Daybreak III: Sticking A Neck Out [M48/F21] [noncon,vampire]

Peter peered over the wall to see a small compound, illuminated by the dark blue sky of the early morning. They were in the middle of a desert, but it was the perfect place for the vampires to hide. Turning his attention to Red, he spotted the masked woman loading silver bullets into a rifle magazine, her hood obscuring any details. A tuft of red hair popped out beneath hiding.

“Sure this is it?” Peter whispered.

“Yup,” Red muttered in response.

“So… listen, um… I’m sorry, but I still can’t grasp this situation.”

“I understand. It’s difficult for you to accept the truth, but this is it: your girlfriend’s been targeted by a vampire. He’s had Allyson in his sights and wants her.”

“Want her? What for?”

“Carnal pleasures of the flesh. That’s why he didn’t kill her, not anyways. He’s had plans for her.”

“What kind of plans?” His heart ached a little. They’d been forced to wait all night for the vampires to rest once more. He hated to imagine what Valko had been doing with Allyson this whole time.

“Peter…” Red sighed, resting a hand on her mask. “You need to keep up hope, but… listen to me. Valko is the key to this. Only once Valko is destroyed will Allyson-” Red paused, glancing at her new partner. The expressionless mask shielded her face, yet Peter could tell she was looking into his eyes. “Don’t trust her. It doesn’t matter what she does or stays, because it’s a trap. Promise me, Peter, please… do not listen to Allyson. No matter what, you keep her at bay until Valko is destroyed. Do you understand?”

“Yeah… yeah, I do.” Peter took a deep breath, trying to relax his nerves.

“And Peter… I’ll do everything I can, but if it’s too late-”

“I know.” The two grew silent, but Peter spoke up again. “Alright… let’s get our girl.” Red nodded, extending a fist which Peter bumped, the hunters leaped over the gate, kept low to the ground, and slowly began making their way to the compound.

Judas wolfed down a steak as he watched the previous day’s game on TV. He always preferred his dish bloody rare. The longer he could taste the blood, the better. Grabbing a bottle of vodka mixed with blood, he kicked back on his recliner. Nothing like a little alcohol to soothe him, though it tended to weaken his senses. No matter. He was safe in the compound, and there would be nothing to threaten him here. That’s when the lights came on. Judas spun around, only to be greeted by two armed intruders, rifles at the ready.

“Heh…” the vampire scoffed. “Like the cowards you mortals are… you try to take us by surprise.”

“Seems fair,” Red growled, “considering what you typically do.”

“It’s only a procedure. And look…” Judas laughed at the sight of Peter. “You brought the cuck along.” Peter winced at the comment. “Judging by her moans all night, I think you should just leave them be.” Peter’s lip quivered and his grip on his rifle tightened.

“No,” Red lay a hand on Peter’s shoulder. “You go downstairs. Get the girl. I’ll deal with this vermin.” Without argument, Peter gave a nod and headed his way. “Your security was lax. I took them out quite easily.”

“More will arrive. They’ll keep us safe during the day.”

“They’ll arrive to find you all dead,” Red stepped closer, keeping the rifle level at the vampire’s heart. If Judas was afraid, he showed no sign of it.

“What are you gonna do? Kill me? I’m already dead, hunter.”

“Then consider this a double tap,” Red fired a round into Judas’ chest, the vampire tensing up, and spasming. The suppressor masked the rifle’s echo, ensuring that the ones downstairs would not notice.

“You… think… he doesn’t know?” Judas coughed up the fresh blood he had just consumed, the only blood in his wicked body. “He’s… been… anticipating you. The boy… he’s… headed… for a trap.”

“I know. He’s the bait.” Red fired a round at Judas’ head, silencing the vampire for good.

Peter activated the flashlight taped to the barrel of his rifle, carefully rounding every corner. It was like something out of a video game, or horror film. The biggest difference however was that he had no idea what he was doing.

“Ally?” Peter whispered out loud. “Where are you?” Peter slowly made his way down the dark hall. Glancing at the silver Rosary wrapped around his gloved hand and wrist, he tightened his resolve. His heart pounded in his chest, but he loved Allyson too much to leave her behind. All his life he was trouble socializing, and finding someone who could understand him, until the day he met her. If he lost Allyson now, he may never find himself ever again. He was not going to abandon his best friend to that demon.

A white shape formed in the distance. Peter thought it was a statue for a second, a solid marble sculpture, only for it to move. Allyson emerged from the darkness. Her skin was as white as her dress, and from the distance appeared to be as one. She wore nothing beneath. Her lips were plump and redder than ever before. A gentle smile made his heart swell, and he could see his girlfriend in her hazel-brown eyes.

“Peter,” Allyson sighed lovingly. “You came back for me.”

“Yeah…” Peter felt a mix of emotions rush through his body. “I couldn’t leave my girl behind.” Peter felt his eyes well up. He got to Allyson in time. He saved her. Allyson reached out for him, extending her soft hand. Eager to feel her again, Peter met her reach, cupping her hand in his. A shriek pierced the air as Allyson pulled away, clutching at her burning hand. Shapes of a cross and beads grew seared onto her skin, her flesh boiling at the spot where the Rosary had touched her skin. Peter glanced at his hand, then at her, and pieced two and two together. She was one of them now.

