[Group] A vacation game gone wrong (or VERY right)

Hi everyone! So this is a true story about something that happened in my group of friends, and I’m going to tell it from a third person perspective so as not to directly insert myself into the story – I think it’s best told from a totally impartial perspective. Forgive me if it’s a little long, but if you do happen to read it all, I hope you’re rewarded and feel free to message me about it with your reaction afterwards! I’d love to get your detailed thoughts!

So I’m part of a friend group that goes back to the very first year of high school. We were always the shy, nerdy group, and that’s how we all gravitated towards each other. We did very well academically, and our group was always closer and more stable than some of the more popular kids.

Many years passed, and we remained close friends out of high school and into adulthood. Literally every week, we’d get together and hang out, and do mostly incredibly boring things. We don’t drink. We would NEVER do drugs. It was always just chilling, talking about our lives, watching something, and playing some games. I should also note that despite a whole lot of crushes and tension (mainly from the guys towards the girls), everything remained strictly platonic the whole time.

The group consists mainly of five guys and five women. So at ten people, it’s actually a pretty big group considering. The women I’ll refer to in this story as C, A, S, K & T.

After high school, we developed a yearly tradition of all going away to a vacation house during the summer time, and all staying there together for a week or so. The house wasn’t that big, so with ten of us, it was always kinda crammed, but we were young and it was still a lot of fun.

We did this year after year until one year, something utterly insane happened, something that almost nobody could’ve seen coming.

Between the women in the group, an idea had bubbled up between them, an idea that was literally years in the making, and that they all collectively become totally captivated by. This particular year, they planned to finally realize their vision, but they wouldn’t tell the guys what was going to happen until they were already there with them on vacation.

One night in our vacation house, the women called together everyone in the main living room, and said that they had an announcement about a game they’d planned without the guys’ knowledge. This game would be high stakes, and would be a moment to, just for one night, let loose and do something wild for the first time in our lives.

They were clear that this would NEVER repeat. This was the only time it would EVER happen.

The game would be as follows: each of the five women would roll a die. Numbers 1 through 5 on the die would represent one of the five guys, while the number 6 would simply mean “roll again.”

Each woman would then perform a blowjob on whichever guy their die landed on, whoever corresponded with that number. The obvious problem? With crushes likely existing in the group, there was always a risk of preferences and jealousy. That was the high stakes part – and the women asked that the guys be sure they all wanted to play, and all wanted to take that risk.

The guys were absolutely stunned. For them, it was like the Matrix had glitched. This was so insanely out of character they could barely comprehend it, but the idea of getting sucked off by a longtime female friend they’d no doubt fantasized about growing up, was too much to turn down. All five agreed they’d take the risk.

With shock, excitement and nervousness in the air, one of the guys, James, went to his bag and found a set of six-sided dice, and the rolling began.

S went first. She rolled a four, which corresponded to the shyest, nerdiest guy in the group: Aidan. Aidan had never had a sexual experience before in his life, and his face went incredibly red and a huge bulge appeared in his pants the moment S’s number landed on him. All he could say was “Oh my god.”

S crawled over to where Aidan was seated, and playfully undid his pants, while everyone else watched on in awe. Aidan was already hard, and he let out an intense groan of pleasure as S began licking at the tip of his cock, before taking the whole head in her mouth. He couldn’t believe what was happening to him.

As this happened, the others decided that the next woman should roll her die. C went next, drawing out the tension by rolling it around in her hand for 10 seconds. What happened next hadn’t been considered.

C rolled a four. Also corresponding to Aidan.

Everyone laughed, and was like “Ha, okay, reroll.”

S quickly took her mouth off Aidan’s dick to interject. “No!” she said. “The rules are the rules. We never said the same guy couldn’t come up twice.”

The guys all protested. No fucking way, they said. You can’t do that. There was now deep envy and nervousness all around.

“Sorry,” said C, deferring to S. “She’s right, rules are the rules.”

Before anyone could protest any further, C had crawled over next to S, and began licking all over Aidan’s cock with her, now two mouths sandwiching him at the same time.

Aidan lost his mind. “No fuuuuuucking wayyyy!” he exclaimed as S & C began kissing and licking at his dick simultaneously.

Protests from the other guys continued, but S & C persisted, hardly anyone could be heard over Aidan’s swearing and groaning, and K decided that she would now roll her die.

It rolled around for a bit on the table, before settling on the number… four. This time the room was in stunned silence, except for Aidan, who upon realizing, exclaimed “OH MY FUCKING GOD”

Just as K was crawling over to join S & C on Aidan’s dick, he exploded all over their faces, cum flying everywhere, painting S & C. This didn’t stop K, who leaned in over them and began to lick at his cock with them, now three cum-covered tongues all sliding over his dick simultaneously.

Aidan was groaning so loud he could probably be heard from outside, now all the guys were exclaiming things like “Holy fuck” and “No fucking way”. The jealousy was almost too much to bear. Hell, it was too much to bear.

Aidan repeatedly exclaimed thank you through groans, but S told him “No, no, don’t thank us yet, we haven’t even rolled all the dice, we’re going to keep going.”

And so they did. S, C & K all kept licking and sucking all over his cock and balls together as though he hadn’t cum at all. Aidan didn’t get soft. He was in pure heaven, overwhelming ecstasy.

By the time A went to roll her die, it was almost understood in the room what would happen next. The odds were one in five, but it now seemed destined.

A rolled a six, meaning roll again. Sighs of relief went around the room, though by that point, the damage had already been done. Everyone was too stunned to truly take any solace from any of this.

A rolled again. It was a four.

Now all the other guys were exclaiming and talking at once. “HOLY FUCK.” – “THERE IS NO ACTUAL WAY” – “WHAT THE FUCK” – and most of all, repeated begging. “Please don’t do this, oh my god, please don’t do this.”

But A did it. Rules were the rules. She crawled over to where the rest of them were knelt around Aidan on the living room couch, and she got her tongue right in there with theirs.

Finally, T took the final die in her hand, and just stared at it, contemplating.

“You know what?” she said. “I’m not even going to roll this.”

She looked to the other guys and just said “Sorry, but I just have to do this now.”

Without rolling the die, T made her way over to Aidan and the others. Protests from the other guys gave way to nothing but stunned swearing, and as T joined in Aidan was already cumming again, across all their faces, totally overwhelmed by pleasure.

But they kept going.

Aidan was now sat in the middle of the living room couch, surrounded by A, S, C, K & T, all five of them licking and sucking all over his cock and balls simultaneously, literally all five lips and tongues on him at once.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zs1q0y/group_a_vacation_game_gone_wrong_or_very_right

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