[MF] How I hooked up with my ex gf’s mom

So just for clarification, the ex gf and I were never intimate. Even calling her a gf is a stretch as it was in the 8th grade and all we did was hold hands and talk on the phone.

We gradually grew apart and aside from following each other on Facebook there hasn’t been any real contact since graduation.

I still remembered her mom, though. For the sake of the story we’ll call her Diane. We met on several occasions 8+ years ago. I’ve eaten at their dinner table and Dianne even gave me a ride home after school a few times. So when I saw her on a dating app I immediately recognized her.

(I love older women…always have. It’s pretty common for me to search by age 40-60. Never thought I’d see someone I know)

I messaged Dianne and said hi and we began catching up. She remembered me and brought me up to speed as far as the ex gf was concerned. Sadly Dianne’s husband had passed away a little over a year prior so I offered my condolences.

We message back and forth over the course of about a week and I notice things are getting progressively more and more flirty. As much as I love older women I genuinely didn’t message Dianne with any other motives than to say hello so you can imagine my surprise when things took a turn.

Still, though…I couldn’t help it. I began flirting right back.

Finally she just flat out propositioned me. Said that It had been over a year since her husband passed and before that he had been sick for quite some time. Told me she hadn’t been with a man for the better part of 4 years and asked if I’d like to be the one who scratched that itch.

I readily agreed and we made plans. It took another couple of weeks as we had to wait for a day when I was off work and when she wasn’t watching her grandkids. During this waiting period we’re still texting daily and doing quite a bit of sexting as well.

When that day finally came it was awkward at first. Dianne wasn’t my first older woman but at 58 years of age she was the oldest by far. And here I am, the same age as her daughter and younger than her son.

We both ended up downing some wine to loosen up and before I knew it she was leading me by hand down the hall to her bedroom.

The sex was pretty damn amazing. Nothing mind blowing but just the entire situation added this extra level of taboo and hotness. It’s absolutely surreal seeing photos of your ex gf on the wall at the same time you’re balls deep inside her mom.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zsilvz/mf_how_i_hooked_up_with_my_ex_gfs_mom

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