missing – he didn’t know what to do. He tried to explain that he must have left his wallet in his office, begging to let him use ApplePay to no avail.

“If you can’t pay, you’ll work off your debt,” he said gruffly as he pointed to a hole in the wall while holding a black leather hood in his other hand. “You can suck cock until you earn the $250 that thing costs.”

He pulled the hood over his head, and things went almost completely black. The hood was shaped in a way to keep his mouth wide open; the man roughly forced him to his knees and the hood opening in line with the hole in the wall. He almost immediately felt something touch his lips before starting to choke and gag on the appendage that was filling his mouth. He couldn’t even think. He’d never done anything like this before; he was on the giving end of a glory hole.

The violent pumping continued for a a few minutes and then all of a sudden stopped. A few seconds later, he felt a tug on the hood and then it was ripped off over his head. He couldn’t believe his eyes – it was her. She was standing over him with a flesh-colored cock strapped on over her brown leather pants.

“You’re a good little cock sucker,” she laughed as she tossed his wallet at him, bouncing it off his chest. “The best part is, you’re my good little cock sucker.”

With that, she took out her phone again, opened an app, touched the screen and sent a violent shock into his balls that reverberated through his entire body. He had just met her less than six hours ago, and he had already given her complete control.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/zt63xn/a_slippery_slope_part_2_romantic_bdsm_femdom_real


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