The Single Dad and the Babysitter [Part 1] [M35/F22] [Toy] [Fingering] [Female Orgasm] [Light BDSM]

When he arrived home from work that day, the house seemed strangely dark. Though it’s late, he’s still home earlier than his usual time of ten or later. While being the CEO certainly has its perks and comes with a rather large paycheck, it does have its drawbacks, one of those being regularly working late.

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness of the kitchen and slid off his blazer – a navy blue one that perfectly matched his pants, both of which are tailored to fit his unique body; being 6’2 with a muscular build and broad shoulders made it difficult for him to find clothes off the rack that fit well. This suit was complemented nicely by a long sleeve button-up white shirt, blood-red tie, and a pair of brown leather shoes.

He unbuttoned the cuffs on his shirt while he made his way through his house, and when he came upon the bottom of the stairs, he noticed a dim light on upstairs. And though it was faint, he could make out the sound of music, though he couldn’t tell what kind.

He made his way up the stairs, pausing slightly at the mirror that was placed about halfway up. Glancing at his own reflection, his blue eyes slowly made their way over his brown hair and along the outlines of his face to his strong jaw. His large hand slid through his hair – a peculiar tick of his – to smooth it out, and he loosened the tie around his neck, making sure to unbutton the top couple buttons of his shirt.

He continued his ascent up the stairs towards the source of the light. As he made his way down the hallway, he realized the light was emanating from the master bedroom – *his* bedroom – and he realized the music was a romantic sort. He reached the doorway and pushed the door open as he stepped inside. While this room was certainly lit up, it wasn’t quite the source. That’s when he glanced over at his bathroom and noticed the door open slightly.

His long legs covered the distance between the doors in a matter of seconds. He slowly pushed the door open and was greeted with a light source he wasn’t expecting – candles.

It took a moment for his eyes to adjust, but when they did, he finally realized there’s a figure in his bathtub. And through the soft music, he could hear a buzzing sound mixed with stifled moans. Thoughts started racing through his head until he came to another realization as he stepped inside the bathroom.

“Shannon?” He asked. Though he said it softly, his voice still has that booming, commanding effect, and it echoed throughout the bathroom as the figure turned toward him, the buzzing sound suddenly ceasing, “Is that you?” Though he asked, he knew the answer to his question as her face came into view. She was certainly surprised to see him, but it was a different kind of surprise – like a welcome one. Silence filled the space between them for a few moments before she finally spoke up.

“Dan”, she said softly, “You’re home earlier than I expected….” she says, pausing for a moment while she looks down, the candlelight giving her brown hair a bit of a red glow, her green eyes piercing through the semi-darkness when she looks back up at him, “I’m sorry for using your bath-“.

“No need to apologize, Shannon.” He says, cutting her off as he gives her a smile, “You deserve to spoil yourself sometimes. I trust that Jack is asleep?” He asked as he started to roll up the sleeves on his shirt, exposing the veins and muscles of his forearms as he took a few more steps inside the bathroom.

“Oh, absolutely. He was pretty tired and he passed out pretty quickly”, she said in her sweet voice, a small smile on her red-covered lips as her eyes watched him intently, “And thank you for saying that, Dan. It means a lot. Jack’s a great kid, but he does require a lot of work.”

He’s not quite sure what’s come over him right now, but he can’t seem to stop himself from stepping closer to her, each step closer showing him more and more details – the bubbles filling the tub, her hair pulled back in a messy bun, the red flush of her cheeks, the tops of her breasts barely visible as the bubbles started to dissipate.

“You know, Shannon”, he says as he takes a knee next to the bathtub, his eyes focused on hers as he moves closer to her level, “There was a time when I would have brushed this off as a simple accident. We’d say our apologies and I’d leave you to your own…devices.” He says as he rests one hand on the edge of the tub while the other slides over her cheek, his thumb brushing just under her bottom lip. “But these past couple of weeks, you’ve made it clear what’s on your mind. And as much as I tried to resist, well, even I have my breaking point. And this is it. But you knew that, didn’t you?” He asks rhetorically while his right hand slides off the tub and into the warm, soapy water and his left hand slides down over the back of her neck.

Their eyes lock as he gives her a smile, watching as her eyes study him, waiting for his next move, wondering what he could be leading up to. His hand wanders in the water until it finds her knee and wraps around it, squeezing firmly before it moves up her slender thigh, “Dan, I-” she says, pausing as she feels his hand on her thigh, “I…I don’t know what to say. I didn’t think you had noticed. And I never expected anything to happen…” she says, her words trailing off as she tries to feign innocence.

He gives her his warm smile, the kind of smile that only a confident man can give to a woman like her. His hand slowly makes its way further up and between her thighs, searching the bottom of the tub until he finally finds what he’s looking for, “No need to fret, Shannon. I can promise you I’ve thought about this a lot, I just never imagined I’d ever get the opportunity.”

With the object finally in his hand, he decides to waste no more time. The hand on her neck makes its way to the back of her head, holding it at the base and acting as a cushion between her head and the edge of the tub. He runs his thumb over the item in his hand until he finds the switch he was looking for. With a flick of his thumb, the humming noise from before returns with a fierce vengeance – this time louder and more clear.



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