“You son of a bitch!” Allyson leaped at Peter, fangs out and eyes pitch black. She was gone. The new hunter placed the rifle between himself and the vampire, her fangs gnashing.

“Ally! Baby! It’s me!” Peter cried out as Allyson clawed at him, her talons carving into the plate carrier he wore. Had he not donned such protection, his sternum would have been torn open. “Please! Stop!” Peter struck Allyson with the butt of his rifle, knocking her aside.

“Peter!” Red called out, just arriving at the scene. Peter scrambled to stand, leaning against the veteran hunter.

“Oh, God…” Peter whimpered, barely keeping it together. “Red! Please… tell me I can do something. What should I do?”

“You’re doing good Peter, just keep her at bay. I’m going after him… You still have the second Rosary I gave you?”

“Yes! What should I do?”

“Once Valko is destroyed, Allyson will grow weak. I need you to do two things: put the Rosary on her, and take her outside to the sun. It’s now or never.”

“Ok… ok…” Peter took deep breaths. “I got this.”

“Thank you, Peter. Hold on for just a little bit longer.” Venator left the scene, leaving Peter with Allyson. The girl got to her knees, her breathing ragged. Allyson threw her head back, gasping softly as she looked up at the ceiling. Valko’s mark, her Kiss graced the side of the girlfriend’s neck. Two small holes, punctures on her skin, along the side of Allyson’s neck. The sight of the bite made Peter’s heart sink in anguish.

“You’ll never win,” Allyson muttered as she locked eyes with Peter. “I’m his… forever.”

“No,” Peter felt his last ounce of courage swell, “no, you’re not. You’re Allyson. The smartest, strongest, most beautiful girl in the world. The one worth dying for.” He threw his rifle aside. “And I know you’re still in there.” He stood his ground. Black eyes looked back at him. Devoid of personality or life.

“The only thing inside me now…” Allyson whispered, tugging at the bottom of her dress, ending right below her hip. “…is him.” She bit her lip seductively, tilting her head to her side as she licked her fang, moaning softly before closing her lips and narrowing her eyes in resolution. Peter felt that last ounce of courage as it sank into despair.

Valko smiled to himself as he climbed into his sarcophagus. That boy was a fool, he thought, to come here alone. His new bride would take quick care of him. He knew she was his the moment he laid eyes on her at that club. He originally had someone in mind, but upon seeing her, his mind changed.

He couldn’t sleep all day, waiting for her to turn. However, his patience was rewarded, now having satisfied the overwhelming lust that flowed through every inch of his body. It’s a shame he wouldn’t be able to witness Allyson’s first feeding, but he’d learned enough from her to satiate him.

“You’re deaf,” a silver knife pressed at his throat, “old man.” He opened his eyes to see a masked woman standing above him.

“Hmmm…” Valko laughed to himself, amused. “My senses are failing me. I should have known my child would turn against me.” Red pulled her hood back, tearing off the mask. Dark eyes gazed at the master in anger, though not as black as his. “If you were my father, you would have loved me.”

“I did. My precious Umbra… my most loyal servant. My child… betraying me. It’s ironic, the fact that the one named Judas stood by me to the end.”

“He wasn’t standing when I killed him.”

“I’ve died before. I’ll come back again.”

“Not this time. I’m burying you deep, somewhere you can never be found, and will never come back.”

“In that case… Let me give you a motive for your actions.” Valko was only able to twitch in Red’s direction before she pulled the blade. The master had taught his firstborn well. Unfortunately, he had taught her everything he knew.

Peter held Allyson in his arms, keeping her head close to his chest and the Rosary around her neck. He carried her out of the burning compound, taking a knee and resting her on the desert sands. She lay still, not moving or breathing. His heart pounded like a drum. The golden sun was rising, its rays kissing Allyson’s skin, and returning color to her face. Umbra’s mark and the burn on her hand vanished with the coming of the day. Allyson’s eyes fluttered open to be greeted by the blue sky above.

“What the…” Allyson mumbled. Turning to the side, she was caught by surprise to see Peter kneeling above her. “Peter? What’s…” That was when Allyson spotted a scar hiding behind a patch of gauze on the side of her boyfriend’s head, a bruise forming beneath. “Peter! Are you hurt?”

“Nah,” Peter smiled with relief, almost beaming at seeing his girlfriend again, her soul in her eyes. “I’m just happy to see that my girl’s okay.” The couple gently pressed their foreheads together, nuzzling one another.

“Did we fight?”

“Hmm… I’ll let you win.” Peter helped Allyson to her feet, his girlfriend full of life again.

“My head… What happened?” Allyson looked around, utterly confused. “The last thing I remembered was getting some water…” she gasped. “Valko! Is he -”

“He’s gone. You’re safe, Ally.” He held her face in his hands, and she did the same. The lovers kissed softly, the events of the past two nights behind them. They were free.

Red watched from the distance, rose-tinted shades shielding her eyes from the harsh sun, hands on her hips. The standards were truly an interesting bunch, but she couldn’t help but love them. She wanted to call out and tell them to get their asses in the car. Get some breakfast. But she couldn’t ruin the moment. This moment. Their moment. All her life she saw fear, hate, and suffering. But times like these, she felt like giving love a chance.

